Zelda Breath of the Wild Special/Master Editions, Amiibo- Discussion

There's no doubt the BotW is highly anticipated because it's a Zelda title. I can't help but think "duh" when I read such an obvious observation. Doesn't really seem a groundbreaking realization.

Anyway, this is the first "new" Zelda game in many years. It's not just a port like Twilight Princess HD, WindWaker HD, Majora's Mask 3D, etc. It's an honest-to-goodness new LoZ title. For that reason (and because I love me some LoZ), I am extremely excited about it. Plus, I have waited on this particular game for a few years as well lol.

If BotW does happen to bomb tho, it could do serious harm to the LoZ name. I don't expect it will.

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Ya know i saw this on a reddit somewhere and iy got me thinking. From what has been shown so far for BotW would it be so hyped and anticipated if it wasnt for slapping Zelda on the box. After thinking about it a bit id have to say no. So far nothing that have shown for BotW shows any kind of innovation or anything new or cool really from whats been done in previous games like Witcher and Skyrim and I know all you Nintendo Fanboys will scream foul but I think its a legit question and honestly if BotW didnt have Zelda in front of it i dont think it would be even half as highly anticipated as it is.
Of course the Zelda name helps but this game got TONS of praise from all sorts of gaming media outlets at E3, etc.

There's no doubt the BotW is highly anticipated because it's a Zelda title. I can't help but think "duh" when I read such an obvious observation. Doesn't really seem a groundbreaking realization.

Anyway, this is the first "new" Zelda game in many years. It's not just a port like Twilight Princess HD, WindWaker HD, Majora's Mask 3D, etc. It's an honest-to-goodness new LoZ title. For that reason (and because I love me some LoZ), I am extremely excited about it. Plus, I have waited on this particular game for a few years as well lol.

If BotW does happen to bomb tho, it could do serious harm to the LoZ name. I don't expect it will.
It wont bomb for the simple reason that its a Zelda game, all i was pointing out is that every Zelda game in the past has has something tied to it that made it something that was never done before or innovated in a way games before it had, I mean look at some of the zelda games that have done things no other game has done before it least that i can think of. Spirit Tracks, OoT, Majoras, A Link between Worlds, all did something groundbreaking and while yes BotW looks amazing and the world is huge and open world, its not doing anything that hasnt been done before like most other Zelda games have, which is why I think the game will be good simply because its Zelda but I dont see it being ground breaking or one of the best in the series either.

Ya know i saw this on a reddit somewhere and iy got me thinking. From what has been shown so far for BotW would it be so hyped and anticipated if it wasnt for slapping Zelda on the box. After thinking about it a bit id have to say no. So far nothing that have shown for BotW shows any kind of innovation or anything new or cool really from whats been done in previous games like Witcher and Skyrim and I know all you Nintendo Fanboys will scream foul but I think its a legit question and honestly if BotW didnt have Zelda in front of it i dont think it would be even half as highly anticipated as it is.
You can say this about any series or studio, though. When a series or developer have a history of high quality titles, it's pretty natural to have high hopes and anticipation for the next iteration.

Plus this is an open world game with Nintendo polish. Even if you don't like Zelda, there is a LOT of reason to be hyped for this game.

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The fact that they are going the MegaMan approach on how you beat the game is the biggest appeal to me. Can't wait. Absolutely no boundaries and non-linear approach.
It wont bomb for the simple reason that its a Zelda game, all i was pointing out is that every Zelda game in the past has has something tied to it that made it something that was never done before or innovated in a way games before it had, I mean look at some of the zelda games that have done things no other game has done before it least that i can think of. Spirit Tracks, OoT, Majoras, A Link between Worlds, all did something groundbreaking and while yes BotW looks amazing and the world is huge and open world, its not doing anything that hasnt been done before like most other Zelda games have, which is why I think the game will be good simply because its Zelda but I dont see it being ground breaking or one of the best in the series either.
a game doesn't need innovation to be considered good, nor does having innovation automatically makes a game good.

a good game only needs fun gameplay. story, characters, and innovation are extras that add to the overall experience.

Has anyone confirmed which stores might have the Special Edition on shelves on release day?
Everyone for themselves on release day! Just kidding. Some GameStop stores might carry at least one or two ME's. I called my local store and they told me that they never took ME preorders and that they would have around one or two ME's. However, SE's are a no dice. Whatever preorders they got in the preorder window is all they are getting. You can try your luck and get there early to see if you can pick up an ME, but there are no guarantees.
Has anyone confirmed which stores might have the Special Edition on shelves on release day?
none would be my guess.

Everyone for themselves on release day! Just kidding. Some GameStop stores might carry at least one or two ME's. I called my local store and they told me that they never took ME preorders and that they would have around one or two ME's. However, SE's are a no dice. Whatever preorders they got in the preorder window is all they are getting. You can try your luck and get there early to see if you can pick up an ME, but there are no guarantees.
yea they weren't suppose to take pre orders on the master edition in store (was a mistake it showed up in the system and they changed the sku mid day to the regular edition) so it doesn't sound like they ever planned on sending them to the stores and are just sending the ones that got a pre order in. Special edition is prob the same, stores just getting pre orders fulfilled.

Could be wrong but if they won't let you pre order there's a good chance they won't be getting excess copies at every store. GS would love to take your money as soon as possible ha

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none would be my guess.

yea they weren't suppose to take pre orders on the master edition in store (was a mistake it showed up in the system and they changed the sku mid day to the regular edition) so it doesn't sound like they ever planned on sending them to the stores and are just sending the ones that got a pre order in. Special edition is prob the same, stores just getting pre orders fulfilled.

Could be wrong but if they won't let you pre order there's a good chance they won't be getting excess copies at every store.
You could be right. I'd say it would not hurt to try. They could have other Nintendo Switch goodies out behind the counter for sale either way.
Thanks. I just don't want to pay extra for the sword... and I like the SE box better also.
id keep and eye on it at nowinstock and set up the alerts/check comments every here and there. it seems to come in stock at toys r us and BB daily but sells out fast, within seconds at times. It's hard to get a pre order in on those sites which is why I see it being ruff to find in store.

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It wont bomb for the simple reason that its a Zelda game, all i was pointing out is that every Zelda game in the past has has something tied to it that made it something that was never done before or innovated in a way games before it had, I mean look at some of the zelda games that have done things no other game has done before it least that i can think of. Spirit Tracks, OoT, Majoras, A Link between Worlds, all did something groundbreaking and while yes BotW looks amazing and the world is huge and open world, its not doing anything that hasnt been done before like most other Zelda games have, which is why I think the game will be good simply because its Zelda but I dont see it being ground breaking or one of the best in the series either.
Link collects ingredients to make stews to restore health instead of collecting hearts.

He has to constantly find and use new weapons because they break.

He can scale cliffs.

He has to solve numerous "mini dungeons" in the game (per a previous Nintendo interview)

Nope, nothing new and innovative here.
I want to go to GameStop release morning. But I need to be home in case all of my other Switch packages come during that time. What a dilemma!

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Wish I had that dilemma. I now have to take a business trip March 1-5 and my Switch will be at home in the box for three days.
Cancel trip.

Quit job.

Play Zelda.

Leave family.

Go live in the wilderness and collect apples and branches.

Build a bow and try to hunt squirrels in the park.

Build a sailcloth.

Go back to job and tell boss "I'LL DEFEAT YOU CALAMITY GANON!"

Climb to the roof of the building and jump off with your sailcloth.

It fails.

You die.

Awaken 100 years later without your memories to a world that's been destroyed.

Realize your reality was a lie the whole time, a construct built to keep you from things you enjoyed.

Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life, Johnny.

Dilemma solved.

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Wait, is Gamestop doing midnight release? Did I miss that?
According to someone on the GS Reddit, "If your store doesn't know, suggest they check schedule guidance. It was posted Friday afternoon for that week." It's looking like most stores that are in decent neighborhoods and that get decent traffic will have midnight releases
According to someone on the GS Reddit, "If your store doesn't know, suggest they check schedule guidance. It was posted Friday afternoon for that week." It's looking like most stores that are in decent neighborhoods and that get decent traffic will have midnight releases
Seems like something that would be made publicly announced... Oh Gamestop.

Speaking of Gamestop, just saw this on their site for anyone who is into puzzles:


I skipped out on the Pro for now... have a charging holder thing and a second set of the side controller things, figured that's close enough to a Pro.

Seems like something that would be made publicly announced... Oh Gamestop.

Speaking of Gamestop, just saw this on their site for anyone who is into puzzles:

Yes! I hope this more or less confirms that this will be the Wii U coverart instead of the Link archer thing. I keep seeing this image for the EU version of the Wii U game, and I like it much better. The Switch coverart is preferable to both honestly, but I'll take what I can get lol


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Yes! I hope this more or less confirms that this will be the Wii U coverart instead of the Link archer thing. I keep seeing this image for the EU version of the Wii U game, and I like it much better. The Switch coverart is preferable to both honestly, but I'll take what I can get lol

The Official game page on Nintendo's site indicates it will be the same as Switch art: http://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-wii-u

Also, to anyone considering getting a Master Edition from resellers, prices are now sub-$300. Now might be the time to jump on that. (For reference, two most recently ended auctions sold for $265 and $$276)

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apologies if already posted. up now on amazon (also available from playasia). 

The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild: Link (Deluxe Version) 



more pics here
Prices used to be like $400 minimum for the master edition, honestly I would wait for a week to a month to resell mine since people will be looking to sell theirs asap during launch.

I'm gonna keep mine unless it goes for $500 + which it won't so It'll be mine forever B^)

Oh lovely, an expansion pack


Expansion Pack Bonus:

3 new Treasure Chests:

Found in the Great Plateau

Contains useful items

Includes exclusive in-game clothing

DLC Pack 1 (Summer 2017):

Adds new Cave of Trials challenge

New hard mode

Additional map feature

DLC Pack 2 (Holiday 2017):

New original story

New dungeon

Additional challenges

PRICE: $19.99

I'm disappointed this isn't included with Master Edition

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This LoZ game is "unfinished" even though it's release date has been pushed back for years.

To top it all off this paid DLC isn't included with Special/Master editions or unlocked  with the official BotW amiibo.

If I were the social media activist type, I'd crusade against this terrible, yet so Nintendo, business tactic.

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Doesn't seem like they will cut out things to sell as DLC so I'm not upset about it. I guess I'm a little annoyed that it isn't included with the special or Master edition but oh well.

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When has disk locked content ever been included with collectors edition games.

You people got your trinkets. Be happy about that. Or not.

Crap if people are actually selling the master edition for those prices. I might reconsider selling mine
Wait I thought on here when someone sold something they paid for and belong to them to someone else and made more than 1 cent over MSRP when there are atleast 2 or more people on here who also want it then they are automatically the devil walking the earth infecting everyone with super cancer aids and raping elderly women while their childhoods dogs corpse and creating a race of mega hitlers.

Or does that only apply when its "someone else"?

You should be cast into the fires of hell for all of eternity for selling what rightfully belongs to you and you can do with whatever you want! You F***** ***je***** A*****! HOW DARE YOU SELL SOMETHING TO MAKE SOME MONEY FOR YOURSELF!


I wasn't aware people considered CEs with season passes such a strange thing.

Y'know what's really strange? A Legend of Zelda game with DLC.

I wasn't aware people considered CEs with season passes such a strange thing.

Y'know what's really strange? A Legend of Zelda game with DLC.
Oh an Xbone game. I don't pay attention to irrelevant things. Anyways.

Everyone who ever bought disk locked content is to blame for this. Myself included.

You reap what you sow.

DLC Pack 3 (January 1, 2018)

Start your new year off with a bang, with these sultry interactive moments:

Sexy scene with Zelda! (a Zelda amiibo is required)

Sexy scene with Old Impa!

Sexy scene with Tingle?

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lol except it is relevant in that it is absolutely the direction in which Nintendo is headed.

Nintendo doesn't really do DLC. It is, well wasn't, a huge part of what they do. They are new to the market in that aspect. Therefore, for Nintendo, a season pass is an afterthought. As DLC becomes more common with Nintendo, I wouldn't be surprised a lick if they started skimping on physical items and including a season pass. That's the only way clueless Nintendo rolls.

Also, I have never once purchased any DLC (that wasn't free anyway). Unless you include amiibo. Which you probably would since trolling is your MO lol. But I most buy them as collectible figures, like others who buy POPs.

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lol except it is relevant in that it is absolutely the direction in which Nintendo is headed.

Nintendo doesn't really do DLC. It is, well wasn't, a huge part of what they do. They are new to the market in that aspect. Therefore, for Nintendo, a season pass is an afterthought. As DLC becomes more common with Nintendo, I wouldn't be surprised a lick if they started skimping on physical items and including a season pass. That's the only way clueless Nintendo rolls.
Except they did DLC for Mario Kart 8 and Smash...this isn't new for them. It's just surprising cause it's Zelda.


This LoZ game is "unfinished" even though it's release date has been pushed back for years.

To top it all off this paid DLC isn't included with Special/Master editions or unlocked with the official BotW amiibo.

If I were the social media activist type, I'd crusade against this terrible, yet so Nintendo, business tactic.
How is it "unfinished"?

A lot of games have DLC. Are all of those unfinished? MK8? Smash Bros Wii U? Hyrule warriors?

$20 is a bargain and i'll pay it. Nintendo gets two thumbs up from me!!!

bread's done