Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

just got back from xbox one truck event and thye had fifa,k.i and forza. k.i was just avg for me and forza well was forza. i was really impressed by the game play of fifa and im not a real big fifa fan. They allowed people to mess with dashboard and that thing is awsome so smooth. OH might i add seeing it was at gamestop they were giving people random amounts on a gamestop gift card and i got a 20 doller one. 

Thanks, Basil!! Every little bit of non-hype/real-person insight is appreciated.

I'm most interested in Ryse and KI, so it's good to hear those were decent. It seems like Ryse is getting better press now. I was a big Panzer Dragoon fan, so I really want Crimson Dragon to be good. We'll see on that one.

I kind of want a racer to buy at launch, but I've never been much of a tuner/sim racing fan, so Forza might not be for me. But, every video of NFS Rivals I see the police siren is blaring and drowning out any other music, SFX or dialogue. It seemed super annoying. For those with Forza experience, past games or who have played 5, how "sim" is the franchise?
Nah from playing all the other NFS titles, yeah it's blaring police sirens all the time. I noticed it while playing NFS: Hot Pursuit. I love the games, Rivals just seems like a small tweak on the NFS Criterion games.

Forza is all about the cars, while they do have some great locals to drive on though, you have tons to choose from and you can be as customize-able as you want. I used to play em and pick each part for upgrades but recently I've been playing a lot of other games too so I just do the quick upgrade and it's sufficient. There's also tons of assists on Forza so it doesn't matter what your level of racing, anybody can play and enjoy racing around the track.

Thanks for the feedback Basil and Timbo.

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I guess they cancelled the Austin area Xbox One tour stops.....lame.  I don't know why they don't just have demo systems setup at Best Buys already.

My buddy played in the Battlefield 4 Showdown in England. He said the game looked awesome. The controller was really nice especially the sticks, but the bumpers were a little off for him. He does have big hands though. He said BF4 looked awesome and played really well with 60 fps. They were using Astro headsets to chat but they were connected to the consoles (he thinks; definitely wasn't connected to the controller though) so it may be possible to use third party headsets to chat but you'd have to be really close to the console

What's the weight of this thing? Im seeing these ebay auctions going for $650-$750 w/ free shipping. Barely any profit being made with these ebayers

Is anyone trading in a 360 game to Amazon for their trade up program? If so what day are you going to send in your game to ensure that you get the Xbox One version at launch?

What's the weight of this thing? Im seeing these ebay auctions going for $650-$750 w/ free shipping. Barely any profit being made with these ebayers

The 360 bundle with the kinect and 2 games is 5lb according to Amazon so I'd Imagine right around 5-7lb

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Is anyone trading in a 360 game to Amazon for their trade up program? If so what day are you going to send in your game to ensure that you get the Xbox One version at launch?

The 360 bundle with the kinect and 2 games is 5lb according to Amazon so I'd Imagine right around 5-7lb
Thank you.

Take the fees and s/h costs out of that "profit"
Gotta add tax to the $500 as well.


+ 6% tax = $30



Sell for $650

- 10% ebay fee: $65

- papal fee: $19

- shipping: $25 (just a guess if you offer free)

- cost: $530


Congrats! You just made $11 on your $650 sale. (plus or minus a few bucks depending on your actual tax rate) $750 bumps your profit closer to $100.

ebay + paypal calculator

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First 25 minutes of Dead Rising 3:

Interesting video when set to mute as that host was too annoying. How can that guy review games and yet not know how to follow highlight targets? Game companies literally design those to make it easy for people to follow, and this guy couldn't follow them twice...

I really wish the Capcom guy was player two so we could see what the cooperative experience and actions are like, especially since the image for the video is of Nick and Dick, yet it's only a preview of one player mode.

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Microsoft needs to fix this ASAP. Going to piss off a lot of people if this happens "frequently".

"Once in a while, rather frequently actually, the host OS will require an update, meaning the physical machine is going to get rebooted whether your code is running or not," he explained. "That’s a problematic thing for a game, and oftentimes it's in the middle of a multiplayer session. We’ve worked very hard to overcome that, but that’s not to say it’s going to be a reality in every case."

They're sending out the full version of the game for free to certain people.  Cool that they're doing that although I have no interest at all in KI and will not be getting an X1 for quite awhile.

Some people are getting free X1's as part of the same promotion, unfortunately I didn't get the free X1 email.

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Early impressions from the recent preview events have me thinking that Dead Rising 3 is going to be the launch game to beat.

There are a few issues. I've heard complaints that the frame rate of the game suffers when you are driving faster vehicles. But everything not fast-vehicle related seems to be running nice and smooth, with seamless streaming. And by all accounts, the wacky, madcap tone of Dead Rising is intact, despite the shift to a grittier aesthetic. That's reassuring. 

Early impressions of Ryse: Son of Rome have been considerably less positive. I was worried about that after having played the game at PAX. It seems that the combat does not hold up well to constant repetition.

I'm hoping to hear some fresh accounts of Red Dragon. That's the one launch title I am most excited about.

Albert Penello‏@albertpenello

I was wrong about Music on XboxOne: You get 15 free song plays then need Music Pass for ad-free streaming. No ad-supported streaming. Sorry!

How does this guy still have a job? MS pr people have been awful since the reveal. Its a shame how far their upper management has fallen since the Xbox/Xbox 360 days

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How does this guy still have a job? MS pr people have been awful since the reveal. Its a shame how far their upper management has fallen since the Xbox/Xbox 360 days
Okay, can we stop calling for people's jobs every ten minutes? Losing a job is a big deal for anyone. A few PR snafus are not worth firing someone over. Going right to calling for someone to be fired is a bit much for an exaggeration, especially in this economy. Yes, it's a shame when a little mis-information gets spread. But its not nearly enough to warrant anyone getting fired.

On a more positive note, the previews for Forza have been very strong. This doesn't come as much of a surprise. I was always anticipating that Forza would be one of the must-have titles of the XBox One launch. But hearing so many positive accounts is reassuring. I was especially encouraged by the progression system in the game. It sounds like it is much more open to experimenting and tinkering, instead of rail-roading the player down a single path. That is a fine concession to the more casual players, that won't turn off the more ardent racing fans.

Racing games can be a bit divisive. You either like them or you don't. But it's always worth having a solid racing title at launch. The crowd that takes to these games usually spans multiple demographics. I have a sister who wouldn't know how to play an FPS with a controller, but absolutely adores racing games. She could care less about Call of Duty, Halo, or Killzone, but would be genuinely excited by Forza. Also, I suspect that Forza is going to be the best possible showcase for the XBox One's rumble-enabled triggers. Having a little handheld force-feedback for gas and brake is going to be a pretty big draw for an Xbox One-exclusive feature.

The more and more I think about it. I want Dead Rising. I got my next gen list at home, And its looking good until Destiny.
Okay, can we stop calling for people's jobs every ten minutes? Losing a job is a big deal for anyone. A few PR snafus are not worth firing someone over. Going right to calling for someone to be fired is a bit much for an exaggeration, especially in this economy. Yes, it's a shame when a little mis-information gets spread. But its not nearly enough to warrant anyone getting fired.

On a more positive note, the previews for Forza have been very strong. This doesn't come as much of a surprise. I was always anticipating that Forza would be one of the must-have titles of the XBox One launch. But hearing so many positive accounts is reassuring. I was especially encouraged by the progression system in the game. It sounds like it is much more open to experimenting and tinkering, instead of rail-roading the player down a single path. That is a fine concession to the more casual players, that won't turn off the more ardent racing fans.

Racing games can be a bit divisive. You either like them or you don't. But it's always worth having a solid racing title at launch. The crowd that takes to these games usually spans multiple demographics. I have a sister who wouldn't know how to play an FPS with a controller, but absolutely adores racing games. She could care less about Call of Duty, Halo, or Killzone, but would be genuinely excited by Forza. Also, I suspect that Forza is going to be the best possible showcase for the XBox One's rumble-enabled triggers. Having a little handheld force-feedback for gas and brake is going to be a pretty big draw for an Xbox One-exclusive feature.
That's his job though and he's doing a terrible job at it. Hence he should not being doing the job since he can't even get facts straight about something that he should be well versed on 2 weeks out from launch. It looks amateurish and unprofessional. Add to that the fact that he's probably making a lot of money and its even worse looking. It's not like he's some low level scrub living paycheck to paycheck. Don Mattrick was fired/pushed out because of how bad he looked during and post E3 and he was hired as Zynga's CEO. There was plenty of fallout from the PS3's disastrous launch and pre launch. The difference in marketing and decision making between the Xbox/Xbox 360 and Xbox One is pretty apparent. These guys simply aren't getting the job done. It would be one thing if the Xbox One wasn't having mud thrown at them every five minutes from every direction but they are and people like Penello who is the LEAD XBOX ONE/KINECT PLANNER isn't making it any better. He constantly tweets things that turn out to be wrong information or gives interviews and can't give an answer about something. Add to that the horrible E3 MS had and things start to add up. It's not just oh he posted some wrong information this one time lets give him a pass. It's man how does this guy know so little about a system he's supposed to be head of.

Its like the difference in Apple pre Jobs and post Jobs. Apple was innovative and pushed new things with Steve Jobs. Now they are like Activision. They just pump out the same stuff with minor upgrades every year. Ever since Ballmer, Gates, Allard, Bach, Moore etc...left MS ( I know Ballmer is still there but he's leaving) its been downhill.

Forza does look like a next gen game, but I don't really like sim racers.

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Its like the difference in Apple pre Jobs and post Jobs. Apple was innovative and pushed new things with Steve Jobs. Now they are like Activision. They just pump out the same stuff with minor upgrades every year. Ever since Ballmer, Gates, Allard, Bach, Moore etc...left MS ( I know Ballmer is still there but he's leaving) its been downhill.

Forza does look like a next gen game, but I don't really like sim racers.
I won't argue that they could be doing a better job. That's pretty evident. I just think it's a little reactionary to be calling for a corporate lynching every time something goes awry. A major console launch like this is a huge organizational mess one way or another. And Microsoft are still the least experienced competitors when it comes to this sort of thing. It doesn't surprise me that they are having difficulty handling the messaging. They are still unpracticed at this kind of operation, there have been a lot of shake-ups recently in their management, a lot of the people who would have been experienced are no longer working in that division, and the expansion of internet coverage since the launch of the 360 has grossly inflated the oversight. As long as they can avoid a red-ring scenario, I'm going to chalk this one up as a win, mess or no.

Some of the recent announcements about Project Spark are really turning my crank. If these tales are to be believed, the title might be capable of serving as a machinima-friendly sandbox, complete with in-game mocap animation saving and playback. If they manage to get even a third of those features working, they might be able to convince me to pick up an XBox One for that alone. Being able to make my own mocap cartoons would easily justify the $500 price tag.

Just for my own curiosity: If the Xbox One and PS4 were exactly the same as they are today, but the PS4 had the X1 controller/XBL and the Xbox One had the ps4 controller/PSN which one would you get?  

Those are the two biggest things keeping me with the Xbox One as well as all my friends that are getting the X1

Just for my own curiosity: If the Xbox One and PS4 were exactly the same as they are today, but the PS4 had the X1 controller/XBL and the Xbox One had the ps4 controller/PSN which one would you get?
Honestly, I couldn't say. The controller issue is very much up-in-the-air. I've felt the XBox One controller, and it feels good. But I've heard great things about the PS4 controller as well. I don't think the controller disparity is going to be nearly as great this time around.

The PSN vs. XBox Live is also becoming more and more nebulous. I already have some PSN content, and Sony is doing a great job of making sure that all of that content works well within the same ecosystem. At the same time, XBox Live will probably have better and more stable performance for on-line multiplayer features, thanks to the amount of hardware that Microsoft is willing to throw at it. I'm leaning toward PSN+ at the moment, mainly because I don't usually use consoles for online multiplayer. But if enough of my friends jumped on the XBox One, that could be a selling point.

At the end of the day, I eventually intend to get both. I probably won't get either at launch because the holidays are coming up and I need to think about Christmas shopping first. I will likely save up a bit after the holidays and pick them up next year around mid-spring.

Just for my own curiosity: If the Xbox One and PS4 were exactly the same as they are today, but the PS4 had the X1 controller/XBL and the Xbox One had the ps4 controller/PSN which one would you get?

Those are the two biggest things keeping me with the Xbox One as well as all my friends that are getting the X1
All about the games for me. The controller and online service are bonuses, but not what will sell me on the system.

Also, it's about damn time this happened! No more entering codes!

I will get a PS4 eventually for MLB The Show because it already looks amazing, but I play a lot of shooters so the PS4/3/2/1 stick set up has always been a huge turn off for me. For games like God of War and the Show it was perfectly fine though. I've always appreciated XBL's speed, chat capabilities, easy of use, look etc... PSN on the Ps3 was always super slow, clunky, and had limited functionality 

Just for my own curiosity: If the Xbox One and PS4 were exactly the same as they are today, but the PS4 had the X1 controller/XBL and the Xbox One had the ps4 controller/PSN which one would you get?

Those are the two biggest things keeping me with the Xbox One as well as all my friends that are getting the X1
i just played ps4 at best buy and even if they made ps4 game pad bigger it still seems small for me. I got pretty big hands and i always get craps with ps3 controller and played ps4 for like 30 mins and near the end i had to stop playing the demos because i was getting cramps :(. x 360 and x1 are perfect when it comes to size.

I will get a PS4 eventually for MLB The Show because it already looks amazing, but I play a lot of shooters so the PS4/3/2/1 stick set up has always been a huge turn off for me. For games like God of War and the Show it was perfectly fine though. I've always appreciated XBL's speed, chat capabilities, easy of use, look etc... PSN on the Ps3 was always super slow, clunky, and had limited functionality
I have yet to use the X1 controller but I've spent the better part of a week playing around with DS4 and absolutely love what they have done with it. That said, it's still a lousy controller for FPS games. I prefer offset analog sticks and that's not going to change.

Just for my own curiosity: If the Xbox One and PS4 were exactly the same as they are today, but the PS4 had the X1 controller/XBL and the Xbox One had the ps4 controller/PSN which one would you get?

Those are the two biggest things keeping me with the Xbox One as well as all my friends that are getting the X1
Not wanting Kinect, preferring Sony's first party games to MS's and the X1 being $100 more are what have me planning in going PS4 when I eventually take the next gen plunge, unless something major changes before then

I do slightly prefer the 360 controller to the PS3 one, but I'm fine gaming with either and the DS4 looked better than the DS3.

XBL vs. PSN is mostly moot as I do very little online gaming. So I'd rather have PS+ and for the great selection of ree games. In any case that's all up in the air as we have to wait and see how the UIs and online experience is on both next gen platforms, and maybe MS will start doing better than they have to date in terms of what games they make free for Gold members to better compete with PS+.

I'm not buying until next summer at earliest most likely, so I have plenty of time to wait and see how things pan out. I'll never buy an X1 if it always comes with Kinect though. And as much as they're pushing it they may never put out a skew without one, making everything else moot for me.

Ryse: Son of Rome preview: pretty, boring
by Andrew Yoon, Nov 06, 2013 10:15am PST

Related Topics – Ryse: Son of Rome, Microsoft, Crytek, Xbox One
Every minute of Ryse: Son of Rome features gratuitous, over-the-top violence. Marcus moves from shoving his sword into a soldier's throat, to cutting off the limbs of another hapless victim. It's so overwhelming, it's difficult not to get numbed to the gore on display.

Perhaps that's why--in spite of the gorgeous visuals and bombastic setpieces--the game ends up feeling boring over an extended amount of play. The combat system appears novel at first, but quickly becomes repetitive. Nearly every encounter goes as such: parry, strike, strike, execute. And every enemy slain demands elaborate execution animations, making their novelty die down rather quickly.

It's not an entirely mindless affair, as Crytek shows some attempt at introducing depth to combat. For example, you have to alternate between heavy and light attacks, otherwise enemies will dodge them. Some enemies have unblockable attacks which require a roll instead of a parry. But for the most part, you'll memorize the button combination that kills nearly every enemy. You'll also start giving up on following the QTE prompts during executions (because they complete themselves anyway). Even the introduction of new enemy types in a later area of the game didn't really demand changing a strategy.

A nice touch is the ability to select what bonus you'll receive from combos. You can select to have your health or mana restored, boost your attack power, or gain additional XP. Once your combo ends, you'll reap the bonus. It's a nice way to encourage high combos. I found myself choosing the XP boost, and made quick work of the game's upgrade tree.

Clearly, if there's one reason to play Ryse, it's not the gameplay. Son of Rome, at the very least, is a spectacle filled with tons of CryEngine-powered eye candy. In fact, it's so pretty that the frequent interruption of pre-rendered cutscenes is baffling. For some reason, the video compression on the cinema sequences is incredibly noticeable, making the pre-rendered stuff look worse than the real-time graphics. The story is also by-the-numbers: a tale of revenge that telegraphs nearly every aspect of the story. You won't be surprised by how Marius ends up being so damn angry--but at least there's some solid performances backing the cinematics.

There's still hope that the latter half of Ryse will offer a bit more depth and variety over the hour-plus slice I played. But my first impression of Crytek's Roman action game has my excitement for the game rather muted. It may be pretty, but I would like to see a bit more substance out of such a combat-heavy action game.

this game is looking like it might be pretty decent and it looks amazing for running in so called 720 p. I still think it's going to be a day one renter for me not a 60 doller purchase.

I do slightly prefer the 360 controller to the PS3 one, but I'm fine gaming with either and the DS4 looked better than the DS3.

XBL vs. PSN is mostly moot as I do very little online gaming. So I'd rather have PS+ and for the great selection of ree games. In any case that's all up in the air as we have to wait and see how the UIs and online experience is on both next gen platforms, and maybe MS will start doing better than they have to date in terms of what games they make free for Gold members to better compete with PS+.

I'm not buying until next summer at earliest most likely, so I have plenty of time to wait and see how things pan out.
For me it's like, at this point my whole "gamer identity" or whatever you want to call it is completely bound up with Microsoft. My tag, my gamerscore, my friends, and though it might be a little hokey, even stuff like my avatar. I want to keep going with all of that stuff.

This current generation, Xbox 360 is a no-brainer for me. Way better UI, better online service, better controller, generally slightly better versions of multiplatform games, etc. Pretty much the only thing PS3 has going over Microsoft is Sony's healthy stable of awesome exclusive games. If it wasn't for stuff like Uncharted, Valkyria Chronicles, etc. I wouldn't have even considered owning a PS3.

So I was all primed and ready to just keep on truckin' with Microsoft next generation. Only, it's not looking like a no-brainer this time. Sony look like they've made big improvements to their UI and controller. Microsoft stumbled out of the gate with a bunch of harebrained DRM ideas. PS4 is a good deal cheaper. Vita integration looks like it could be pretty sweet. And, though it's early yet, it's looking like the pattern of one console getting the better performing multiplatform ports may be swinging Sony's way this time around.

So I have an unpleasant decision to make now. Go with the console that seems to be offering the generally superior experience, or stick with my gamer identity that I've been building up for years now. My solution is to just put off the whole business for as long as possible. :lol:

tl;dr -- I only wish I could combine Xbox Live and MS' controller with everything else about the PS4. That would solve all my problems. :lol:

At this point there's only two main differences between the consoles: controller and $100.

All that other nonsense about changes they made etc, it's moot. These are the products as they are shipping to market.
For me it's like, at this point my whole "gamer identity" or whatever you want to call it is completely bound up with Microsoft. My tag, my gamerscore, my friends, and though it might be a little hokey, even stuff like my avatar. I want to keep going with all of that stuff.

Yeah I never cared about gamerscore, trophies, avatars or any of that junk. I mostly just play single player games, and sell them off as soon as the credits roll. Only online gaming I've done lately is co-op like Borderlands, and my friends I play those types of games with are going PS4.

So it's always easy for me to switch my main gaming platform over generations. During the time I've been a gamer my main platforms have been: NES, SNES, N64, PS2, 360. I go with what ever hardware/exclusive game lineup matches my interests best each time, and fortunately don't have any hesitance about ditching a gamer tag etc. making it harder to switch.

At this point there's only two main differences between the consoles: controller and $100.
All that other nonsense about changes they made etc, it's moot. These are the products as they are shipping to market.
And that the PS4 seems to be more powerful and running more games in 1080p vs 720-900p on X1. I'm not a videophile so I don't really care about all this resolution up roar. But it does seem like a real issue and suggests the PS4 will get the better running versions of multiplatform games this time around.
Games running at native 1080p don't mean better game version at all that is just a res. story is coming out that ghost is having major issues on ps4 with lag and what not. Seems like it's very possible 1080p might be pushing ps4 to its limits. Look at rise that is so called 720 p and looks amazing . No way a 360 native 720 p game looks that good.

Might I add I played ps4 at bestbuy yesterday and ds4 did not change much. It's little bigger but still too small.
Very tue. And like I said, I'm not an a/v nerd so I dint really care about resolution. I'm more curious to see if that's all the power differences give the ps4, or if we start seeing other things like better frame rates, more players in online matches and other things that actually matter to gameplay. If not, then it's moot for me.
DS4 is like, the same size as a 360 controller.
have you used it or just seen photos? it might look same size but the shape is still the typical ds which makes it feel small and not comfy in my hands like the 360 and x1 controller feels that is all my opinion you might feel dif. i will say this i kind of liked the 360 controller little better then x1 because of the battery pack gave nice slots on each side to put your fingers in that is gone now on x1.

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bread's done