Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

playing games five days early is enough for me might sound odd but i loved it with ea sports season ticket now it's wo days more then the old 3 day trial. i got beta invite already paid the 30 bucks for the 12 months now im only 3 weeks away from madden not 4 :D

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The Dashboard Preview users *do* get early access to EA Access.  But we still have to pay for the subscription to use it.

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The Dashboard Preview users *do* get early access to EA Access. But we still have to pay for the subscription to use it.
All I see is EA, being EA. It's very sad to see a company founded on such idealistic principles strangling to death slowly on its own greed. But I suppose that's just part of pleasing the shareholders. They're going to wring every cent they can out of those exclusive sports contracts.

All I see is EA, being EA. It's very sad to see a company founded on such idealistic principles strangling to death slowly on its own greed. But I suppose that's just part of pleasing the shareholders. They're going to wring every cent they can out of those exclusive sports contracts.
Ea has been doing this for years with ea sports ticket and us sports fan loved it and this is even better. 30 bucks year you get free games and games five days before release for a trial right now it's sports im sure later it will be other ea games . Don't forget the game discount

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only down fall i see with this is how large games are bf4 is 32 gb download which will good chance take me at least 4 hours to download even on my 50 mbps speed. 

Ea has been doing this for years with ea sports ticket and us sports fan loved it and this is even better. 30 bucks year you get free games and games five days before release for a trial right now it's sports im sure later it will be other ea games . Don't forget the game discount
US sports fans are sheep. And not particularly bright sheep at that. They are morons in comparison to a species known for its idiocy.

$30 bucks a year gets you free access to last year's sports games. We all know how much those are worth by the time the next lot comes around. And the "discount" is going to be along the lines of 10% off of retail. And it's going to be on the digital copies of the games, so after you've collected your 10% discount you won't be able to trade your sports game into GameStop before it is worth less than the box it came in.

This entire deal is EA giving away games they were having trouble shifting in the first place, and weaning people off of the GameStop sales model and onto digital distribution.

Now, I'm all aboard for taking GameStop down a peg. No problems there. But this EA Access thing is way better for EA than it is for their consumers. And they're focusing on game franchises that are woefully out of date and out of touch to begin with. This is a temporary fix on EA's part, and one clearly focused more on shifting profits away from GameStop than actually providing the customers with value.

plz explain how ea sports games don't sell well. madden is still a VERY success selling game and nhl and fifa are HUGE so before you bash those franchise plz read up on sale numbers. plz don't bash people that enjoy sports games just because you hate them even more so on a site that has a pretty big madden league every season.

also how is bf4 and peggle 2 last year sports game. Just look at value right now if you would buy all those games it would be well over 100 bucks.

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plz explain how ea sports games don't sell well. madden is still a VERY success selling game and nhl and fifa are HUGE so before you bash those franchise plz read up on sale numbers. plz don't bash people that enjoy sports games just because you hate them even more so on a site that has a pretty big madden league every season.
I never said they don't sell. I said that they don't hold any value for more than a year. As soon as the next iteration of the sports franchise comes out, all copies of the previous year's iteration go straight in the bargain bin. If you wait that long to trade your copy in at GameStop, the trade-in value plummets from it's already lackluster level. Officially licensed sports titles have no legs. They are churned out annually and disposed of at the same pace.

And this entire structure is idiotic and counter-intuitive in this day and age. If EA wasn't such a dinosaur of a company, they would have revised this model years ago. Professional sports don't change enough year-to-year to warrant a new game every year. All that changes are the players and numbers. Instead of cranking out new iterations, they should make one game, and be constantly updating the players and statistics in that game.

All of these sports franchises should have been switched over to a digital-only model long ago. If EA was even partially competent, they would have done this and could have been making money hand over fist with various forms of optional on-line monetization. They could have even gotten away with subscription models, no problem. But they didn't have the stones or the imagination to go where other companies have already tread.

And now they throw out an initiative like this one, that is a half-hearted attempt to screw GameStop, while screwing their customers a little in the process. A few of the slack-jawed sports fans who pony up for every iteration of EA sports games will go along. Anyone with an ounce of sense will see this for the pitiful effort it is and stay away. And less than two years from now EA will drop this plan in favor of another ill-conceived scheme. Rinse and repeat.

There are any number of ways that EA could have handled this in a way that would have garnered them fat stacks of cash while also providing tons of value and utility to their consumers. But this simply isn't one of them. Just... just pitiful.

well to be fair ea got smart and put in roster downloads in most of their games now. So if people wanted to keep madden 25 they could by just downloaded updated rosters.

Then why is Madden 26 still going to happen? It doesn't need to, but it will still happen. And even with the option you describe, all of the sports fans will migrate to 26 anyway, because that's where their friends are going to be playing.

They could have gone digital. Hell, they could have gone free-to-play. And yet we're all forced to endure the same tired churn. If Valve had these sports licenses, these games would be digital and free-to-play already, and we'd all be buying funny hats for our sports celebrities. If Blizzard had those licenses, the games would be extremely polished and stable, with finely-tuned gameplay balance. They would probably be charging you $10 a month, but the features and matchmaking would be top-notch.

Instead we're all stuck with EA, who just keep blundering their way through the video game industry. Every time something interesting manages to sneak out of EA, they turn around and botch it. Now they're taking an idea that Microsoft was already toying with and they're going to botch that too.

Or maybe I'm just still bitter from Dead Space 3...

why are you bashing ea so hard over this. call of duty/ nba 2k. every major game franchise that is 3rd party has a game every year welcome to the gaming world this day and age.

Richard are you sitting on fluffy cushions when you type this stuff? It would appear from a distance that you are suffering from severe ass pains.

And here's the reason why EA still makes sports games yearly......they sell....extremely well. If they went to an online only structure or a bi-annual release schedule there is NO WAY they would make the same or more money than they do now. Until they can make more money by doing a subscription service or making them F2P they won't do it, this is really pretty simple stuff.
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I told to a few gamestop employees and it doesn't appear that GS is embracing this program as sports titles seem to be very profitable (i.e. many get trading in for next to nothing a month or two after release and still get resold for $40+). If people really do flock to this program (I have doubts that there will be any sort of significant attachment rate) it could hurt GS's bottom line since there would be less trades coming in.

I told to a few gamestop employees and it doesn't appear that GS is embracing this program as sports titles seem to be very profitable (i.e. many get trading in for next to nothing a month or two after release and still get resold for $40+). If people really do flock to this program (I have doubts that there will be any sort of significant attachment rate) it could hurt GS's bottom line since there would be less trades coming in.
you do know gamestop is partner with ea on this right? they are seeling the memberships for it lol

Also stop acting like it's sports games only. Last i check you get bf4 for free with it and lets be honest what was the last good ea game out other then sports games for this new gen.

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you do know gamestop is partner with ea on this right? they are seeling the memberships for it lol

Also stop acting like it's sports games only. Last i check you get bf4 for free with it and lets be honest what was the last good ea game out other then sports games for this new gen.
While I don't doubt GS will sell the memberships (link please) how does that make them partners?

BF4 on current gen is fixed, hands down EA's best game. That's a good deal for BF4. I've played more PvZ: GW than I did Titanfall, if they bring that into the program that's another good game to get in on.

For the sports titles I think it's a good way to try out the new game with it acting more than just a demo, which seemed to be missing with Xbox One's initial release.
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Titanfall is one of my favorite multiplayer shooters to date.  If it wasn't for the not-so-great campaign mode, it'd probably be up there for favorite shooter.

I also appreciate the fact that they are still releasing feature updates on it.  Much like the Xbox One, they're doing them fairly often with significant additions.

All in all, I don't know if I play EA game enough for me to want the pass.  The only sports game I really play is UFC, but it'll be worthwhile to keep an eye on it to see what comes around.

Sorry should have said in my opinion it sucks. It felt to much like cod and I have PC and played hawkin for long time so mech fighting is old for me.
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eA Access subscriptions will also be sold in physical stores, including GameStop, as well as online retailers like Amazon.
Let me break this down for you, Timbo.

You get a 10% discount on games thanks to this EA Access program. So you are spending $30, in order to get 10% off of digital games. When EA sends those cards to GameStop, they don't just give them to GameStop for free. A large chunk of the profit from selling those cards goes to EA. GameStop only gets some of the markup from those. That's not a partnership. That's just normal retail sales.

When you spend those $30 to get your 10% discount and outdated games (games that only run on one platform, I might add) there's only one way to offset the cost of the subscription you just payed for. And that's to buy EA games digitally. How much do you pay for EA's latest and greatest after that discount has been subtracted? $54. 10% of $60 is $6, subtracted from $60 = $54. So you are saving $6 on every full-price game you buy from EA digitally.

How many EA games do you have to purchase to break-even? 5. You have to purchase 5 EA games digitally, at full MSRP, in order to equal the amount that you spent on your $30 annual subscription. And you have to do that every year. What is your grand total? $270 for the games, and another $30 for the subscription. Congratulations, you just spent $300 on EA games in one year. How much of that money does GameStop see? Probably no more than $15. How much did they used to see? Quite possibly more than 50% of it.

This entire thing is a scheme to benefit EA, and no one else.

I'm not buying it to get 10 percent off I'm buying it for the games you get and play games early now I'm done talking to you seeing you never understand anything
I don't buy digital games for years now I paid 25 bucks for season ticket just to get games 3 days early and in game discount so you are fighting with incorrect person.
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Sorry should have said in my opinion it sucks. It felt to much like cod and I have PC and played hawkin for long time so mech fighting is old for me.
I guess I think of it differently as I played maybe 10 rounds of online Ghosts and got so bored while I'm at 750 on Titanfall. I think it's the perfect combination in-between of Halo and COD. I love it.
Let me break this down for you, Timbo.

This entire thing is a scheme to benefit EA, and no one else.
It benefits consumers who want access to the games offered on the service and don't already own them. That is the primary selling point of the service, with the early access to demos and discounts on digital purchases being secondary benefits.

No, the service isn't for everybody. But it's not some magical mystery puzzle to see why *some* users would enjoy the service. Not sure what psychological trigger this is hitting for you, but you're being super unreasonable about it.

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Well us madden players do silly things
Yes, you do. And by doing so you are directly responsible for holding your own favored genre of games back. People like you, who blindly purchase anything and everything with the NFL logo on it, are enabling EA to keep beating the same dead horse, and make stupid amounts of money doing it. You never demand more, so they never have to deliver more, and the sports-game genre stagnates.

You only have yourself to blame for the pitiful state of your own favored experience. But then, you seem content to wallow in this mediocrity, so what's the harm, right? EA never has to give up the licenses they have a stranglehold on as long as you are content rooting around in the filth they keep dumping on you. Belly up to the slop trough, the next Madden is right around the corner.

Yes, you do. And by doing so you are directly responsible for holding your own favored genre of games back. People like you, who blindly purchase anything and everything with the NFL logo on it, are enabling EA to keep beating the same dead horse, and make stupid amounts of money doing it. You never demand more, so they never have to deliver more, and the sports-game genre stagnates.

You only have yourself to blame for the pitiful state of your own favored experience. But then, you seem content to wallow in this mediocrity, so what's the harm, right? EA never has to give up the licenses they have a stranglehold on as long as you are content rooting around in the filth they keep dumping on you. Belly up to the slop trough, the next Madden is right around the corner.
enough of the personal attacks dude ENOUGH!!!!! i don't bash you the games you buy do i? i love and bleed nfl football so just shut up. i enjoy madden and if you don't i don't care plz don't bash me how I spend my money.

why don't you bash mlb the show for being only baseball game now? Lets bash activision for making same cod year in year out. Look at the gaming world every major triple A company is doing what EA does for games like madden.

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Did the president of EA personally wrong you or something?  That's the only thing I can come up with for your blind hatred towards this program Richard Kain.  I love to hate on EA as much as the next guy for the many legitimate reasons but you have to be completely blind to not see the value in this service for plenty of people.  It's not for you, cool, don't buy it.  Tons of people will.

I'm not even going to waste my time right now with l this foolishness about why this is supposedly some sort of rip-off. I just wanted to say that- putting his personal opinions on sports games aside- Richard Kain clearly just doesn't understand the economics of professional sports licensing.
why don't you bash mlb the show for being only baseball game now? Lets bash activision for making same cod year in year out. Look at the gaming world every major triple A company is doing what EA does for games like madden.
I do bash those other companies, regularly. But even they aren't boning things over as badly as EA is. Activision is at least savvy enough to keep handing Call of Duty off to different studios. So at least there is some variety in that franchise.

As an NFL fan, you DON'T HAVE ANY CHOICE when it comes to officially-licensed games. It's Madden or nothing, year in and year out. What confuses me is why this doesn't seem to upset you. It should, it really should! Instead you are willing to just blithely step in line and get next year's helping, as though nothing at all is wrong.

If you're willing to keep marching in line to the tune EA keeps playing for you, that's your decision. The alternative is to stop buying NFL games every year. If EA suffered a year or two of lackluster sales, the NFL would take their license back and bid it out to other developers. But because you aren't willing to do that, the cycle continues. You bleed NFL football, but guess who's cutting you? It's not me. I'm just holding up the mirror.

Don't be surprised if not everyone else is as willing to join you. You know how I spent $30 a few months ago? I used it to buy every Madden game released for the 360 for the past seven years. Seven games, all for less than $30, total. And the only reason I bought them all was because I didn't know which version was best, and at that price, why not? That's the dross that EA keeps shoveling out. I don't particularly mind benefiting from your bizarre purchasing habits, but you should mind.

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we no longer have choice in baseball game either so what's your point? so if i do enjoy madden games which i do have since the 90's i should not buy them so we get another company to make game? 

i can tell you don't follow madden/nfl much. If you did you would know before ea signed this renew a year or so ago nfl DID shop the license around but in the end EA once again gave the most money for it. Look at backbreaker that game was awful in my mind. People say oh well let 2k make football again. How do we know if that nfl game would be any good seeing most nfl guys now work on the nba 2k game and good chance would hire new people for the game. I get excited for nfl and madden season every year and that will never change even if another game came out i would still buy madden.

With cod sledge hammer is really first new main studio to ever work on cod since treyarch started. 

I get excited for nfl and madden season every year and that will never change even if another game came out i would still buy madden.
Once again, you are the problem. As long as that attitude persists, no progress will be made.

Your entire argument boils down to, "everything is good enough the way it is." You're afraid of change. You automatically assume that anything deviating from the status quo will be bad. You are the problem.

In this industry, change and chaos translate into opportunity. And there is always someone willing to reach for that opportunity. Virtual monopolies like the one EA holds over sports franchises are only good for whoever controls them. Enjoy paying way too much for lackluster goods. I'll be over here, cataloging the history of your folly for pennies on the dollar. I can acquire decades worth of sports games for less than you're going to be spending on a single entry next month.

we no longer have choice in baseball game either so what's your point? so if i do enjoy madden games which i do have since the 90's i should not buy them so we get another company to make game?

i can tell you don't follow madden/nfl much. If you did you would know before ea signed this renew a year or so ago nfl DID shop the license around but in the end EA once again gave the most money for it. Look at backbreaker that game was awful in my mind. People say oh well let 2k make football again. How do we know if that nfl game would be any good seeing most nfl guys now work on the nba 2k game and good chance would hire new people for the game. I get excited for nfl and madden season every year and that will never change even if another game came out i would still buy madden.

With cod sledge hammer is really first new main studio to ever work on cod since treyarch started.
This has moved away from the EA access stuff, but you are wrong. NFL 2k5 is still one of the best football games ever. $19 for the most feature laden football game that has stuff Madden has still not been able to recreate?! That was one of the first year Madden saw a decline in sales so they went out the next year and threw as much money at the NFL to make sure it didn't happen again.

We are consumers and when companies sign exclusivity deals it helps no one! Also, it isn't that we have no choice in baseball, Sony did not sign an exclusive deal to make baseball, everyone else just stopped making them because they couldn't do it. NFL is on a whole new level because of the popularity. If EA didn't have the exclusive rights I guarantee at least two other companies would make NFL games. That competition would benefit every gamer, as of now it doesn't benefit anyone except EA and your blind love affair is clear. I love Madden and enjoy the game, but that is only because it is my only choice.

As for Call of Duty and why that is not even apart of this argument, EA does not have the exclusive rights to military shooters. They have to put out the best they can because they have competition with the likes of Battlefield, and other first person shooters. They also have three different studios working on Call of Duty so we are getting new takes each year. Madden continues to go through a cycle, New system, stripped down madden, they slowly build up the features, then new gen, strip down again and recycle old features as "new". If EA had competition with Football, it would be completely different and actually benefit us even more.

Sure everyone wants choice, but it's like Madden wasn't already the de facto football franchise.
See NFL 2k5 and the reason EA wanted the exclusive deal. Publisher puts out the best football game ever and only charges $20 new!!!! EA got scared and started throwing money!

bread's done