Xbox One Preview Program Invite Request Thread

Anyone know why someone wouldn't get the invite? My friends DAW GOOSE and coolcomet2002 were sent invites almost 2 weeks ago and I have sent them invites over a month ago and they haven't received anything yet.
I'm happy to send out invites to anyone who needs them. Just send a friend request to FrogTheWarrior, and I'll send them out until I'm exhausted this evening.

I'm returning the favor and sending out invites for the next 30 minutes. Send me a friend request GT: Incredibull

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I would love an invite, I find it odd that they didn't invite me when i was in the 360 program. Same name - Guidrage, Thank you.

Hey does anyone mind adding me. I just got an Xbox one and my Gamer tag is NickDC97 I would appreciate it
Last night was fun. Sorry I didn't return. Lack of sleep caught up to me. Got really tired after I finally ate some food. I'm still tired even now. Cue the jokes about me being Matt Old.
i sent for anyone that added me. you guys should be in and updated by now i think. if anyone else needs one add me and message me. wesdw369

i sent for anyone that added me. you guys should be in and updated by now i think. if anyone else needs one add me and message me. wesdw369
I just did, thank you in advance for this mate, really appreciated. :)
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Would really appreciate an Invite if anyone has some to spare

GT: sd bstrd

Just started really playing with my XBoxOne

Thanks in advance!

I sent invites to Mauaus, sd bstrd, jaywbell3, Shaggy Sacks, and Donut2229. I resent invites to QuinnFTW, Smintboy and RagilLivesOn. Keep in mind that approvals are not guaranteed and I posted a link on my last post that microsoft is cracking down on invites so keep that in mind if you dont get approved or get a delayed response.

Hi guys, can I get a XBOX One Beta Preview invite? I will pay it forward. Thanks so much! 

My Xbox Tag is:  Lord Smoothy

I would love an invite as well! I want to see if Cortana's integration is worth keeping my Kinect around for. Thanks!

gamertag:  wormcast

Hi guys, can I get a XBOX One Beta Preview invite? I will pay it forward. Thanks so much!

My Xbox Tag is: Lord Smoothy

Can I get one mine is VampireHunter R

I would love an invite as well! I want to see if Cortana's integration is worth keeping my Kinect around for. Thanks!

gamertag: wormcast
I will try to invite all of you in a little bit but keep in mind you may not get an invite due to Microsoft not letting many more people into the program.

Hello....  can someone please invite me to the preview program.  I would really appreciate it.  Thanks in advance. 

My gamertag is "xxx Bill P xxx".

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bread's done