Your collection - post a photo - show us what'cha got!

[quote name='ZombieToast']No way, $200 is definitely too much for something like that. BigLots has almost the exact same thing for $89 or $99. With a simple design like that, it would be much cheaper to just buy some nice wood at Home Depot (which they will cut to your specified dimensions for free) and then spray-paint it black.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='wiggyx']
There's nothing magical or special about that design. Even just using butt joints, as long as you reinforced the back with MDF or something similar, you'd have a sturdy enough unit. Plus, it wouldn't swell up like a sponge the moment moisture comes into contact with it. Stupid chip board crap...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='wiggyx']
Man, 200 bucks for fucking chip board shelves. That shit kills me :???:[/QUOTE]

Yea, well I would do something custom if I knew how to do it and it would look up to wife standards. But I'm not handy, so whatever I am getting I have to buy. So far that is the only thing that fits my needs that I've found online. I'm not worried about moisture since my basement doesn't have any issues(Hygrometer i bought has been between dry and normal since I bought it months ago). If anyone else has links to something similar I am all eyes. :lol:
It's really not as difficult as you might think. I'm not even close to being a handyman, but I've put a few shelves together from extra pieces of wood and it took little effort. I think our pantry took me about 20 minutes to put together (after having the wood cut for me). Just practice on some scraps to get an idea of what you need to do. But if you're not willing to give it a shot, hopefully wiggyx can find something for you. I'm not really sure where to look for this stuff online, but I'm sure there must be something affordable that you would be happy with.
[quote name='ZombieToast']It's really not as difficult as you might think. I'm not even close to being a handyman, but I've put a few shelves together from extra pieces of wood and it took little effort. I think our pantry took me about 20 minutes to put together (after having the wood cut for me). Just practice on some scraps to get an idea of what you need to do. But if you're not willing to give it a shot, hopefully wiggyx can find something for you. I'm not really sure where to look for this stuff online, but I'm sure there must be something affordable that you would be happy with.[/QUOTE]

while you are right it isnt that hard in all honesty. however some people like me absolutely suck when it comes to using our hands to build stuff. i am just not in anyway mechanically inclined. to put stuff together requires about 10x extra effort on my part. why i have no idea. genetics dont explain as my dad is fairly good mechanically, my mom isnt half bad, my grand dad was a super genious with his hands. seriously he could put together anything from anything.

so no idea how it passed me over lol. then again i cant sleep at night but can during the day and my dad cant stay up past 11 pm and gets up by 6 or 7 on his own no alarm. the alarm is just an emergency back up just in case.

that said ive worked with my hands enough to know some of the basics so im not a complete idiot.
Very nice! At that price, they're almost worth it.

[quote name='kayne2000']while you are right it isnt that hard in all honesty. however some people like me absolutely suck when it comes to using our hands to build stuff. i am just not in anyway mechanically inclined. to put stuff together requires about 10x extra effort on my part. why i have no idea. genetics dont explain as my dad is fairly good mechanically, my mom isnt half bad, my grand dad was a super genious with his hands. seriously he could put together anything from anything.

so no idea how it passed me over lol. then again i cant sleep at night but can during the day and my dad cant stay up past 11 pm and gets up by 6 or 7 on his own no alarm. the alarm is just an emergency back up just in case.

that said ive worked with my hands enough to know some of the basics so im not a complete idiot.[/QUOTE]
Seriously, you sound just like me. I'm completely useless when it comes to handy work (aside from electronics). But this is something that even I can do...and if I can do it, you probably can too. I won't keep bugging you about it, though. If you don't want to do it, then so be it. If you change your mind, however, be sure to take pictures. Heh.
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']Damn Krunks....very impressive. Maybe I'm blind but I don't see any ps2 games......could explain the huge ass gamecube collection.....and is Infsmous 2 the only ps3 game you own?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, no PS2 games, was pissed that the overstated hype of ps2 killed the dreamcast so i boycotted. I have like 11 ps3 games, they are just in the bookcase with the blurays (right next to my sealed zelda: wand of ghamelon cdi game :) )
[quote name='Pookymeister']Basement still in the works, but thinking of getting two of these side by side (horizontally) for the TV and consoles/accessories[/QUOTE]

I am in a similliar situation. if I could build something custom I would, but my wife likes things to look a certain way.

since you said this is for a might want to try ikea if you got one within driving distance. this sort of gives a similiar look, plus gives you somewhere to mount the tv. (assuming that its not an old tube set). best part is the price for what you get.
There's plenty of stuff just like that on Amazon as well, but with the added bonus of free shipping!

Ahhh, when the hell is my sig gonna show the GIF and not just the link?! Argh :mad:
that is true. although I have ordered a couple of shelves in the past from amazon. they came in not the best condition. amazon sent replacements and the same problem. they refunded my money. if I could be assured they would come in good condition I would use them.

my thing is, as I get older I like the stuff to look a little nicer. so when at ikea, if I see somthing I like I usully pick it up. I know it wont be damaged via shipping unless I goof (which has happened all too often). I was just trying to post something that had a somewhat similiar look for less than half the price.
[quote name='wiggyx']Bam!

Same damned thing, half the price ;)

The only color that's available for that price is the walnut finish, but Krylon is like 2 bucks a can. So, figure 4 cans of Krylon, 2 of these units, and you're literally at 1/2 the price still.[/QUOTE]

Its really not the same thing. Not even close really. The one on Amazon is ridiculously cheap particle board with a cheap plastic vaneer. I have purchased shelving like that in the past and swore I would never do it again. The Crate and Barrel version is at least real wood. I would gladly pay double to get the Crate and Barrel version over that thing on Amazon.

Stick with the C&B version Pooky.
[quote name='Righteous Nixon']Its really not the same thing. Not even close really. The one on Amazon is ridiculously cheap particle board with a cheap plastic vaneer. I have purchased shelving like that in the past and swore I would never do it again. The Crate and Barrel version is at least real wood. I would gladly pay double to get the Crate and Barrel version over that thing on Amazon.

Stick with the C&B version Pooky.[/QUOTE]

Actually, the description on the C&B website says it's "engineered wood", which is probably a fancier way of saying particle board. And the design and dimensions are way too similar... there's no way the C&B version is anything more than a re-badged version of what Wiggy posted on the Amazon link.
C&B use the term "engineered wood" because it fools the people that pay for that crap into thinking it's more than chip board.

Like these guys just said, it's the EXACT same thing for all intents and purposes.
[quote name='Squarehard']Anything new with your collection Vinny?

It's been awhile since I've seen you post an update of the collection. :3[/QUOTE]

My room has been piling up with junk (literally junk, not games) for the past 3 months since I haven't gotten the chance to clean it. But I've got a nice 3 day weekend and am planning on posting pics... if I can clean things up first.

[quote name='Vinny']Actually, the description on the C&B website says it's "engineered wood", which is probably a fancier way of saying particle board. And the design and dimensions are way too similar... there's no way the C&B version is anything more than a re-badged version of what Wiggy posted on the Amazon link.[/QUOTE]

The dimensions are slightly different, so it's not a replica. Went to store in person, and doesn't seem to be a totally cheap piece of work compared to other shelves ive seen.
Amazing collection, Metal! And whoa it's a Duo-R:applause:!!!

I found myself wondering what Atari was collectively snorting when they designed the Jaguar; especialy those game pads...they're so...stupid looking. I can only imagine they feel and play as bad as they look
[quote name='OrangeArmy']Amazing collection, Metal! And whoa it's a Duo-R:applause:!!!

I found myself wondering what Atari was collectively snorting when they designed the Jaguar; especialy those game pads...they're so...stupid looking. I can only imagine they feel and play as bad as they look[/QUOTE]

as someone who had a crazy brother that bought one of those things and having played it lol. its not really as bad you think. it was quite good for the most part in the 4 games we had and used it on.

essentially in doom for example. each button corresponded to a gun. same with aliens vs predator. and for some weird game triangle spaceship game that i cant remeber the spaceship's commands were each tied to one of those buttons.

each game came with a cover for the controller so you could see button 1 ah thats the fists. button 2 is the pistol.

it honestly wasnt that bad. it worked quite well actually. instead of navigating through an on screen menu to cycle through weapons just press a button.

though doom came with the best glitch ever. if you tried to warp to the last level the game glitched and would forever ban you from entering the last level. so we never got the last level lol.
All Jaguar controllers should put in a lock box, dropped into the ocean, the retrieved by submarine, loaded into an ICBM, and shot to the moon.

Then, if we ever go back, we'll blow up the moon. You know, just to be sure.
[quote name='wiggyx']All Jaguar controllers should put in a lock box, dropped into the ocean, the retrieved by submarine, loaded into an ICBM, and shot to the moon.

Then, if we ever go back, we'll blow up the moon. You know, just to be sure.[/QUOTE]

somebody's mad they didnt get a jaguar....
[quote name='OrangeArmy']Amazing collection, Metal! And whoa it's a Duo-R:applause:!!!

I found myself wondering what Atari was collectively snorting when they designed the Jaguar; especialy those game pads...they're so...stupid looking. I can only imagine they feel and play as bad as they look[/QUOTE]

Thanks man and got to love the PC Engine. :D. If only the TG-16 was more successful here like it was in Japan. :cry:

I have no clue what Atari was thinking either when designing the Jaguar either man. Did they actually believe that console was going to make them a household name in the industry again just like the 2600 had? Also yeah those controllers suck ass especially the D-Pad.
[quote name='Vinny']Actually, the description on the C&B website says it's "engineered wood", which is probably a fancier way of saying particle board. And the design and dimensions are way too similar... there's no way the C&B version is anything more than a re-badged version of what Wiggy posted on the Amazon link.[/QUOTE]

No way are they the same thing. They may both technically be "Engineered" but I can tell just by looking at the picture that the C&B version is considerably higher in quality. The particle board you find under that cheap plastic veneer....well, there is literally nothing cheaper in the shelving world, nothing. If there is, I have yet to see it. If I had to choose between those 2....well, again, I would gladly pay double and buy the C&B version over the Amazon version. I may not know exactly what I am getting with the C&B version but I do know exactly what I would be getting if I went the Amazon route and I would never buy a shelving unit like that again, regardless of how much money it saved me. Again, in my experience, there is literally nothing worse than that veneered plastic particle board.

[quote name='Pookymeister']The dimensions are slightly different, so it's not a replica. Went to store in person, and doesn't seem to be a totally cheap piece of work compared to other shelves ive seen.[/QUOTE]

It may in fact still be some sort of engineered particle board. I don't keep up on all the different processes they have for making that stuff. That said, if the C&B "engineered wood" was as cheap as the stuff on Amazon, there would be plastic veneer on it as well. There isn't and its obvious just by looking at it in the picture that its higher in quality that the particle board you find under that cheap plastic veneered furniture. They sell tons of that stuff at Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart etc.. There is literally nothing cheaper out there. If its one or the other, I would definitely stick with the C&B version.
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[quote name='kayne2000']you did i agree[/QUOTE]

I owned a Jaguar for about 7 years. I missed out on missing out on the Jaguar.

[quote name='Righteous Nixon']No way are they the same thing. They may both technically be "Engineered" but I can tell just by looking at the picture that the C&B version is considerably higher in quality. The particle board you find under that cheap plastic veneer....well, there is literally nothing cheaper in the shelving world, nothing. If there is, I have yet to see it. If I had to choose between those 2....well, again, I would gladly pay double and buy the C&B version over the Amazon version. I may not know exactly what I am getting with the C&B version but I do know exactly what I would be getting if I went the Amazon route and I would never buy a shelving unit like that again, regardless of how much money it saved me. Again, in my experience, there is literally nothing worse than that veneered plastic particle board.

It may in fact still be some sort of engineered particle board. I don't keep up on all the different processes they have for making that stuff. That said, if the C&B "engineered wood" was as cheap as the stuff on Amazon, there would be plastic veneer on it as well. There isn't and its obvious just by looking at it in the picture that its higher in quality that the particle board you find under that cheap plastic veneered furniture. They sell tons of that stuff at Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart etc.. There is literally nothing cheaper out there. If its one or the other, I would definitely stick with the C&B version.[/QUOTE]

Um, that's exactly what the C&B unit is.

You think that's real wood veneer on the C&B shelf? I highly, HIGHLY doubt it.

edit: Looks like artificial veneer to me...


[quote name='wiggyx']Um, that's exactly what the C&B unit is.

You think that's real wood veneer on the C&B shelf? I highly, HIGHLY doubt it.[/QUOTE]

The C&B description even says melamine on engineered wood. I have no idea about the quality of that shelf, but anyone suggesting it's "real wood" is making a huge stretch.
[quote name='salty tbone']The C&B description even says melamine on engineered wood. I have no idea about the quality of that shelf, but anyone suggesting it's "real wood" is making a huge stretch.[/QUOTE]

It's "real" wood in that it's made out of wood. But is squeeze cheese, even if its made from 100% cheese, really "real" cheese?
I know it's collection related but can we please just drop this?

Pooky's options were made clear to him. We're arguing about something based purely on bad pictures and dodgy descriptions.
Alright, here's my collection. I didn't get around to sort out about 8 games (you can see some of them sitting on top of the big cabinet in the first pic). Due to time constants, I'm not doing highlights nor am I doing a separate post for my sealed games (we've gone though this enough times: some of us collect sealed games; get over it).

I'll distinguish my sealed games from my opened/complete games-- since some of them are in protective bags/boxes so they look sealed but are not.

Click the pics for bigger versions. Sorry for the shitty quality.

Semi-overall shot (can't fit my entire section in one pic).

Notes: Catherine CE (PS3, sealed), AC Brotherhood CE (PS3, sealed), God of War 3 CE and Killzone 3 CE are on the very top of the beige bookshelf but I guess I missed them in this pic.

Most of my PS3 collection.

Notes: On top shelf, everything from Bayontetta to Uncharted 2 are sealed. The rest are complete. Yakuza 4 and Uncharted 2 are PAL CEs.

My sealed DS collection and my sole 3DS game.

Notes: Yes, every game show here is sealed. Since I got an R4 and later AceKard, there's basically been no reason to open games.

Nearly every GC game.

Notes: I have a few sealed games, from Baten Kaitos Origins to Midway Arcade Treasures 3 near the middle. For the Wind Wakers, one is the regular one and the other one is the Wind Waker/OoT combo version. A few oversize games aren't pictured like Donkey Konga 1 & 2, Jungle Beat, and DDR Mario.

Most of my 360, Wii and Xbox games.

Notes: Sealed games are from Blue Dragon to Silent Hill on the top shelf for the 360, A Boy and His Blob to Zack & Wiki on the 2nd/3rd shelves for the Wii. On the bottom shelf, from Metal Slug 3 to Shenmue II, along with the Halo Triple pack, are all sealed (very hard to see these). Xenoblade is my opened import copy.

Some oversized CEs and guides.

Notes: On the very top, one of the Fallout New Vegas CE and Arkham City CE are sealed. In the two shelves, everything is sealed with the exception of one Hyperdimension Neptunia, one of the .hack GU Rebirth CEs, and Bully CE (very rare PS2 version). All the steelbooks there are empty. The Mana Khemia thing is the Jess figure from the Mana Khemia CE that NISA sold back in the day.

PS1 longboxes, a few more oversized CEs, and more guides.

Notes: Only the Dark Souls CE and Last Story (PAL import) are sealed. The steelbooks are empty. And no, your eyes aren't fooling you. There are some games hidden in the back. I rigged this shelf to fit as many games as possible since there was a lot of wasted space. The upper shelf is PS3/Wii/360 guides. The lower shelf is PSP, GBA, and DS and some midget sized guides.

All my Game Boy and DC games.

Notes: Only Jet Grind Radio is sealed, everything else there is opened/complete. And yes, that is a Barbie game you see.:lol: It's one of my rarest games according to DigitPress. The Game Boy games are probably the pride and joy of my collection and took an immense amount to time to collect. You'll be hard pressed to find these games in better shape IMO. These games are basically worthless but complete, most of these are easily worth $50-$150 each. The doubles for all the Final Fantasy games are due to one being the Square version and one being the SunSoft reprint. For Zelda and Kirby's Dream Land 2, I have one regular version and one Player's Choice version. For Mega Man I & II, there's a original version and Player's Choice version.

Most of my PSP games.

Notes: From Brave Story to Valkyrie Profile are sealed. I actually have a lot of copies of Crisis Core... on the top shelf: one sealed Best Buy exclusive foil version, one sealed regular version, one opened Best Buy foil version, and one opened PAL import CE.:p There's also a PAL import Birth by Sleep CE.

Playstation 1 games (part1).

Notes: Such awesome memories here... my collection started here back in the day. That Greatest Hits SotN is sealed, the rest are complete. Tons of rarities here.

Playstation 1 games (part 2).

Notes: Only Silhouette Mirage is sealed, the rest are complete. These pictures were a bitch to take due to glare... and they still look like crap.

Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance (part 1).

Notes: Nothing sealed here. Again, for the GB Color games, it was a PITA to find them complete/near mint shape. For Oracle of Ages/Seasons are one foil and one non-foil version. That tab on Silver means I need to replace the battery... I forgot all about that from last year.:whistle2:/

Game Boy Advance (part 2) and rest of my DS games.

Notes: Nothing sealed here either.

Sealed Game Boy games.

Notes: Everything here is sealed... *sigh* back when CAG was fairly low-key and it was easy to get in on clearances/sales.:whistle2:(

NES and SNES games.

Notes: I gave up on these two systems because it's simply too difficult to find games in good shape.

Large CEs, artbooks, and more guides.

Notes: Yup, I have a lot of guides. Nope, I don't collect random shit guides. I have a few import artbooks... most notable being the Xenogears Perfect Works. That red artbook (between the Breaking the Mold: BioShock and Xenoblade Archives artbooks is a Radiant Historia artbook).

And even more guides, including some CE guides.

Notes: A lot of those CE guides are actually sealed. That binder you see on the size is a work in progress, I put all the smaller artbooks (like from preorders) into a binder and will eventually put them in a nice, organized binder like in the last pic.

This is a very large cabinet.

Notes: It's very confusing inside this cabinet...

PS2 games.

Notes: The games on the doors are opened/complete and the ones on the back wall are sealed. There is one regular Shadow Hearts and a promo copy of Shadow Hearts. The Xenosaga III is the Best Buy lenticular cover. That silver looking box is Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Platinum Edition.

More PS2 games and some GC games, and a DS game.

Notes: Again, all the games on the back wall are sealed. Xenoblade is the PAL import bundle. There's one regular Persona 3 CE and a Persona 3 FES CE. That HeartGold is a WalMart exclusive version.

And more PS2, a few PS3, Wii and GC games.

Notes: Once again, the games on the back wall are sealed. That Xenosaga III is another Best Buy lenticular version.

Random mix of games.

Notes: (I'll go into the Saturn/Sega CD games in the next post.) All those PS3 CEs on the back wall are sealed and everything on the door besides Growlanser is sealed. The Pokemon Pearl and Diamond are Nintendo World store exclusives.

Saturn/Sega CD games.

Notes: Nothing sealed here, all complete. It's hard to find these games without cracked cases but not impossible. The two copies of Lunar are pretty neat.. one is a shitty, cheapo Sega print and the other is the nicer Working Designs print. I never knew about the two different versions until recently.

And that's it. Man, what an odyssey.

EDIT* Forgot about my PC games. Shame on me.

Notes: They're all opened/complete.
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[quote name='Vinny'](we've gone though this enough times: some of us collect sealed games; get over it).[/QUOTE]
I will not get over it. Still a very nice collection, though.
If you're collecting and care about rarity, sealed games are always rarer than opened. There are plenty of ways to play the game without opening your personal copy (renting, buying used, emulating, etc)
Notes: Yes, every game show here is sealed. Since I got an R4 and later AceKard, there's basically been no reason to open games.
You know, this is an interesting point in that I think what you're doing is actually legal. It's been a while since I looked at piracy laws regarding software, but last time I did, owning ONE backup of any piece of software that you own/own a license for is perfectly kosher as long as you a) don't ever distribute the backup/copy, b) destroy the backup/copy if/when you discard/transfer/etc the license/original copy, and c) do not make any modifications to the software when making the backup/copy (i.e. remove copy protection, license authentication, etc.).

Anybody able to confirm or dispute this?

Also, the collection looks great! I've made my stance clear on collecting sealed games in the past, but it's still pretty hard to keep the drool in my mouth when eye-fucking all those purdy titles on your shelves :drool:
bread's done