Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='KingBroly']Let's face facts here, the game, commercially is going to bomb. It just is. Rare can't convince me otherwise, and Microsoft can't either.[/QUOTE]

Totally agree, and to go a step further, I just don't understand what they were thinking with this game. Let's bring back Banjo & Kazooie but do it in a completely different kind of game that's going to alienate most fans of the originals, and not appeal to any new prospective fans because of the characters and setting. It's too complicated for kids, there's no doubt about that, so it just begs the question WHO were they aiming this game at?

That's a total recipe for a gaming disaster.
[quote name='SpazX']Honestly, I never really had any big problems with the controls. I got all the jiggies on my first try (though I only got one trophy). With the crappy demo wheels you can't really make sudden movements or anything, but other than that everything seemed fine. Flying a plane avoids those wheel problems too when you don't need to be on the ground :p.

As far as the rat ball, I managed to get it just over 250 by hitting it, it bouncing off the little bridge kinda thing that leads up there and then hitting the water and going just far enough.

And if you felt like it was thrown together mini games then you might not like the game. I'm pretty sure that's just how it's designed - a bit like Mario has been since 64, but with all the challenges available at the same time.[/quote]

I dunno I want more story on it like why are you bothering to participate in dangerous games to help LOG make a game its just...odd plotwise. At least with Mario 64 you needed to grab stars to open doors to go find the princess again and had boss fights and the like. You had a goal that made more sense than you playing a video game about playing a video game I just find that plot really...weak and its been used before ALOT so its not even clever and/or funny. If theres more reason than "meh what the hell were here" then maybe I dunno. I'm still holding out on deciding but so far its not standing up to mario 64 as far as quality of mini tasks.
[quote name='KingBroly']Yes, they have them. Mine do, and I got one from them already.[/QUOTE]

Is the XBLA game up yet, or won't it be up until Sunday?
I played the demo, and actually enjoyed it alot. I will buy this game on the cheap in a few months bc I think it will bomb too, I don't necessarily think it will be a bad game just an underated game.
I played the Nuts & Bolts demo. For a game with an emphasis on vehicular travel, one would figure they would tighten the vehicle controls. I felt the vehicle controls were much too loose and a bit maddening. At very least they could have included an option to adjust sensitivity levels.
I could read the text on my HDTV, but it scrolled far too quickly. I hope they fix this also. Simply add a press A to advance the text.
I thought the demo was decent and was pleased to see how much they put into it. I agree on the text, though it does not bother me too much as when I did read it, it was quite unimpressive dialogue. However, the game looks like it will be fun to tool around with. When I can find it for 15 or less, I will probably snag it.
[quote name='KingBroly']So does the game hit retail tomorrow or is it one of those BS Nintendo-type "Ships" deals?[/quote]

I'm thinking the "ships" deal - I just called my GS to verify my pre-order code, and they told me the game will be in on Wednesday.
[quote name='Phanatic']I'm thinking the "ships" deal - I just called my GS to verify my pre-order code, and they told me the game will be in on Wednesday.[/quote] That sucks. I wish I were able to play for the entire day on veterans day.
Gonna pick this up Wednesday when I'm near a GS and see if they have any extra preorder codes around. Have it preordered from Amazon, but lately have had pretty shit luck with preorder bonuses coming through.
[quote name='Zmonkay']Gonna pick this up Wednesday when I'm near a GS and see if they have any extra preorder codes around. Have it preordered from Amazon, but lately have had pretty shit luck with preorder bonuses coming through.[/quote]

I think I'm going to try that too, but mainly for giveaways. It only helps if the person there was not the one who gave me the first pre-order code.
[quote name='Phanatic']I'm thinking the "ships" deal - I just called my GS to verify my pre-order code, and they told me the game will be in on Wednesday.[/quote]
IDK I just preordered it today and the guy said see you tomorrow unless your guys know something mine don't

since I got to college I have been completely out of the video game thing. I cant believe all of these games I need to catch up on.

I ended up preordering banjo today and getting the last Banjo download card that the store had!
Those of us who put $5 down at Gamestop,
but have no intention of paying $40 for that new and improved crap,
get 2 week early access to the original classic.

So I went in to Gamestop today knowing they have to have the cards before the game arrives Tuesday.
Sure enough they got them, he says you get them when you pick up the game.
I said "All the other Gamestops have been handing them out to pre-orders this weekend".
He promptly hands me a shiny new Banjo Kazooie Download Card.

Now, I'll go in and switch my $5 deposit towards Call of Duty:WaW.
Free Game, the CheapAssGamer way!
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They're active alright. I've completed the first world 100%. It's pretty sweet.

EDIT: I just got a Gamer Pic for
getting my 10th Jinjo I believe.
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Glad I canceled my Amazon pre-order and went in to GS to use store my card on the spot. Just wish I would have checked this thread last night, I could have tried it out :bomb:
[quote name='gordojones88']Now, I'll go in and switch my $5 deposit towards Call of Duty:WaW.
Free Game, the CheapAssGamer way![/quote]

damn I may just do that. I want to play a demo before I buy this one...
WTF is going on? NO store I've called has it, online release dates are pushed back. BB claims it comes out tomorrow, Walmart told me they don't have it, and when I asked if they knew when they would, he said sorry, he knows, but they aren't allowed to tell people. Is it some kind of fucking secret??
It'd be smart of them to push it back so they can tighten up the controls and fix the text issues. But it's too late for that. It's coming out tomorrow.
Damn, my Gamestop ran out of codes before I could get one :( If anyone is interested, I'd be willing to buy a code off of you. PM me.
[quote name='Zmonkay']WTF is going on? NO store I've called has it, online release dates are pushed back. BB claims it comes out tomorrow, Walmart told me they don't have it, and when I asked if they knew when they would, he said sorry, he knows, but they aren't allowed to tell people. Is it some kind of fucking secret??[/quote]

I was wondering about that as well. Amazon says it will be in stock on the 13th, but my account is showing a ship date of the 17th. Very odd.
I got my copy just now (opening as we speak). Gamestop had 11 copies or so of the game, which shocked me, as they had around 16-18 copies of Mirror's Edge total (same for PS3 and 360).

EDIT: There's a Title Update accompanying the game when you connect.
[quote name='cochesecochese']I was wondering about that as well. Amazon says it will be in stock on the 13th, but my account is showing a ship date of the 17th. Very odd.[/quote]
its in stock now at amazon
[quote name='LinkinPrime']The update is probably the connection between the XBLA game and N&B...Stoop N' Swoop!![/quote]

You should be punished for your lack of spelling prowess on the subject.
lol, Stop N' Swap ftw! Just got back from picking up my copy, no extra DL codes though, so I guess the Amazon order stands. oh well, time to crack this bitch open!

Whoops...I wonder why I thought it was Stoop N' Swoop
Thank goodness. I just went to pick up the game and the guy prefaced our conversation by saying that the UPS truck never came and that they had to take some copies from nearby stores. Thankfully though, I got one of the two remaining copies. Then I asked where the fuck is my pre-order bonus. The guy said that they were sold out (SOLD OUT?!?!?!, you do not fucking sell pre-order bonuses!!!!), but thank god, there was one hidden away in their cabinet, probably one ht employees trying to nab a copy.) Overall, I got what i wanted, (and paid for), but it was a nerve-destroying experiance. No one will screw me over when it comes to my Banjo Kazooie.
Bad Physics Engine + Circular Hill = Bullshit

Any argument you can come up with, I point to this and win. That's how I can describe this game right now.
[quote name='KingBroly']No way, no how.[/quote]
My biggest frustration with the demo was the round shape of the metal shark whos eyes you had to protect. That was frustrating as hell. I actually beat it by getting out of the vehicle and just smacking everything with the wrench. Im not looking forward to more of that but the rest was great.

So far the biggest complaint Ive heard is the escort missions.
Well...the first reward
for beating Grunty
is a better set of wheels. My trolley seems to control a little bit better now, but it's still slow. I'm finding myself not going for the challenges actually, and just screwing around the town. Also, Klungo saves the world now has music. That's something we can all enjoy.
OK, I'm sure I'm just dumb, but where the hell is the
glowbo the yellow jinjo is asking for in act 3 of the first level? She says she was near the volcano and kicked it into the pool or something like that, but it doesn't seem to be in the lava, nor in pool (big ol ring around water, assuming that's the pool?)
On a side note: I'm loving this game, but like the demo, I'm sure it's heavily due to my love of the first BK. All the little homages are just great. Go talk to LOG.
he says something like "They're all coming: KI3, Battletoads, Jet Force Gemini" I just wanna know if it's true, or just a mean tease (JFG!!!)

The crappy controls really don't seem to bother me too much, but I do hope they control better later. About to get wheel upgrade 1 I guess (according to KingBroly)
Dive into the water on the left. It's at the bottom. It's like..a shark or something.

I do find myself doing the stuff in Showdown Town moreso than the actual worlds right now. I'm not looking forward to the Clanker Challenge, either.

BTW, I wouldn't suggest looking at statistics while at the main menu, or scrolling over in the Statistics menu while in-game. Why? It spoils the location of the final world. Stupid Rare. That stuff should've been blanked out until you got there.
Thanks for the tip! wtf, that was odd.

The final level, if it's what I think your talking about, is in the manual too, and LOG even mentions it.
Are you talking Spiral Mountain? If so, LOG says that once you face enough challenges, the final showdown in and for Spiral Mountain will take place.
Well, I picked up my copy and got my preorder code. The original game looks great, but for a second I thought the game was messed up when the Nintendo 64 logo didn't walk across the screen. :lol:

As for Nuts and Bolts, finally seeing the backstory is nice. Hope Rare patches the text soon.

Also, I've seen several people complain about the clanker challenge, but I've done it more than once without the slightest problem. Maybe it just depends on the person?
bread's done