Your biggest let-down this gen?


95 (100%)
To compliment the biggest surprise thread, why not a thread about you're biggest let-down of this generation.

I just know I'm going to be crucified for this one, but mine would have to be Halo 2. I was REALLY stoaked for it and had watched all the videos, demos, etc., having played and beaten the original many times over and loving all of it. The single player just felt off to me... like it needed more time in the oven. I don't do multiplayer over Live or anything, so that "highlight" was a non-issue for me. Really, Halo 2 is what drove me from just having an Xbox to start looking at Sony and Nintendo for something to play. I suppose if it broadened my horizons, great, but it's still a sore spot with me ;)
Lets see...where to begin:

Resident Evil 4
Super Mario Sunshine
Metroid Prime 2
Star Fox Adventures
Star Fox Assault
Devil May Cry 2
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Dino Crisis 3
Tekken 4
Resident Evil Outbreak
Donkey Konga 2
Here here on the Halo 2. We got that at launch and co-op'ed it. I wasn't interested in on-line play and that game was a fucking mess single player. Did I expect too much? Nope.

On the PC tip, I'm starting to feel the let-down doldrums of Heroes of Might and Magic V. I had high expectations for it, but there are a lot of small factors that are starting to drag it all down. You know when you keep going back and forth on a game... "it's pretty cool!" and then, "man... am i having fun?"

one of the many things thats bugging me is the 3-d camera (though the battles look cool, the map is bullshit.. i get tired of panning and zooming so i just say fuck it and leave certain things behind). the AI seems surprisingly poor for a current gen game. what fun is strategizing your heart out when you realize the enemy forces are just running in circles.

don't you just love it when a sequel to a game (many years later) has WORSE A.I.?? Hmmm half-life 2 coming to mind here.
My biggest disappointment has been the Xbox in general and, more specifically, Halo 2.


Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Tekken 4
Suikoden IV
Mario Party 5
Devil May Cry
Kingdom Hearts
True Crime (thought this was going to be a badass GTA style game...not so much(
Pretty Much everything from Square-Enix.

There's more, but later.
I can't believe people think Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4 are disappointments... those are the two best games of this generation and stand up to the best games ever made, IMO.

I was disappointed with Super Mario Sunshine even though I think it is a really really good game - I had Mario 64 sized hopes for it...
Syphon Filter: Omega Strain

I was a big SF fan when it was on PS1 and was sooo looking forward to the PS2 version. I even took off work the day it came out. I went to EB as soon as they opened, played the game for an hour and ended up taking it back! Ugh, what a horrible mess that game was.
Final Fantasy X2 really pissed me off. FFX was perhaps my favorite FF game and FFX2 was a big piece of shit. Did anybody here like that crap?
"Here are your friendly neighborhood Gullwings!!..!!!"

fucking stupid.

Resident Evil Outbreak 2(never played the first) pissed me off as well because it did not have system link. However it did have something happen in it when my brother in law and I were playing that still comes up from time to time that we laugh about that will never die, so it was not a complete waste, so it's better than FFX2 just for that reason.

There are more, I'll just have to think to see if they pissed me off more than FFX2.
[quote name='javeryh']I can't believe people think Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4 are disappointments... those are the two best games of this generation and stand up to the best games ever made, IMO.

I was disappointed with Super Mario Sunshine even though I think it is a really really good game - I had Mario 64 sized hopes for it...[/QUOTE]

I was about to make this exact post.
Final Fantasy X-2 and to a lesser extent Dirge of Cerberus.

While Final Fantasy X-2 was a good game by it's own right, it should have never been attached to the Final Fantasy name, let alone the brilliant X. And DoC, that game was just a piece of shit. They had nearly a decade to make a sequel/spin-off to one of the most celebrated RPG's of all time and Square Enix could not have done a worse job of it. It wasn't that big of a disappointment, though, because I kinda knew ahead of time that it was garbage.
[quote name='dcfox']Final Fantasy X-2 and to a lesser extent Dirge of Cerberus.

While Final Fantasy X-2 was a good game by it's own right, it should have never been attached to the Final Fantasy name, let alone the brilliant X. And DoC, that game was just a piece of shit. They had nearly a decade to make a sequel/spin-off to one of the most celebrated RPG's of all time and Square Enix could not have done a worse job of it. It wasn't that big of a disappointment, though, because I kinda knew ahead of time that it was garbage.[/QUOTE]

Keep in mind I never finished FFX2, played about 10-12 hours though. It was too "high school snobby girlish acting" for me I think. I hated that game and just kept playing wanting it to get better but it never did for me. Go ahead and ruin the game for me, do they ever find Tidus(I think that is what they were looking for if I remember, played a long time ago)?
Halo 2's single player game

I love me some Halo 1, so I'm anything but a Halo-basher, but this game's single-player mode was a huge let down. I partially blame Microsoft for rushing Bungie.

Just about every level in the game feels uninspired and just plain boring. Why does just about every level use crappy washed-out looking grey/brown/green colors? It looks bland and terrible.

There's way too much driving in the game. When I buy a FPS, that's what I want. A FIRST PERSON SHOOTER. Not a driving game.

Then there's the incomplete, crap ending. Halo 2 fanboys can scream "cliffhanger you nub!!!" all they want, but I'm not buying it. Nobody would purposely end a game that badly.

Add that to the fact that you don't even play consistently as Master Cheif through half the game, and you have a huge disappointment.
[quote name='javeryh']I can't believe people think Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4 are disappointments... those are the two best games of this generation and stand up to the best games ever made, IMO.

I was disappointed with Super Mario Sunshine even though I think it is a really really good game - I had Mario 64 sized hopes for it...[/quote]

I didn't think Metroid Prime was horrible, I had just heard all this hype about the game and was disappointed when I bought/played it. People have different tastes...
Halo 2 and Conker: Live & Reloaded. There were plenty of other popular or highly anticipated games that I thought were crap too (Metroid Prime, Windwaker, etc..) , but those were the only two I expected to be great that just blew. I rarely have high expectations for any games (especially non-sequals) as there is so much crap out there but I was really expecting those two to be great.

On the other side of things, I was highly suprised by how fantastic Indiana Jones & the Emperor's Tomb and Resident Evil 4 were.
I liked Final Fantasy X-2 thanks to its awesome battle system. Other than that though, and arguably the music and FMV, there's no reason to like it.

Biggest letdown for me was Valkyrie Profile 2. fuck you, Tri-Ace. I will not be buying another one of your games at launch again. First you fuck up Star Ocean 3, but at least that was playable. There was no excuse for VP2 being so horrible.
[quote name='2Fast']I didn't think Metroid Prime was horrible, I had just heard all this hype about the game and was disappointed when I bought/played it. People have different tastes...[/QUOTE]

I agree totally. I like MP1, it was a fun change of pace for Metroid, but I would not call it the greatest game ever. MP2 however was a stinkfest in my eyes.

I liked the battle system in Final Fantasy X2, the outfit system was cool. BUT, why did I have to see the outfit change clip everytime? Why was I unable to skip that? Other than the battle system with outfit thing going on, that game was crap. And to attatch itself to a great game like FFX was lame.
It was a pimple on the ass of FFX.

Another game that REALLY dissapointed me was the Pokemon games for Gamecube. Those games had HUGE potential(the original Pokemon games are in my top 5 favorites). It had all the elements of the Gameboy games, but the battle system(which could have been much cooler looking) was lacking and it just had no polish to it. I wish they would make a console Pokemon that had the magic of the Gameboy Pokemons.
Halo 2's singleplayer/coop is #2. As great as the multiplayer is in both games, the reason I liked the first one so much was the campaign. Totally solid. Yeah, yeah, you revisit places, I know, but even still the levels, enemies, AI, difficulty, design, story, and music were spot on.

Why didn't I like the second campaign? I didn't like the arbiter side of the game at all. Very long and boring, and he's not near as likable as Master Chief. The story was all over the place, making basically no sense. I also hated how the game was originally an earth campaign, but they changed for some reason that escapes as of this post. The music and graphics (mostly) were good, but the rest wasn't.

But my number one let down is the .hack series. I was sucked in by the anime, even if it made zero sense. I liked the concept of an MMORPG anime, the music, the characters, and even the convoluted story.

The games had a bit of story, and a dash of character, but the rest flat out died. The music mostly sucked, the gameplay was garbage, and dungeon crawling through flat, identical levels with the only purpose of a small cutscene at the end nearly turned me off of the first one. I played it to it's entirety though, completing every single sidequest, maxing every item, max money, and the absolute best equipment available. I invested about 40 hours into maybe a 20 or less game that I hated.

Soon after, I bought the second game. Why? Basically, I wanted to understand the anime, and this game and it's sequels were the key. However, I was so burnt out from the first that I couldn't bare to complete it. Without any hyperbole, I literally played for an hour or two before I was so sick of it I put it down and haven't touched it sense. And this was... I'd guess three years ago.

I'm still determined to pick it back up and beat it as well as the other two games in the series, but I've yet to muster the willpower to do so. I STILL want to know what happens, and I know I can just read an FAQ or story synposis or something. I just feel that I can't ruin it, even if I don't want to play three games I don't want to for 100 or so hours. Oi.

EDIT: Oi indeed. I just read what I wrote. Typos, grammatical mistakes. Very unlike me. And I'm not correcting it.
I liked the campaign in Halo 2, but I really can see how people were disappointed by it. Halo's SP campaign had almost infinite replay value, Halo 2's not so much.
I actually like the single player in Halo 2 much better than Halo 1. I thought playing as the Arbiter varied the gameplay and made for an interesting dynamic. The library level in Halo 1 was incredibly tedious.

The biggest dissapointment for me was Star Wars Galaxies, I am not even a big Star Wars fan, but I couldn't wait for this. It was supposed to be the next big MMORPG, but when it was released it was unfinished and buggy with very little content. The combat was boring with very little variety (not to mention all the broken or not working stuff) and it really didn't feel like a Star WARS game. With professions like dancer and entertainer that you were forced to interact with, it felt like the Sims. That game left a bitter taste for licensed games, especially licensed Star Wars games.
I'll agree with the Library, though I think it had some nice emotional value. You have 343 Guilty Spark, whom you just met, floating around, talking jibberish, and humming like nothing's going on while you silently slay hundreds of the Flood, having just met them one level earlier, still recovering from the twist and shock of it all.

It was fun the first time, but I pretty much skip it now unless I've got the time.
Biggest dissappointment: Final Fantasy X-2, quite possibly one of the stupidest games I've ever played.

Other mentions:
-Sony lying about the PSP's focus being games.
-The overlooked greats (Eternal Darkness, Psychonauts, VJ1/2, BG&E and many more) which won't get anymore sequels.
-Halo 2's ending.
-The PSP's lack of decent software.
-Super Mario Sunshine, while a good game on it's own, it's just not up to Mario caliber.
Oh, how could I forgot the ending to Halo 2.

The first had a nice, conclusive, yet open ending. It was sad and final, but left room for more.

2, however, just said "Screw it. We'll finish this later on with Halo 3. Let's go home and burn some money."
Kingdom Hearts blew big chunks and it still does.

Crap level design, a terrible camera, stupid platforming, too many-cutscenes, that damn gummi ship!

I don't know how people can love it so much other than "Kawaii! Disney characters and bishies \(^o^)/"

The second one is even worse in that it tries to take itself too seriously, adds more cutscenes, montages, and popsicles. It's such a big, bloated, train-wreck!

If it included Duckburg, St. Canard, or a dating mini-game where Barrett is one of my choices it could be forgiven. Bring me a Kingdom Hearts Tactics where Goofy can get all tactical on your ass!
1. Mario Sunshine - Mario 64 is a my favorite game of all time and I was very disappointed by Sunshine. My expectations were simply too high.

2. Metroid Prime - while amazing at first, the gameplay (try to go here, get this, kill this, etc.) got very, very stale. Although the boss scenes were pretty cool, so many other shooters are better at the actual combat.

3. MGS: Snake Eater - camera completely killed it, thankfully this was fixed with Subsistance, which is one of my favorite games of this generation

4. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 - while not a bad game, it didn't seem as big of an upgrade over the first. The abilty to make your followers turn good or bad was vastly overplayed in the advertising; it really didn't make that much of an impact in game.

5. Zelda: Wind Waker - again, a real good game, but no-where near the level of Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask. I actually liked the graphics design, but the endless sailing dragged it down. The frozen castle scene was incredible though.

(Dis)Honorable Mentions:
- Eternal Darkness (I was expecting a lot more based on everyone's praise, good, but no-where near great)

- Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (even with multiple players, still a let-down)

- Resident Evil Zero

- Splinter Cell (Chaos theory rules though)
[quote name='msdmoney']I actually like the single player in Halo 2 much better than Halo 1. I thought playing as the Arbiter varied the gameplay and made for an interesting dynamic. The library level in Halo 1 was incredibly tedious.[/QUOTE]

If you compare Halo 2 to The Library of course it's going to be better, practically everything is!
[quote name='PenguinMaster'] Conker: Live & Reloaded.

On the other side of things, I was highly suprised by how fantastic Indiana Jones & the Emperor's Tomb and Resident Evil 4 were.[/QUOTE]

I meant Live & Reloaded. They got it backwards by leaving the single player alone and messing up the multiplayer. All they needed to do was improve the graphics of the original and add dual analog and online play. I would've played it to death.

I also loved Indiana Jones, one of the few games I played through in a very short amount of time.
[quote name='jkam']Starfox Assault...I was hoping for something like Starfox 64 which it wasn't.[/quote]

Add that to my list as well.
Starfox Assault
Starfox Adventure
Conker Live and Reloaded
Far Cry
Star Ocean 3
Metroid Prime(simply because I couldn't get into the game, too open ended to figure out what you're supposed to do?)

Everyone mentions Halo2's ending but nobody mentions Half-Life 2's ending? Half-Life 2 is my favorite game of this generation single-player wise(Halo2 being multiplayer wise).
[quote name='javeryh']I can't believe people think Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4 are disappointments... those are the two best games of this generation and stand up to the best games ever made, IMO.

I was disappointed with Super Mario Sunshine even though I think it is a really really good game - I had Mario 64 sized hopes for it...[/quote]

I agree that RE4 was good, but never really got into the new Metroid. My biggest let-down would have to be Animal Crossing. I just couldn't get into doing the chores, and I still expect a game to be fun even if I can't play it everyday. (Message to Nintendo: Pulling weeds isn't fun !)

Why did you think Mario Sunshine was a let-down? I never understood why people thought that. There are more places to explore than Super Mario 64, I mean that all took place in different rooms of a castle. Plus, I thought Flud was an interesting and new play mechanic which didn't detract from the game at all. I mean, if Mario Sunshine all took place within one building, would that have made it better? I would love to hear your thoughts on that, because I hear it alot (but I am looking for a reasoned reply, and think you are up to it).
Resident Evil 4: Huge disappointment. This may be a good enough game graphically/technically, but it's not Resident Evil by any means. The entire story is piss poor.. none of it makes sense and all the while it feels like they're going about business pretending the other games didn't even happen. Leon is a terrible choice of character.. the guy goes from rookie police officer to special agent in the blink of an eye. Right.. what makes him so damned important? Why couldn't we have played as someone.. I don't know.. cool? Bah.

Dino Crisis 3: This really needs no explanation. If you played and enjoyed Dino Crisis 1 and 2, I'm sure you feel cheated like I do. The second game ended with a rather large cliff-hanger, but rather than explain anything in the next game, we get a huge load of nothing (oh.. and dinosaurs in SPACE?!) Since it did so bad, there's zero chance of them making another one, so nothing will ever be explained. Shameful.. how they could make the first two so good and then fall so far.
The true biggest let down this generation is the systematic demise of Sega. Sega went from having a great system with just an itty bitty flaw that left it wide open to piracy to becoming almost as bad a developer as Acclaim was. Sega's had how many "good" games in the past two years? It's really, really sad to see Sega's absolute collapse.

Beyond that, I think that Nintendo really dropped the ball with Mario Sunshine. The game has no variety to it. For Sony it's the continuing abomination that is Final Fantasy, particularly Final Fantasy XI aka the $100 game that you also had to pay a subscription fee for. For Microsoft, I guess it was the complete lack of game variety on the Xbox. I'm glad they amended that in the first year of the 360 though. Lord knows the world needed more games where your main character shoots stuff on a Microsoft system.
[quote name='furyk'] For Sony it's the continuing abomination that is Final Fantasy, particularly Final Fantasy XI aka the $100 game that you also had to pay a subscription fee for. [/QUOTE]

I didnt realize those were made by Sony. :D
Final Fantasy X wasn't bad but doesn't live up to the rest of the series, X-2 was just repugnant.

The Gamecube was a letdown, since it could have been the best system ever.
My trio of disappointments:

- Halo 2: I don't think I've ever thrown my controller down in shock at a game, but this one nailed me with a "That's IT?" at the end of the single player campaign. Very disappointing.

- X-Men Legends 2: Loving the first game, this sequel just didn't live up to my expectations. It felt tired and while there were numerous improvements over the first game, a lot of them felt unnecessary or out of place.

- Battlefield 2: I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't BF2. I very quickly became bored with the game, and there were numerous video card/slowdown issues right after launch. Even replaying it a few months ago it was still lackluster.
Baiten Katos (did I spell that right?) - I had heard great things about it, and did LOVE the gorgeous and imaginative locales but the first few hours were VERY boring... the remainder was decent then it really jumps the shark at the upside down garden level. that was so frustrating I just put it away after that. The card system was whack and annoying after awhile too. I did some incredible special moves but the combinations to get them? Who the hell knows... with that quick countdown timer good luck finding out. If the story had been decent I would have stuck with it but it was CRAP too! Blegh

Mario Sunshine - A good game but still a letdown. Nowhere near up to Mario standards. As a side game sure, but it wasnt the sequel I was hoping for.

FFX - Yep... I hated whiny Tidus, the ridiculous Wakka and the whole storyline of some underwater soccer game being turned into a religion. Poop. The summons were wicked cool though, but overall a disappointment.

There are others too I am sure... :D
MechAssault 2

I played the hell out of MA1 on LIVE. In fact most of my friends list is still made up of people who I met playing MA1. Instead of simply adding a mech builder and adding some new maps the developers churned out an abortion that none of us played a week after its release.
bread's done