Batman: The Dark Knight - Movie Thread - $158.3 Million First Weekend

[quote name='lordwow']The only thing that would be cool with Robin is if they did the storyline where he gets killed.[/quote]

Apply this to Poison Ivy and Catwoman as well.
I saw the movie in IMAX last Sunday, and loved it. Just had to get that out of the way. :D

[quote name='gotrice415510']i was watching Attack of the Show the other day and chris gore was saying that the only way to top this movie is to make the next one start years later. He said that the next movie should be when batman is old and returns just like in the comic book "The Dark Knight Returns". I think that is probably what it is being planned for the next Batman movie.[/QUOTE]

That would require recasting pretty much all of the characters to compensate for the age difference - aging an actor with makeup might work for a few scenes, but doing for everyone in a movie's cast for the entire duration of filming isn't practical.

Beyond that, "The Dark Knight Returns" had a plot that involved Two-Face, the Joker, and Superman. Given the ending of "The Dark Knight" and the fact that Warner Brothers might not be too keen on Superman appearing in the movie, a direct adaption is pretty much out.

I don't see it happening, and I don't even agree with the initial statement - Nolan can find a way to make a damn good movie, without resorting to what would amount to another "restart" for the franchise. I'm not convinced the next movie will be better than TDK was, or that there even is a way to top it given that they hit upon the perfect combination of a strong storyline, two fantastic villains, and (unfortunately) the death of Heath Ledger adding an air to the movie and its promotion that we haven't seen in a blockbuster like this before, and there's no way that's going to happen again.
[quote name='chasemurata']Apply this to Poison Ivy and Catwoman as well.[/QUOTE]

Nolan doesn't like the "supernatural" and "science fiction" villains, so Poison Ivy's out because of that.

Catwoman's a possibility still, though I don't know if I'm sold on the idea. It wouldn't be too hard to work her into Nolan's world, but with
Rachel dead
I'm worried we'd get a retread of Batman Returns for the plot.

I still like the idea of the Riddler (though for the love of god, don't go with
Reese - the actor's still pulling down roles like CAOC Analyst #2 and wasn't that impressive to begin with
), and there are other options for a second villain. Ra's Al Ghul could always come back via
a Lazarus Pit
. Hell, even Harley Quinn's an option - after TDK, it wouldn't be too hard to imagine someone in Gotham who took the Joker's words and methods to heart.

I know who I'm hoping to see, though.
Saw the movie today...thought it was alright...maybe I had too high of expectations...

I thought Heath did a 'pretty good' job making the Joker a crazy character....but I don't think it's the earth-shattering role people are claiming...
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']Nolan doesn't like the "supernatural" and "science fiction" villains, so Poison Ivy's out because of that.[/QUOTE]

If they tied in Ivy's origin with the Lotus from the first movie, I can see that. They did that with Scarecrow and Ra's Al Ghul.
Gothic Walrus;4661030 Hell said:
I would love to see Harley Quinn appear in this series, I would think that she would work really well.
Actually at the end of Begins when we basically found out that Joker was going to be in the next one I was hoping that Harley would also be in it.
[quote name='Dante Devil']If they tied in Ivy's origin with the Lotus from the first movie, I can see that. They did that with Scarecrow and Ra's Al Ghul.[/QUOTE]

Good point. It might be too late to go back to that, but since Scarecrow capable of roaming the streets of Gotham, it's a possibility. I still don't think it's likely (especially after Uma Thurman's attempt at the character - that was just plain bizarre), but they could tie it in.

[quote name='Kaijufan']I would love to see Harley Quinn appear in this series, I would think that she would work really well.
Actually at the end of Begins when we basically found out that Joker was going to be in the next one I was hoping that Harley would also be in it.[/QUOTE]

It'd work, but they'd either have to recast the Joker (which I think would be a huge mistake this soon after The Dark Knight), or find a way to have his image linger over her. There hasn't been Harley Quinn without the Joker yet, and at a bare minimum they'd have to find a way to tie her to the image or the spirit of him.
But you guys are talking about the Dark Knight Returns and how it would have Superman

Remember in I Am Legend it had the billboard for a Batman & Superman movie......

Batman Begins came out in 2005, TDK in 2008, and the date for that Batman/Superman movie was 2011.

You see where this is going?

Still could hope for it, even though it probably won't ever happen.

Plus there would probably have to be a lot of plot changes to it anyway
[quote name='anomynous']But they should have a Batman Begins style Superman reboot

make it dark & gritty[/quote]

no. Superman is awful. Well, he's good in a few series, but his general idea is awful. Even the series where he is good it seems the writers are just kinda making fun of him.
[quote name='Rocko']Not sure if these were posted here:



They release in January for about $30 per set. I'm likely going to grab the Joker set.[/quote]

yeah i love that joker figure:hot:
What happens in the Batman Vs. Superman comic? How does Batman have leverage over Superman (besides kryptonite)? Im never going to read it so you can spoil it for me.
[quote name='becuzimbrown']What happens in the Batman Vs. Superman comic? How does Batman have leverage over Superman (besides kryptonite)? Im never going to read it so you can spoil it for me.[/QUOTE]

Kryptonite's right

I just felt like posting that pic
[quote name='becuzimbrown']What happens in the Batman Vs. Superman comic? How does Batman have leverage over Superman (besides kryptonite)? Im never going to read it so you can spoil it for me.[/quote]Well, that's basically it. Batman was always afraid of Superman going rogue so he stored away some kryptonite in case it was ever needed to stop him.

Atleast thats the way it was in the cartoons, i'm sure it was simliar in the comics. I think that in The Dark Knight returns he even uses it on Supes. In that comic Supes and Batman are at odds because superman is more or less a pawn of the government and Batman still operates outside of the government.
[quote name='JolietJake']Well, that's basically it. Batman was always afraid of Superman going rogue so he stored away some kryptonite in case it was ever needed to stop him.

Atleast thats the way it was in the cartoons, i'm sure it was simliar in the comics. I think that in The Dark Knight returns he even uses it on Supes. In that comic Supes and Batman are at odds because superman is more or less a pawn of the government and Batman still operates outside of the government.[/QUOTE]

What the fuck is this superman nonsense? Superman sucks, I don't want to have Batman have to share valuable screen time with that lame ass super hero.
[quote name='help1']What the fuck is this superman nonsense? Superman sucks, I don't want to have Batman have to share valuable screen time with that lame ass super hero.[/QUOTE]

Yes! Yes! :applause:
[quote name='becuzimbrown']What happens in the Batman Vs. Superman comic? How does Batman have leverage over Superman (besides kryptonite)? Im never going to read it so you can spoil it for me.[/quote]

In Hush he uses a high frequency noise and just punches the crap out of him with a K-ring and shoots stuff in his eyes. He also keeps putting/reminding him about how people in danger, so Superman is distracted by saving the innocent people. He also lies to him a lot. Bat Man takes advantage of the fact that "super Man is a total Boy Scout"
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[quote name='red flare graf']I think Batman/Superman would be awesome, but definitely wouldn't fit in with the world that Batman currently lives in, which I prefer.[/QUOTE]

There's no fucking way in hell that Nolan would agree to a Superman/Batman crossover unless it's forced on him...and that'd probably be enough for him (and Christian Bale) to quit the project. I don't see them doing an adaption of somebody else's story, much less one that forces Robin and Superman on them.

Given how much money the first two have made, I think Nolan gets to keep his creative control here. If Warner Brothers tries stepping on his toes, it's going to be one of the biggest mistakes they've ever made.
There is no damn villain for the next Batman.

It's Batman vs. Gordon, the GPD, and Gotham itself.

The theme will probably be about the struggle to maintain dualities.
What the hell is this talk about Batman/AntiKryptoniteMan? That's not gunna happen...unless, the whole Ultimate Avengers thing pans out well for Marvel - then you'll see screwed up stuff like that.

Again though,
I wonder if Gordon is going to be wearing his trademark long coat for the next one? I don't think he should wear that full uniform that other Commissioner wore.
[quote name='Megalith']There is no damn villain for the next Batman.

It's Batman vs. Gordon, the GPD, and Gotham itself.

The theme will probably be about the struggle to maintain dualities.[/quote]

I actually went and looked it up. In Dark Knight Returns, Batman gives Green Arrow a kryptonite tipped arrow to use on Superman.
Batman knows all (see: Brother Eye).

As for Nolan's next project, I would prefer to see him handle adapting Identity Crisis for film than another installment in his Batman series. He set high expectations for any Batman-related film that follows The Dark Knight, and I just don't think it's possible to meet it. Of course, adapting Identity Crisis would be a herculean, Watchmen feat (assuming Watchmen is indeed a delicious pudding).
[quote name='lordwow']Well that's true but

he couldn't save everyone and two-face, so it wasn't really intentional

It looked like to me at least that two-face was not dead but just knocked out, I swore I could see him still breathing. Someone correct me if I might be wrong.
[quote name='js1']
It looked like to me at least that two-face was not dead but just knocked out, I swore I could see him still breathing. Someone correct me if I might be wrong.
Actors have to breath.
Hush should be the base for the next Batman movie. Leaving out Nightwing, Robin, Huntress, etc. You could probably work the Joker aspect in without actually having the Joker. The movie could add Riddler and Catwomen and Dr Thomas. It would be a great continuation/wrap up to the Harvey Dent/Two-Face story. Also flesh out Bruce Wayne with the Thomas stuff.
[quote name='gareman']Hush should be the base for the next Batman movie. Leaving out Nightwing, Robin, Huntress, etc. You could probably work the Joker aspect in without actually having the Joker. The movie could add Riddler and Catwomen and Dr Thomas. It would be a great continuation/wrap up to the Harvey Dent/Two-Face story. Also flesh out Bruce Wayne with the Thomas stuff.[/QUOTE]

Well the setup for Hush is pretty much there.
Mr. Reese knows he's Batman, Joker is still alive. BOTH could be used to weave a mystery around this guy that plays mind games with the Batman. Thing is if they go this route I really hope they don't follow the comic book storyline and have Hush just be someone different. Or at the very least throw us off and keep us guessing.

As for Dent
I'm thinking he's still alive, just in hiding, or someone else besides Bats kills him.
Harvey Dent still is alive. The final speech kept talking about him as if he didn't die. They had to fake his death otherwise Gotham would fall into chaos.
bread's done