Your VC wishlist.


Well i was just wondering what VC games you want. At the moment i only have one game and that game would be none other than. SUPER MARIO RPG! all i can say was it was the only game on snes that i had a great time replaying over and over again. To summerize my list is
1. Super Mario RPG.
Ones they have or just any?

Ones they have and ones they dont have list:
Final fight 1-3
Super metroid
Mario kart
Super mario 64
one of the wrestling games from n64
gunstar heroes
Ninja gaiden 1-3
Shadow of the ninja

I'm sure there is others.
My meager "can't-they-put-these-up-already?" list:

Starfox (SNES)
San Francisco Rush (N64)

Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VI (or III if they're going to preserve the original SNES name)
Super Mario RPG
Secret of Mana

Basically, I won't see any of them because they're SE games.
[quote name='Vinny']Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VI (or III if they're going to preserve the original SNES name)
Super Mario RPG
Secret of Mana

Basically, I won't see any of them because they're SE games.[/quote]

Yeah, I didn't bother listing any SE games 'cause I just don't see it happening. EB was published by Nintendo, though. I don't see any reason for it not to see a release eventually. Well, other than Nintendo seems to enjoy tormenting it's North American EB fans.
[quote name='Scottyman']Yeah, I didn't bother listing any SE games 'cause I just don't see it happening.[/QUOTE]
Same here. Still...

Pipe Dream List
Chrono Trigger
Front Mission: Gun Hazard
Aladdin (not Squeenix but still highly unlikely)

Slightly More Realistic List
Goldeneye 007
Pokemon Stadium
EarthBound (never played it, want to see what the big deal is)
Super Mario RPG

Probably forgetting a few, but that's how it always goes.
We had this thread back in the end of the December. ;)

NES: Super Dodge Ball

SNES: Chrono Trigger, Kirby's Dream Land 3, Super Mario All Stars (I know it would have to be more then 800 points, maybe 1600?)

N64: Pilotwings 64, Beetle Adventure Racing, Kirby 64, Super Smash Brothers, Goldeneye 64 (if possible), Donkey Kong 64, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron.
Wrestlemania 2000 or No Mercy

TNN Bassmasters Tournament (at least i think thats what it was called) loved that game as a kid!!

Turtles in Time
Pro Wrestling!
Super Mario RPG
What i think would be neat, would be WrestleMania 2000 or No Mercy with the WWE's current roster.
Nes: River City Ransom
Super Dodgeball
Pro Wrestling

Snes: Squaresoft RPGS like Mana and Chrono Trigger

N64: AKI wrestling games
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Maniac Mansion(NES)[/quote]

I'll second that. Then we'd finally have a way to microwave hamsters on our Wii.
I want those classic SNES RPGs.

Super Mario RPG
Final Fantasy VI
Secret of Mana
Secret of Evermore

Those are the games that kept my attention the most as I was growing up and would pay to play them again.
My must haves would be:

Contra: Hard Corps (Genesis)
Castlevania: Bloodlines (Genesis)
River City Ransom (NES)
Super Dogeball (NES)

And since we're wishing: Guardian Heroes and Bubble Symphony (Saturn)
I'd love to see some Amiga games: Cannon Fodder, SWOS, Syndicate and some of the old Cinemaware games wouldn't hurt either.
Chrono Trigger(first Square game to really defend my feelings toward RPGs)

Earthbound ( great storyline and characters)

Banjo-Kazookie ( I thought it was a good platformer)
dungeon explorer 2, mother 1 and mother 3, dragon quest 5 and 6, beyond shadowgate, probably others if i thought about it.
Off the top of my head:

Doom 64
Turok 2
Killer Instinct Gold

Mario RPG
Chrono Trigger
TMNT: Tournament Fighters

Road Rash II
General Chaos
Haunting staring Poulterguy
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Desert Strike or Jungle Strike
Vectorman 1 & 2
Contra: Hard Corps
Knights of the Round
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Ogre Battle
Super Double Dragon
Megaman X, X2, X3
Turtles in Time

Final Fantasy 1-3 (if they feel like translating 2 and 3, wouldn't pay 6 bucks each for the JP originals)
Dragon Warrior/Quest 1-4
Castlevania 3 (ideally the JP version, I could care less about the translation here, I just want to hear the music again)
Tetris (yeah, it's not the best version but it's the version I'm most used to)
Goonies 2 (licensing can suck my ass, figure out how to get this out)


Dracula X (the PSP port isn't great and I'd love to be able to play this without digging out my Duo R)
Sapphire (just to see what it's like, I'd probably pay up to $10 for the VC download)


Shining Force 2
Weaponlord (I liked the Genesis version more than the SNES one, it ran faster)
Rock & Roll Racing
Mortal Kombat 3 (for some stupid reason, my favorite version of this game, fun glitches to abuse)


Killer Instinct
Dragon Quest 5 and 6 (translate, charge extra, whatever)
Bahamut Lagoon (again, translated and more pricy if necessary)
Ogre Battle (please don't force me to buy the PSX version for like $50)
Tactics Ogre (I wonder if the SNES version was translated then applied to the PSX port)
Super Mario All-Stars
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy


Ogre Battle 64
Aidyn Chronicles (I think that was the name, critically panned yet sought after by some desperate souls in search of an N64 RPG)
Killer Instinct Gold

I could go on for hours. I need more Wii points.
Surprised I havent posted in here yet.




Final Fantasy II (IV)
Final Fantasy V (Translated)
Final Fantasy III (VI)
Mario RPG
Chrono Trigger
Mario Kart

N64 -

Perfect Dark
Legend of Zelda, Majoras Mask


Panzer Dragoon
For some reason I doubt I'll ever buy another VC game. I bought Streets of Rage 2, played it about a half hour and had to go and havent really gone back to it.

There are just too damn many new great games coming out for the two consoles I have already.

Playing old stuff on VC just doesnt appeal to me.

So to answer the topic question, NONE!
i know better then to put any dq/ff games on the list cause se loves to milk them.
I wish se would get onboard the vc-especially the enix part-enix made some great games for snes.
Chrono Trigger, Robotrek, Illusion of Gaia, SwordBlazer, Terranigma, all three mana games especially the third one, Harvest Moon 64, Tactics Ogre, Earthbound-my favorite rpg ever-its what rpgs should be fast battling, insta kill weak enemies, nice sense of humor. My favorite genre is sprgs so more srpgs from genesis,snes. Heck more rpgs period, vc is floodded with shooters- i'd like to see it flooded with rpgs.
[quote name='blueshinra']Same here. Still...

Pipe Dream List
Chrono Trigger
Front Mission: Gun Hazard
Aladdin (not Squeenix but still highly unlikely)

Slightly More Realistic List
Goldeneye 007
Pokemon Stadium
EarthBound (never played it, want to see what the big deal is)
Super Mario RPG

Probably forgetting a few, but that's how it always goes.[/quote]

I loved Aladdin! I lost my SNES copy though (either that, or I had borrowed it from a friend for a while and had to return it... can't remember). I wish they would release it on VC.

I'm hearing so much hype about Earthbound, but I doubt it's really THAT good. I mean, come on, how good can a SNES game be? It must be a decent game though.
NES - Castlevania 3, Ninja Kid 1 & 2, Kung Fu

Genesis - Castlevania Bloodlines, Contra Hardcorps, Desert Strike, Jungle Strike, Urban Strike, Vectorman 1 & 2

SNES - Starfox, Demon's Crest, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Super Double Dragon, Populous

TG-16/CD - Dracula X

N64 - Killer Instinct Gold, Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask, Doom 64

Saturn - Panzer Dragoon, Panzer Dragoon 2, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Clockwork Knight, Clockwork Knight 2, Shinobi Legends, Nights
[quote name='PrarieD0G']I loved Aladdin! I lost my SNES copy though (either that, or I had borrowed it from a friend for a while and had to return it... can't remember). I wish they would release it on VC.[/QUOTE]

The Genesis version is better. ;)

[quote name='Halo05']Super Mario All-Stars
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy[/QUOTE]

Not going to happen - the individual components of both of those titles are already up, and I'm guessing that Nintendo isn't dumb enough to take $8 of your money when they could have $15 (or $20 for All-Stars) instead.

My list is a short one. A very short one. Between my NES, N64, and various GBA releases, I feel like I've caught most of the first-party Nintendo titles I needed to play over the years. I didn't have an SNES, though, and there are two games for it that have never seen rerelease or been ported in any form in North America.

Super Mario RPG and Earthbound. Those two titles are all I ask. :)
I know that all the components of the SNES compilations are up, I'm just hoping that in like 3 years Nintendo will break down and hook up new Wii-ners. I'd probably double dip on the Mario one. I've been holding off on Ninja Gaiden hoping for an eventual trilogy release.
How was the Genesis version of Aladdin better? If i remember correctly the SNES version had superior animation.
bread's done