Xbox360: $50 Price Cut coming (weekend of 7/13)

i was gonna post something about all the "zomg teh wii is done fer" talk in this thread, but KingBroly hit it on the head. Nintendo is selling to an entirely new audience.. an audience that doesnt really care how good the graphics are.. largely an audience that doesnt know the difference between 480i/p/720p/1080i/p, and an audience that can be intimidated by "lots" of buttons. these are people who just want a fun, casual experience,.. and a giant, noisy, box with hundreds of unwanted features isn't going to appeal to them no matter the price.

Forget about the WiiSixty remote... it's too late now with millions of 360's already in homes.. maybe if they find a way to package it with something like Halo 4 they have a shot at getting it into houses(and thusly into games), but realistically ... come on. it's never gonna take off.

and no, i'm not bashing the 360.. i'm just telling it like it is. i happen to have and enjoy both systems. the wii is fun for short periods when i have 30 min or so, or when i have people over. 360 has nearly NO same-room multiplayer games.. so that's my "i have 2 hours to kill by myself box"... and I enjoy the media features too since i have a Media Center PC to link up to

oh,.. and please stop giving MS a free ride on their accessories... proprietary hardware is never good for consumers... $50 for a 512mb memory card? $180 for a 120gb hd? $100 for a wireless adaptor? there's no excuse whatsoever.
[quote name='smoger']
oh,.. and please stop giving MS a free ride on their accessories... proprietary hardware is never good for consumers... $50 for a 512mb memory card? $180 for a 120gb hd? $100 for a wireless adaptor? there's no excuse whatsoever.[/QUOTE]

How does that affect me if I don't buy them? It doesn't. Do I wish they were lower for people who want them? Sure. But really, all you have to do to drop the prices on these things, is not to buy them.
[quote name='Damian'] As for the cost, well, console storage has been priced at a premium since the PS1 introduced memory cards. Why is it suddenly, 13 years later, a shocking surprise?[/quote]

Probably because both of the competitors have realized that expensive, proprietary storage solutions were stupid. Both the Wii and the PS3 allow use of standardized, and much cheaper, memory solutions.

I agree that for me, I don't really care as the hard drive is just fine. However, I don't think it should be glossed over as a fault for the 360.
Good to know. I still have to my first gen version still (thankfully), but it's starting to act...odd. Random shutdowns, etc, etc. No RROD though, but the need for a replacement might arise.
[quote name='Damian']No one does have to learn to manage. There is a larger hard drive available. As for the cost, well, console storage has been priced at a premium since the PS1 introduced memory cards. Why is it suddenly, 13 years later, a shocking surprise?

Dismissing the price drop because it doesn't meet (the generic) your personal needs is pretty ignorant and selfish.[/quote]

Why? i tell you why... because i just upgraded the PS3's hdd to 320gb for $80, that's why! Now, if i can do that on my X360, i'm a happy man.

As to why i want a big hdd? What do you care? i'm a media freak, i don't like to delete demos and trailers until i get the actual game and movie (some times that never happen, thus the demo and trailer stayed there "forever.")

Is Elite a good deal? No! Only that it's black, other than that, it's overpriced like hell (and still no WiFi build-in).

I welcome the price drop of course, but i welcome a redesign even more.
If i Bought one today at Gamestop (i have alot of credit) would i be able to pricematch when it actually drops?
[quote name='zewone']How does that affect me if I don't buy them? It doesn't. Do I wish they were lower for people who want them? Sure. But really, all you have to do to drop the prices on these things, is not to buy them.[/quote]

Keep it that way then Zewone... When Gears 2 comes out (and all the goodies in between), i think your 20gb gonna scream for more room. You can only manage what you have, it's really that simple...

You don't buy the other stuffs, fine, peace on that, but you can't use your "fine by me" rationale on people who want them right? That's just plain one way street...

Lastly, you know that you can't backup the X360 hdd right? Errr, let me guess, "no, i don't need to back it up, why the hell i need to?" Well, tell you what, i want to and i can't... not w/o buying some gadget, but even then, it's only game saves and what nots. On my PS3? I can backup everything, nice eh? What's the point? Well, external hdds are fairly cheap, nothing wrong with having backups (very inexpensive insurance if you want to think it that way).
[quote name='johnmirra']If i Bought one today at Gamestop (i have alot of credit) would i be able to pricematch when it actually drops?[/quote]

Nope, good luck with that... if used you have seven days to return/exchange. If it's new, 30 days (but you can't open it).
well thats shitty , im just somewhat worried that the drop may casue a run on them and ill end up waiting even longer
[quote name='Serpentor']Keep it that way then Zewone... When Gears 2 comes out (and all the goodies in between), i think your 20gb gonna scream for more room. You can only manage what you have, it's really that simple...

You don't buy the other stuffs, fine, peace on that, but you can't use your "fine by me" rationale on people who want them right? That's just plain one way street...

Lastly, you know that you can't backup the X360 hdd right? Errr, let me guess, "no, i don't need to back it up, why the hell i need to?" Well, tell you what, i want to and i can't... not w/o buying some gadget, but even then, it's only game saves and what nots. On my PS3? I can backup everything, nice eh? What's the point? Well, external hdds are fairly cheap, nothing wrong with having backups (very inexpensive insurance if you want to think it that way).[/QUOTE]

Don't worry about me. When Gears 2 comes out I'll have plenty of space on my HDD, so I have no idea what you mean by that.

For people who want the accessories they have to ask themselves if they need/want it that bad to be raped by MS. As far as I'm concerned, none of that is necessary.

If I wanted to, I could buy a 120GB SATA drive and hack it myself to use with the 360 (I know most consumers couldn't do that, but I can, I just don't see the need).

As far as backing up my HDD, I've backed up my HDD to my PC's HDD plenty of times for free. Want to know how? I took apart my 360's HDD case, and plugged the SATA HDD to my PC (again, I know most people wouldn't do this, but it's not that big of a deal to me to unscrew some screws).

So, keep on trucking by being a genius who has a 320GB HDD in his PS3 (where it's actually neccesary since you have to install 5GBs of data for any decent game).
errr, Zewone, not everyone is a genius like you. I don't think upgrading hdd involves anything voids warranty. But good luck with your 20gb X360, hey, if you're happy, be happy right?

As to MS raping, err, definitely... You see, i want to go wireless (who doesn't?) but i changed the plan after learning that the adapter is about $80 (yike). So there, a little pissy, but yeah, like you said, no need to buy. However, the point is, i'm not happy that i'm forced into that position (reconfigure/relcate the router to resolve the X360's on-line connectivity issue).

I have no problem with game installs. I only have problems with company's push out products with limited options. Like i said, if MS decided to release X360.2, i'm all over it.
[quote name='smoger']and please stop giving MS a free ride on their accessories... proprietary hardware is never good for consumers... $50 for a 512mb memory card? $180 for a 120gb hd? $100 for a wireless adaptor? there's no excuse whatsoever.[/QUOTE]

While I agree that MS' accessory prices are too high, I get tired of people expecting NewEgg style prices instead. $180 is way too much for the 120GB HDD. A similar drive goes on NewEgg for about $70. If you account for the custom enclosure, pre-formatting, shipping, packaging, etc. it may be up to $85. Then you could discount for economies of scale, so we're back to, say, $70. Platform holders always make tons of profit on accessories, so let's say they double their cost. That would place the HDD at $140 tops. So yes, the current price is a total gouge. Then again pricing it at $100 is not realistic.

I wish that they had gone with non-proprietary this time as well, but the fact that the Xbox1's HDD was pretty much a standard drive once you opened up the case bit them in the ass pretty hard last gen. Sony's approach is better, BUT both they and Nintendo have problems that MS doesn't have with their HDD solution.

Your PS3 hard drive is tied to your system. So if the system dies and you send it in. They will send you a refurb. Guess what? Your HDD won't work with it until you reformat it. Better hope you used that backup utility or backed up your individual saves recently.

And as for Nintendo's SD slot? It's only for backup and at that it's pretty much useless, IMO. Downloading content from the store is just as fast as transferring it, and the saves you'd really want to back up (smash brothers, etc.) won't copy to it.

All three companies gouge on controllers, so no difference there. Yes, the 360 doesn't have built-in wi-fi, but unlike the HDD this is NOT proprietary, you can buy a wireless bridge to do the job for $30-$40 bucks.
Lord Alfred, thanks! Somehow reading your post is both informative and inspiring...
yeap, there are flaws in all of them, but yet, there a lot of good stuffs in all of them. So instead of bitching, i guess more gaming :)

For those that continually say, "Fine by me," what happens when an accessory you do want is insanely overpriced? Yeah, that's what I thought. But then, everyone else can say, "Fine by us."
If the price is out of my range, then I don't buy it.

I want a Ferrari, am I going to whine about it that I can't afford one and they should drop the price? No.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I don't understand why some people continue to defend Microsoft on the accessory front. It's a joke...further compounded by the RRoD issues and their Draconian digital rights management, which they FINALLY addressed after nearly three years.[/quote]

I am with you to a point...the hard drive are grossly overpriced, the rrod is horible, but the ps2 had serious DRE issues and didn't do as much as msft..

Yes ps fans can spout it was no where near as bad, I call BS. I went thru 7 systems in about 5 years, and it was a major pain to send them back to be repaired and easier to just go buy a new one. I am on my third 360. A lot easier to get fixed in my experiance.

The wireless adapter pricing is a joke. But imo why would anyone want to go wireless unless they had too. More stable and better speed is always done thru a wire. In the end, the adapter should be cheaper, but maybe it is priced higher to ensure greater stability while playing on live...i just throwing that out there

The memory cards and controllers are about par for the course, they really aren't over priced that bad.

Your DRM beef shouldn't really be with msft. Maybe there legal team for getting really poor DRM licensing, but you should also blame the tv/movie and music companies. IMO DRM will be put to rest by the European court system, which is a lot more pro consumer. For instance the DRM free itunes stuff was helped along a lot by a ruling in europe. (I believe it was italy, but I really don't remeber).
[quote name='Lord Alfred']While I agree that MS' accessory prices are too high, I get tired of people expecting NewEgg style prices instead. $180 is way too much for the 120GB HDD. A similar drive goes on NewEgg for about $70. If you account for the custom enclosure, pre-formatting, shipping, packaging, etc. it may be up to $85. Then you could discount for economies of scale, so we're back to, say, $70. Platform holders always make tons of profit on accessories, so let's say they double their cost. That would place the HDD at $140 tops. So yes, the current price is a total gouge. Then again pricing it at $100 is not realistic. [/quote]

They sure are very high, but you also have to think that they have to give retailers a way to make money since there is very little margin on selling consoles. And that is why they want to force bundles and push accessory sales like crazy because it is the only way they will make money on a console sale. The OEM has to provide the retailer with margin somewhere, or else why would a retailer want to sell that companies product. I have sold product into retail channels for many years and the buyers expect a decent ROI, good inventory turn, and comp sales growth and if the equation doesn't balance out, you lose your product placement with the retailer.
I am with you to a point...the hard drive are grossly overpriced, the rrod is horible, but the ps2 had serious DRE issues and didn't do as much as msft..
Yes, the PS2 had issues with DRE. Unfortunately, we'll never know the failure rate of any console, because the manufacturer is not going to tell us. What we do know, though, is that Sony fixed the DRE issues. RRoD is still a major factor, even after the Falcon chipset. According to some, nothing short of a total redesign of the system would actually get the 360's failure rate down to an acceptable rate, and that's unfortunate.

Also, on the DRM front, it's not even their policy that bothers's the fact that you have to jump through loops to get your license transfered. I mean, how many people have gotten back refurbed units and had their content not work offline? They are suppose to transfer the license, but often don't. Then, when you call them, it's like you're asking for a handout or something...rather than the right to use content that you paid for. That's what really annoys me. Like I said, they finally fixed this, but that doesn't erase the headaches people went through for almost three years.
[quote name='hufferstl']Sony and Nintendo doesn't have to offer a 3 year warranty, they made quality systems, Microsoft did not.[/quote]

Did you ever own a phat PS2? 3 of my friends had issues with their "DISC ERROR" message all the fucking time on their fat ps2. Did you forget about that?

Did you own a n64? I loved how the dual stick of the controllers always broke after months of use. Those controllers had some bad sticks. I remember playing N64 at a Target or Wal-mart and the sticks were always fucked up...

My xbox works fine and I still play games on it. I bought it back in 2003 and it works like a charm. Look, if you dont want a 360 because "it breaks" then don't buy one and move on.
He was specifically referring to this generation's consoles. I think that is pretty obvious. And this generation, both Nintendo and Sony have produced consoles that fall within very acceptable rates of failure. Also, the PS2's issues were eventually addressed and controllers that wear out are a bit different than a $300+ console that breaks in less than a year.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']
1.For those that continually say, "Fine by me," what happens when an accessory you do want is insanely overpriced?

2.Yeah, that's what I thought.

3. But then, everyone else can say, "Fine by us."[/quote]

1. If an accessory is overpriced then I don't buy it and move on. That's what people did when the PS3 was launched as a BluRay accessory for $599.99 :lol:

2. WTF?
3. A company can do whatever the fuck they want. Just ask Sony with the $599.99 tag for a 60 gig PS3. They didn't care if BigDaddyBruce though it was too expensive, they said, fuck it, oasisboy will buy a PS3 at $599.99 :applause:
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']

1. Also, the PS2's issues were eventually addressed
2. controllers that wear out are a bit different than a $300+ console that breaks in less than a year.[/quote]

1. No, not true. My friends had to buy a slim ps2 which meant shelling out an additional $150.

2. The N64 controllers wore out in a couple of months and they were $35, meanwhile a $300 console might break but it cost you $0 to get it repaired, big difference there.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Yes, the PS2 had issues with DRE. Unfortunately, we'll never know the failure rate of any console, because the manufacturer is not going to tell us. What we do know, though, is that Sony fixed the DRE issues. RRoD is still a major factor, even after the Falcon chipset. According to some, nothing short of a total redesign of the system would actually get the 360's failure rate down to an acceptable rate, and that's unfortunate.

Also, on the DRM front, it's not even their policy that bothers's the fact that you have to jump through loops to get your license transfered. I mean, how many people have gotten back refurbed units and had their content not work offline? They are suppose to transfer the license, but often don't. Then, when you call them, it's like you're asking for a handout or something...rather than the right to use content that you paid for. That's what really annoys me. Like I said, they finally fixed this, but that doesn't erase the headaches people went through for almost three years.[/quote]

I had issues with the slim for a might have reduced the issues, but it wasn't solved on the ps2 from my own personal experiance.

As for the license transfer yeah it is a bitch. Like I said, from the sounds of it the legal team or the team in charge of getting the license did a shitty job.

I never knew that the repair center was supposed to relicense it. Never ever heard of that. As for the bitching and moaning about not being able to use the content that you works online. Yes a small % of people that bought a 360 and then didn't have it online ran into that problem. I really think you are blowing it way out of proportion though. You have to have a 360 owner, one thats bought content on the marketplace and then had there 360 rrod and then they needed to use there refurb 360 offline. I can't imagine that of the 20 mill people that have the 360, that more then a couple thousand ran into this issue.
[quote name='zewone'] Do I wish they were lower for people who want them? Sure. But really, all you have to do to drop the prices on these things, is not to buy them.[/quote]

Exactly :applause:

Best example: PS3 at launch for $599.99 , now $399.99
[quote name='oasisboy']Did you ever own a phat PS2? 3 of my friends had issues with their "DISC ERROR" message all the fucking time on their fat ps2. Did you forget about that?

Did you own a n64? I loved how the dual stick of the controllers always broke after months of use. Those controllers had some bad sticks. I remember playing N64 at a Target or Wal-mart and the sticks were always fucked up...

My xbox works fine and I still play games on it. I bought it back in 2003 and it works like a charm. Look, if you dont want a 360 because "it breaks" then don't buy one and move on.[/QUOTE]

Your 3 friends had ps2's break and my 3 friends had 360s break. Big F'n deal.

And yes, I did own a N64(still do) and I somehow never had controllers with the white dust problems. I do realize that others did have lots of problems, and that sucks. But to bring up the N64 sticks at WalMart and Target is probably the stupidest statement in this whole dumb thread. Congratulations, that actually means a lot in this thread.

I am happy that your Xbox works, I'm sure there are many launch systems out there still working, but to me(
My first gen PS2 has never had a problem. Still waiting on the coffin for my 1st Gen 360 and it's RRoD.

But a price drop would be nice. Mainly as I hope it pushes the PS3 down as well so I can pick up one of those sooner.
I had issues with the slim for a might have reduced the issues, but it wasn't solved on the ps2 from my own personal experiance.
You can't completely eliminate a technical problem. These are consumer-grade electronics we are talking about. They aren't invincible. Even the most reliable hardware still has some kind of failure rate. So, yeah, your slim PS2 had DRE issues, but the widespread DRE issues were handled, unlike the RRoD, which is still too high. If anyone would to claim otherwise, please show me the evidence that DREs were a widespread issue beyond the earliest generations of PS2 consoles. I can certainly show you plenty of proof that the RRoD rate is probably still around, at least, 10% with the Falcon chipset.

I never knew that the repair center was supposed to relicense it. Never ever heard of that. As for the bitching and moaning about not being able to use the content that you works online.
That's nice that it works online. How about when the internet goes out? This does happen. Again, consumer-grade stuff. It doesn't always work. Also, what happens when someone else wants to use the content on a different GT? They can't anymore, because of MS' draconian DRM. Yes, again, they fixed it, but to say it wasn't a big issue, that's complete nonsense. If I buy content for my family to use, they should be able to use it however they want. They shouldn't have to sign onto my GT to do it, just because MS' defective product broke, and they sent me someone else's defective product.
[quote name='ryanbph']I had issues with the slim for a might have reduced the issues, but it wasn't solved on the ps2 from my own personal experiance.

As for the license transfer yeah it is a bitch. Like I said, from the sounds of it the legal team or the team in charge of getting the license did a shitty job.

I never knew that the repair center was supposed to relicense it. Never ever heard of that. As for the bitching and moaning about not being able to use the content that you works online. Yes a small % of people that bought a 360 and then didn't have it online ran into that problem. I really think you are blowing it way out of proportion though. You have to have a 360 owner, one thats bought content on the marketplace and then had there 360 rrod and then they needed to use there refurb 360 offline. I can't imagine that of the 20 mill people that have the 360, that more then a couple thousand ran into this issue.[/quote]

I don't really want to get into this silly fight, but originally (for the first year or so) they didn't, then there was a period where they didn't generally bother, and would only go back and do it if you happened to get the right person on the phone, and then for the past 9 months or so it's been fairly straightforward to get the phone support people to get it done (although it took about a month for mine to go through)... I believe somewhere in the recent times they've been more proactive about doing it when they actually send you the new console as opposed to requiring an extra phone call back from you, but I'm not sure

I think part of it was that there started being games that not only wouldn't work offline, but wouldn't work at all (Puzzle Quest being the one I had experience with)... honestly I probably wouldn't have bothered calling, since I'm almost always on Live, but a game not working altogether is a more annoying issue
I believe somewhere in the recent times they've been more proactive about doing it when they actually send you the new console as opposed to requiring an extra phone call back from you, but I'm not sure
No, you are 100% right. Recently, they did finally start transferring licenses automatically, without the customer having to make the call, which is why they put up the link on about re-downloading content to make it work again. Unfortunately, they were pretty sloppy about it, and a lot of consoles slipped through the cracks, and people still had to play phone tag.
[quote name='FoxAlive']are they coming out with new bundles?[/QUOTE]

Doesn't look like it from the ad.

I'd guess if they do another bundle it would be for the holiday season rather than summer.
I'm hoping we hear about new SKUs at E3.

The price drop is great, but I'm going to hold off just a little bit longer just to see if they don't release the rumored 60GB console.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']You can't completely eliminate a technical problem. These are consumer-grade electronics we are talking about. They aren't invincible. Even the most reliable hardware still has some kind of failure rate. So, yeah, your slim PS2 had DRE issues, but the widespread DRE issues were handled, unlike the RRoD, which is still too high. If anyone would to claim otherwise, please show me the evidence that DREs were a widespread issue beyond the earliest generations of PS2 consoles. I can certainly show you plenty of proof that the RRoD rate is probably still around, at least, 10% with the Falcon chipset..[/quote]

Hey your previous post you said that the ps2 fixed there issue. I am 100% in agreement that the rrod is a fucking shitting situation and the fact they put the console out like that is disgusting. But I am also sick of people bitching about it, and pretending like the dre on the ps2 didn't happen and that the rrod is the worst thing ever in gaming. I had more ps2 break on me then my 360's. I play in a smoke free enviorment with a fan that blows on the systems. In my experiance the ps2 was a shittier console. The majority of my friends that had a ps2 and a 360 have had either a worse time with the ps2 or even. So it isn't something I am pulling out of my ass, or I got very unlucky. I looked a couple months ago, and I am fairly sure there were issues with the slim, just look online there are message boards solely about the horrible slim's and trying to get a class action suite on it.

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']
That's nice that it works online. How about when the internet goes out? This does happen. Again, consumer-grade stuff. It doesn't always work. Also, what happens when someone else wants to use the content on a different GT? They can't anymore, because of MS' draconian DRM. Yes, again, they fixed it, but to say it wasn't a big issue, that's complete nonsense. If I buy content for my family to use, they should be able to use it however they want. They shouldn't have to sign onto my GT to do it, just because MS' defective product broke, and they sent me someone else's defective product.[/quote]

as I said in my previous post which you cut short. Yes some people will be affected by it. Yes it sucks but I don't think it affects that many people. I have heard of a few sob stories from a variety of podcasts/ message boards I go to, but considering how big the sites are it has been minimal. It isn't a big issue if it doesn't bother the majority of owners.

And how fucking often does ones internet go out. I have lived in a somewhat boonies area and I live by in a surban now, and in my 9 or so years of broadband internet I have never had an outage.

Yes it was backward ass that the drm didn't transfer, yes they were sloppy with it (most humans do as little as possible is it really a shock to you), yes it should have been done quicker. But it was fixed and you really don't have much to bitch about on that subject anymore, unless your console after transfering all drm to it dies in the next year.:lol::lol:(only 1 transfer per year):applause::applause:bravo msft
Hey your previous post you said that the ps2 fixed there issue. I am 100% in agreement that the rrod is a fucking shitting situation and the fact they put the console out like that is disgusting. But I am also sick of people bitching about it, and pretending like the dre on the ps2 didn't happen and that the rrod is the worst thing ever in gaming. I had more ps2 break on me then my 360's. I play in a smoke free enviorment with a fan that blows on the systems. In my experiance the ps2 was a shittier console. The majority of my friends that had a ps2 and a 360 have had either a worse time with the ps2 or even. So it isn't something I am pulling out of my ass, or I got very unlucky. I looked a couple months ago, and I am fairly sure there were issues with the slim, just look online there are message boards solely about the horrible slim's and trying to get a class action suite on it.

I've had my PS2 since a couple of months after launch. Anecdotal evidence means nothing. Failure rates for 360 are abnormally high and you know it.
[quote name='tianxia']I've had my PS2 since a couple of months after launch. Anecdotal evidence means nothing. Failure rates for 360 are abnormally high and you know it.[/quote]

Exactly. Everyone in the industry or who follows the industry knows this. The 360 has an insanely high failure rate.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Exactly. Everyone in the industry or who follows the industry knows this. The 360 has an insanely high failure rate.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Exactly. Everyone in the industry or who follows the industry knows this. The 360 has an insanely high failure rate.[/quote]

True dat bro, but wait for the infamous Jaspers :D
[quote name='IXI Dragunz IXI']True dat bro, but wait for the infamous Jaspers :D[/quote]

Yeah, we'll see. That's what we heard about the Falcons, as well. I still tend to believe those that say the design of the system itself is totally flawed. Hopefully, though, the new chipsets will get this issue under control.
[quote name='oasisboy']Exactly :applause:

Best example: PS3 at launch for $599.99 , now $399.99[/QUOTE]

Wrong. PS3 launched with a 60 gb and a 20 gb which were $599 and $499, Now they have a 40 gb and 80 gb for $399 and $499. So in a standpoint its only a $100 drop. Not $200. The 40 gb is the new 20 gb and the 80 is the new 60 gb. And imho the 20 gb is better than the 40 gb because it had backwards compatibility.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']And the question was...something you and your posts aren't?

Yeah, we'll see. That's what we heard about the Falcons, as well. I still tend to believe those that say the design of the system itself is totally flawed. Hopefully, though, the new chipsets will get this issue under control.[/QUOTE]

You ____ _____, mang. :cool:
[quote name='oasisboy']Exactly :applause:

Best example: PS3 at launch for $599.99 , now $399.99[/quote]

As FlamedLiquid mentioned, you're comparing the "premium" unit with the "budget" one. The price drop was actually $100. Also, there are factors that contributed to the drop. Hardware support for PS2 games was removed, thus cutting production costs, and the cost of Blu-ray technology across the board dropped. Also, keep in mind that the $400 unit is completely lacking in any kind of support for PS2 games.

[quote name='zewone']You ____ _____, mang. :cool:[/quote]

I love you, too, zewone.
bread's done