Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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My whole problem with Xbox1's online requirements has to do with the future and not so much the now. What happens in 10 years when I go to play an old game on my Xbox1 and the service is no longer up? Do I own a brick that cannot play any of the games I purchased?

There is a lot I am not comfy with about the restrictions placed on the system. I understand the power that off-loading processing to the cloud brings a developer, especially when your talking about memory intensive things such as AI. As an adult with expendable income the extra 100$ is not an issue, even though I could care less for voice commands or any Kinect features. Used games is a big punch in my gut though since I have a lot of my collection second hand from CAG trades.

Luckily I am in a good spot, I have a large backlog of games for the current generation and can wait to see how this all pans out. One hurt if I go back to soley a playstation console is my GamerScore......being an achivement whore and loosing that would hurt....

Ashane is a bigger MS apologist than TimboSlice
Here we go again.

Is there any mature community out there that can actually have a discussion without turning this into a middle school brawl?

The internet disappoints me more and more. I like the console, it's drawbacks simply arent drawbacks to anyone who has been a PC gamer for their life, sorry, deal with it :/ I buy consoles for Games. The price makes absolutely no difference, not when my damn PC headset costs more then a PS3 or a Xbox 360. (Or a PS4 for that matter..) Right now, the Xbox One just has better looking exclusives. If FF15 and KH3 stayed PS4, then it would be a tough choice... I'd probably get both. But now? Nah.

You asked for links, I gave you links. Dont like when they were? It dosent matter. Dont like who they are from? Again, dosent matter. Provide links the PS4 is breaking preorder records. Oh wait, there are none? Damn sorry.

But your right. Xbox One will fail. Certainly. The internet trolls have spoken.
Its not the same as PC gaming. For one, you have a myriad of sources to buy games from, not just steam so there is competition. It won't be like that on the Xbox One. For the other, Steam and most services like it are a fairly open platform. Indie devs can publish their own games, set prices, release dates and sales. They won't be able to do that on an Xbox One period. MS will control every aspect like they already do on the 360. And you people defending MS say you will be able to trade games digitally. No one has said that is how it will work and if they haven't been able to do it on steam I doubt they'll be doing it on 360. It's a bad infrastructure and a terrible way to try and make us jump to the all digital age when only a small percentage of the world is truly ready for that. They haven't shown any benefits, they've been focusing on the negative because they are doing this in an extremely poor manner.

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when asda becomes as big was walmart, let me know.

i posted the blockbuster link as a joke because its fucking blockbuster. they are irrelevant. you dolt.

you linked to amazon and i linked a article specifly stating ps4 is ahead of them on amazon. i guess they broke the record xb1 just set then?
You dolt? Really?

Have fun insulting no one. I'll be moving on, enjoy your PS4 :)

Ashane is a bigger MS apologist than TimboSlice
Here we go again.

Is there any mature community out there that can actually have a discussion without turning this into a middle school brawl?

The internet disappoints me more and more. I like the console, it's drawbacks simply arent drawbacks to anyone who has been a PC gamer for their life, sorry, deal with it :/ I buy consoles for Games. The price makes absolutely no difference, not when my damn PC headset costs more then a PS3 or a Xbox 360. (Or a PS4 for that matter..) Right now, the Xbox One just has better looking exclusives. If FF15 and KH3 stayed PS4, then it would be a tough choice... I'd probably get both. But now? Nah.

You asked for links, I gave you links. Dont like when they were? It dosent matter. Dont like who they are from? Again, dosent matter. Provide links the PS4 is breaking preorder records. Oh wait, there are none? Damn sorry.

But your right. Xbox One will fail. Certainly. The internet trolls have spoken.
In your quote I noticed you say "I buy a console for games". My question is do you think M$ has your best intrest in mind? I know the xbox one is suppossed to be a gaming console meaning that the primary reason is to play games. IMHO M$ is doing the opposite, making it more difficult to play GAMES. Their RESTRICTIONS are smothering every way i use to play games Rent,Lent, Buy used. In the end its your choice

Ashane is a bigger MS apologist than TimboSlice
Here we go again.

Is there any mature community out there that can actually have a discussion without turning this into a middle school brawl?

The internet disappoints me more and more. I like the console, it's drawbacks simply arent drawbacks to anyone who has been a PC gamer for their life, sorry, deal with it :/ I buy consoles for Games. The price makes absolutely no difference, not when my damn PC headset costs more then a PS3 or a Xbox 360. (Or a PS4 for that matter..) Right now, the Xbox One just has better looking exclusives. If FF15 and KH3 stayed PS4, then it would be a tough choice... I'd probably get both. But now? Nah.

You asked for links, I gave you links. Dont like when they were? It dosent matter. Dont like who they are from? Again, dosent matter. Provide links the PS4 is breaking preorder records. Oh wait, there are none? Damn sorry.

But your right. Xbox One will fail. Certainly. The internet trolls have spoken.
In your quote I noticed you say "I buy a console for games". My question is do you think M$ has your best intrest in mind? I know the xbox one is suppossed to be a gaming console meaning that the primary reason is to play games. IMHO M$ is doing the opposite, making it more difficult to play GAMES. Their RESTRICTIONS are smothering every way i use to play games Rent,Lent, Buy used. In the end its your choice
it doesnt affect him. he doesnt care about anyone else.

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The price makes absolutely no difference, not when my damn PC headset costs more then a PS3 or a Xbox 360. (Or a PS4 for that matter..)
I'm pretty sure a guy who claims his HEADSET costs more than a PS4 is a little out of touch. You do know the name of this site isn't millionaire gamer right?

Why are people so up in arms against the people who want an X1 and have no problems with everything. Why do you give a shit?
Then why do you care? You've been claiming we are at best not endorsing progress towards the digital age and in some cases calling us stupid and crybabies for "not understanding" how the XBox One works and why its awesome.

if you embrace this type of technology, you really dont have the foresight to see how this wont bode well in the slightest?

monopolized price fixing and less options available to the consumer

complete loss of proprietary ownership subsequent to purchase

you are being dictated to in terms of ownership, price, and privacy

whats not to understand?

if the ps4 did this shit, theyd get dropped immediately.

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The price makes absolutely no difference, not when my damn PC headset costs more then a PS3 or a Xbox 360. (Or a PS4 for that matter..)
I'm pretty sure a guy who claims his HEADSET costs more than a PS4 is a little out of touch. You do know the name of this site isn't millionaire gamer right?
I'm just stating it from my point. I'm certainly not going to White Knight it and pretend its hard for me to afford a $50 game. I'm sure the guy driving a GTR down the road is really feeling bad for that guy in the pinto, right?

I came here specifically for the sales. Just because you have money dosent mean you should be a damn idiot and spend full price when you dont have too, right? ;)

Also, I'd be shocked if most people on this site didnt have PC peripherals that are close to the price of a PS3/Xbox 360. No one owns a G19? MMO7 or RAT9 Mouse? Logitech G930 or Astro A40/A50 headsets?

Ashane is a bigger MS apologist than TimboSlice
Here we go again.

Is there any mature community out there that can actually have a discussion without turning this into a middle school brawl?

The internet disappoints me more and more. I like the console, it's drawbacks simply arent drawbacks to anyone who has been a PC gamer for their life, sorry, deal with it :/ I buy consoles for Games. The price makes absolutely no difference, not when my damn PC headset costs more then a PS3 or a Xbox 360. (Or a PS4 for that matter..) Right now, the Xbox One just has better looking exclusives. If FF15 and KH3 stayed PS4, then it would be a tough choice... I'd probably get both. But now? Nah.

You asked for links, I gave you links. Dont like when they were? It dosent matter. Dont like who they are from? Again, dosent matter. Provide links the PS4 is breaking preorder records. Oh wait, there are none? Damn sorry.

But your right. Xbox One will fail. Certainly. The internet trolls have spoken.
In your quote I noticed you say "I buy a console for games". My question is do you think M$ has your best intrest in mind? I know the xbox one is suppossed to be a gaming console meaning that the primary reason is to play games. IMHO M$ is doing the opposite, making it more difficult to play GAMES. Their RESTRICTIONS are smothering every way i use to play games Rent,Lent, Buy used. In the end its your choice
I think people are acting like microsoft is doing this out of greed. Obviously they want publishers/developers making more money so that they stay in business and continue to make games. I've seen people post "oh microsoft lost me as a customer since I buy every game used"'re the exact reason they're doing this! How many people get to play one copy of a game thats being traded around, even though the developer only gets paid the first time. Plus microsoft doesn't get a % of any 'used game fees' that 3rd party publishers might do.

More money for developers = more games & more exclusives.

We're still CAGs though, so i'll give you a tip. Let's say you and a buddy are gonna buy BF4. Buy one copy, and then 'activate' it with your profile, but on his xbox. It will have two licenses...his xbox and your profile, so you can both play at your own houses at the same time, while splitting the cost of a game.

They could get more money now, There is no reason other than Gamestop's greed they can't get a cut under the current system. Hell I'm surprised Gamestop isn't doing that now as it would hep secure their future quite a bit. The way MS is doing it is a stopgap that will only prolong their doom for a tiny bit. And used games are an easy scapegoat for bloated budgets, ridiculous sales estimates and just plain bad management anyways.

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Ashane is a bigger MS apologist than TimboSlice
Here we go again.

Is there any mature community out there that can actually have a discussion without turning this into a middle school brawl?

The internet disappoints me more and more. I like the console, it's drawbacks simply arent drawbacks to anyone who has been a PC gamer for their life, sorry, deal with it :/ I buy consoles for Games. The price makes absolutely no difference, not when my damn PC headset costs more then a PS3 or a Xbox 360. (Or a PS4 for that matter..) Right now, the Xbox One just has better looking exclusives. If FF15 and KH3 stayed PS4, then it would be a tough choice... I'd probably get both. But now? Nah.

You asked for links, I gave you links. Dont like when they were? It dosent matter. Dont like who they are from? Again, dosent matter. Provide links the PS4 is breaking preorder records. Oh wait, there are none? Damn sorry.

But your right. Xbox One will fail. Certainly. The internet trolls have spoken.
In your quote I noticed you say "I buy a console for games". My question is do you think M$ has your best intrest in mind? I know the xbox one is suppossed to be a gaming console meaning that the primary reason is to play games. IMHO M$ is doing the opposite, making it more difficult to play GAMES. Their RESTRICTIONS are smothering every way i use to play games Rent,Lent, Buy used. In the end its your choice
I think people are acting like microsoft is doing this out of greed. Obviously they want publishers/developers making more money so that they stay in business and continue to make games. I've seen people post "oh microsoft lost me as a customer since I buy every game used"'re the exact reason they're doing this! How many people get to play one copy of a game thats being traded around, even though the developer only gets paid the first time. Plus microsoft doesn't get a % of any 'used game fees' that 3rd party publishers might do.

More money for developers = more games & more exclusives.

We're still CAGs though, so i'll give you a tip. Let's say you and a buddy are gonna buy BF4. Buy one copy, and then 'activate' it with your profile, but on his xbox. It will have two licenses...his xbox and your profile, so you can both play at your own houses at the same time, while splitting the cost of a game.
But can't you only play for 1 hour after that because you aren't on the console it was activated on.

well folks i can say after just watching 30 mins of watch dogs gameplay behind closed doors i can say that baby might be game of the year contender ubisoft has a real hit on thier hands thankfully a large group of people can play it next gen,this gen and pc. 

Picture trading in your games via a Impulse type app directly on your dashboard, and buying a used game directly on your dashboard as well. You simply coudnt do that on the PS4, but you could on a Xbox One, since the Disc is meaningless, its the key with the Disc that matters.
I'm pretty sure that won't be possible. I believe the trade-in policy is only for the disc games and only at participating retailers where you can take your disc in. Download games will be the same as this gen and PC where you buy them and can't sell or trade them. I'd be ok with it if download games cost a good bit less than disc based games, but I won't pay the same prices I'm paying for disc games now for a digital game I can't sell/trade at all, or a DRM locked game I can only get screwed in trade in values at participating retailers.

Now, if they were to change that I'd be interested in digital trade ins etc. But you have to realize that this is CAG. People here, myself included, don't want to "impulse" trade or buy things--be it digital games or disc. The site is dedicated to getting games as cheaply as possible, and that includes getting as much as possible from selling/trading games.

Personally I never trade or sell games, it's why my 360 collection sits at close to 200 games right now, and I'm always connected online anyways, and the few times my internet DOES go out completely it's for <4 hours anyways.

Honestly I don't see the big deal, I see games I like on it, I see Xbox Live which I've been a fan of since the first Xbox (which people cried about in 2002 because it was broadband only.)
Well, that's fine. It's not such a big deal for people like you who are collectors and keep games. It is for people like me who don't have collections at all, and just keep small backlogs (of one at all) as we sell/trade games as soon as beating them. I'm not into gaming enough to pay full price (even with sales etc.) for it as it's still more expensive than movies (especially with Netflix), reading and other hobbies I enjoy more. I can justify keeping gaming by getting games cheaper and selling them online to recoup some costs. With DRM and only being able to trade in a certain retailers that changes the equation since I'd get much less per game I sell than now.

But your right. Xbox One will fail. Certainly. The internet trolls have spoken.
There's no way it will fail--at least in the US. It may not win the sales race in the US this time, or by as wide a margin as with the 360, but it will sell well.

Worldwide is a different story. The 360 and PS3 are neck and neck in worldwide sales now, so the PS4 should win the world wide race this time. Not by some huge PS2 like margin, but they'll be back on top worldwide, and maybe in the US.

But all that's moot other than for fanboy console war nonsense as both well sell well and both will have plenty of great games for people who own them to enjoy.

My whole problem with Xbox1's online requirements has to do with the future and not so much the now. What happens in 10 years when I go to play an old game on my Xbox1 and the service is no longer up? Do I own a brick that cannot play any of the games I purchased?
That is the one thing the collectors should be concerned about. They're not affected by used game policies, but could have a useless collection at some future date if the authentication servers are taken off line and MS/publishers don't patch the games to keep working without 24 hour check ins.

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i will say it's great that seems like microsoft will be supporting 360 for years to come. i remember when 360 came out it was RIP for xbox right away in microsoft mind. It now makes since why they put out a new 360 that looks like xbox one and will be putting xbox one dashboard on the 360 also. I really think most major 3rd party games and some first party games will still be on 360 for many years which is great.

with that said im really really leaning towards a ps4 at launch for my next gen fix and keep 360 to play with most o my friends that are not buying next gen system right away.
Looking at the extended success of PS2, it was really a no-brainer.
Sorry for splitting post--it said I had hit the maximum number of block quotes allowed in the post above. Had to wait for another reply before I could post the rest (since new replies just get merged together to prevent double posts--which still hit the limit.)

it doesnt affect him. he doesnt care about anyone else.
And to be fair, no reason he should. We're talking about something as banal as video game consoles here. People shouldn't be concerned with more than what fits their needs and principles. If one isn't affected by this stuff, and doesn't mind the reduction in consumer rights, there's no reason they should care what others want and should just by the Xbox One if it has the games they want to play and enjoy it.

Why are people so up in arms against the people who want an X1 and have no problems with everything. Why do you give a shit?

The other hand of the above, is that the consumer rights issue is a real thing. While people who don't care about it shouldn't have any qualms buying an Xbox One, people who do care should be worried about how well it sales.

I don't want my consumer rights eroded, so I do dislike that so many are totally fine with it as it well sell fine and send a message that the market is ok "buying" games they don't really own and can't use how they want or sell/trade how the want (or at all eventually) etc.

That said, I'm not that up in arms in it as I'm not a hardcore/serious gamer anymore and if we get to only having DRM games at current (or higher prices) I have no problems walking away from gaming for good and just spending more time on hobbies I enjoy more and already spend more time on anyway. So I'm not going to attack people buying an Xbox One etc., just quietly shake my head a bit at how little some care about actually getting something tangible for the money they shell out.

Especially on a site dedicated to people who should be thrifty. Though to be fair, it seems the average CAG is terrible with money and just looking for deals to buy more stuff with money they shouldn't be spending on luxury items, and building huge backlogs of games they'll never play. But I digress.

Ashane all those news information is before the PS4 announcement, not relevant no more. Cheapy just reported on twitter last night that PS4 preorders from cags are 46% higher than for Xbox one.
How does Cheapy know which one I preordered since I never told anyone?
Ashane is a bigger MS apologist than TimboSlice
Here we go again.

Is there any mature community out there that can actually have a discussion without turning this into a middle school brawl?

The internet disappoints me more and more. I like the console, it's drawbacks simply arent drawbacks to anyone who has been a PC gamer for their life, sorry, deal with it :/ I buy consoles for Games. The price makes absolutely no difference, not when my damn PC headset costs more then a PS3 or a Xbox 360. (Or a PS4 for that matter..) Right now, the Xbox One just has better looking exclusives. If FF15 and KH3 stayed PS4, then it would be a tough choice... I'd probably get both. But now? Nah.

You asked for links, I gave you links. Dont like when they were? It dosent matter. Dont like who they are from? Again, dosent matter. Provide links the PS4 is breaking preorder records. Oh wait, there are none? Damn sorry.

But your right. Xbox One will fail. Certainly. The internet trolls have spoken.
the only sites claiming the xbone is breaking pre order is sales is Blockbuster and a supermarket chain. yeah, im sure those 2 are gonna really put it over the edge. if i listed a site saying the ps4 was breaking pre order sales and it was from some no name chain or a chain that people are surprised even still exists, it would be met with the same reaction.

oh wait here you go: ps4 met with the same reaction with pre orders. i guess they are tied at blockbuster. all 15 preorders a piece.

ill trust a site like amazon instead. which is saying more ps4s have been preordered.
To be fair, I think there are more PS4's available than Xbox Ones on Amazon (and overall). The Xbox One sold out faster on Amazon yet PS4's were selling more.
Ashane all those news information is before the PS4 announcement, not relevant no more. Cheapy just reported on twitter last night that PS4 preorders from cags are 46% higher than for Xbox one.
How does Cheapy know which one I preordered since I never told anyone?
Results from people using the CAG affiliate links though. So it obviously wouldn't be everyone who posts on CAG as many would jsut go straight to store sites and not use affiliate links.

Ashane all those news information is before the PS4 announcement, not relevant no more. Cheapy just reported on twitter last night that PS4 preorders from cags are 46% higher than for Xbox one.
How does Cheapy know which one I preordered since I never told anyone?
Results from people using the CAG affiliate links though. So it obviously wouldn't be everyone who posts on CAG as many would jsut go straight to store sites and not use affiliate links.
Got it.

I'm not really trying to defend Microsoft. I just like the system. Those who don't surely should not purchase it.

I honestly think when people have it in their hands, and understand how everything works a little more, some people will come around. Others won't.

I'm surprised no one ever got this loud about the fact you actually don't own music when you buy it digitally. But I guess since most people steal that it's ok. But that's really how we got here in the first place if you think about it.
I honestly think when people have it in their hands, and understand how everything works a little more, some people will come around. Others won't.

I'm surprised no one ever got this loud about the fact you actually don't own music when you buy it digitally. But I guess since most people steal that it's ok. But that's really how we got here in the first place if you think about it.
For me games are just unique as they have no replay value to me. I'm not into gaming enough to replay games, and thus have no interest in collecting them. So being able to sell them to both recoup costs and get rid of a disc/case I don't need or want without just chucking it in the trash/recycling is key.

Where as with movies and music I want to own my favorites as I re-listen to albums continuously. Some of my most played albums are one's I've owned for over 20 years. Same with movies.

Books fall in the middle I guess--I don't re-read much so I never bought a lot of books. But with getting a Kindle back in 2007 or 2008 I've read a ton more as I can just get ebooks that are cheap enough that I don't care about the DRM etc. as it's worth the entry price just to read the book once as most books I'm paying $1-7 for.

So in that vain, I could eventually get into fully digital games, but the prices would have to be a LOT cheaper. Like the Steam model or lower/more frequent sales and price drops for me to be ok paying to just play through a game once. And before someone mentions rentals, those will likely become moot down the road and I don't play enough games a year to make Gamefly worth it anyway. Redbox is an option if I have a couple solid days to put into getting through a game, but that's rare.

[quote name="mpaullin" post="10619059" timestamp="1371067935"][quote name="Blaster man" post="10618998" timestamp="1371066961"]
I couldn't believe it when they said this stuff now its in the news. Did someone actually script this?
I hate the media so much. Is this all you have to do now to be journalist? Just see how people on twitter react to stupid shit?[/quote]
I hate the media so much. Is this all you have to do now to be journalist? Just see how people on twitter react to stupid shit?
I hate the media so much. Is this all you have to do now to be journalist? Just see how people on twitter react to stupid shit?
You hate that people were offended by a rape joke? They shouldn't have made the joke. What's next, they talk about "legitimate rape" like that idiot politician?
ill trust a site like amazon instead. which is saying more ps4s have been preordered.
To be fair, I think there are more PS4's available than Xbox Ones on Amazon (and overall). The Xbox One sold out faster on Amazon yet PS4's were selling more.
Gamestop definitely has a larger allocation of PS4s than Xbones by about 2 to 1 based on anecdotal reports from employees. Amazon seems to have a lot more as well since PS4 is #1 selling and still available. Walmart is a big question since they apparently account for a large portion of US sales.

There is no question that Xbone will sell a lot in the US, at least at first. Microsoft will promote it heavily and most consumers are completely ignorant of the whole DRM, internet connectivity, and used game controversies. In fact, just the other day I heard a mom in Target who was preordering Call of Doggy for her young teenage son talking about it. All she knew was that a new Xbox was coming out this year, nothing else. She even ASKED her son if they were going to be getting one.
You hate that people were offended by a rape joke? They shouldn't have made the joke. What's next, they talk about "legitimate rape" like that idiot politician?
I would hardly qualify that as a rape joke. I'm fairly sure I've heard that joke almost verbatim in a TV/movie at some point without any public outcry.

Yeah, Sony announced the PS4 back in February so they've likely had the design etc. finalized several months longer than MS and thus have more made and will have more for launch as MS seems to have had to rush to get it ready after Sony revealed the PS4 was coming this fall.

Also add in the rumors of MS having yield problems in making chips and supply will probably be tight at launch.

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The yield problems are probably why Asia won't get any until late 2014. They will want to send all available units to the US and UK.
You hate that people were offended by a rape joke? They shouldn't have made the joke. What's next, they talk about "legitimate rape" like that idiot politician?
I would hardly qualify that as a rape joke. I'm fairly sure I've heard that joke almost verbatim in a TV/movie at some point without any public outcry.
I've never heard that before. These are adults. He's an adult man, not a 16 year old kid or a 22 year old kid. What he said was inappropriate and frankly probably illegal to say to a lower level employee in the company.
Here is the video of Don Mattrick's interview on Gametrailers.  The statement causing all the waves starts around 1:30. Watching it seem less "douchey" then reading the transcript but it was still a really insensitive and stupid thing to say.

Here is the video of Don Mattrick's interview on Gametrailers. The statement causing all the waves starts around 1:30. Watching it seem less "douchey" then reading the transcript but it was still a really insensitive and stupid thing to say.
Doesn't help that Don Mattrick just naturally comes off "douchey" and completely out of touch with the consumers.


Here is the video of Don Mattrick's interview on Gametrailers. The statement causing all the waves starts around 1:30. Watching it seem less "douchey" then reading the transcript but it was still a really insensitive and stupid thing to say.

Except they lied. I thought this reply was funny.

blaster man ‏@blasterman1 6h
@Futterish @Andrew_Reiner what happened to the special code for ppl that don't have Internet?

  1. Michael Futter ‏@Futterish 6h
    @blasterman1 @Andrew_Reiner It’s Up Up Down Down B U Y A 3 6 0.

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Also, I'd be shocked if most people on this site didnt have PC peripherals that are close to the price of a PS3/Xbox 360. No one owns a G19? MMO7 or RAT9 Mouse? Logitech G930 or Astro A40/A50 headsets?
Me. I own a basic mouse, monitor speakers, and have not modified my computer hardware at all. Then again, the most complicated PC game I own is Slingo.
I've never heard that before. These are adults. He's an adult man, not a 16 year old kid or a 22 year old kid. What he said was inappropriate and frankly probably illegal to say to a lower level employee in the company.
Not What It (Sounds) Like. It's a basic comedy trope. Anytime a man and a woman are together in a comedy scene this trope will be used at some point.
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Also, I'd be shocked if most people on this site didnt have PC peripherals that are close to the price of a PS3/Xbox 360. No one owns a G19? MMO7 or RAT9 Mouse? Logitech G930 or Astro A40/A50 headsets?
I spent about 3 months shopping around and building up cash to find an affordable laptop that had some gaming cappabilities, as I had no home internet at the time, which I've now been using for more than 7 years. If I buy myself somehing nice I take damn good care of it and make it last as long as humanly possible, but I also don't have the money to buy crazy expensive stuff. Spending $400 on a headset is one of the stupidest thing I've ever heard, I got one for playing L4D2 with some PC friends for $15 on clearance, with great sound and no mic issues whatsoever. Between my computer, headset, cooling pad and mouse the whole thing cost me about $540, and I'm only now thinking of upgrading to a desktop, and only because Steam and my laptop don't seem to play nice anymore after some recent updates to steam.

But I digress, this is all completely unrelated. I just felt that needed a response.

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You hate that people were offended by a rape joke? They shouldn't have made the joke. What's next, they talk about "legitimate rape" like that idiot politician?

I would hardly qualify that as a rape joke. I'm fairly sure I've heard that joke almost verbatim in a TV/movie at some point without any public outcry.
I've never heard that before. These are adults. He's an adult man, not a 16 year old kid or a 22 year old kid. What he said was inappropriate and frankly probably illegal to say to a lower level employee in the company.

Get a life. That is not illegal and it was more than likely scripted as horrible as it was. Quit trying to fuel the fire for nothing. I give employee HR training and that is not something that is illegal.
Ashane all those news information is before the PS4 announcement, not relevant no more. Cheapy just reported on twitter last night that PS4 preorders from cags are 46% higher than for Xbox one.

How does Cheapy know which one I preordered since I never told anyone?

WV Matsui

Do you even work for a living?  If so you would have definitely had to sit through seminars on sexual harassment and EEOC stuff.  You can't talk to your coworker about raping her.  Even as a joke it's not allowed under law and again, you'd know this if you had to sit through these seminars.  Large companies don't want to be sued and do their best to make sure employees know what they can and can't do.

By the way, have you ever posted one single message with ANYTHING you didn't like about MS?  I haven't seen it, all I see is you defending their worst practices.  The things they're doing are not good for gamers.

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Yet another Francis video.  MS is saying so much shit that people can make a video 2 or 3 times a day.  I do like that he's a supporter of the military and I do think it's REALLY fucked up that MS said they'd have a special code for those guys THEN they said, just buy a 360.

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