Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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Also, I'd be shocked if most people on this site didnt have PC peripherals that are close to the price of a PS3/Xbox 360. No one owns a G19? MMO7 or RAT9 Mouse? Logitech G930 or Astro A40/A50 headsets?
I spent about 3 months shopping around and building up cash to find an affordable laptop that had some gaming cappabilities, as I had no home internet at the time, which I've now been using for more than 7 years. If I buy myself somehing nice I take damn good care of it and make it last as long as humanly possible, but I also don't have the money to buy crazy expensive stuff. Spending $400 on a headset is one of the stupidest thing I've ever heard, I got one for playing L4D2 with some PC friends for $15 on clearance, with great sound and no mic issues whatsoever. Between my computer, headset, cooling pad and mouse the whole thing cost me about $540, and I'm only now thinking of upgrading to a desktop, and only because Steam and my laptop don't seem to play nice anymore after some recent updates to steam.

But I digress, this is all completely unrelated. I just felt that needed a response.

I can 100% guarantee you that your $15 headset dosent sound nearly as good as a pair of Astro A40 or A50's. There is absolutely no debate. Your paying for quality, which you get. It's akin to a standard stereo system in a car, then getting in a car with a fully tweeked Bose system. No.. comparison...

Personally, I've got the A50's, a G19, a MMO7 and a RAT9 both.. which uh equals round $900 in peripherals. Also dont skimp on a case, so I bought the Level 10 GT case by Thermaltake ($299 retail) which is again, absolutely amazing. Pay for quality.

It's important to remember when you buy peripherals or a case for PC, your not buying them for a year, two years, or even three years. These things are going to last you over a decade if you take care of them properly. That's $90 a year in other words. A pretty good bargain to have the best of the best sound, mice, and keyboard capability. Worst mistake people make building PC's is skimping on the little things. Even a case has a major influence on how your PC runs. Airflow being critical, ease of access for upgrades, nice cable management, etc.

Anyway, there's my reasoning.... but, I digress... back to Xbox One news.


Xbox Family plan detailed:

It’s a “family” affair
Since its announcement, there has been some confusion over the details of sharing your Xbox One game library with up to ten "family members." Mehdi couldn't give comprehensive details, but he did clarify some things.

For one, a family member doesn't have to be a "blood relative," he said, eliminating the extremely unlikely possibility that the Xbox One would include a built-in blood testing kit. For another, they don't have to live in the primary owner's house—I could name a friend that lives 3,000 miles away as one of my "family members" Mehdi said.

You'll be able to link other Xbox Live accounts as having shared access to your library when you first set up a system and will also be able to add them later on (though specific details of how you manage these relationships is still not being discussed). The only limitation, it seems, is that only one person can be playing the shared copy of a single game at any given time. All in all, this does sound like a pretty convenient feature that's more workable than simply passing discs around amongst friends who are actually in your area.

well day 2 of e3 is done was pretty good day seen about 20 mins of un seen gameplay of watch dogs what a amazing game. spent alot of time playing some wii u games and afternoon playing alot of 3rd party games. AC4 is meh for me at this point im burnt out on ac games. the 3rd party section is sooo small this year most of the games just have videos and no gameplay that are coming out in 2014.

that xbox family thing if done right sounds like it could be pretty cool. It's pretty sweet to have the small group of friends i mostly play with on live can put money into a pot to buy a game. i just wonder how many times a persons gamertag can be on a list.

With gamers still smarting over the company’s $499 pricing announcement for the Xbox One, the head of the Xbox division has ruffled more feathers in addressing concerns about the system’s demand for a internet connection.
"We have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity - it's called Xbox 360," Don Mattrick told Geoff Keighley on GameTrailers.
 ^ LOL..
And Dmaul... I'm not sure how you can even say PS3 and Xbox 360 are "neck and neck" in worldwide sales?! PS3 has sold more units and don't forget it did so in a YEAR LESS time on the market.
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With gamers still smarting over the company’s $499 pricing announcement for the Xbox One, the head of the Xbox division has ruffled more feathers in addressing concerns about the system’s demand for a internet connection.
"We have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity - it's called Xbox 360," Don Mattrick told Geoff Keighley on GameTrailers.

^ LOL..

And Dmaul... I'm not sure how you can even say PS3 and Xbox 360 are "neck and neck" in worldwide sales?! PS3 has sold more units and don't forget it did so in a YEAR LESS time on the market.
honstly WHO FREAKING CARES when it comes down to it games is what sell systems look at wii u it has no games or not great games and no one buys it. the argument about who will sell more and why is just getting old and dumb.

at this point if you don't like a system good don't buy it after playing both last two days i will say they are going to have great games coming out for the systems.

another thing i learned today is that watch dogs and far cry are getting movies

Yet another Francis video. MS is saying so much shit that people can make a video 2 or 3 times a day. I do like that he's a supporter of the military and I do think it's REALLY fucked up that MS said they'd have a special code for those guys THEN they said, just buy a 360.
This is how I picture a majority of video game forum posters.

Xbox One Achievements

Today we talked about some of the changes to the new achievements system coming with Xbox One.  We just got done hearing from Chad Gibson, Principle Group Program manager for Xbox Live Gaming features and Mike Lavin,  Sr. Global Product Marketing manager for Xbox Live on our live broadcast.   This morning, we asked Cierra McDonald to explain some of the achievement changes in greater detail for us.  Here is what she wrote for you guys

Ahoy! My name is Cierra McDonald. I’m from Chicago, I’m an Illini (I-L-L!!!), and most pertinently, I’m the Program Manager for the Xbox Live Achievements service. My love of gaming started as a wee child, playing Super Mario Bros. at home and joining friends on Altered Beast and Contra at the local arcade. My family’s team sport is Boggle. And apropos of nothing, I once shattered my elbow – or as my surgeon once put it, it’s like Humpty Dumpty fell onto a diamond surface. Fun facts!

Achievements are like a delicious gravy (or a fudge sauce, for the more dessert-minded) on top of a developer’s tasty meal of a game. Playing the game is fun by itself; and achievements add an extra layer of discovery, exploration, and accomplishment that reinforces the natural enjoyment of the gameplay. For Xbox One, my team (an incredible group of smart, hardworking folks) and I have rebuilt the Achievements system to be more powerful and more flexible so that developers and publishers can deliver more interesting, complex, and fulfilling goals and rewards to you. What exactly does that mean?

Let’s start with what you get.

Xbox blazed the trail back in 2005 by introducing Xbox Live Achievements as a metagame whose cumulative score – Gamerscore – spans across games on every Xbox Live platform. Many of today’s gaming systems followed our model and now offer achievements or badges as well. With Xbox One, we are once again breaking the mold and this time, we want consumers to reap more tangible benefits. In addition to Gamerscore, which will remain as a critical part of the Xbox gaming experience (and yes, your Gamerscore from Xbox 360 will carry forward to Xbox One – there’s only ONE Gamerscore (see what I did there?)), consumers can now unlock digital artwork, new maps, unlockable characters, and temporary stat boosts via achievements. And this is not limited to games! Other Xbox One applications such as video and music apps can now use Achievements to bring you awesome sneak peek content, early access, or subscription extensions. Only games will give you Gamerscore.

Cool, you can earn cool stuff with Xbox LIVE Achievements. Let’s talk about how they work.

There are now two types of Achievements: achievements and challenges. An achievement is probably already familiar. There’s a goal or activity you must accomplish and a reward that you receive upon completion. You can unlock an achievement at any time, be it on a game’s launch day or 3 years later. I guess you can say an achievement is like a promise in that sense. A challenge, on the other hand, is more like an opportunity – better grab it while you can! It is also comprised of a goal and a reward; however, challenges are time-bound (as in, real life time). That means you can only unlock during its eligible time window, and if you get close but don’t complete the goal when it ends… *Kanye shrug*

Achievements and challenges are both officially considered Xbox Live Achievements, so they inherit many of the same benefits:

  • You can unlock them and win their rewards;
  • Once unlocked, they are saved to your achievement history;
  • They each have an icon to visualize the cool thing you did;
  • They often are associated with a Game DVR capture to show your friends that you are better than they are
  • Developers can release more of them after the game’s initial release (more on that in a bit).
There are also some notable differences between them:

Challenges are time based. As just noted, challenges are only available for a certain period of time. Only your activity during that timeframe will count toward unlocking the challenge. Achievements do not expire, so you can unlock them at your leisure.

Challenges do not give out Gamerscore. We want everyone to have the same shot at increasing their Gamerscore to its highest potential. Since challenges are intentionally temporary (an opportunity) and achievements never expire (a promise), only achievements may offer Gamerscore as a reward.

Challenges may cross titles, but achievements cannot. Achievements cannot be shared across titles whereas challenges are allowed to span multiple titles.

Challenges can be unlocked by the community. Community challenges are typically goals that exceed what a lone player can accomplish in the given period of time. Imagine, for example, a game releases a headshot weekend challenge that requires players to cumulatively headshot 1 million baddies in a 3 day period. And every person who participates and meets the challenge’s goals gets the unlock on his or her achievement history and reaps its reward.

Another really cool thing with the new Achievements system is that it’s cloud-powered. A magical term, I know, but it delivers real value to users. Check it out:

Having cloud-powered achievements makes it easy and consistent to run challenges across all players of a game simultaneously.

It makes it possible for developers to add new achievements and challenges after their game is initially released. Why is that good for you?

1) It means you can get new achievements without always being required to buy new content (read: free!) or download title updates.

2) It allows developers to learn from and respond to user activity and focus on adding stuff that you’ll find fun. For example, let’s say a certain game is known on community forums to have a fun little sub-game of kicking chickens. Wouldn’t it be amazing if the game developers noticed the community enjoying an unintended aspect of the game and creating a challenge around it, with a reward to boot?

3) It empowers developers to involve the community (that means YOU) in the achievement creation process. If they so choose, a developer could run a contest for users to submit and vote on challenge ideas, for example, with the winning idea being released to the public as a legitimate Xbox Live Achievement. Not too shabby!

Let’s bring it all home and talk about what you actually see.

  • The Xbox One dashboard experience greatly improves how you discover and view Xbox Live Achievements.
  • Ever wondered how far along you were toward completing an achievement, particularly those that involve a lot of collection or linear progress? With Xbox One, games may now expose your latest progression toward unlocking an achievement right on the dashboard, even before you launch the game.
  • Quickly catch up on what your friends have been up with the achievement activity feed that keeps you informed about your friends’ latest unlocked achievements.
  • Check out video clips of that magical moment when an achievement was unlocked.
  • Easily discover upcoming challenges for a game at any time.
  • Your achievement history has been transformed into a more beautiful gallery of achievement icons that properly show off your hard-earned victories.
You guys all rock, thanks from all of us here on our dev team.  Can’t wait to see you on Live!

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Live is down for me right now, just a good reminder what the future holds.
that don't mean everyone is im playing online right now

i love how people every time live or psn goes down they blame it on the company servers and never think it's their internet
Cause I'm on the internet right now dipshit.
Which means absolutely nothing.

Someone needs to learn about DNS routes and why just because I can go here, I cant go there.

Live is down for me right now, just a good reminder what the future holds.
that don't mean everyone is im playing online right now
i love how people every time live or psn goes down they blame it on the company servers and never think it's their internet
Cause I'm on the internet right now dipshit.
Which means absolutely nothing.

Someone needs to learn about DNS routes and why just because I can go here, I cant go there.
Yeah a lesson should come with the Xbox manual so people know it's their net connection that's fucked up and has nothing to do with Live.
Live is down for me right now, just a good reminder what the future holds.

that don't mean everyone is im playing online right now

i love how people every time live or psn goes down they blame it on the company servers and never think it's their internetCause I'm on the internet right now dipshit.

Which means absolutely nothing.

Someone needs to learn about DNS routes and why just because I can go here, I cant go there.


I really wish the bitching would stop so that those who are actually interested in the console can be excited about it and actually talk about it. Not everyone is pissed.
The internet disappoints me more and more. I like the console, it's drawbacks simply arent drawbacks to anyone who has been a PC gamer for their life, sorry, deal with it :/ I buy consoles for Games. The price makes absolutely no difference, not when my damn PC headset costs more then a PS3 or a Xbox 360. (Or a PS4 for that matter..) Right now, the Xbox One just has better looking exclusives. If FF15 and KH3 stayed PS4, then it would be a tough choice... I'd probably get both. But now? Nah.
But see, that's just a matter of personal preference. I don't see any Xbox One exclusives that I have much interest in other than Halo (and that is just because my son likes it and it isn't coming for at least another year anyway). The Wii U has much better exclusives coming IMO. You make this statement like it is a fact: "Right now, the Xbox One just has better looking exclusives". If others don't think that and they are interested more in the multiplatform games (or, god forbid, the actual PS4 exclusives) then given the difference in DRM between the two, the PS4 is pretty clear choice. That said, I may end up with both at launch myself - still deciding. Or I may just build a gaming PC in lieu of the Xbox One (though for sure I will get one at one point).

We're still CAGs though, so i'll give you a tip. Let's say you and a buddy are gonna buy BF4. Buy one copy, and then 'activate' it with your profile, but on his xbox. It will have two licenses...his xbox and your profile, so you can both play at your own houses at the same time, while splitting the cost of a game.
It looks like from the latest info that they might allow this. However, it may be that only one of you would be able to play at a time, so that kind of doesn't work for multiplayer titles. And it remains to be seen how generous they are with this "gamesharing" notion. I find it hard to believe they will just allow 10 people from all over the place to share a library (again, though, even if they do it is one person at a time so there could be quite a bit of squabbling over time slots for these gameshares ;)).

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i know their are times my nat goes from fine to mod becasue my router messed up not because live or psn is having issues

wit that sad ms does a great job in trying to help people get internet working perfect with live even gives you hints on the system it self

Live is down for me right now, just a good reminder what the future holds.
that don't mean everyone is im playing online right now

i love how people every time live or psn goes down they blame it on the company servers and never think it's their internet
Cause I'm on the internet right now dipshit.
Which means absolutely nothing.

Someone needs to learn about DNS routes and why just because I can go here, I cant go there.

I really wish the bitching would stop so that those who are actually interested in the console can be excited about it and actually talk about it. Not everyone is pissed.
it will never stop at this point im done from a person that has had hand on with both ps4 and x1 and the games i will say that if you bypass x1 just for some things you will be missing out on alot of great games. I will give ms credit for launch yes you have one same ip but pretty much every other launch title for this system that is first party is a brand new ip unlike sony they have killzone and second son. both these systems will have great 1st party games. I guess seeing i have been pc gamer for used this drm and used game stuf don't affect me much seeing i can't sell steam games and alot of pc games now have some kind of drm.

The internet disappoints me more and more. I like the console, it's drawbacks simply arent drawbacks to anyone who has been a PC gamer for their life, sorry, deal with it :/ I buy consoles for Games. The price makes absolutely no difference, not when my damn PC headset costs more then a PS3 or a Xbox 360. (Or a PS4 for that matter..) Right now, the Xbox One just has better looking exclusives. If FF15 and KH3 stayed PS4, then it would be a tough choice... I'd probably get both. But now? Nah.
But see, that's just a matter of personal preference. I don't see any Xbox One exclusives that I have much interest in other than Halo (and that is just because my son likes it and it isn't coming for at least another year anyway). The Wii U has much better exclusives coming IMO. You make this statement like it is a fact: "Right now, the Xbox One just has better looking exclusives". If others don't think that and they are interested more in the multiplatform games (or, god forbid, the actual PS4 exclusives) then given the difference in DRM between the two, the PS4 is pretty clear choice. That said, I may end up with both at launch myself - still deciding. Or I may just build a gaming PC in lieu of the Xbox One (though for sure I will get one at one point).
I'm sorry if it came off like I was attempting to speak for the majority, it wasnt my intent.

I was purely speaking from a personal perspective, for me.

If you search my posts, you wont find me bashing the PS4, or the Wii-U.. here or on Reddit. That's utterly childish. I'm a gamer, first and foremost. I think the exclusives looked better on Xbox One is all... but I'll be honest and say (in my opinion) the third party games blew away the exclusives... which is odd, but great for us gamers. (Watch dogs, The Division, etc)

I just wish, as the other poster said, we could have a discussion about the Xbox One without some internet troll tough guy coming in and bashing it because they'd love to be a white knight for some kid in africa who dosent have internet. There are far more important things to be concerned about then who can play a video game if you'd like to be a white knight... like does that kid even have a stable food supply, or a decent place to sleep. Mercia, first world problems, amIright?

If you like the PS4, there's a thread for that. Have fun.

^ LOL. Are you that out of touch with reality? 

Why would anyone have to "white knight" for a kid in Africa. Plenty of people in America don't have the internet capabilities to realistically use the Xbox One.

Oh but don't worry... that's why Microsoft has the 360..... amiright?

^ LOL. Are you that out of touch with reality?

Why would anyone have to "white knight" for a kid in Africa. Plenty of people in America don't have the internet capabilities to realistically use the Xbox One.

Oh but don't worry... that's why Microsoft has the 360..... amiright?
Okie dokey then, let's white knight for some kid in America..... who most likely isnt that concerned with having a Xbox One but where their next food source is coming from.

Get my point? Dont white knight a video game. White knight the closure of reduced lunch programs across red states. White knight the lack of health care a vast majority of Americans get. White knight something important and meaningful. Not a damn video game.

All white knighting this does is make you seem a spoiled, entitled person who has to have what they want, exactly how they want it, and cant conceivably believe that not everything is for them. (But DAD, I WANT A TROPHY TOOOOOOOOO)

I hate the media so much. Is this all you have to do now to be journalist? Just see how people on twitter react to stupid shit?
I actually thought the banter was of extremely poor taste, as that's what it made me immediately think of as well...especially the "just let it'll be over soon" line. That's practically lifted straight from a Lifetime movie. MS is smarter than that, and there's no way they couldn't know it would come off like that. I thought it was definitely out of line.
^ LOL. Are you that out of touch with reality?

Why would anyone have to "white knight" for a kid in Africa. Plenty of people in America don't have the internet capabilities to realistically use the Xbox One.

Oh but don't worry... that's why Microsoft has the 360..... amiright?
why would you need amazing internet to use 360 all you have t odo is connect to their servers which can be done on lowest level dsl

^ LOL. Are you that out of touch with reality?

Why would anyone have to "white knight" for a kid in Africa. Plenty of people in America don't have the internet capabilities to realistically use the Xbox One.

Oh but don't worry... that's why Microsoft has the 360..... amiright?
Okie dokey then, let's white knight for some kid in America..... who most likely isnt that concerned with having a Xbox One but where their next food source is coming from.

Get my point? Dont white knight a video game. White knight the closure of reduced lunch programs across red states. White knight the lack of health care a vast majority of Americans get. White knight something important and meaningful. Not a damn video game.

All white knighting this does is make you seem a spoiled, entitled person who has to have what they want, exactly how they want it, and cant conceivably believe that not everything is for them. (But DAD, I WANT A TROPHY TOOOOOOOOO)
So it's okay for Microsoft to do whatever they want and infringe on consumer rights because video games are not a necessity? So you'd be fine if all media was completely controlled and restricted because you don't need it to survive?

On an unrelated note, I should stop reading this thread. It's making me associate Grand Theft Auto V with stupid Microsoft supporters.

^ LOL. Are you that out of touch with reality?

Why would anyone have to "white knight" for a kid in Africa. Plenty of people in America don't have the internet capabilities to realistically use the Xbox One.

Oh but don't worry... that's why Microsoft has the 360..... amiright?
Okie dokey then, let's white knight for some kid in America..... who most likely isnt that concerned with having a Xbox One but where their next food source is coming from.

Get my point? Dont white knight a video game. White knight the closure of reduced lunch programs across red states. White knight the lack of health care a vast majority of Americans get. White knight something important and meaningful. Not a damn video game.

All white knighting this does is make you seem a spoiled, entitled person who has to have what they want, exactly how they want it, and cant conceivably believe that not everything is for them. (But DAD, I WANT A TROPHY TOOOOOOOOO)
So it's okay for Microsoft to do whatever they want and infringe on consumer rights because video games are not a necessity? So you'd be fine if all media was completely controlled and restricted because you don't need it to survive?

On an unrelated note, I should stop reading this thread. It's making me associate Grand Theft Auto V with stupid Microsoft supporters.
once again i ask never seems t oget answered what is xbox one doing that has not been going on for years on pc. yes i know pc and home systems are not the same but this stuff has been done in gaming for awhile now.

sooner or later everything will be digital and will not be able to sell games and movies again. Alot of games on pc are already activation and linked to a account you have.

so in most people mind steam has infringed on consumers rights seeing we can't sell steam games and some have require internet to play

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^ LOL. Are you that out of touch with reality?

Why would anyone have to "white knight" for a kid in Africa. Plenty of people in America don't have the internet capabilities to realistically use the Xbox One.

Oh but don't worry... that's why Microsoft has the 360..... amiright?
Okie dokey then, let's white knight for some kid in America..... who most likely isnt that concerned with having a Xbox One but where their next food source is coming from.

Get my point? Dont white knight a video game. White knight the closure of reduced lunch programs across red states. White knight the lack of health care a vast majority of Americans get. White knight something important and meaningful. Not a damn video game.

All white knighting this does is make you seem a spoiled, entitled person who has to have what they want, exactly how they want it, and cant conceivably believe that not everything is for them. (But DAD, I WANT A TROPHY TOOOOOOOOO)
So it's okay for Microsoft to do whatever they want and infringe on consumer rights because video games are not a necessity? So you'd be fine if all media was completely controlled and restricted because you don't need it to survive?

On an unrelated note, I should stop reading this thread. It's making me associate Grand Theft Auto V with stupid Microsoft supporters.
I was unaware that DRM was a "new" thing. I'm pretty sure I've had forms of DRM in ALL Media since I started playing PC games in the 80's. (Red spin wheels, what's word 5, page 87, paragraph 2 please) Is it worse now? Sure.. because they've already won that battle. It's over. Read the fine print of any game you've played in the last twenty years and get back to me k?

There's one, and only one difference between Sony's DRM and Microsoft's. Sony, you can hand a game to a friend. Microsoft you can only do it once via a one time transfer after 30 days. They both sell used games, they both play used games.
kids that dont have internet are most likely starving? bahahahahaha. what a horrible generalization.

The more you post, the more you reveal you are either a child or vastly immature. I'd just stop posting, but, knowing kids, you wont.

Millions of children are starving in the US. 16.7 million in fact. A majority of those kids.. surprisingly enough.. don't have internet, nor do they have cable or anything else. So, the statement is completely accurate.

I know though, that evil Microsoft is taking away your games. DEY TUK UR GMZ!
this is not me sticking up for xbox 1 either it's just me sick and tired of people crying about stuff that pc games have lived with for years and because we have lived with it we get amazin deals and with this set up of x1 i really think we will see great sales on games seeing thier is no true used game market.

Ok right but on PC you have choices other than Steam to get your games, Steam is just by far the most popular. MS would be your only option to get games from. Steam also has insane sales all the time, set by developers and publishers. Microsoft sales are a joke most of the time and they would control those.

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it's like saying omg i will not buy digital music or movies because i no longer can sell cd/dvd to make money. Just heads up folks we don't live in 90's anymore we are now in digital world.

I can 100% guarantee you that your $15 headset dosent sound nearly as good as a pair of Astro A40 or A50's. There is absolutely no debate. Your paying for quality, which you get. It's akin to a standard stereo system in a car, then getting in a car with a fully tweeked Bose system. No.. comparison...

Personally, I've got the A50's, a G19, a MMO7 and a RAT9 both.. which uh equals round $900 in peripherals. Also dont skimp on a case, so I bought the Level 10 GT case by Thermaltake ($299 retail) which is again, absolutely amazing. Pay for quality.

It's important to remember when you buy peripherals or a case for PC, your not buying them for a year, two years, or even three years. These things are going to last you over a decade if you take care of them properly. That's $90 a year in other words. A pretty good bargain to have the best of the best sound, mice, and keyboard capability. Worst mistake people make building PC's is skimping on the little things. Even a case has a major influence on how your PC runs. Airflow being critical, ease of access for upgrades, nice cable management, etc.
If I am spending $500 for a fucking headset, it had better do a helluva lot more than clarify sound. Hell, I have a hard enough tine justifying $500 on a new TV. Spending almost $1,000 on a headset, a mouse, and a case (for that price, it had better protect against nuclear explosions and molten lava) is ludicrous.
Ok right but on PC you have choices other than Steam to get your games, Steam is just by far the most popular. Steam also has insane sales all the time, set by developers and publishers. Microsoft sales are a joke most of the time and they would control those.
whos to say we will not get dev and pub sales on their own websites? most companys sell their games on their websites which them making money on used games if they choose they could sell new games for crazy prices.

i will just say this after playing both 1st party launch games for x1 and ps4 i will say that x1 has the better 1st party launch games. It's not because ps4 games stink it's because most of the x1 first party launchtitles are NEW ip's where as ps4 1st party launch games are games we seen before infamous and killzone. when i played kilzone it was the same game i played last 3 games and i will admit second son was fun but it was still infamous.

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Because this is already how MS does business. They tightly control every aspect of their digital marketplace, be it release date, price, sales, etc. It's why Indie developers have abandoned them in droves. It's a trust issue.

Because this is already how MS does business. They tightly control every aspect of their digital marketplace, be it release date, price, sales, etc. It's why Indie developers have abandoned them in droves. It's a trust issue.
what does this have anything ot do with x1 digital games? ms don't control physical copy of games which ae sold on publishers websites

devs left because ms put too many hoops to jump in ad out of to get your game on xbox live has been that way for couple years now not because of the price and stuff

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I was unaware that DRM was a "new" thing. I'm pretty sure I've had forms of DRM in ALL Media since I started playing PC games in the 80's. (Red spin wheels, what's word 5, page 87, paragraph 2 please) Is it worse now? Sure.. because they've already won that battle. It's over. Read the fine print of any game you've played in the last twenty years and get back to me k?
You're confusing DRM with copy-protection, they are very different things. The fine print saying I only have the licence to play the game prevents me from legally making a copy of the game, it does not give the publishers any legal right over the copy I bought. Half-Life 2 in 2004 was the first single-player game to have DRM in every copy of the game (until it was released on consoles) and while Steam is the lesser of two evils compared to the Xbox One I don't support it either.

You do realize that you have to buy digital X1 titles through the Xbox marketplace yes? Just like now if you want to get a 360 title digitally you have to buy it through Microsoft's marketplace.On an Xbox One I can't go to a publisher's website and buy their game digitally. It's not the same as a PC.

i really do understand why some people can be upset with the used game stuff and what not and the 24 hour thing is kind of dumb if you have the disc. But most issues people have is the game it self when it comes to lending/renting/resell. Most system players never play pc games which would be why they are upset. If someone can't get past that point and don't by a x1 because of that you will be missing out on some amazing first party games. 

And at the end of the day Steam was a choice PC gamers made because it made digital appealing. It was not forced or shoved down anybody's throats like MS is trying to do now.

You do realize that you have to buy digital X1 titles through the Xbox marketplace yes? Just like now if you want to get a 360 title digitally you have to buy it through Microsoft's marketplace.On an Xbox One I can't go to a publisher's website and buy their game digitally. It's not the same as a PC.
WHEN did i ever bring up digital GAMES i just said steam and compared it to publishers of games selling disc versions of x1 games on their website and doing discounts becasue they get money from used games which allows them to afford crazy deals on games.

And at the end of the day Steam was a choice PC gamers made because it made digital appealing. It was not forced or shoved down anybody's throats like MS is trying to do now.
how is ms making people buy digital?

I was unaware that DRM was a "new" thing. I'm pretty sure I've had forms of DRM in ALL Media since I started playing PC games in the 80's. (Red spin wheels, what's word 5, page 87, paragraph 2 please) Is it worse now? Sure.. because they've already won that battle. It's over. Read the fine print of any game you've played in the last twenty years and get back to me k?
You're confusing DRM with copy-protection, they are very different things. The fine print saying I only have the licence to play the game prevents me from legally making a copy of the game, it does not give the publishers any legal right over the copy I bought. Half-Life 2 in 2004 was the first single-player game to have DRM in every copy of the game (until it was released on consoles) and while Steam is the lesser of two evils compared to the Xbox One I don't support it either.
if you are a pc gamer and consider your self a CAG you would support steam

Because the discs are literally digital distribution devices. Once you put in that disc and it installs the game, it's completely useless.

^ LOL. Are you that out of touch with reality?

Why would anyone have to "white knight" for a kid in Africa. Plenty of people in America don't have the internet capabilities to realistically use the Xbox One.

Oh but don't worry... that's why Microsoft has the 360..... amiright?
Okie dokey then, let's white knight for some kid in America..... who most likely isnt that concerned with having a Xbox One but where their next food source is coming from.

Get my point? Dont white knight a video game. White knight the closure of reduced lunch programs across red states. White knight the lack of health care a vast majority of Americans get. White knight something important and meaningful. Not a damn video game.

All white knighting this does is make you seem a spoiled, entitled person who has to have what they want, exactly how they want it, and cant conceivably believe that not everything is for them. (But DAD, I WANT A TROPHY TOOOOOOOOO)
So it's okay for Microsoft to do whatever they want and infringe on consumer rights because video games are not a necessity? So you'd be fine if all media was completely controlled and restricted because you don't need it to survive?

On an unrelated note, I should stop reading this thread. It's making me associate Grand Theft Auto V with stupid Microsoft supporters.
once again i ask never seems t oget answered what is xbox one doing that has not been going on for years on pc. yes i know pc and home systems are not the same but this stuff has been done in gaming for awhile now.

sooner or later everything will be digital and will not be able to sell games and movies again. Alot of games on pc are already activation and linked to a account you have.

so in most people mind steam has infringed on consumers rights seeing we can't sell steam games and some have require internet to play
Then why doesn't Microsoft "defend itself" by bragging about how cheap this DRM is going to make games? I'm so tired of seeing this Steam comparison. Games on Steam are cheap as fuck. If Microsoft can pull off similar sales and price drops because of extremely restricting used games sales, then awesome! Just tell us about it. But we're not hearing ANYTHING about cheaper games.

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if ps4 was doing same thing i would be saying this stuff also so don't even dare call me a ms fanboy i know it's coming. console gamers are soooo spoiled it's not even funny they think we are still in the 90's and system makers should do everything they say. Steam is why i got a gaming pc i refused to pay 60 dollers for a game when i can get the same game and better playing and looking game for crazy prices. two weeks ago i got two games that came out this past fall that are still 60 dollers on home systems for like 5 bucks on amazon pc download website now that is CAG shoping

Because the discs are literally digital distribution devices. Once you put in that disc and it installs the game, it's completely useless.
not if the ten people you have on your "family' list are your local friends you give them the disc they install it and boom they have the game on hard drive. not everyone has the intenret to download a giant game if they want to buy it. and you can still sell the disc and digital games you could not sell.

I was unaware that DRM was a "new" thing. I'm pretty sure I've had forms of DRM in ALL Media since I started playing PC games in the 80's. (Red spin wheels, what's word 5, page 87, paragraph 2 please) Is it worse now? Sure.. because they've already won that battle. It's over. Read the fine print of any game you've played in the last twenty years and get back to me k?
You're confusing DRM with copy-protection, they are very different things. The fine print saying I only have the licence to play the game prevents me from legally making a copy of the game, it does not give the publishers any legal right over the copy I bought. Half-Life 2 in 2004 was the first single-player game to have DRM in every copy of the game (until it was released on consoles) and while Steam is the lesser of two evils compared to the Xbox One I don't support it either.
There is actually far more that the fine print says.

The EULA (virtually ALL of them) specifically states that you are just a license of the software, that you do not own said software, nor can you give, trade, or otherwise sell said software.

Seriously, check one, it's in there. While that may seem to run afoul of first sale rules, its a bit iffy here in the US. (EU recently had a case on it for digital games actually, if you want to read up on that... albeit Steam has still not adhered to the rule and likely will not either)

why was not people angry once sony and ms allowed you to download games from internet? those you can sell but x1 games you can sell and buy used games yes you might not get alot for used games but really you almost never do now and gs will still do deals im sure. If people are upset about the 24 hour thing well so im i but seems like people are more upset about used game garbage then anything.

i also just hate how everyone blames this on ms. ms is leaving it up to publishers if the ywant to opt in or out of used game stuff which is same thing SONY is doing. if blame anyone lets blame publishers who are the ones pushing for this used game garbage. the thing is sony did not tell anyone about that till the conf was over because they wanted the reaction they got.

Your Xbox credit will be expiring 1 year from being transferred from points to real $. $ added after that though will not expire.
i don't see this a problem

This is the first I've heard on the MS side it is up to the publishers. Can you direct me to any site with that info? If I'm not mistaken, authorized retailers only. When you get shit for details, it is fairly safe to assume the worst.
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if you are a pc gamer and consider your self a CAG you would support steam
I previously did buy games on Steam. I always knew that if I wanted a DRM-free version later I could just buy the console version. Since the game I bought on Steam was so cheap it would be cheaper to buy the Steam version now and buy the console version later, than to just buy the console version later plus I knew I wouldn't care about most games later.

But then I realized that supporting games with DRM may make companies decide to only release their games with DRM (as Microsoft is doing now). At that point I decided that I would never buy a game with DRM again.

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This is the first I've heard on the MS side it is up to the publishers. Can you direct me to any site with that info? If I'm not mistaken, authorized retailers only. When you get shit for details, it is fairly safe to assume the worst.

it's authz retailers but it's up to publishers to allow or don't allow trade in of games. so pretty much publisher coul ban you from trading in games. That is how sony is doing it also.

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more bad news for me (Colombia) and for @CheapyD (Japan) also, our country are not supported by xbox one yet....way to go microsoft

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