Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

Right, that's why everyone still complains about how fucking broken it is. Also, Looking at the "Top Issues tracker" seems like there is still lots to fix and there have been major bugs pretty much the whole time. If you haven't had many problems, bully for you but that's not the typical experience.

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My 2 usual BF4 friends and I haven't faced many issues with BF4. There are a few crashes, but they've actually stopped the past couple times we played. It definitely happened more in the past. Although, there are some lag issues sometimes with me.

To me Ryse was a glorified tech demo. That's what it felt like the whole time. I beat it in a rental in 2 days. It looked nice but that was about it.

I actually haven't been playing my 1 much. For some reason I'm not getting hooked on Dead Rising 3. Other than the occasional game of Battlefield or K.I, I haven't touched my one. I don't see that changing till Titanfall.
I don't know. I've been gaming my whole life, but I really can not tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps. I think this argument/debate/butthurting is way overblown. If I sat someone down in front of an X1 and a PS4 with the respective versions of this game, I HIGHLY doubt they'd turn their nose up at the Xbox One version or notice any discernible difference.
Well there are several reviews of Tomb Raider that clearly state the difference is readily apparent when playing one and then the other.

That said, normal people aren't going to do that so someone who buys and plays the X1 version is going to think it looks great and be perfectly happy. Other than PC gaming snobs that turn their noses up at anything that isn't 1080p and 60fps of course.

I can personally tell the difference between 60fps and 30fps and 60 just moves a lot smoother. Zelda ALBW on 3DS is a great example. The graphics aren't great design or texture wise, but everything looks nice as the movement is so smooth and fluid from being 60fps throughout.

But I'd have had just as much fun with the game if it had been 30fps as I just don't care that much about graphics--I mean I do most of my gaming lately on 3DS and Wii U. A fun game is a fun game to me. I don't care if it's a 1080p, 60fps PS4 game, a 720p 30 fps X1 or current gen game, a jaggy filled N64 or PS1 game, or a 2D SNES or NES game.
it's been working since like couple weeks after launch not much nproblems any more
Do you even play the game? On the PS4, I had no issues at all. Bought it on the X1 a few weeks back and could not get into a match for 2 days. From what I just read on the BF4 forums, it's still a total POS on the X1.

I had a ps4 for 3 weeks before going for x1. I had BF for both. BF 4 looked nicer on PS4 but I had the equal number of problems with both. If I choose a game on X1 I would say 1 of every 3 or 4 games I get booted. I had the same problem with ps4 BF too tho.
Do you even play the game? On the PS4, I had no issues at all. Bought it on the X1 a few weeks back and could not get into a match for 2 days. From what I just read on the BF4 forums, it's still a total POS on the X1.
I have it's nothing like it was at launch. I get into games fine and it never crashes. Gamplay had issues still but nothing game breaking
[quote name="dpatel" post="1474601" timestamp="1138079444"]well I heard about a conference sony is having with other developers. It isn't open to the press but they may announce more concrete details there. Its either at the end of Feb or beginning of March, not sure. Its called Devstation. I'm guessing pre-orders will start after that.

EDIT: here it is

takes place on march 1-2nd. Not sure if they will release any public info since it isn't open to press.[/quote]
Cheap achevo points if you beat it on the hardest difficulty
[quote name="krashhole" post="11474525" timestamp="1390752710"]Do you even play the game? On the PS4, I had no issues at all. Bought it on the X1 a few weeks back and could not get into a match for 2 days. From what I just read on the BF4 forums, it's still a total POS on the X1.[/quote]and from what I read the PS4 runs like garbage. :p
A message board is going to have tons of complainers. If things are working you're not going to see nearly as many posts. They're going to be playing their game. Personally I didn't only had one or two issues with BF4 and I've had it since launch. I know I'm in the minority. I also know that PS4 AND PC have suffered from similar issues of what is being reported in DICE's own bug lists. So while you may have been lucky on PS4 as I have been on Xbox One, that doesn't mean each system hasn't had its share of problems with the game.
Are there any issues with BF4 single player campaign? Just curious, I'm not much of a military shooter multiplayer guy, but I'd try the sP campaign.
So count this very much as speculation at this point, but I was just listening to the Gamesradar podcast and they said they wouldn't be surprised if Titanfall got delayed because we've seen so little of it at this point and it's out in like a month and a half.

Are there any issues with BF4 single player campaign? Just curious, I'm not much of a military shooter multiplayer guy, but I'd try the sP campaign.
at launch the sp would crash and delete your save file i had that happend 3 times on x1. the last time it happend i was on last level about to beat games a dlost everything. i SAid heck with this im not wasting 6 more hours on beating it and mostly because the story was sooo bad. i loved bf3 story but bf4 made zero sense was was just awful felt nothing like miltary story. I have heard that's fixed now.

So count this very much as speculation at this point, but I was just listening to the Gamesradar podcast and they said they wouldn't be surprised if Titanfall got delayed because we've seen so little of it at this point and it's out in like a month and a half.
so many games these days do the same uptill launch. titanfall has been in dev for just about 4 years and from playing alpha game plays amazing well.

Supposedly Microsoft is lowering the GPU reserve of the Xbox One from 10% to 2%. The 2% is still reserved for voice but the 8% can be used to help boost performance of games.

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does that mean the xbox button could be turning into a menu just like 360? seems like that 10 was used for kinect and apps and the searching dashboard while in game. i would not mind having type of 360 menu on x1.

does that mean the xbox button could be turning into a menu just like 360? seems like that 10 was used for kinect and apps and the searching dashboard while in game. i would not mind having type of 360 menu on x1.
I am not really sure what you are asking timbo but from what I read it just allow developers to have extra performance in graphics. I guess the original 10% was reserved for Kinect alone but now developers can utilize the other 8% for either video performance or kinect features if they choose.

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was not really question but as i understood was that extra room was used for kinect/apps/dashbaord when you hit xbox button. i really hope we get some form of 360 menu back with some stuff on it like party/friends

They will never have a sku without kinect.
I love the Kinect, but I still wouldn't be surprised if a Kinect-free version came along eventually. All it takes is a change in leadership (which there has already been. Goodbye, Mattrick!) or the Xbox One to lag behind the Playstation 4 significantly in sales. None of us knows what the situation will look like 2 years from now, let alone four or five.

I think it's unproductive for people to hold out for a Kinect-less version. The less childish version of that sentiment is to hold out for a price drop. Nor is Deader's stealth trolling all that useful to anyone. But you shouldn't speak in absolutes like never when discussing a simple matter of policy.

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The Kinect wasn't a mistake. It's a vital part to the entire system itself. Again, it will turn some people off but I think it's better to lose a few customers and have a system with Kinect as a definite part of it. They don't need to outsell Sony for it to be a success.
To be a success no but I've pointed out time and time again the Xbox division of Microsoft in a extremely precarious state. Successful but losing market share to PS4 may be all the ammo the people who are in Microsoft and have sway and want Microsoft to be only a software and services company because that's where they make the really big bucks need. I'm not saying they would immediately abandon it or anything but that would probably affect support down the line and if there even is a next console.

Looks like MS wants to milk GOW some more even if Epic is done with it:


Microsoft Snags Gears of War

It looks like Gears of War isn't going to the PlayStation any time soon. Microsoft said this morning it had bought the series from Epic Games, assuring that the only console Gears will call home will continue to be Xbox.

Development of the series will continue at Black Tusk Studios of Vancouver, B.C. Additionally, Rod Ferguson, the former director of production of the series at Epic, will join Microsoft "and play a key studio leadership role at Black Tusk," Microsoft said.

This morning's news did not mention when a new game in the series could be expected.

"Black Tusk has assembled a world-class team with deep experience and passion for the shooter space, and specifically the Gears of War franchise," Phil Spencer, Microsoft's head of game studios, said in a statement. "I am extremely confident that under the leadership of Hanno Lemke (of Black Tusk), Rod Fergusson and our other leaders in the studio, Black Tusk is well equipped to take on the future development of the Gears of War franchise.

Black Tusk teased an unnamed video game at E3 2013; the studio is owned by Microsoft. This makes two projects it is now working on.

In November, in an interview with Microsoft head of game studios Phil Spencer, we reported the following about the Gears of War series:

I asked Spencer what was next for Gears and if he could provide any assurances that the series would remain exclusive to Xbox. He gave a little laugh. "It's Epic's franchise," he said. "You and I both know that. I can't make any assurances about anybody else's franchise."

Fergusson left Epic Games in 2012 to join Irrational Games and assist the completion of BioShock Infinite but with that game finished, moved on to another project within 2K Games.

In a statement shared by Microsoft, Epic Games said:

"Epic Games has reached an agreement to sell the 'Gears of War' intellectual property rights to Microsoft. We're very proud of the franchise we built in close partnership with Microsoft over the past decade and are happy that this agreement enables Microsoft to forge ahead with the 'Gears' universe on their industry-leading platforms as Epic concentrates its efforts on new projects," said Epic founder and CEO Tim Sweeney. "Epic remains totally dedicated to supporting Xbox One and is licensing the Unreal Engine 4 technology to Microsoft in support of their future projects."

That sort of seals the deal for me that I'll get an Xbox One before a PS4. I love me some Gears! If they do a Crimson Omen tie-in console for Holiday 2015, that would be absolutely perfect. 

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Dude you really think MS would pony up the cash and not take at least one go at a new gears? I doubt it'll be out before 2016, but we'll see a new one.

Sounds like we are getting closer to a kinect less sku. Seems like they might have realized the Kinect was a mistake.
if xbox one was 400 dollers with kinect i think sale numbers would be very diff. people act like kinect is reason why x1 sold 1.2 million less then ps4 is very little reason. Two main issues is the main issues price/ the bad rep ms and x1 got from when they had all the drm stuff. After ms did 180 most people on this website and im sure non users of this site decided to still get ps4 and scared that ms will go back to drm stuff.

To be a success no but I've pointed out time and time again the Xbox division of Microsoft in a extremely precarious state. Successful but losing market share to PS4 may be all the ammo the people who are in Microsoft and have sway and want Microsoft to be only a software and services company because that's where they make the really big bucks need. I'm not saying they would immediately abandon it or anything but that would probably affect support down the line and if there even is a next console.
where are you getting this from? the higher up people and even new higher up guys at ms have said xbox division is going no where anytime soon. with the awful sales of windows 8 and windows phones not selling well xbox one was the most successful product they had last year.

If the kinect is so vital to the system they should have kept it where you couldn't use the system unless the Kinect is connected.
it's not that it's vital it just makes everything more simple to use. Until they do major over haul of os have fun trying to find the stuff you want super fast with out kinect.

There is. Black Tusk Studios is working on it and Microsoft hired Rod Fergusson from Epic to be in charge.

BT even just added "Current Project: Gears of War" onto the front of their website:
im sure we get this announced at e3. i'm kind of excited for e3 this year should be great year with devs having plenty of time to work with these new systems.

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where are you getting this from? the higher up people and even new higher up guys at ms have said xbox division is going no where anytime soon. with the awful sales of windows 8 and windows phones not selling well xbox one was the most successful product they had last year.
Oh you know, unreliable places like Bloomberg and I've posted various other articles backing this in the past, basically with Balmer gone it's very possible the division will be sold off or even dumped. Hell one of their possible CEO candidates outright said he would sell off the Xbox division

I actually wish Kinect was in the actual console. Tricky with the camera but it tracks pretty well.
They really should have just put a microphone in the box, since the voice commands are what are most used for using the system. And then sold the camera separate for people who wanted to play games that require it.

That would have got all their media integration stuff in the box with voice commands, allowed them to sell it at $400 probably, and not driven away people like me who hate camera/motion stuff and refuse to financially support it. If they ever put out a Kinect-less Sku, I'm guessing that's what they'd do as it would require minimal changes to the OS and allow them to keep touting the voice command stuff.

Anyway, not much hype here about the Gears news. It was a no-brainer that more Gears games would come eventually, just a question of when and from which developer. At least it's not going to be the team behind Judgement.

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The whole point of consoles isn't their power. It's a matter of convenience. A console takes all the complexity normally associated with a computer, and squeezes it down into a convenient package that can be mass-produced and sold at an affordable price. The ideal for a console is not that it is more complex, but less. Less setup, less maintenance, less hassle. Just plug it in and go.

I know from ample first-hand experience how complex and expensive it can be to build and maintain a full-on gaming rig. For whatever reason, my mind is wired for that kind of effort. I relish it, and putting a box together is half the fun for me. But I've seen the looks on the faces of my friends and family when they see me elbow-deep in computer components. It's all Greek to them. They have no desire at all to follow me in building boxes. Most of the time they actively avoid that level of complexity, and are willing to pay extra to do so.

Microsoft and Sony are both aware of the pressure being placed on them by the circumstances around them. That's why they opted to go for lower-power boxes with a focus on affordable design over raw processing. That's why neither of them sold their consoles for a loss at launch. They are thinking about the competition the console industry is seeing from tablets and handheld devices and scaled back accordingly. Subsidized consoles are a losing proposition in the current marketplace.

Both companies sold their hardware for a modest profit, and both sold in excess of 3 million units in about a month. Their shareholders are going to be very happy, which will give them more breathing room going into 2014. The strong sales are also going to make developers a lot more comfortable, as they are going to be assured of a decent install base for their next-gen projects and ports.

After the Last Gears of War im surprised people are actually excited for another one.
Well, it's still 3 out of 4 games that were great, and the next one will be from a different developer than Judgment. So it's understandable that fans would be excited and hoping for the best the next go around.

[quote name="Erad30" post="11477144" timestamp="1390843887"]Oh you know, unreliable places like Bloomberg and I've posted various other articles backing this in the past, basically with Balmer gone it's very possible the division will be sold off or even dumped. Hell one of their possible CEO candidates outright said he would sell off the Xbox division[/quote]
And he's no longer in the running. His comment is actually what spurred a lot of the articles on the possibility but people actually higher up have said it isn't going anywhere.
I thought Gears was already exclusive to MS. The more you know, I guess. Im looking foward to seeing what they do with the franchise on the X1.

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Console is also $480 as part of a eBay Sponsored daily deal:

Looks like free shipping too. Good deal for anyone who has eBay bucks
And I bit.. no tax, so beats a price match at Best Buy - and put about $10 in eBay bucks in my pocket to boot. I have a feeling it'll be a bit of a paperweight until Titanfall lands, though.

Maybe a good time to fire up Gamefly for a month...

And I bit.. no tax, so beats a price match at Best Buy - and put about $10 in eBay bucks in my pocket to boot. I have a feeling it'll be a bit of a paperweight until Titanfall lands, though.

Maybe a good time to fire up Gamefly for a month...

bread's done