Your collection - post a photo - show us what'cha got!

Why bother collecting games you don't want to play? They're just decorations at that point. Furthermore, every time someone collects a game just because it's rare but doesn't intend to play it they restrict the available supply for those who actually DO want to play the game and use it in its intended fashion.

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To be fair, there's no indication that he isn't planning to play the games he's collecting.  Plus, most of the games he's collecting have been used, which means someone has played them at the very least, which is why they were traded in, or being sold second hand on Amazon or eBay.  If those games were really that fun then the original owner wouldn't have sold it, and to be perfectly honest I doubt there is a large population of people just clamoring to play American Mensa Academy, and feel violated and deprived because they couldn't find it anywhere.

Personally, if I can't see myself playing the game I would not buy it, but even if it's not my prime choice of a game, if it has rarity, and it's something I will play, I'll still get it even though part of the reason was because it's rare.

There are of course many collectors out there that aren't like this at all though, and even more egregious are the ones that keeps everything sealed, and untouched.  I think these are the main collectors that I would have a problem with, although a hobby is a hobby, so I can't really fault them that much for that. 

Collecting is the part of the fun for them, and who am I to say that they're taking away the fun from somebody else when they're clearly having fun themselves doing so.  Otherwise, I personally can't accept the idea of people doing it just because they want to make money, but if those people do exist (which they do), then I feel very sorry for those people.

Most of my games are sealed =P

I usually find a cheap play copy or, cheap digital copy, or wait for a sale and replace an opened copy. I made money trading in my opened copy of A Link Between Worlds and getting a new one, for example.

I slowed down collecting after missing the Neptunia re;birth collector's edition though.

But for the most part, I don't buy things I wouldn't ever play, like a Call of Duty fridge. And 95% of what I buy is niche Japanese games anyways.
To be fair, there's no indication that he isn't planning to play the games he's collecting. Plus, most of the games he's collecting have been used, which means someone has played them at the very least, which is why they were traded in, or being sold second hand on Amazon or eBay. If those games were really that fun then the original owner wouldn't have sold it, and to be perfectly honest I doubt there is a large population of people just clamoring to play American Mensa Academy, and feel violated and deprived because they couldn't find it anywhere.

Personally, if I can't see myself playing the game I would not buy it, but even if it's not my prime choice of a game, if it has rarity, and it's something I will play, I'll still get it even though part of the reason was because it's rare.

There are of course many collectors out there that aren't like this at all though, and even more egregious are the ones that keeps everything sealed, and untouched. I think these are the main collectors that I would have a problem with, although a hobby is a hobby, so I can't really fault them that much for that.

Collecting is the part of the fun for them, and who am I to say that they're taking away the fun from somebody else when they're clearly having fun themselves doing so. Otherwise, I personally can't accept the idea of people doing it just because they want to make money, but if those people do exist (which they do), then I feel very sorry for those people.
and to be even more fair, there is no chance in hell any of us will ever get through 20% of our collections.

So I was looking for trade ins and I noticed Super Monkey Ball Banana blitz and Sonic and the secret rings both have a full color disc and a monotone disc variants. I wonder if the full color are more collectible, since they are probably the first runs of the games.

Y'all wanna see a dead body? No? Well then check out my backlog.


This is what happens when you're inspired by wiggy but don't have his craftsmanship. I decide to build a wall of shelves (actually two walls but this is the start) because the vast majority of my games were in boxes. 

Here's all my Xbox/360/One and Playstation/2/3/4 games with a lil' row of Dreamcast for good measure. A good amount of fat in my collection (at some point I thought buying Britney's Dance Beat was a good idea), but my goal is that my collection for these consoles won't expand beyond these shelves. Any new game I don't have space for will have to bump an existing game off. 

I still have a bunch of collector's editions that I'm working on a home for. I also am building shelves for my PC/Nintendo/handheld games.

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So I was looking for trade ins and I noticed Super Monkey Ball Banana blitz and Sonic and the secret rings both have a full color disc and a monotone disc variants. I wonder if the full color are more collectible, since they are probably the first runs of the games.
I know this is a month old post but actually the monotone discs with Wii games are usually the first print and the color one's are the reprints.

I know this is a month old post but actually the monotone discs with Wii games are usually the first print and the color one's are the reprints.
I noticed something similar to that, with The legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii). One had a flat color while, the other copy was shiny.

Well, here we are. 






For the sake of not flooding here are just links to the other pics.

My 2 game shelves. I just keep out what I actively keep a system hooked up for and play.

Shelves of figures and so on

My games I have in the unfinished store room in plastic bins for now till I get them put up better.

And all my other figures, CE boxes that are too big for storage bins, my systems in the boxes, spare periphals and other such stuff is stored away but I didnt feel like getting pics of them since most are in boxes or wrapped in garbage bags.

I think that might be the best amiibo display shelving I've seen yet.

Talking about me? Here is what I used for them. They normally run 60 bucks everywhere else that Id see. The top one has 17 in it, I could fit 18 if it werent for a couple being bigger than the others.

Here is a better pic of the shelf. They are nice for the price. Built well, the things in it that are meant to hold the bat easily slide right out, it has magnets on the door to keep it shut and has glass front and not plastic.

Talking about me? Here is what I used for them. They normally run 60 bucks everywhere else that Id see. The top one has 17 in it, I could fit 18 if it werent for a couple being bigger than the others.

Here is a better pic of the shelf. They are nice for the price. Built well, the things in it that are meant to hold the bat easily slide right out, it has magnets on the door to keep it shut and has glass front and not plastic.
Yeah, that's a pretty neat alternate use for that case. I've got a ton of Assassin's Creed Mega Bloks figures that would probably look good in one of those.

No such thing in this thread, flood away! ;D

At worst you can just use spoilers.

Nice set-up/collection. ^__^

I haven't looked at all the pics yet, but from the ones I clicked very bice collection Novar. One thing I noticed that bothers my OCD. Your games didn't seem to have an order to them.


I'll probably has some updated pics sometime tomorrow.

One of my shelves got taller, although not sure how safe it's going to be during the next quake.

So far all of the previous quakes nothing has fallen over surprisingly, so I'm feeling good. *knocks on every piece of wood I can find*

This is a lot of photos.  So, I'm using the Spoiler tags.

Was working on updating my game inventory this weekend.  I live in an apartment, and the majority of my games are in storage.  :/ 

This is not 100%.  There were more consoles/games (Atari, handhelds, etc.) that I didn't cover.  I need to find them and gather them all up.

No gaming "swag" or anything in these either.  I didn't want to dig it all out and display.  (There's a lot of crap!)

Also, apartment life means no fancy shelves or game room for me.  Maybe someday, when we get our first house...

I'm not a "gotta collect it all" collector.  I prefer quality over quantity.  Yes, there's some shitty games in here.  Most were bought up in lots, and, I do intend to "trim the fat" down the road in the future.

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I like your collection. A lot. :drool: Dat Neo Geo.

All my Dreamcast games are burned. lmao. The only legit copies I have are Tony Hawk Pro Skater and Marvel Vs Capcom. Hardly any Dreamcast games where I'm around.

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Nice collections guys... I need to doc my collection... normally do that around summer but this year's been a mess. So many issues with work & family (nothing serious, just busy). 

I remember the day when my dad got us a Dreamcast. He came home with that and a disk binder full of burned Dreamcast games. :lol:

So I'm moving into a new house this weekend and my video game stuff will now be moving into a finished basement. It's pretty dry and we run a dehumidifier and have sump pumps to keep it that way, but I'm still concerned with getting some elevated water-resistant shelving options just to be extra safe. Does anyone have any good suggestions for stuff like that?

I don't know if you guys remember, but I posted a few months back about the best way to make more room. I ended up going with binders since I found a few at 70% off at target. I went from this (not everything obviously):


To this:

I kept the kids movies in cases to make it easy for the kids to pick what they want to watch. Although I'm thinking I'll create an album on the iPad for them and then I can put those in a binder too.
I don't know if you guys remember, but I posted a few months back about the best way to make more room. I ended up going with binders since I found a few at 70% off at target. I went from this (not everything obviously):
To this:
I kept the kids movies in cases to make it easy for the kids to pick what they want to watch. Although I'm thinking I'll create an album on the iPad for them and then I can put those in a binder too.
I've also used binders in the past but after so long the disc seem to pick up the residue from the sleeves and it leaves a trace on the disc. I was also unable to clean them off and get rid of it. To my experience it didn't affect the game being playable. Just giving a heads up on something to look out for.

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I've also used binders in the past but after so long the disc seem to pick up the residue from the sleeves and it leaves a trace on the disc. I was also unable to clean them off and get rid of it. To my experience it didn't affect the game being playable. Just giving a heads up on something to look out for.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll check the discs every few months to make sure they're not being affected.

Binders make me sadface.

However, as long as people who use binders don't throw away the cases, and just box them up, that's acceptable still...kinda. :D / :X

Binders make me sadface.

However, as long as people who use binders don't throw away the cases, and just box them up, that's acceptable still...kinda. :D / :X
Feel free to go dumpster diving behind my house :)

j/k, all the cases are boxed up and in the basement. Someday I'll have a Shipwreck style basement, then I can put them back in the cases and buy some shelves.

I've had 15 year old cds in binders and they've never done that. Don't put a lot weight on them though, so vertical is fine.
Some binders cheapout on the material that touches the discs underside by using cheaper paper type material covered with a waxy film. It's that waxy film that can end up on the disc due to conditions.

Binders make me angry. IDK why.
Me too... so many PS1/Saturn games without homes.

Completely unrelated to gaming, I got a set of what are supposedly late 19th century Tibetan swords/daggers. I'm not really an expert when it comes to swords, but certainly not a novice either; I believe these are the real deal. Though maybe not for combat, since the blades are decorative. The fact that the twin swords are noticeably different sizes (in person, at least) lends credibility to the assumption that these are hand-made antiques.




Did a ton of re-arranging, and making space.

Will have some updates after this weekend since I'll be buying more stuff for the shelves, so holding off on pics for now.

I don't know if you guys remember, but I posted a few months back about the best way to make more room. I ended up going with binders since I found a few at 70% off at target. I went from this (not everything obviously):
To this:
I kept the kids movies in cases to make it easy for the kids to pick what they want to watch. Although I'm thinking I'll create an album on the iPad for them and then I can put those in a binder too.
Binders are a terrible idea for a collector. I remember buying a copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga back before prices got outright absurd for it and it had weird gunk all over the disks. I had to return it. Turned out the guy stored them in platic binders for several years while he was off at college. No way in hell i was going to try to clean that off a $200 game

I took pics of my stuff last weekend... not the best pics and I had to do it quick, but since it had been so long since I doc'd everything, I figured I should do it. Will post them tonight to later tomorrow. 

This is what everything looks like now.

Looks pretty much the same, but got rid of a lot of things to make more space for anime and games.

Pew pew!













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so Im moving and I just want to at least shift half of the blame to you people in this thread.

I was in such a position where my collection could not be nicely organized to well(studio apartment because school).....yet like a crack addict the collection grew anyway. now Im packing and moving and seeing it was such a disorganized cluttered mess. I blame this thread for at least half of that.

that is all.

p.s. got rid of some stuff? I could never tell from those pictures lol

bread's done