My Brute - A non-interactive fighting... thing.

I do declare, this guy looks motherfucking badass.

Also, 5-1, bitches. Hope I get a better weapon next time. I've just got a knife - the guy I lost to had a net and an axe.

EDIT: And CK, you should have mentioned the pupils thing. If you create a character via someone's link, then the other person will get extra EXP. I'da done it had I known...

EDIT2: The Crotch is no longer in use. Now, it's all up to Emir!

EDIT3: Actually, both are being used. The Crotch is good against animal users. Emir is good when he remembers to pull out his weapon.
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Thanks for the pupil-ing, JJ.

I have to say, the net is underwhelming. When the axe guy used it, he took off half my health on the next swing. I don't do any extra damage, and since it (presumably) takes a turn to use, the extra turn that it gets me seems pretty worthless.
This will be a fun thing to do at work...

While the fight limit is understandable, it pains my soul!

I maxed my character out in UrbanDead, a while back, and have been searching for something else to do at work.

(Although Pokemon Platinum serves me just fine, these days. :cool: )
I made new random-number guys to fight everyones here.. three won, and they were all in a row

5435413213 beat TruthinessFC's
87654632135 beat FriskyTanuki's
9874651555123 beat Rig's

but everyone got +1 exp regardless

mine: - make a random dude to fight me, i will pwn the hell out of him (and appreciate the exp)
God damn I hate my knife. I do so much more damage with my fists, and everyone else has these awesome weapons. Fought some guy today with this bullshit flail-thing that took out 60% of my health in one swing.
the flail rules. so does my meat hammer. my meat hammer can do 40 dmg no problem.

the gg roll is definitely the bear, though. the wolf is pretty good too. bear kills all.
sweet some level 4 douchebag just got his ass handed to him by my level 2 character. still wish i had one of them bears though.......and if i did get one id want him to hit people with a pic-a-nic basket.
They have guns in this game?!


And Chuck Norris!?!
when someone else fights you does it show up in your record? I assumed it would, but Koggit said he beat me with 654654987321, but all my page shows is he is now a pupil? Confusing.
So, after a bit more fiddling around, I have found that the net is actually quite handy against someone who has a pet, but fuck that shit, because I fought a person who had an ability that scared off my dog at the start of the fight. Damn do I ever want that.
bread's done