Big Brother 11 - Sun 8pm/7pm CT - Tue 8pm/7pm CT - Thur 8pm/7pm CT *Spoilers*

Live veto, meeting, and eviction on Tuesday, then the start of the last HoH comp. Then probably airing the taped part 2 of HoH and possibly the end of part 1 if it was endurance (one of them are bound to be) on Thursday, followed by live airing of part 3.

I don't like this because I was looking forward to knowing who won Veto on Saturday.
I officially dont give a shit anymore...I just dont care to watch anyone win this show that didnt literally earn it by playing...and no, I dont consider floating through the whole way to be "playing".
I like how Natalie is stupid enough to think her nominations matter, and thinks she's making a big move by putting Kevin up.

What an idiot.
Yeah, but the sad thing is that Jordan and Michelle were shocked when she told them that she was putting Kevin up. They're all stupid.
I'd be shocked, too, since it's a pointless nomination, so why nominate her best friend? I mean, that's just stupid all around.
I guess it depends on why they were shocked then. If they caught on to her stupidity, then that's good, but I got a feeling that they were stupid enough to think that she's betraying Kevin.
Nothing really matters but POV. Michelle will probably win veto and stomp Natalie in final endurance, then stomp whoever in final questions, and take Jordan to final two and rake in the votes because Jordan just road coattails the whole game while Michelle was scrambling and somehow managing to survive ever since Ronnie went out the door. I think Jeff would be the only one to vote for Jordan, and even then it would take some effort, I think he would know Jordan wouldn't have the votes and just say fuck it and vote for Michelle anyway.
Apparently Natalie cannot play in the veto comp, because she opened up Pandoras Box. She's not telling the houseguests what she found in there, she and Kevin made up another lie and she said that she got to spend 20min with her boyfriend and the negative was that she cannot play veto...that last part was the only truth.
Looks like Kevin picked up Natalie's slack...again. Michelle is screwed. Jordan will get beat in both endurance and questions on Thursday. It's going to suck too, the last endurance will be short as hell, won't even make it to BBAD because once Jordan drops Kevin & Natalie will cut a deal. There's a 99% chance it's going to be Kevin and Natalie as final two.

Worst season ever.
I never liked any of it. The broadcasted shows sucked ass. BBAD was interesting back in the beginning when that stoner dude, Braden, was there. He was funny as hell when him and Jeff would sit out back.
Well...I think I'm done watching this show till the finale night. This is straight up bullshit!!! I blame Jeff for kicking Russell out too soon.
Yeah, Jeff screwed up. Better to risk it with one guy who might want you out than a handful of people that do want you out. Jeff cost Jordan and Michelle their game too.
I could've sworn Julie said the competition and ceremony were going to be live.

Doesn't matter. I'm soured on this season now.
Ive been told that Kevin won the POV. On top of that he admitted to knowing the questions ahead of time, wasnt told how he knew. On top of that, one of the things youre not allowed to have is a calandar. Natalie and Kevin "created" one to prepare for the POV and started spotting out dates and whatnot. Nothing was done about that and supposedly during one of the other BB's, Zach had tried to do the same but the show took it away?

Add all of that on top of Jordan not being able to hear the question that lost it for her because of an airplane that was flying around and they wouldnt repeat the question? and you know how Julie has to have that answer NOW NOW NOW lol.
Someone mentioned on BBU that it would be a really cool twist if the POV competition was a fake that was created because Natalie opened up Pandora's Box. Julie did state that the POV was going to be live on Tuesday so maybe there's still hope.

Also with Kevin cheating...they should totally redo the veto.
Natalie was shockingly unemotional when she got to see her boyfriend and he fucking proposed to her. What a bitch.

And I can't believe the lie she came up with. That was the worst lie and then the worst lie cover-up I've ever seen.
Seriously. It was horrendous. If you're not going to be able to come up with something more believable than that, just tell the truth. She seems to love to lie for no particular reason (i.e. "I'm 18!" - I never quite understood what that achieved).

I would be ecstatic if Kevin realizes that she is the least trustworthy person ever and he and Michelle team up (voting out Jordan this week) to kick her ass and take each other to the F2.
Rocko, they did it again with the promo at the end of the show, implied POV was going to be live. What a joke this show has become. I hope game fairness questions are raised after it's over and next season they get their act together. I swear, the term "expect the unexpected" is just a way to cover up the producers scrambling behind the scenes to manipulate the outcome week by week.
Lol, there are pictures of her on the internet, with her face pasted onto the body of Pig Pen from Charlie Brown cartoons.
For real..when Natalie saw her BF..the way she reacted vs the way he reacted...Id bet her clit is bigger than his cack.
I thought this was interesting:

If you have the feeds - use Flashback to tune into the early morning feeds - around 1:45am or so on camera's 3 & 4. You can watch Kevin discuss his options and how Production has talked about him possibly keeping Michele tonight and even taking her to the end.

Natalie is obviously not pleased that the production staff is putting these thoughts in his head and has said to him that if he doesn't take her to the final two he will have no chance to win. She will ensure Jesse doesn't vote for him to win and she will vote for Michele or Jordan as well. Kevin tries to calm Natalie that he won't be going against their plans but I personally would LOVE to see Kevin mix it up and am a bit annoyed with Natalie's bully tactics with Kevin to get him to do what she wants - its his POV to use by gosh.

Seems like he's hanging in there with Natalie for the time being though...:wall:
Kevin's a pussy, he won't make the necessary move to get Natalie out next week and will keep Jordan, and keep Natalie to the end where he'll lose.

Edit: Yep, hope you didn't need the money that bad, Kevin. Does all this talk about cutting Natalie and then cuts his chance to do it.
Kevin is a dumb shit. He should have picked someone that could theoretically beat Natalie in both endurance and questions.

Jordan is going to be out fast. She is standing on the back half of the log with all her weight in a bad position. First time that carpeting gets wet and she slips, her ass is overboard. There's no way to recover from that hanging on a key with the footing you're scrambling to reach is rolling towards you.
Supposedly people are up in arms over the way the contest was ran.

Natalie let go of the key and was holding on to the rope that held the techincally she was out long before jordan...then again I didnt watch all of it to know what the rules were....
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Kevin is a dumb shit. He should have picked someone that could theoretically beat Natalie in both endurance and questions.

Jordan is going to be out fast. She is standing on the back half of the log with all her weight in a bad position. First time that carpeting gets wet and she slips, her ass is overboard. There's no way to recover from that hanging on a key with the footing you're scrambling to reach is rolling towards you.[/QUOTE]

You got to be kidding. Kevin has just as much a chance as Natalie does. Natalie has Jessie, Kevin has Lydia... as for the rest, they are all wildcards. And who says either Kevin or Natalie (i.e. the only people with a chance to win the final competition) wont take Jordan to the final two... If Jordan gets to the final two, she will lose with maybe 1 vote thrown her way.

If Michelle would have stayed and made final two with Kevin, she would most likely get votes from Jeff, Jordan, and Russell... leaving america to not give Kevin the money.
I disagree. During a boring class, I broke it down in my head. Say Natalie backs out of her deal and takes Jordan with her.

Jessie and Lydia almost definitely vote Natalie.
Michelle and Jeff almost definitely vote Jordan.
I would think Kevin would vote for Jordan just because Natalie screwed him (in this scenario).
Russell... who knows.
America will definitely vote Jordan.

Honestly, if Jordan makes it (ESPECIALLY if she makes it because either Kevin or Natalie screw the other one) I think she has a decent shot to win it all.
I've been thinking about that too. I think if Jordan is up against Natalie, Jordan will take it. If she's up against Kevin, I have a feeling that Kevin will take it.

Go Jordan!

BTW: Who are you guys voting for the $25K? I'm voting for Michelle...fuck Jeff!
FYI it looks like we won't know who the final 2 are till Tuesday (Finale Night), they're trying to change up the structure of the game this year:

BigBrotherLeak: Looks like Round 2 will be live on Thursday. Final 3 will go to the Finale and battle it out in Round 3. Never has happened like that before (13 minutes ago from web)
BigBrotherLeak: Kevin/Natalie awake now. They are confused why backyard is not on lockdown for round 2 today. #bb11 (12 minutes ago from web)
BigBrotherLeak: NO indoor lockdown! So that means no part 2 of final HOH today...hmmm maybe the rumors are true! ( #bb11 (25 minutes ago from web)
Jordan should have won after disqualifications. Kevin and Natalie broke rules. Kevin stood sideways and basically straddled the log when they were told to face frontwards. Natalie held her rope, not her key for most of the time.

All three broke a rule at one point which kinda canceled itself out since everyone did it, Kevin snuck in a snack bar and they all ate some of it. I think this after Kevin and Natalie broke the rules, so technically Jordan would have won if Big Brother's producers did their job right.

Big Brother never enforces the rules anymore, unless you break a $4000 microphone. This show has become so crooked it's not even funny.
Am I the only one that can't believe they still think Natalie is 18? c'mon she's a lying snake, and wasn't a big sign she is lying when she stressed how she's played poker at casinos? She actually said, "I go there all the time & play poker" Last time I checked you have to be 21 to get in to play. Hello.... everyone' lie detectors should be Blaring!!!
They drink alcohol all the fucking time.

How can they think CBS would provide an 18 year old with alcohol and let them consume it on live television?
bread's done