Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

Anyone see the console in person yet? Is it as huge as it looks on tv and pictures?  The thing looks like it weighs 50lbs.  And whose idea was it to make both halves different colors?   Not that the ps4 looks any better.  T

Microsoft CEO candidate may consider selling Xbox, killing Bing - Report If Stephen Elop gets the job to replace Steve Ballmer, he may sell or close businesses that are not critical to company's performance, report says.

by Eddie Makuch on November 8, 2013

If it is former Nokia CEO Stephen Elop who replaces Steve Ballmer as Microsoft CEO, he may consider selling the Xbox business and killing Google competitor Bing, according to a new report from business publication Bloomberg.
People familiar with the matter told the site that Elop, should he get the job, would be ready to sell or close major Microsoft business units if he determines they are not critical to the company's strategic outlook.
Elop joined Microsoft when the company purchased the handset maker's mobile business for $7.2 billion in September. He is on the shortlist of potential successors to replace Ballmer, according to reports.
Microsoft shares reached their highest price since the early 2000s earlier this week, after Nomura Holdings analyst Rick Sherlund said selling Bing and Xbox could boost earnings by 40 percent in fiscal 2015.
"Microsoft is trying to do too much, and these assets add no clear value to the overall business," Sherlund said. He also said that Ford CEO Alan Mulally, reportedly the frontrunner to replace Ballmer, is the most likely candidate for the job.
No potential buyers for the Xbox business were named in the Bloomberg report. Microsoft's Xbox unit has been healthy of late, posting positive figures for the latest quarter. The Xbox One launches two weeks from today on November 22.
In August, Ballmer said he would retire within the space of 12 months, but not before his successor was named. Reuters said this week that the process could take a "few more months," though a past report indicated Microsoft plans to complete the process before the end of the year.
The Bloomberg report also claims that if Elop becomes Microsoft CEO, he would break from years of tradition and focus Microsoft's efforts on bringing Office software like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to a variety of smartphones and tablets, including devices made by Apple and Google.</p>
Ha, I went to school with the guy who wrote that article. Big prick.

Anyway, I'm really debating getting this since I have enough Amazon credit to make it $300 or so out of pocket even after paying off my PS4 but I cannot find a launch game I want. Ryse and DR3 just look so bland and Forza doesn't seem worth $60. Maybe I'll just wait till Halo comes out.
Anyone see the console in person yet? Is it as huge as it looks on tv and pictures? The thing looks like it weighs 50lbs. And whose idea was it to make both halves different colors? Not that the ps4 looks any better. T
It's pretty large, but not as bad as it seems from pictures. A Target near me has a demo unit--but not monitor or controller yet. Can just see the console and Kinect behind the glass display.

Anyone see the console in person yet? Is it as huge as it looks on tv and pictures? The thing looks like it weighs 50lbs. And whose idea was it to make both halves different colors? Not that the ps4 looks any better.
I saw at Target yesterday. The system and the especially the Kinect look pretty bulky to me in person.

The kid that got banned got a pretty sweet deal for something he should of been sued over. He is getting to go to the huge XB1 launch party, getting a bunch of free stuff, and will be unbanned in a week or so when it gets closer to launch.
why should he get sued? he legally got the system its not like he got it illegal

Anyone see the console in person yet? Is it as huge as it looks on tv and pictures? The thing looks like it weighs 50lbs. And whose idea was it to make both halves different colors? Not that the ps4 looks any better. T
i was kind of shocked how small it was when i seen it at best buy couple weeks ago. I was the same way when i seen it on tv and photos like man that thing is a vcr size it's not even close to that it's really nice sized.

The Best Buy unit shows like, half of the console. The thing is the size of a old VCR.
it's still smaller then what i was thinking after seeing in photos it's not small but its not any bigger then my cable box which is pretty big.

to be honest after all the heating issues 360 had i don't mind having a bigger system if it makes the system run coolor and not have poor location of vents and no air flow in the small org 360

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Ok so its still a big console but just not as big as you thought it was going to be. Gotcha.

Its odd to me with how big the system is, they still can't put the power brick inside the system.

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i was kind of shocked how small it was when i seen it at best buy couple weeks ago. I was the same way when i seen it on tv and photos like man that thing is a vcr size it's not even close to that it's really nice sized.
This. I was surprised when I saw it at the Microsoft store a couple weeks ago. It wasn't that big.

As long as it doesn't overheat, I could give two shits how big it is. It is going on a shelf and not moving.

I still have no idea what games I'm going to get. The more I watch the more I want to try several out, but getting a bit of value is important as well. Plus the collector in me really wants this on my shelf - 


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I think one of the big complaints have been that those executions get old fast and you have to do them every single time.

It was mentioned on the Cagcast, Game Informer called Ryse about as fun as dialing phone numbers.
those same people rated cod ghost close to a 9. i don't trust anything "paid" reviewers say. With me i don't pick to buy a game or don't buy a game by what other people say. I know i have hated games that "paid" reviewers loved and i loved games they hated.

i plan on renting ryse on launch weekend to give it a try.

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It's common sense that some people will agree with other reviewers and some people won't. I am not sure why that comes up constantly. 

It's common sense that some people will agree with other reviewers and some people won't. I am not sure why that comes up constantly.
why would anyone go off of what these paid reviewers say before they play the game? most of these companys like game informer are paid by the more rich companys to give their games high scores.

why would anyone go off of what these paid reviewers say before they play the game? most of these companys like game informer are paid by the more rich companys to give their games high scores.
The key is to find a site where you typically agree with the reviews...or just try what you want.

Wow on day one of the ps4 i'll aready have killzone, call of duty, and battlefield.   Makes me wonder if i really need to drop $500 for halo.  Then again halo multi-player beats the crap out of all them imo.   Stupid b2g1 deals.  I never even wanted battlefield

why would anyone go off of what these paid reviewers say before they play the game? most of these companys like game informer are paid by the more rich companys to give their games high scores.
Because some people tend to agree with certain reviewers. I have some shows I watch on the internet where I trust their reviews, because we like similar games.

Ha, I went to school with the guy who wrote that article. Big prick.

Anyway, I'm really debating getting this since I have enough Amazon credit to make it $300 or so out of pocket even after paying off my PS4 but I cannot find a launch game I want. Ryse and DR3 just look so bland and Forza doesn't seem worth $60. Maybe I'll just wait till Halo comes out.
Just don't buy it ever
I'll agree with not necessarily trusting universal praise because of various reasons but usually a lot of negative impressions (which nearly every outlet has of Ryse) at least gives me pause. Ultimately I say rent if you can first because $60 is a hard pill to swallow when you are wrong. Unfortunately this may be the last round of systems we an do that with...

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How about those Amazon "Preordered one, get one" PS4 game deals?  I sure as hell hope that happens with the X1 games.  I have Ryse preordered there and would love to get in on that.  What do you guys think the chances are of that happening for the X1?

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The upscaler has to fit somewhere! Just kidding, but I'm far from happy with how big the damn thing is.
It's only about 3 inches wider and an inch taller than ps4 but 2 inches shorter on the length. I think people are over exaggerating saying it's huge compared to the ps4

As long as it doesn't overheat, I could give two shits how big it is. It is going on a shelf and not moving.

I still have no idea what games I'm going to get. The more I watch the more I want to try several out, but getting a bit of value is important as well. Plus the collector in me really wants this on my shelf -
Where are these cases from?

Xbox One: install sizes for all the launch titles inside
Xbox is out next week and you will need every bit of that 500GB hard-drive if you are getting a number of launch games. Get all the install sizes of the games through here.

We already knew about the Call of Duty install size, courtesy of Moonlightswami, when he received his console early and spilled all the information on the store page of some games.

Here’s the list of all we know about said launch titles, it is unclear if the sizes will be the same for digital and physical:

  • Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag – 20GB
  • Battlefield 4 – 33GB
  • Call of Duty: Ghosts – 39GB
  • Dead Rising 3 – 19GB
  • FIFA 14 – 8GB
  • Fighter Within – 9.2GB
  • Forza Motorsport 5 – 31GB
  • Just Dance 2014 – 22GB
  • Killer Instinct – 3.4GB
  • Lococyle – 13GB
  • Madden NFL 25 – 12GB
  • NBA 2K14 – 43GB
  • NBA Live 14 – 9GB
  • Powerstar Golf – 3.9GB
  • Ryse: Son of Rome – 34GB
  • Skylanders: Swap Force – 15GB
  • Xbox Fitness – 246MB
  • Zoo Tycoon – 2.6GB
  • Zumba World Party – 24GB
Thanks, X-One magazine, NeoGaf.

Hahaha someone who remembers them having a limit for how big a downloadable title could be is laughing right now. Hopefully they put in pre-loading just like Steam so you're not waiting forever on launch day.

Hopefully they put in pre-loading just like Steam so you're not waiting forever on launch day.
A form of pre-loading is built into the XBox One from the ground up. It is going to be capable of streaming content to the console while in sleep mode. It is quite likely that digitally pre-ordered games will be pre-installed and ready to go on launch day. I wouldn't worry too much about that particular feature. Microsoft and Sony both have been quite clear about their emphasis on making their digital marketplaces more palatable. They WANT you purchasing your games digitally.

I just hope that Microsoft will also allow for the installation of generic hard drives. Sony has already confirmed that it will be business as usual. You will be able to swap out hard drives on the PS4 just as you could with the PS3. Will the same apply for the XBox One? Being able to upgrade my system hard drive without breaking the bank was a very nice feature for the PS3 that I took advantage of multiple times.

I believe they've confirmed allowing the use of external USB hard drives, which is a nice compromise. (those have gotten very cheap, and will only become more so) It will be good to get some performance tests on that feature after launch.

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this is a pretty good interview. Seems like xbox one could have had most if not all games run at 1080p 60 fps but game devs felt for best game play wit no frame drops they wanted to set their own mark. So many story are now coming out that alot of ps4 games are having major frame rate issues running at 1080p 60 fps seems like sony might have forced it on companys to run at that. i don't mind a game being 720 p 60 fps as long as the game plays amazing and don't have major frame rate isues. According to him ryse is 900 p at 30 fps and game still looks amazing more i see of it.

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If I received a console a couple of weeks early and MS banned the console, I would take it back to the store for a full refund. I'm sorry but you received it by no fault of your own. If I get a blender before it's release date and start using it and post a review of it on YouTube they can't ban it or a Blu Ray play or whatever. fuck them.

Living room for me. The blu-ray playback and potential remote control insures that. Being able to handle my various audio-visual devices via voice control is a major selling point. That feature would be very useful in my living room, much less so in my office.
Something tells me you're going to be really disappointed if you think it's going to control your "various audio-visual devices via voice control".

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So apparently if you want a game that actually uses Kinect well, Zoo Tycoon 2 is the title, one of the Weekend Confirmed guys was raving about it, no joke.

If I received a console a couple of weeks early and MS banned the console, I would take it back to the store for a full refund. I'm sorry but you received it by no fault of your own. If I get a blender before it's release date and start using it and post a review of it on YouTube they can't ban it or a Blu Ray play or whatever. fuck them.
what the diff when people get banned from psn/live or game servers if they play a game early? things have street dates for a reason. ms has not even set up live for normal users yet it's still in dev mode i don't see no problem wit hthem doing this. It all comes down to people never own 100 percent what they buy. How do you think ms can sit here and change their dashboard when ever they want and if you don't update you can't use live they still own the rights to their product same goes with every company that makes a product.

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what the diff when people get banned from psn/live or game servers if they play a game early? things have street dates for a reason. ms has not even set up live for normal users yet it's still in dev mode i don't see no problem wit hthem doing this. It all comes down to people never own 100 percent what they buy. How do you think ms can sit here and change their dashboard when ever they want and if you don't update you can't use live they still own the rights to their product same goes with every company that makes a product.
They can't change their dashboard whenever they want. You can refuse the update and play offline. You can't even play the Xbox One offline because it requires a day one patch. It's bullshit. I don't know about this "street date" nonsense but I'd wager they didn't put the street date into the TOS and even if they did, it wouldn't stop someone from returning a defective product.


By the way, I sold my Xbox 360 slim 2 years ago on Craigslist and bought a new one on Black Friday. My ownership allowed this. Just last week I sold some dude on Craigslist my PS3 slim for $150 and will buy a new PS3 Super Slim on Black Friday for $200 with 2 games packed in. My ownership allowed this. People are buying these things, not renting them like goddamn cable boxes.

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They can't change their dashboard whenever they want. You can refuse the update and play offline. You can't even play the Xbox One offline because it requires a day one patch. It's bullshit. I don't know about this "street date" nonsense but I'd wager they didn't put the street date into the TOS and even if they did, it wouldn't stop someone from returning a defective product.
ps4 requires day one patch also he never downloaded the day one patch so it's obvious you CAN play games with out that patch. the day one patch is not even on servers yet he was playing ghost on it.

ps4 requires day one patch also he never downloaded the day one patch so it's obvious you CAN play games with out that patch. the day one patch is not even on servers yet he was playing ghost on it.
What? This is Xbox One, not PS4. The day one patch for Xbox One removes the DRM. It's useless without it. That's been known for months now....

edit: How do YOU know the day one patch isn't on the servers yet? I guess they aren't patching the press's Xbox One's? Nice try from a MS employee though.

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What? This is Xbox One, not PS4. The day one patch for Xbox One removes the DRM. It's useless without it. That's been known for months now...
then how was he playing ghost? ms even said the patch is not on servers yet seeing live is only set up for devs and reviewers right now and he only downloaded a 500 mb patch which no way that's a full system patch.

I just don't get why they won't the hard drive be replaced with game installs that big. My HDD will be half full already.

bread's done