CAG contest is over....Congrats to Super_Nerd!

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I was 12 and the class system was enthralling to me. Played 250 hours plus. LostMagic is my favorite DS game ever which is super underrated
That's a tough question to Answer! Earthbound is my favorite out of all generations, I played it when I was 10. I'm glad I was a child when I played it, I think I'm able to love it more wholly because of that. The older I get, however, the more meaningful it gets, as I start understanding the motivations of the kids, the adults, and the game designers.
Sometimes, trying to answer this question seems like trying to pick which one of your children is your favorite. Gaming has given me so many great memories, it's hard to pick just one game. I think I'll go with Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence. Snake Eater was a classic, and Subsistence only made it better by adding a 3D camera and MGO, which was the first shooter I ever really enjoyed online, because it was not all about twitch reflexes.
For some reason or another, I just love House of the Dead Overkill for the Wii. I've played through it multiple times and if I can't decide what game to play, that usually ends up being the one.
Ninja Gaiden for the NES, which took the gameplay of Castlevania to another level. Your efforts to beat a level payed off with a cutscene (complete with good graphics) that continued the story of Ryu Hayabusa and the search for his father's killer. If it wasn't for this game, we wouldn't have Metal Gear Solid.
Final Fantasy VII, really original I know! I feel that this game was the best all around RPG of all time. It has the depth and diversity in a turn-based battle system that I love as well as the same depth and diversity among the characters. It has an emotionally involved story and more locations than most other RPGs. Literally everything about this game was the way I wanted it and that is why it is my favorite game of all time!
Close tie between Mario Kart 64 and Halo 2

I was completely unstoppable at both and loved em both because of it :D
MY favorite game is the Rock Band since it combined two of my favorite things - music and video games, and essentially created a new platform for music distribution.
burnout paradise because 1. crashing spectalularly makes me laugh like a madman and 2. its fun to just to drive around, complete challenges, and crash into random strangers.
I loved all of the N64 wrestlin' games from back then but I'm gonna pick WrestleMania 2000 for one reason...

I was the worst player out of all of my friends because I didn't own a N64. The only time I played was when I was at someone's house.

With that said, one day we were havin' a four way elimination title match and I expected to be the first one out. However, somethin' clicked that day and I ended up as one of the last wrestlers against the top player of my friends.

I was HBK and he was usin' his Goldberg CAW. The excitement in the room was crazy because no one expected me to last that long. I end up gettin' my special and superkicked him THREE times! At this point, everyone is goin' insane. I go for the pin and everyone counts along with the out!

He got up, put me in submission hold and it was over just like that due to takin' so much damage earlier. I lost, but I got so much props for that match. It always gets brought up every time we reminisce on the N64 lol.
My favorite game ever? That's really hard. Really? Just one? Alright, I'll say Zelda: Ocarina of Time because to me it seemed like the ultimate video game at the time and is still fun today.
Either Super Mario 64 or Super Metroid. Both two fantastic games, and I loved playing them when I was younger, and I just finished Mario 64 again a few weeks ago thanks to the VC.

As for this generation, I'd have to say Modern Warfare 2. I've had it three weeks and I've already logged 2 and a half days online. Plus the single-player was just epic, and spec-ops is sick with a friend. But I'd also have to give props to The Conduit (Wii) for getting me into shooters, which in the long run influenced my PS3 purchase.
My favorite game is probably Braid. No game before has challenged my brain like Braid has and I was constantly wowed by the new elements the puzzles brought into play and the sheer genius of the creators.
Without a doubt it is ToeJam & Earl for me, I banked in so many hours into it, trying to get from world to world, and the multiplayer was great. I remember playing for hours upon hours with my friends, trying to make it from world to world, chucking tomatoes and dodging attacking mailboxes, Mad Scientists, and many other odd humans.

The music still today is the most memorable music from almost any game I have played, even though it was a loop, it reeks of the early 90's and to this day keeps its same feel from when I was a kid.

Definitely a A+ title for me, wish they would do a re-release.
my favorite game is disgaea 2 as it has so much extra stuff to do it has kept me entertained for well over 400 hours on the ps2, and another 80 hours on the psp lol.
There is no other game I can say that I have logged nearly that time on that is a single player game.
My favorite game of all time? Goldeneye 64. I played it almost everything with friends and even my mom until I got an Xbox.
One of my favorite games this gen was Batman Arkham Asylum. I always loved batman as a kid, and was dissapointed there was not a decent batman game out.

Batman:Arkham Asylum was different. It wasn't like the crappy games before it. It gave both easy and fun combat, cunning detective work, and an interesting story whilst exploring Arkham Island.

It was such a great game and I was so happy when i heard that they are making a sequel!

I hope I win this contest, and if I do I choose the 1600 microsoft points and classic COD.

Favorite game ever - Zelda II NES. First game I perfected knowing it inside and out. I once played through the game without the candle after my younger brother claimed I couldn't do it.
I'd have to say Final Fantasy 7 for me, I've replayed the game multiple times and I just really love the storyline and the characters...and the gameplay...I love the whole game XD
Mine would have to be Unreal Tournament 2003 for the PC. I played more than a thousand hours on that game because of the strong community that has kept it fresh during the years. I participated in a lot of great competitive matches as well and met some fantastic players in real life. The music is superb and the maps are varied from under-water themed maps, factories, Egyptian places, mythical forests, ice worlds, space battles, and so much more. Not to mention that the skills/fine aim precision I learned from that game would allow me to more than dominate FPS matches that are on console today.
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Too many best games ever, and tons of very good choices already mentioned...

Metal Slug X!!! I absolutely love Metal Slug as a series, but X for me was darn near perfect (on the Neo Geo of course).
It's not cool to make somebody choose their favorite video game. It's like choosing your favorite foster child to go through your home - or something like that.

Since I do have to choose to (hopefully!) win this contest of yours, I'm going to have to choose Perfect Dark for the N64. It was the second multiplayer game that really grabbed a hold of me and my friends and just wouldn't let go (the first was GoldenEye obviously). What set it apart from 007 for me was the ability to add bots to the multiplayer matches so you could fill out any match even if you only had 2 or 3 people together. That and the ability to set the bots' personalities to relatively realistic ones (for the 10 year old me anyway) in the game was absolutely amazing.

Well, that's all for me. Congrats to whomever wins and thanks joshingit for running this!
I have a tendency to buy a lot of games that just collect dust, but for whatever reason, Uncharted 2 blew me out of the water and I've beaten it several times now! And I'm also getting into online multiplayer too. I haven't spent this much time on a game since I was a little kid -- probably going back to the original Nintendo and Metroid, the first The Legend of Zelda, Metal Gear, Bionic Commando, Blaster Master and probably the Super Mario series. In college GoldenEye and Mario Kart 64 got a lot of mileage too.
Knights of the Old Republic for xbox.

I love Star Wars, and that game was a major stepping stone in Bioware's history. Really great story, controls, it had it all.
Fav Game of all time is Final Fantasy 6. I still remember the first time I saw the characters break the 4th wall during battle. The Famous opera scene wow... i can still remember that tune in my head. So many characters and all of them having their own story. I'll say it now, Kefka is more bad-ass than Sephiroth can ever hope to be
Castlevania Symphony of the Night... awesome platforming and just when you think you beat it you get the upside down castle. It's then you start to realize how ingenious the level design is.
This is a tough one because I've been gaming so long. My favs tend to change. I was addicted to Ladybug on the Colecovision back in the '80's. My latest fav was Modern Warfare, but I'm sure another game will come along that will replace it.
But if I was forced to chose the game that I was most impressed with and became my fav for many months I'd pick Deus Ex - that game blew me away in 2oo1. In a close second place would be STALKER.
Man, that was a tough question!
got to say left 4 dead. simply for the co op gameplay it is refreshing to play on a team and have to save each other, rather than just about every other fps where your goal is to just kill every one. thanx for the chance to win op!
Shadow of the Colossus. The atmosphere , scale of the colossus, soundtrack and the minimalistic story are amazing. Best Game ever (at least, for me ^_^)
Do freeware games count? If they do, I'm going to have to say Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa. Fricken fantastic rpg with a great battle system and a story so outrageous that it's awesome.

If freeware games don't count, then my choice is Harvest Moon 64. Great music and lovely scenery along with a good cast of characters with their own life to live and problems. It's a very good relaxation game................................. and I'm a sucker for anything Harvest Moon.
This is a tough question, but I guess I have to go with the original Wave Race for N64. I played that game so much. It just felt right. I liked the sequel, but it never clicked with me the same way.

Thanks for the contest. If I would win, I'd go for the PSN card. Thanks!
If I'm being honest, then it has to be The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the N64. I still have yet to play a game that has given me such a positive experience and affected me as much as that one did.
Namco's Soul Calibur for the Sega Dreamcast. Every time I fire up the old Dreamcast, I gotta play it. An extra bonus for me is that I own the NTSC-J (aka Japanese Import).
ICO on the PS2 is by far my favorite game.

It tells its story in a very simple way and yet creates a very emotional experience. I know that calling it art gets a lot of flack, but that's what the game is--a work of art. What's even better about the game is that everything that was great about ICO was also great about Shadow of the Colossus, and I can only assume The Last Guardian will continue this great tradition. The whole series affects me in a profound way, so much so that I cried during the first trailer for The Last Guardian.
Right now I'm feeling Battle Clash on the SNES. It was one of my first introductions to mechs and such and warped my little brain into awesomeness.
My favorite game of all time is The Godfather for the Wii. Just when I thought I was out... it pulls me back in. I can play this game for hours. I guess maybe it's cause I'm doing things I would never do in real life.
My personal favorite would have to be Earthbound for the SNES. No game can match the atmosphere, characterization, or storytelling. It's sequel, Mother 3, comes very close, though.
I have got to say that Super Smash Brothers Melee is my favorite game of all time.

Why? It truly has been the only game that I can still play and find enjoyable with friends after all these years since its initial release.

That and I love playing as Mario.:cool:
My favorite game of all time is Stadium Events, but my copy is broken. Does anyone have one laying around they can sell me? Maybe you've got it stored away in the attic or something. If it comes with the box and instructions, even better. ;)
bread's done