Xbox Series S/X Re-stock Thread


29 (100%)
Xbox Series X & S Pre-Orders - Start Tuesday 9/22 at 8AM PT, 11AM ET

Xbox Series X - $499.99


Best Buy


Microsoft Store



Xbox Series S - $299.99


Best Buy


Microsoft Store



Wario64 wrote on Twitter:

some numbers I heard for GameStop per-store allocations for Xbox Series preorders:
Series X - 6-12 per store
Series S - 2-4 per store— Wario64 (@Wario64) September 21, 2020

Stores may also have a Microsoft financing program available called XBox All Access:

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Well I did get my Mario Pin Set last night so I'm hopeful for 8 AM PST. I'm at work (EST Here) so I'm monitoring it most of the morning just to make sure MS doesn't pull a fast one. I guess I'm going to start with Amazon then if that fails, Best Buy then Target then Gamestop/Wal Mart. I'm gonna have all those tabbed open and ready but hopefully Amazon pulls through so I don't have to fight and rush.

Nobody at my GS yet at 7:30 which opens today at 11:00 EST. Probably head back up at 9:30 to start or get in line. There was no signage on the door with any kind of allocation amount on the systems.
Every minute feels like an hour. I can't believe that there is still almost an hour and a half before pre-orders open.
Alarm went off this morning and it was 40 degrees out and I thought, “Why in the world would I go wait for four hours in this?” . I’ll just sell my One X locally and try to preorder the Series X online. Not fooling with GameStop for this one.
I'm gonna be pre-ordering for sure after the Bethesda acquisition and rumors of supply issues. Hearing most GS stores get like 6 X and 2 S is making me think order now, think later.
Xbox Series X @ $34.99/month for 24 months = $839.76

Xbox Series S @ $24.99/month for 24 months = $599.76

Both include 24 months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
My curiosity is - will they save your system as you are being processed? Our credit is 720 right now, so I don't think that will be an issue. However, I looked at the Xbox Access paperwork last week to get an idea of how it work (just looked at it for the regular Xbox One). You have to input your standard credit info - social, birthday, address, etc. There is no way to input the data in advance. I didn't complete the process so I have no idea how long it takes to "process" you. So, if I am there right at 11:00am EST and start the process, will someone be able to come in and grab the system I wanted out of my digital cart by paying up front? Heck, are the "stockpiles" for regular pay and financing the same pool or separate? Wish I knew up front.

My curiosity is - will they save your system as you are being processed? Our credit is 720 right now, so I don't think that will be an issue. However, I looked at the Xbox Access paperwork last week to get an idea of how it work (just looked at it for the regular Xbox One). You have to input your standard credit info - social, birthday, address, etc. There is no way to input the data in advance. I didn't complete the process so I have no idea how long it takes to "process" you. So, if I am there right at 11:00am EST and start the process, will someone be able to come in and grab the system I wanted out of my digital cart by paying up front? Heck, are the "stockpiles" for regular pay and financing the same pool or separate? Wish I knew up front.
I'm thinking best bet is to get a regular pre-order in as soon as you can, then go try All-Access. That's what I'm doing anyway
You are a better person than me LOL. I have camped out for almost every prior system since the PS2. But, I am in my early 40s now and I just cannot rationalized it anymore - especially in a pandemic. I got my PS5 preorder in last week out of luck. Happened to be in the store talking to a friend when they went live in his system at 6PM. Then I lucked out getting a "back up" on Amazon that evening. So, I am going to try to preorder a Series X today, but my life is not over if I don't. The delay of Halo Infinite - while necessary after seeing the development stuff last month - really means there is nothing exclusive right now for the X at launch that I have to have. Sure, with the Bethesda deal, I will have one in the future. However, I haven't heard of any of Bethesda's games coming in the near future, so I guess we have time to get past the launch window to acquire one worst case scenario.


Went back up at 8:50 got third in line and they are getting six Ax’s and two S’s at my store, according to the other people in line
28 painfully long minutes left. I can see the Microsoft site potentially crashing, so I am going to try to preorder the console directly through the store on my Xbox.
28 painfully long minutes left. I can see the Microsoft site potentially crashing, so I am going to try to preorder the console directly through the store on my Xbox.
how do you buy a console on your xbox?

nevermind I figured it out.

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There's a section on the store to buy physical Microsoft products. Including consoles, and controllers. It's below the TV and Movies section. You just keep scrolling down the store page on your Xbox One, until you see the pictures of actual consoles. That's how people are buying them with Xbox gift cards.
Does anyone know which company that charges your credit card once it ships?
I don't think any of these companies charge before shipping. Some of them will put a pending charge on your card, so you'll want to make sure there's at least room on your card for that, but it should drop off after a few days and then you'll get the real charge when it ships. The only company I know that charges before they ship anything is Limited Run Games. From what I understand, in most states it's illegal to charge before shipping.

Edit: I misread my information. I guess there's nothing wrong with charging before something ships. I'm still almost positive that none of these retailers charge before shipped.

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That makes me wonder if you can order it with the extra 1tb expansion card already inside. "Configure now" makes it sound like a PC.
That makes me wonder if you can order it with the extra 1tb expansion card already inside. "Configure now" makes it sound like a PC.
I tested their checkout process a little bit ago on a One S. They are all "Configure Now" and just let you add controllers and stuff. I think this will be the same process.

Count me in as one trying to get a Series X from the MS Store. I converted my Gamestop credit to MS credit because I thought that Gamestop would not survive Covid-19 because they were dying before Covid-19. 

Target doesn't charge until after it's shipped, and if you have a Red Card, they take up to five business days after your purchase to actually take the money out. So, say that they ship it to you on launch day, you may actually get the console before the money is even removed from your bank account. (With the debit version of Red Card)
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Was it necessary to the story to know they were Asian?
It's simply factual, if they were white or black then i'd have mentioned it. However i think it made sense at the time (probably still does) seeing how huge the PlayStation is in Asian communities but who knows maybe they had a grandkid who alls they wanted for Xmas was the newest console?

Either way it was pretty funny to watch them sneak into line near the front. Everyone saw it but acted like we didn't notice and all were trying not to laugh because we knew they were wasting their time without a ticket!

5 MORE MINUTES! Good luck all!!!!

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Please turnoff all phones and if you have to go to the bathroom, hold it in. It's about to get bumpy in here.

Good luck everybody. 8 Minutes left.

Got 6 different sites open, 5 logged into (GS put me in a queue). Taking first site that allows me to check out, starting with Best Buy.

bread's done