Your collection - post a photo - show us what'cha got!

@Olengie: Why did you remove your avatar?

As for Gamecube, I really regret not picking up more copies of Cubivore. I passed maybe 4-5 complete copies of them at Gamestop cause I already bought one, back when they were $10ish a copy. Then a couple years later, they completely disappeared and the prices for them soared.
I really wish I picked up more GC games too. When GS was clearing them out, I basically ignored it for like a week before I tried and saw that everything was gone. Just before the sale started, I remember seeing Skies and Melee at a local store... would have been nice to extra copies of those to trade.

The rarest GameCube thing I own is the Action Replay MAX lol
I didn't even know that was a rare. I think I have one.

The rarest GC thing I have is either Zelda/prime combo, Pokemon Box, or the component cables.

I remember leaving a lot of copies of paper mario on GC for 4.98 at Target when they were clearanced out. I elected to buy this instead:

Now I have 10 copies of this instead of Paper Mario. There was some $5 off $25 toys coupon that I used 1 clearance game per transaction to put me over the top. I did get pretty much the whole 25th GI Joes that were out at the time and the target exclusive star wars 2 packs in the canisters that were on clearance, so it wasn't a total loss. ;)

(Olengie) I have no idea if it lets you play other region games. Yeah, its pretty useful I mainly used it on Smash Bros. Melee to unlock all the characters ( convenient when people came over to play Smash) I literally only used it on that game lol.

I finally filled up a shelf to the brim with valuable (at least somewhat) PS2 games, would've happened a lot sooner, but I usually find all the spendy games disc only.


and my bookcases have started to overflow, with more games on the way, looks like it's time to buy more shelving and assemble my 3rd bookcase.


I didn't even know so many Wiimotes existed... 

I can't imagine the number of shovelware in that collection though.:lol: 

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I don't think I've posted my setup since I rearranged it earlier this year. It's a bit messy right now but I love it.

LEGO! Is that Hogwarts?

I sometimes hate coming in here because it makes me want the rare games I never even knew existed. Not to mention reminding me of trading away some gems like Cubivore, Paper Mario, and Ikaruga. Oh, and the F-Zero GX I traded into to Gamestop for $3.

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Little update, got some shelving so I can display my growing PS2 collection better.


My count is right around 250 Games with the original case and artwork, most (90%-ish) are complete/black label as well. Also have over 100 Disc onlys too.

Started a shelf for the retro stuff too since I recently added Genesis consoles and 40+ games for them to my collection.


Infinity 2.0 Collection

Marvel 2.0 



Guardians of the Galaxy

Power Disc Packs

Power Disc Collection

2 years later the shelves are 100% painted and complete with new lighting and all.  Now I just gotta finish painting the rest of the basement...


Oh, and I made this dimmer knob for the lighting.


My guide collection.  GTA V and Ni No Kuni were around the $10 mark,  the rest were around $5 or cheaper.  Not pictured AC3 and GTA V paperbacks.  Aliens from GS for $9.99.


Basement guides.  I am keeping these around for trade or sell at a future date. 


It's hard to believe that it has already been two years since you started working on those shelves!
I know, right?! My wife is all into moving now that the business is doing well and our son is getting bigger. I'm like "No way, unless I can take this damned wall with me!"

hello wiggy, i was wondering if you could take a look at your pm, i sent one a little bit ago here and again on tcp. hope i am not a bother with this.

Every "Mario related" Wii game (not including Donkey Kong & Wario stuff since they're pretty much their own thing at this point):
Are you going to get the white boxed version of NSMB Wii? I don't think its any different than the standard red box version, though it may have a variation of the CN insert.

Are you going to get the white boxed version of NSMB Wii? I don't think its any different than the standard red box version, though it may have a variation of the CN insert.
Good catch. I actually have the white boxed version I lent it to a coworker and forgot about it so thanks for reminding me. I'm pretty sure the CN insert is the same. The only time there is a separate CN insert that I've seen is with the Nintendo Selects stuff.

Are you going to get the white boxed version of NSMB Wii? I don't think its any different than the standard red box version, though it may have a variation of the CN insert.
I just got my white copy back and yeah it's exactly identical to the red boxed one except for the case. The cover art, upc, manual, CN points are all the same.

I just passed 650 Wii games.
So about halfway there? They keep on releasing Wii games here and there still, which may never see bargain prices if the print runs are low.

Do you have Calling yet? I've been meaning to finish playing my copy sometime. I've also been hoping to find a copy of Exerbeat just because its relatively rare.

So about halfway there? They keep on releasing Wii games here and there still, which may never see bargain prices if the print runs are low.

Do you have Calling yet? I've been meaning to finish playing my copy sometime. I've also been hoping to find a copy of Exerbeat just because its relatively rare.
I don't think they've even released 10 this year so I'm not too worried about that. Yeah it's hard to get an accurate number of how many Wii games there are so I think I have a little more then half. Wikipedia's list has some games on there that never got released. Nope I don't have Calling or Exerbeat. I have a decent amount of the rare stuff but it's usually games I find when I'm out at stores for a good price. I haven't really actively been searching online for the rarer stuff at least not until I get closer to the end.
I just passed 650 Wii games.
I said this before but I'll say it again... I cannot imagine the shovelware in there.:lol:

Time for an update of my PC Games Collection. Next year i will definitely have to expand to the right.
How do you find anything in there? It looks like it's kinda alphabetically organized but obviously, not completely due to box size differences. I always liked those old big boxes used for PC games...

How do you find anything in there? It looks like it's kinda alphabetically organized but obviously, not completely due to box size differences. I always liked those old big boxes used for PC games...
They are not organized alphabetically. It´s difficult enough to fit them in without too many gaps ^^.

I see no problem if it takes 10 minutes or more to find anything. I love to look at my old boxes and get sidetracked by looking at some old manuals or something. That´s the reason why i collect in the first place. The thought of browsing my games via Steam-Library is horrifying and that´s why i omit Games that are only digitally distributed.

bread's done