24 TV Series/Movie Discussion: Season 8 DVD/BluRay out 12/7/10 | 24 Movie COMING SOON

[quote name='myl0r']It's not so much this that confused me, it's that
Renee rolls up and fires, maybe 5 shots, and takes out, what, 2-3 guys? Geez Crack Shot McGee!

Well they were shooting at Jack and the others the whole time, they didn't expect Renee to come out of nowhere.
[quote name='wildcpac']Isn't there still a small chance for NBC to pick it up?[/QUOTE]

Yeah but it sounds like if NBC or DirecTV were to pick up the show it would be a Bauer-less 24, a spin-off basically. Keifer's contract is up with this current season and has said that he is ready to take Bauer to a movie. It is the garbage writers that are still locked up another season if required.

Personally, I'm glad the show is done. The 24 hour format just doesn't work anymore. The first 3-4 seasons were awesome but everything since then has pretty much been a train wreck of plot holes, re-hashed plot twists and god awful boring as hell "political drama."

I only got 6 episodes into this season before giving up. I've recorded the other episodes and plan to watch them eventually but 24 hasn't been must see tv for several years now.
Kiefer Sutherland (Jack Bauer) and Howard Gordon (24's Showrunner) already confirmed that 24 on TV is dead, and that there will be NO NBC pickup. It was rumored, but in the end the decision to end 24 was also from a creative standpoint as the producers and Kiefer realized they have exhausted all possible ways to carry the 24 story in real time. They want to move to the 24 featured film since it would give them more flexibility in telling a story, which is suppose to pick up right after the final season.

The current story for the movie is that it takes place in Europe, and Jack Bauer will be in it (so he won't die in the series finale). The movie obviously won't be in real time, but will tell the story of a 24 hour event, but within a 2 hour length.
The really laughable thing is that Keifer and Howard say they've always wanted 24 to go out on a high note and that they feel this season is the pinnacle. After this disappointing season I'm wondering what they've been smoking.
I have watched every season of 24, and while it hasn't been tremendous for the last few seasons, it has been passable. The standard was set so high with the first few seasons they never were going to reach that level again.
Never watched 24, but my cousin was in a recent episode. He was a Russian dude in the back of a truck talking on the phone to someone. My grandmother called me and told me to watch, saying that he was going to be a recurring character. Tuned in the week after and Freddie Prinze Jr. found him dead with a bullet in his head. I bet my grandmother almost died, haha.
people said the show has been in steady decline, not entirely true... season's 5 and 6 were pretty terrible, but last season was definitely a redemption (see what i did there) and this season has been SOLID. not great, but not terribly weak.

They are out of ideas though.
Last nights episode was pretty good
The moral dilemma of handing Pres. Hassan over to the terrorists vs letting part of Manhattan become nuclear wasteland. A betrayal in the presidents inner sanctum leading to a covert op team attempting to take Hassasn. Jack showing his tactical abilities and prevailing against the odds. Dana showing that she is not necessarily on the side of the terrorists (sounds like maybe she is working for the Blackwater-like group from last season). Jack realizing CTU has a mole that can't be Chloe(so they will start to look at Dana most likely). The bombs countdown has started. The preview looks even better Pres Hassan held prisoner, Charles Logan returning.

Sure it was mostly paint by the numbers but I enjoyed it and can't for next weeks two episodes!
[quote name='keithp']The really laughable thing is that Keifer and Howard say they've always wanted 24 to go out on a high note and that they feel this season is the pinnacle. After this disappointing season I'm wondering what they've been smoking.[/QUOTE]

It's not so bad. Without the completely ridiculous subplot involving the blonde from BSG, it might actually be pretty good.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Just a reminder: Two hours of 24 tonight, so it starts at 8 rather than 9.[/QUOTE]

Uh-oh! NCAA or 24?
missed both 24 AND the NCAA Final last night(and didn't get to watch even a foul ball in baseball!!!!)
looking forward to watching last night's episodes.
I still hold to my belief that the one thing that can save this last season of 24 is bring back David Palmer, by any means necessary!
[quote name='myl0r']I still hold to my belief that the one thing that can save this last season of 24 is bring back David Palmer, by any means necessary![/QUOTE]

Have you not watched season 5?
He died in the most memorable 24 scene for me. I was absolutely shocked when he was assassinated at the start of season 5.

This 2 hour episode block was alright. The Dana storyline has finally pissed me off though. I never liked it, but always tried to take a wait and see approach, hoping it would do something. Instead, the Dana character seems to have multiple personalities, and we have seen several of them over the course of the day. If the Dana from the past few episodes had been the one we got for the entire day, the storyline may have actually been ok.

Still, it will be interesting to see how they choose to end the series (at least as far as TV is concerned).
[quote name='Ryukahn']Have you not watched season 5?
He died in the most memorable 24 scene for me. I was absolutely shocked when he was assassinated at the start of season 5.

This 2 hour episode block was alright. The Dana storyline has finally pissed me off though. I never liked it, but always tried to take a wait and see approach, hoping it would do something. Instead, the Dana character seems to have multiple personalities, and we have seen several of them over the course of the day. If the Dana from the past few episodes had been the one we got for the entire day, the storyline may have actually been ok.

Still, it will be interesting to see how they choose to end the series (at least as far as TV is concerned).[/QUOTE]
oh no, I've seen it, can't forget it. that's why I said ANY MEANS NECESSARY!
I was half joking though. I don't really think
zombie David Palmer
would be a good thing for the show, but I like to joke about it. I thought the first 5 seasons of the show were amazing, and I can't help but notice David Palmer was involved in all 5. So since the show has started sucking, I always joke about how they need to bring him back to instantly redeem the show....

I'm not a very funny person
Got caught up on 24 today...pretty solid 2hrs. Hope Cole takes out Dana. So what's on the horizon for next Monday? I saw the episode on Hulu and they don't offer any previews at the end.
Wow, the last episode was pretty good and shocking. Killing important characters has always done well for the show except when you do it in the opener without any real buildup ie Palmer.
That last episode was incredible. And that is really saying something, since I wasn't a big fan of this season.
Yeah, that was a pretty good 2 hours to get the season amped up a notch, right when I was starting to lose interest.

Hopefully they keep it up, but I worry that we'll get bogged down in a lot of political stuff going forward. Hopefully it doesn't drop to season 6 levels in that regard.
Charles...Milhouse...Logan....say it with me....

Unfortunately my satellite had some weather issues so I was fighting through watching this week. I got the sense it was a good episode, but I sure would've enjoyed it more if the sound wasn't cutting out every few minutes. Not my favorite of the season, though. I still liked the attack on CTU better.
Can always watch on Hulu.

We had to do that as my DVR only caught the last 40 minutes or so of the 2 hours. Not sure if the power was off or what, other stuff the next day (Lost, V) and thursday recorded fine.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Can always watch on Hulu.

We had to do that as my DVR only caught the last 40 minutes or so of the 2 hours. Not sure if the power was off or what, other stuff the next day (Lost, V) and thursday recorded fine.[/QUOTE]

Or fox's website;)

[quote name='KingBroly']


I see your bullshit and raise you a
what the fuck?!
[quote name='help1']
I'd hit it. :lol:

So would I.

How about Jack getting the Russian's sloppy 2nds?:D
1) ^^^ EW
2) This is where 24's time premise works against Jack and his um...short cummings, in case anyone was taking count of time between "events" ;D.
[quote name='Tybalt Flux']1) ^^^ EW
2) This is where 24's time premise works against Jack and his um...short cummings, in case anyone was taking count of time between "events" ;D.[/QUOTE]

How many minutes was it? I didn't pay attention.
I swear
if we don't see Jack nuking the shit out Logan and the Russians at the end of the season...

The last six episodes better do one of two things. Remember the people who like to have meetings in dark rooms and Tony? They better fucking wrap that shit up and not just totally ignore what was the true antagonist for the entire series of the show. If they choose not to do that, Jack better just spend six hour slaughtering red commy rat russians. I'd be happy with either but they'll probably go another route and just have the president talk about how angry she is with the diplomat and use the word damn a few more times before cutting to black listening to Journey.
Episode 17 has left me speechless...

I wonder how the last six hours will play out. I just feel sorry for
Jack, and Renee especially =(
, but I feel even more sorry for
the Russian sniper who took the shot, and the people he is working with
last thing you want is an angry
Jack Bauer
Beast Mode: Activated

Want to know what happens when you kill someone close to Jack? Just ask Nina Myers...oh wait, she's dead. Robocop for "killing" Tony? Dead. Victor Drazen for "killing" Kim? Jack killed him, his bald son, raised his dead ancestors so he could kill them again, and nuked Serbia to oblivion. Nice knowing you Russia. Oh and don't think he's forgotten about David Palmer, Logan.

Oh yes...Chloe + Power Title = hawtness.
Good lord do the writers ever enjoy having everything Jack Bauer touches turn to shit. I mean, you know your life sucks when getting stabbed in the stomach doesn't even rank in the top 5 "Worst Things that Happened to Me Today" list.
I am sad to see Renee go too, she was damn hot and really for her parts this season, the most interesting on the show. Jack will now go burn down Russia I am sure.
[quote name='help1']How many minutes was it? I didn't pay attention.[/QUOTE]

Taking into account the time needed to get to that apartment after being followed by the Ruskie and time to take off clothes, 20 minutes at best.
I'm expecting Jack to get a phone call sometime within the next 6 episodes saying that Kim and his granddaughter drove off a cliff or something.
bread's done