Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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I'm not sure how anyone can justify buying the One at this point. You are figuratively bending over and let MS have their way with your rights and your wallet. And over what? Halo and Gears of War? I just can't understand supporting someone who is trouncing all over your rights as a consumer.
This times 1000! I pretty much try to buy American products. I just try to be supportive of my own country. (nothing against other country products- they are quality) This is why I just have a 360. It would take a lot to make me buy a playstation. Well it has happened These new M$ policies will not affect the way I game. The problem is they are telling me how to game by taking away my ownership-- unacceptable Anyone buying a X1 is giving away your rights as a consumer. Fanboy or not I do understand how anyone can justify that

I'm not sure how anyone can justify buying the One at this point. You are figuratively bending over and let MS have their way with your rights and your wallet. And over what? Halo and Gears of War? I just can't understand supporting someone who is trouncing all over your rights as a consumer.
This times 1000! I pretty much try to buy American products. I just try to be supportive of my own country. (nothing against other country products- they are quality) This is why I just have a 360. It would take a lot to make me buy a playstation. Well it has happened These new M$ policies will not affect the way I game. The problem is they are telling me how to game by taking away my ownership-- unacceptable Anyone buying a X1 is giving away your rights as a consumer. Fanboy or not I do understand how anyone can justify that
Thank you. :applause:

The other shoe dropped for Sony. Tretton admitted afterwords that third parties will control their DRM on the console.

Total corporate scumbag move to present it like they did and then clarify after, so it was pretty brilliant. They had their press conference moment that everyone will remember, and then sneak this clarification in later.

It's not like a company is going to restrict on one or not the other, so it looks like we're stuck with this bullshit either way.

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I have both preordered.
Im leaning towards ps4, but if xbox changes their stance on used games, ill buy that in a heartbeat.

Its just that ive invested so much towards the 360, and it feels strange not to buy another xbox console.

Though i do have a vita.. So the ps4 will complement that in some way.
The other shoe dropped for Sony. Tretton admitted afterwords that third parties will control their DRM on the console.

Total corporate scumbag move to present it like they did and then clarify after, so it was pretty brilliant. They had their press conference moment that everyone will remember, and then sneak this clarification in later.

It's not like a company is going to restrict on one or not the other, so it looks like we're stuck with this bullshit either way.
This is just the exact same policy as PS3. Nothing has changed.

Only 1 disc based game in the PS3's entire library had region locking.

And only Capcom were idiots and put online only DRM on about 3 of their PSN titles.

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I'm leaning towards the PS4 first this time around, but the whole Xbox One "family account" with up to 10 members might actually end up being a better deal for me.

People seem to either not be getting this message or glossing over it-Plus works pretty much the same as gold-One membership covers all accounts linked to that membership
The other shoe dropped for Sony. Tretton admitted afterwords that third parties will control their DRM on the console.

Total corporate scumbag move to present it like they did and then clarify after, so it was pretty brilliant. They had their press conference moment that everyone will remember, and then sneak this clarification in later.

It's not like a company is going to restrict on one or not the other, so it looks like we're stuck with this bullshit either way.

For some reason I can faintly hear "I wanna take you for a ride" from Marvel vs. Capcom......;)

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The other shoe dropped for Sony. Tretton admitted afterwords that third parties will control their DRM on the console.

Total corporate scumbag move to present it like they did and then clarify after, so it was pretty brilliant. They had their press conference moment that everyone will remember, and then sneak this clarification in later.

It's not like a company is going to restrict on one or not the other, so it looks like we're stuck with this bullshit either way.
This is just the exact same policy as PS3. Nothing has changed.

Only 1 disc based game in the PS3's entire library had region locking.

And only Capcom were idiots and put online only DRM on about 3 of their PSN titles.
Right, but the online sites are turning this quote around and blasting it out to everyone. You'll notice he stated that Sony would not "implement" the DRM for the third parties either. That means status quo.

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It was already posted as well.

I posted it in the other thread genius. This just went up about 10 mins ago on their site.

You just want to troll. This is a step back from last nights NO DRM statement!
The other shoe dropped for Sony. Tretton admitted afterwords that third parties will control their DRM on the console.

Total corporate scumbag move to present it like they did and then clarify after, so it was pretty brilliant. They had their press conference moment that everyone will remember, and then sneak this clarification in later.

It's not like a company is going to restrict on one or not the other, so it looks like we're stuck with this bullshit either way.
that sucks. Oh well I am going to assume that they are going to go with a similar model as current gen with some form of online pass. Some companies will try locking games, word will get out and their numbers will plummet.

As I said in the PS4 thread, the key difference is MS is forcing their 24 hour check in DRM on ALL titles on Xbone (unless they change their tune).

Leaving it up to the publisher is just reality on every platform as a console maker can't stop them from doing online passes, or making games be online to work etc. as that's the way it has been all this generation.

Hopefully most devs won't choose to do any of that crap on PS4 or Wii U, wheresa on Xbone it's built into the system.  And with it being publisher optional, easy enough to just boycott games that choose to use some type of DRM, and vote with our wallets by only buying DRM free games.

Maybe MS will change their tune and let games work entirely offline unless the publisher chooses otherwise after all this blowback.  But I'd guess that's doubtful as they were getting a crap storm over it leading up to E3 and didn't change their tune at all.

I posted this inthe Xbox preorder thread, but it got deleted for being OT, I guess. Is there any reason why Microsoft couldn't do away with the DRM policy given enough of an outcry? Someone responded to me and said that they couldn't because the system was designed to be always online, but it seems to me that if you can game for 24 hours without checking in, you could do it indefinitely.

This is my biggest qualm about the XB1. I can stand the used game stuff since I generally buy new, but the idea that I couldn't boot up the system in 10 or more years (like I like to do occasionally) and play my old games is a deal breaker.

The other shoe dropped for Sony. Tretton admitted afterwords that third parties will control their DRM on the console.

Total corporate scumbag move to present it like they did and then clarify after, so it was pretty brilliant. They had their press conference moment that everyone will remember, and then sneak this clarification in later.

It's not like a company is going to restrict on one or not the other, so it looks like we're stuck with this bullshit either way.

Exactly and the PS4 folks will say this is the same as current gen but its not. Sony lied last night...and they are going to get away with it.
The other shoe dropped for Sony. Tretton admitted afterwords that third parties will control their DRM on the console.

Total corporate scumbag move to present it like they did and then clarify after, so it was pretty brilliant. They had their press conference moment that everyone will remember, and then sneak this clarification in later.

It's not like a company is going to restrict on one or not the other, so it looks like we're stuck with this bullshit either way.
Exactly and the PS4 folks will say this is the same as current gen but its not. Sony lied last night...and they are going to get away with it.

The president of PS Worldwide Studios tweeted that the DRM for PS4 is the same as PS3.

The other shoe dropped for Sony. Tretton admitted afterwords that third parties will control their DRM on the console.

Total corporate scumbag move to present it like they did and then clarify after, so it was pretty brilliant. They had their press conference moment that everyone will remember, and then sneak this clarification in later.

It's not like a company is going to restrict on one or not the other, so it looks like we're stuck with this bullshit either way.
Exactly and the PS4 folks will say this is the same as current gen but its not. Sony lied last night...and they are going to get away with it.

The president of PS Worldwide Studios tweeted that the DRM for PS4 is the same as PS3.
I just assume he was trolling. He had to be. Nobody could really think the XBox One and the PS4 have the same DRM.

The other shoe dropped for Sony. Tretton admitted afterwords that third parties will control their DRM on the console.

Total corporate scumbag move to present it like they did and then clarify after, so it was pretty brilliant. They had their press conference moment that everyone will remember, and then sneak this clarification in later.

It's not like a company is going to restrict on one or not the other, so it looks like we're stuck with this bullshit either way.
Exactly and the PS4 folks will say this is the same as current gen but its not. Sony lied last night...and they are going to get away with it.

The president of PS Worldwide Studios tweeted that the DRM for PS4 is the same as PS3.
I just assume he was trolling. He had to be. Nobody could really think the XBox One and the PS4 have the same DRM.
Only those desperate enough to troll as hard as he is. I don't think you can get any more cut and dry than what has been said. "It's the same as PS3".

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The other shoe dropped for Sony. Tretton admitted afterwords that third parties will control their DRM on the console.
Total corporate scumbag move to present it like they did and then clarify after, so it was pretty brilliant. They had their press conference moment that everyone will remember, and then sneak this clarification in later.
It's not like a company is going to restrict on one or not the other, so it looks like we're stuck with this bullshit either way.
Exactly and the PS4 folks will say this is the same as current gen but its not. Sony lied last night...and they are going to get away with it.
The president of PS Worldwide Studios tweeted that the DRM for PS4 is the same as PS3.
I just assume he was trolling. He had to be. Nobody could really think the XBox One and the PS4 have the same DRM.
Only those desperate enough to troll as hard as he is. I don't think you can get any more cut and dry than what has been said. "It's the same as PS3".
Wonder if EA will bring back online passes?
And here come's Sony's comments about the Tretton's interview.

According to Dan Race, senior director, corporate communications for Sony, Tretton’s statements were “referring specifically to playing used games online”

“The Online Pass program for PlayStation first-party games will not continue on PlayStation 4,” he said. “Similar to PS3, we will not dictate the online used game strategy (the ability to play used games online) of its publishing partners. As announced last night, PS4 will not have any gating restrictions for used disc-based games.

“When a gamer buys a PS4 disc they have right to use that copy of the game, so they can trade-in the game at retail, sell it to another person, lend it to a friend, or keep it forever.”
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And here come's Sony's comments about the Tretton's interview.

According to Dan Race, senior director, corporate communications for Sony, Tretton’s statements were “referring specifically to playing used games online”

“The Online Pass program for PlayStation first-party games will not continue on PlayStation 4,” he said. “Similar to PS3, we will not dictate the online used game strategy (the ability to play used games online) of its publishing partners. As announced last night, PS4 will not have any gating restrictions for used disc-based games.

“When a gamer buys a PS4 disc they have right to use that copy of the game, so they can trade-in the game at retail, sell it to another person, lend it to a friend, or keep it forever.”
Awesome. So just the same as now. They can't stop publishers from doing online passes if they so choose.

I have no problems with that as I don't buy used and haven't had problems selling games that have online passes this gen.
Yeah, this worried me a little. But the clarification is great. Anyone saying "Sony lied" last night is just flexing their fanboy muscle. Maybe they didn't expressly say that things like online passes would still be possible...but to an extent, that has to be common sense. It was done mid-life cycle on the 360/PS3 and had nothing to do with Sony/Microsoft themselves. If EA/Activision/Ubisoft/Capcom/etc. think the key to profits is micro-transactioning the hell out of us, that's their choice. And like they did this past generations, consumers will vote with their wallets. That's all I wanted. An option for some control on my end.

I posted this inthe Xbox preorder thread, but it got deleted for being OT, I guess. Is there any reason why Microsoft couldn't do away with the DRM policy given enough of an outcry? Someone responded to me and said that they couldn't because the system was designed to be always online, but it seems to me that if you can game for 24 hours without checking in, you could do it indefinitely.

This is my biggest qualm about the XB1. I can stand the used game stuff since I generally buy new, but the idea that I couldn't boot up the system in 10 or more years (like I like to do occasionally) and play my old games is a deal breaker.
Do you honestly think that disabling the 24 hour check 10 years down the road woudnt be as simple as a checkmark box? Honestly?

The system is designed to be online 24/7, mostly because the games are designed that way. Count the E3 titles. How many *arent* in a online persistent world? Very few that anyone cares about.

This is nothing more then Simcity "always online". We all know the Xbox One can play without it, but its a piracy mechanic in place.

The other shoe dropped for Sony. Tretton admitted afterwords that third parties will control their DRM on the console.

Total corporate scumbag move to present it like they did and then clarify after, so it was pretty brilliant. They had their press conference moment that everyone will remember, and then sneak this clarification in later.

It's not like a company is going to restrict on one or not the other, so it looks like we're stuck with this bullshit either way.
Exactly and the PS4 folks will say this is the same as current gen but its not. Sony lied last night...and they are going to get away with it.

I think we found the new Timboslice...


Come on now

I'm not nuts. I'm just looking for objective reasoning in an online forum which probably does make me sound nutty.

I don't know which to pick. I do know that a decision doesn't ultimately need to be made until November and plenty of additional information can swing me and many others to either side of the fence between now and then.

That's all.
I'm not sure how anyone can justify buying the One at this point. You are figuratively bending over and let MS have their way with your rights and your wallet. And over what? Halo and Gears of War? I just can't understand supporting someone who is trouncing all over your rights as a consumer.
This times 1000! I pretty much try to buy American products. I just try to be supportive of my own country. (nothing against other country products- they are quality) This is why I just have a 360. It would take a lot to make me buy a playstation. Well it has happened These new M$ policies will not affect the way I game. The problem is they are telling me how to game by taking away my ownership-- unacceptable Anyone buying a X1 is giving away your rights as a consumer. Fanboy or not I do understand how anyone can justify that
For me if all things were completely equal then I would get a PS4. Why wouldn't you? For me personally, I hate hate hate the ps3/ps4 controller for shooters. I love the xbox controllers for shooters and all other game types. I've never enjoyed the playstation controller. I really only play The Show and God of War on my ps3. My x360 gets all my other time, including battlefield which is my favorite game. Also my best friend and fellow BF gamer is getting an X1 therefore I am getting an X1. Also Xbox Live is better in my opinion for a number of reasons

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For me if all things were completely equal then I would get a PS4. Why wouldn't you? For me personally, I hate hate hate the ps3/ps4 controller for shooters. I love the xbox controllers for shooters and all other game types. I've never enjoyed the playstation controller. I really only play The Show and God of War on my ps3. My x360 gets all my other time, including battlefield which is my favorite game. Also my best friend and fellow BF gamer is getting an X1 therefore I am getting an X1. Also Xbox Live is better in my opinion for a number of reasons
I've never cared much for the DS controller either, but I have been playing my PS3 a ton more lately and found that these snap on triggers and analog stick caps help a ton:

Only issue is some games have L1/R1 as the aim/shoot buttons and don't let you switch it. And I still prefer offset analog sticks to side by side. But those triggers/caps help a ton as making the triggers feel like real triggers and keeping from slipping off of them all the time, and the analog stick caps help with my thumbs not slipping off those too. Though the PS4 has different sticks that may not need them--looks like snap on triggers may still be needed/useful though.

out eating some lunch figured i would stop in and let people know about stuff i seen at e3 so far and got to Say quantum break is a amazing game and respwn new game is pretty cool. I was able to check out one ps4 game infamous ss was pretty great. I will say ps4 controller is pretty big now and feels great in the hands i kind of don't like the new x1 controller it's kind of flat and not so thick.

has news come out yet about sony allowing publishers to put limits on used gams for ps4 someone was talking about it while i was waiting in line for second son not sure if it was true or not

out eating some lunch figured i would stop in and let people know about stuff i seen at e3 so far and got to Say quantum break is a amazing game and respwn new game is pretty cool. I was able to check out one ps4 game infamous ss was pretty great. I will say ps4 controller is pretty big now and feels great in the hands i kind of don't like the new x1 controller it's kind of flat and not so thick.

has news come out yet about sony allowing publishers to put limits on used gams for ps4 someone was talking about it while i was waiting in line for second son not sure if it was true or not
No, they just said other publishers can put in online passes and the like into games if they so choose, but there isn't going to be any DRM built into the system whatsoever.

Also, Ninja, just to play devils advocate, PSN is being pretty thoroughly reworked, and the controller has been too (^Timbo likes it better :lol:). I guess you juust let your BF buddies make all your choices for you ;)

If you think you are voting by using your wallet you really are clueless. Both will sell no matter what. Will one do better? Yes but both will survive.
out eating some lunch figured i would stop in and let people know about stuff i seen at e3 so far and got to Say quantum break is a amazing game and respwn new game is pretty cool. I was able to check out one ps4 game infamous ss was pretty great. I will say ps4 controller is pretty big now and feels great in the hands i kind of don't like the new x1 controller it's kind of flat and not so thick.

has news come out yet about sony allowing publishers to put limits on used gams for ps4 someone was talking about it while i was waiting in line for second son not sure if it was true or not
No, they just said other publishers can put in online passes and the like into games if they so choose, but there isn't going to be any DRM built into the system whatsoever.

Also, Ninja, just to play devils advocate, PSN is being pretty thoroughly reworked, and the controller has been too (^Timbo likes it better :lol:). I guess you juust let your BF buddies make all your choices for you ;)
well that's good i really im leaning towards getting ps4 at launch and old out for price drop on x1 after playing both today. the x1 i was playing on today locked up half way into my demo no joke.

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If you think you are voting by using your wallet you really are clueless. Both will sell no matter what. Will one do better? Yes but both will survive.
The 3DS launch is actually a great example of this working. People refusing to buy it resulted in a price drop and several head Nintendo execs who were responsible for the lackluster launch giving themselves pay cuts. Yes it's still around, but it made Nintendo realize they needed to wake up, take a hint, and improve their product. I don't necessarily want to see the Xbox dead, I want to see them do right by their fans and consumers in general.

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If you think you are voting by using your wallet you really are clueless. Both will sell no matter what. Will one do better? Yes but both will survive.

The 3DS launch is actually a great example of this working. People refusing to buy it resulted in a price drop and several head Nintendo execs who were responsible for the lackluster launch giving themselves pay cuts. Yes it's still around, but it made Nintendo realize they needed to wake up, take a hint, and improve their product. I don't necessarily want to see the Xbox dead, I want to see them do right by their fans and consumers in general.

I agree with wanting them to do what most of us want and that it won't die. I guy earlier today in this thread said they are the next Sega...not going to happen.

Both companies are not doing well in general but Microsoft can survive a failed console better than Sony.
If you think you are voting by using your wallet you really are clueless. Both will sell no matter what. Will one do better? Yes but both will survive.
Voting with my wallet doesn't mean I think I'm going to drive MS out of business, or even get them to change their practices.

It's a principle thing. I don't like there business practices, so I don't shop there. I know Wal-mart is never going out of business, that doesn't mean I'm going to ignore how much I loathe the way they do business and start giving them my money.

And in some cases, it can lead to changes if enough people vote with their wallets. If developers see their non-DRM PS3 games selling better than their DRM'd Xbox One games, then they may re-think DRM being a wise move. Or if they have some games with Online passes on PS4 and some without and see that the latter sell better, lead to more DLC purchases (from people buying used and then buying map packs etc.) they may re-think there strategy.

But even if they don't, I have the satisfaction of not financially supporting business practices I oppose even if it makes no difference in the long run, and that's good enough for me.

out eating some lunch figured i would stop in and let people know about stuff i seen at e3 so far and got to Say quantum break is a amazing game and respwn new game is pretty cool. I was able to check out one ps4 game infamous ss was pretty great. I will say ps4 controller is pretty big now and feels great in the hands i kind of don't like the new x1 controller it's kind of flat and not so thick.

has news come out yet about sony allowing publishers to put limits on used gams for ps4 someone was talking about it while i was waiting in line for second son not sure if it was true or not
No, they just said other publishers can put in online passes and the like into games if they so choose, but there isn't going to be any DRM built into the system whatsoever.

Also, Ninja, just to play devils advocate, PSN is being pretty thoroughly reworked, and the controller has been too (^Timbo likes it better :lol:). I guess you juust let your BF buddies make all your choices for you ;)
well that's good i really im leaning towards getting ps4 at launch and old out for price drop on x1 after playing both today. the x1 i was playing on today locked up half way into my demo no joke.
Yeah what game were you playing? Assassin's Creed? lol (I was cringing when that happened at Sony's press event).

If you think you are voting by using your wallet you really are clueless. Both will sell no matter what. Will one do better? Yes but both will survive.
The 3DS launch is actually a great example of this working. People refusing to buy it resulted in a price drop and several head Nintendo execs who were responsible for the lackluster launch giving themselves pay cuts. Yes it's still around, but it made Nintendo realize they needed to wake up, take a hint, and improve their product. I don't necessarily want to see the Xbox dead, I want to see them do right by their fans and consumers in general.
I agree with wanting them to do what most of us want and that it won't die. I guy earlier today in this thread said they are the next Sega...not going to happen.

Both companies are not doing well in general but Microsoft can survive a failed console better than Sony.
Just out of curiosity, where did you get this bit of info from? Is there some analysis somewhere I can look up? Seriously.

And here come's Sony's comments about the Tretton's interview.

According to Dan Race, senior director, corporate communications for Sony, Tretton’s statements were “referring specifically to playing used games online”

“The Online Pass program for PlayStation first-party games will not continue on PlayStation 4,” he said. “Similar to PS3, we will not dictate the online used game strategy (the ability to play used games online) of its publishing partners. As announced last night, PS4 will not have any gating restrictions for used disc-based games.

“When a gamer buys a PS4 disc they have right to use that copy of the game, so they can trade-in the game at retail, sell it to another person, lend it to a friend, or keep it forever.”
Awesome. So just the same as now. They can't stop publishers from doing online passes if they so choose.

I have no problems with that as I don't buy used and haven't had problems selling games that have online passes this gen.
Yup. Going to best buy after dinner to reserve a ps4
out eating some lunch figured i would stop in and let people know about stuff i seen at e3 so far and got to Say quantum break is a amazing game and respwn new game is pretty cool. I was able to check out one ps4 game infamous ss was pretty great. I will say ps4 controller is pretty big now and feels great in the hands i kind of don't like the new x1 controller it's kind of flat and not so thick.

has news come out yet about sony allowing publishers to put limits on used gams for ps4 someone was talking about it while i was waiting in line for second son not sure if it was true or not
No, they just said other publishers can put in online passes and the like into games if they so choose, but there isn't going to be any DRM built into the system whatsoever.

Also, Ninja, just to play devils advocate, PSN is being pretty thoroughly reworked, and the controller has been too (^Timbo likes it better :lol:). I guess you juust let your BF buddies make all your choices for you ;)
PSN is just now getting cross game chat. The download times are always really bad and slow on psn. The whole thing is just clunky. So no change there for me. The controller still works off the base playstation controller. It has the two sticks right next to each other which I hate and it has a screen in the middle which I see no need for. Why wouldn't I let my friend have some decision over what Im getting? He's the person I game with the most so obviously if he's getting a different console that kind of kills that.

If you think you are voting by using your wallet you really are clueless. Both will sell no matter what. Will one do better? Yes but both will survive.
The 3DS launch is actually a great example of this working. People refusing to buy it resulted in a price drop and several head Nintendo execs who were responsible for the lackluster launch giving themselves pay cuts. Yes it's still around, but it made Nintendo realize they needed to wake up, take a hint, and improve their product. I don't necessarily want to see the Xbox dead, I want to see them do right by their fans and consumers in general.
I agree with wanting them to do what most of us want and that it won't die. I guy earlier today in this thread said they are the next Sega...not going to happen.

Both companies are not doing well in general but Microsoft can survive a failed console better than Sony.
Just out of curiosity, where did you get this bit of info from? Is there some analysis somewhere I can look up? Seriously.
Financial statements really show it all.

Also, Microsoft has a massive "warchest", just like Google and Apple. Basically free money (I think in 2012 it was 500+ billion or so per forbes) just in case they need it. In a nutshell, Microsoft could completely bomb Windows 8 (which they did) and completely bomb Xbox One (who knows) and still have more cash available then the majority of the world. Funny shit. They are also throwing 1 billion dollars at developers for exclusive titles.

Sony on the other hand has been operating "in the red" since uh.. 2009? I believe? Which isnt good. Recently cutting over 10,000 employee's worldwide, many of which worked in their entertainment division.

Forbes article from 2012:

Penny Arcade article about Sony/MS/Nintento:

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PSN is just now getting cross game chat. The download times are always really bad and slow on psn. The whole thing is just clunky. So no change there for me. The controller still works off the base playstation controller. It has the two sticks right next to each other which I hate and it has a screen in the middle which I see no need for. Why wouldn't I let my friend have some decision over what Im getting? He's the person I game with the most so obviously if he's getting a different console that kind of kills that.
He was saying PSN is getting redesigned for PS4, so it may improve. PS+ is required for online play with PS4, so hopefully that will bring in more money and help them put up more/better servers and improve the download speeds as they are terrible on PS3 compared to 360 for sure.

The other stuff I agree is perfectly reasonable considerations. Control matters (though there are always third party options), and what system your friends will be playing on is a huge consideration if you're a big online gamer.

Personally, I don't do a lot of MP these days, so I don't much care. I'd like to be on the same system as a couple of my friends for co-op stuff like Borderlands--but not enough to go with an X1 if they go that way. Would kind of like to play fewer games like that anyway as they're huge time sinks and I could play through a handful of single player titles in the time I dump into something like BL2 and get more variety and enjoyment out of my gaming time.

If you think you are voting by using your wallet you really are clueless. Both will sell no matter what. Will one do better? Yes but both will survive.
Voting with my wallet doesn't mean I think I'm going to drive MS out of business, or even get them to change their practices.

It's a principle thing. I don't like there business practices, so I don't shop there. I know Wal-mart is never going out of business, that doesn't mean I'm going to ignore how much I loathe the way they do business and start giving them my money.

And in some cases, it can lead to changes if enough people vote with their wallets. If developers see their non-DRM PS3 games selling better than their DRM'd Xbox One games, then they may re-think DRM being a wise move. Or if they have some games with Online passes on PS4 and some without and see that the latter sell better, lead to more DLC purchases (from people buying used and then buying map packs etc.) they may re-think there strategy.

But even if they don't, I have the satisfaction of not financially supporting business practices I oppose even if it makes no difference in the long run, and that's good enough for me.
The interesting scenario that this sets up is whether publishers would want to pull their games from PS4 because they're not being "protected" from used game sales. HOWEVER, if 75% of gamers own a PS4 instead of an XBone, then they would be crazy to not put their games on PS4. From a personal standpoint, I'm actually impressed with Sony standing up to publishers and essentially calling their bluff. As I've said before, I think blaming poor sales on used games is a copout. The majority of the time, it's terrible investments and trying to pedal off awful ideas on customers (THQ - Udraw tablet) that sends a publisher to its grave. THQ didn't go out of business because too many people were buying used copies of Saints Row.

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