3D Dot Game Heroes - Out Now - Relive your 8-Bit childhood.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']If you're using just their NES sprites, it'll be very simple, though making them look good is another issue since you'd just have a flat 2D character moving and attacking in 3D space.[/QUOTE]

ive done 3d sculptures of nes sprites before. i made them from wooden cubes and glued them together one by one to make the shape, then painted them to match the sprite. ill def be making nes characters with this.

here is what im talking about:
paratroopa: http://8-bit-painter.deviantart.com/art/3-d-Pixelated-Paratroopa-56493874
underworld goomba: http://8-bit-painter.deviantart.com/art/3D-Pixelated-Underworld-Goomba-37165432
[quote name='8bitArtist']ive done 3d sculptures of nes sprites before. i made them from wooden cubes and glued them together one by one to make the shape, then painted them to match the sprite. ill def be making nes characters with this.[/QUOTE]

Awesome. :drool: Just be sure to share! :D
No doubt there will be a fan-site that will let you make pixel perfect Link, Mario, Mega Man, and others.

I'm also sure we'll see Ness and Cloud.

I'm pretty much going to use Link.
thanks guys. glad you dig it. i only ever did those two. i usually just stick to painting screen shots. those sculptures are actually expensive to make.
i sold almost every painting i ever did. which is almost 200. pretty crazy. on my deviant art, youll see a big list of all the paintings ive sold. i havent painted in over a year as i got burnt out of doing it, but maybe some day ill start it back up. i have a 9 foot painting of the final battle from FFVI sitting there about 10% done.
[quote name='Vinny']So is this game going to require Demon Souls level of patience? It's from the same developer, right?[/QUOTE]

Those trolls (From Software) also did stuff like Enchanted Arms which was pretty easy. So it varies from game to game.

My husband is such a cynic. He loves the original Zelda so I showed him the trailer. He said it looks retro for the sake of being retro and isn't interested. Oh well, saves me money since I'd only be buying it for him (just not interested in these kinds of games).
Well, he's right, it's retro for the sake of it.
It's an homage to the 8 and 16 bit Zelda/Dragon Quest etc type games.
I think this game is more for us older gamers who grew up on these kinds of games, and loved them.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']He said it looks retro for the sake of being retro and isn't interested.[/QUOTE]

that's such a lame statement to make. it's equivalent to saying "it looks like the developers achieved what they wanted to make". yeah the style is retro, intentionally. just like katamari damacy is weird intentionally, and demon's souls is challenging intentionally. they're still all great games.

i'm not lecturing you or anything i realize you didnt make the statement but still it's such a dumb thing for anyone to ever say, it's like "no i don't It's Always Sunny because it seems like it's just trying to be funny for the sake of humor" wtf is wrong with him aarkjalkg rage
[quote name='dallow']Well, he's right, it's retro for the sake of it.
It's an homage to the 8 and 16 bit Zelda/Dragon Quest etc type games.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, that's it's charm.

Hell, I preordered it, and I never preorder anything... :lol:

May 11th can't get here fast enough.
[quote name='8bitArtist']ive done 3d sculptures of nes sprites before. i made them from wooden cubes and glued them together one by one to make the shape, then painted them to match the sprite. ill def be making nes characters with this.

here is what im talking about:
paratroopa: http://8-bit-painter.deviantart.com/art/3-d-Pixelated-Paratroopa-56493874
underworld goomba: http://8-bit-painter.deviantart.com/art/3D-Pixelated-Underworld-Goomba-37165432[/QUOTE]

Killer stuff. and I cannot wait for this game. I am leaving for 10 days on 5-15 so its going to be a few teaser days and then nothing. I am still excited as hell.
Preordered through amazon for $25 after it showed up in my goldbox and I applied my GOW3 promo credit. This gives me 6 weeks to beat FF13!
[quote name='NonShalant']I can't believe they're chargin 40 for this. I thought it was a psn title[/QUOTE]

what a dumb statement. you have no idea how many hours of gameplay this has. $40 is a good price for a disc game. how many shit ass games out there try to charge the $60 msrp, where almost every single one of them isnt anywhere worth that.

even if this game only has, say, 10 hours of gameplay, $40 is still a decent price. god of war 3 only had that many hours of gameplay (if that), yet tons of people bought that for $60.
[quote name='NonShalant']I can't believe they're chargin 40 for this. I thought it was a psn title[/QUOTE]

although that was just your thought . I honestly think you posted that statement to get someone on CAG to reply to it with dick additudes . Why, Why, Why ??

and also $40 is an amazing price for a game with this much gameplay and many hours to enjoy . It will remind many CAGs of the good ol' days playin zelda and other games in that category .

You should be complaining about paying $60 for rogue warrior , terminator salvation , and other pointless useless games that only about 2% of the gamers enjoyed . So just STFU :bomb:

P.S. Thanks :bouncy:
[quote name='NonShalant']I can't believe they're chargin 40 for this. I thought it was a psn title[/QUOTE]

Is it going to be downloadable on the PSN? As far as I know(not very) this is a disc game in which case I am grateful its not $60 because I want it BAD.
[quote name='jh6269']Looks like the next episode of Qore will come with a 3D Dot Game Heroes theme. I'm going to snatch that up...


Oh awesome, totally going to grab that.

After playing through the Sonic Genesis Collection I am even more excited about this game if that is possible. It really looks like a game which is made for gamers. I like the new movie type games and glitzy graphics as much as the next person, but I love playing games even more.
This, Yakuza 3, and Heavy Rain were the only games I wanted this year for PS3.

I'll be done when this finally arrives.
Not trollin, really until I saw the thread I thought it was. Since when did psn become a derogatory term? Rogue warrior and those other games u mentioned r high priced shovel ware. I'm just wondering y this is 40? And y'all lynch me for it, sheesh. Have they mentioned how long the game is cause if my memory is right most retro games r 5 hrs long.
[quote name='NonShalant']Have they mentioned how long the game is cause if my memory is right most retro games r 5 hrs long.[/QUOTE]

Nice memory. The Final Fantasy, Dragon Quests, Zeldas that this game is inspired by... yeah, 5 hours.
is it a turned based RPG? no so its not gonna be 30 hrs like Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy. Have u ever beat the original Zelda? Then u would know its 8 hrs MAX
Its longer than most blockbusters, don't worry.
I remember people who played the Japanese version saying 20-30 hours, but it's been a while.
Good point, Dallow. Most action games are 9-12 hours tops and that is at $59.99. I am expecting a 12 - 15 hour game really. And I could see myself replaying this one a few times as well.
How many hours of play can be expected?[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]
[/FONT][/FONT]The main quest itself, with its 7 large dungeons in total and large game world, offers close to a dozen of hours of play on the first time through (veterans can probably power through in less time), but the added modes, mini-games, and easter eggs, not to mention the trophies, will certainly add to the play length.
[quote name='NonShalant']is it a turned based RPG? no so its not gonna be 30 hrs like Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy. Have u ever beat the original Zelda? Then u would know its 8 hrs MAX[/QUOTE]

I believe it's 20 to 30 hours. The gametrailers.com preview said how long it was, but I can't recall.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']How many hours of play can be expected?[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]
[/FONT][/FONT]The main quest itself, with its 7 large dungeons in total and large game world, offers close to a dozen of hours of play on the first time through (veterans can probably power through in less time), but the added modes, mini-games, and easter eggs, not to mention the trophies, will certainly add to the play length.[/QUOTE]

It's a high res, pixelated, cool looking Retro Zelda-like adventure game. People are complaining....why? This is one of those games I'll have a big goofy grin on my face the entire time playing it for the 8-12 hours or more than I play it.

Just glad the DLC is region free, now that is just cool. :)
I quoted Aram Jabari from Atlus, so those are their official guesstimates.

Unless there's new DLC since Atlus got the rights, they're including that stuff on the disc.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I quoted Aram Jabari from Atlus, so those are their official guesstimates.

Unless there's new DLC since Atlus got the rights, they're including that stuff on the disc.[/QUOTE]

this is already out n Japan? What kinda DLC? 15 hrs, ok I'm sold. See was I being that difficult? I didnt expect it to be 100 hrs I just wanted more than 5 hrs, but some of u were acting like it the game was 10 minutes long it'll be worth it cause its retro and other games are 60$
[quote name='dallow']This, Yakuza 3, and Heavy Rain were the only games I wanted this year for PS3.

I'll be done when this finally arrives.[/QUOTE]

In the same boat somewhat (have all the games I want on my jumbo ECA order), which is why I'm looking forward to this game so much. I'm somewhat hoping E3 sucks, because my Prime trial ran out and I can't afford more PS3 games on top of the other stuff :p

Anyway, this game has me pretty pumped. This and SMG2 = awesomeness. I actually showed a friend a few videos from the OP and mentioned the whole Zelda throwback (LTTP is his favorite) so this game has one more sale thanks to CAG :applause:
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I quoted Aram Jabari from Atlus, so those are their official guesstimates.

Unless there's new DLC since Atlus got the rights, they're including that stuff on the disc.[/QUOTE]

I was referring to the character builds from that old school Japanese RPG series they were making (don't remember the name, as it was a series I wasn't familiar with)

Edit: Just looked for 15 minutes and can't find what I was looking for, I think it was some old 8-bit famicom RPG or something, that they recreated for 3D:DH. I'd hop on the JPN PSN, but can't read Japanese, so that won't do any good.

Anyway that's what I was alluding to.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']How many hours of play can be expected?[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]
[/FONT][/FONT]The main quest itself, with its 7 large dungeons in total and large game world, offers close to a dozen of hours of play on the first time through (veterans can probably power through in less time), but the added modes, mini-games, and easter eggs, not to mention the trophies, will certainly add to the play length.[/QUOTE]

See the thing with that is... I dont know if its my Adventure game (true PC adventure) roots or what but I explore a lot. Even when its obvious they are directing you to somewhere I find myself going off another way first.

So thats probably closer to 20+ hours for me. Which is fine.
I havn't been following this thread... but I have a few questions.

One, is this a PS3 exclusive?

Two, is it true that your character can be customized? If so, can you upload other peoples characters and such? Can your character's look be changed after the game starts? I need details on this! (I want NES Link :whistle2:D)

Three, is it relaly only 39.99?

This game has grabbed my attention.
1. Yes
2. Yes, Yes, Yes. It's not through PSN, but Atlus will have an official site for uploading creations and I imagine others will have their own for IP-infringing characters. Whenever you load up your save, you have the option to change characters.
3. Yes.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']Also, there is free DLC and themes in Japan...? or is is paid?[/QUOTE]

When I was there a few weeks ago they had that pack I was talking about with their versions of that JPN RPG series up to D/L for a couple hundred yen (if I'm remembering correctly), but as I mentioned it is suppose to be cross compatible region dlc (which is a first as far as I know for a PS3 game)

I think someone mentioned a theme (maybe the same one they are including on Qore this month, I dunno)
bread's done