CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hey Cheapy and Wombat, when you were answering my question you were mentioning that you like Tekken bowl on TTT. Just wanted to mention that this is also on Tekken Dark Resurrection for the PSP (I know Cheapy doesn't really play on his PSP but I thought it was worth mentioning). Wombat might like it though and in my opinion is the best Tekken game yet.

Also bought Devil May Cry 4 about 2 hours ago and I think it's awesome, i'm into all of the other games. It only came out today in England so I was pretty happy to get it on the day of release.

Now playing:
:360: Devil May Cry 4
:psp: MGS Portable Ops

Are you and your wife still considered American citizens and therefore entitled to the $1,200 stimulus package tax rebate for married couples? If you are, what do you think you'd use the $1,200 for? Also, does Wombat have an idea on what he'd use the $1,200 for?
Dear CheapyD and Wombat,

I've been a gamer from the time I was a three-year old with Super Mario Bros and have been a Nintendo fanboy from that time till now. I own a Wii, and I enjoy the Nintendo titles and what few quality third-party titles there are. I'm graduating from college in May and my fiance' said I can have an Xbox 360 or a PS3 for a present from her.

So, which one should I get? I know Cheapy really enjoys his 360 but I've also heard you all give a lot of positive comments to the PS3 and with Home coming out in the near future I am leaning further and further towards Sony. I'd really like your sage advice. Thanks and keep up the amazing shows. I listen to the CAG and Cagforplay Podcasts every week.
Let me start by saying your podcast is a savior. I just came upon you guys about a month ago and I love it. Have since listened to just about all your shows thus far. I play pro basketball overseas in France and you and Wombat are great, listening to you guys on my ipod on long ass road trips help me keep my sanity.
My question is since I am overseas, I am in the same sort of predicament you are in, relying on sites to watch movies and tv shows from the states that I miss while I am here. I have found a couple sites that let me watch Entourage, Heroes, The Office, etc. But some are better than others, while quality is an issue. What sites do you use to watch T V shows and moves?
Big thanks to both of you guys, keep up the good work
Cheapy. (Sorry Wombat I can't think of a question for you yet)

How often do you shave your head? It might be a little less often now with a child but I'm curious how often you shave/shaved. It might be an option for me soon. Thanks.
Hey cheapy how old is your wife? My girlfriend is 30 and she can handle my sex drive. Do Japanese women have a lower sex drive or is it just yours.

Just curious
[quote name='SteveDaWonder']Dear CheapyD and Wombat,

I've been a gamer from the time I was a three-year old with Super Mario Bros and have been a Nintendo fanboy from that time till now. I own a Wii, and I enjoy the Nintendo titles and what few quality third-party titles there are. I'm graduating from college in May and my fiance' said I can have an Xbox 360 or a PS3 for a present from her.

So, which one should I get? I know Cheapy really enjoys his 360 but I've also heard you all give a lot of positive comments to the PS3 and with Home coming out in the near future I am leaning further and further towards Sony. I'd really like your sage advice. Thanks and keep up the amazing shows. I listen to the CAG and Cagforplay Podcasts every week.[/quote]

If you listened to the cagcast long enough you know that CheapyD and Wombat will both recommend that you get a 360. I would honestly look towards yourself and what you want out of gaming. Do you just want a gaming machine? Do you have an HDTV? If you have an HDTV that I would recommend the PS3 as a great Bluray player and dispite what CheapyD says there are quite a few good movies that don't start automatically when you put them in the player. Not many but there are a few. Video quality is 5 times better with a bluray against DVD but I feel the fact that they don't have to compress audio/video really shows though. That is where HDDVD failed by having to compress still. I do all of my online gaming on the 360. You pay 50 dollars a year and it's shows with the quality of online play. If you are not a fan on online play get the PS3, plus it has a web browser on it as well. Plus home is coming soon. :) If you get either system most games are available on both. 360 was just out sooner so it has more games.

CheapyD? Have you ever tried playing Professional Baseball Spirts 4 on the PS3? I ordered it from play-asia just to see how a Japanese game would play on a US console and it worked quite well. I also ordered the dualshock 3 and love playing Devil May Cry 4 which the dual shock really works well with.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

I am planning on getting a PS3 soon, and wanted to ask you guys what games i should definetely pick up, what games i should maybe pick up, and what games i should rent.


p.s. have you tried the vagina wash yet?
Do you guys ever by the limited edition/collector's edition of a game? If so, what do you like to see added in?

Lately I've been a sucker for these things and I'm not sure why. They have caused me to buy tons of games on the day of release for fear that these "limited" editions will disappear and I won't have access to some shitty "making of" video.

Keep up the excellent work.
Cheapy and/or Wombat. I love sushi. My question for you is: After you eat sushi, is your poop also mushy, often causing mud butt?
This is in response to the achievement discussion in CAGCast 106

When I was listening to Wombat talk about that he would rather have a big head mode than achievements, it made me wonder has the xbox achievement system given game makers an exuse to not put bonus materal into a game (like things you awarded)? because most gamers would rather have the gamerpoints insted of something that actually adds to the experiece.
- I recently herd of a new game coming out called "Professor Layton & The Curious Village" for the DS. Do you and Whombat know anything good about it? I was thinking of buying it.
hey i just want to say i love your podcast. But i have a few questions: 1.What do you and wombat do for actual jobs? 2. Any ideas how i can get a 360 because all I have is a ps2 and im 13 so I cant get a real job?

thanks, tom
i reamber echo the dolphin coming out for xbla and rez hd also. do you know of any other dreamcast games that are coming out for the xbla. because my dreamcast is finally starting to go and i want to replay some of my childhood games.also any chance of a live show again anytime soon.

p.s. rez was an un released dreamcast game found on many sites.
Cheapy, when will we be able to set up our blogs as you mentioned in CAGcast 105? If we already can, how do we do it? I'm really looking forward to this, and hoping it's soon.

Also, I'm considering trading in some games to Gamestop. Do you think it's worth it to trade in Assassin's Creed(XB360) for 18 dollars?

Thanks guys.
I know it's Wombat in his household. But that's only so he can hitch them up when he's not air whittling or making friends with a Chinese man.

This is for both CheapyD and Wombat:
If you could have a AAA developer like Insomniac or Infinity Ward make one superhero game, which superhero would you base it on? No Justice League or Marvel Universe bullshit.
Yo Cheapy and Wombat.

I been hearing a few people on the internet saying that multiplayer achuevements ruin Xbox 360 games? What are your views on this statement?
Yo CheapyD, let me tell you somethin', let me tell you somethin'. I took a trip out of town over the weekend and had to use inferior American style barebones toilet seats several times. I ate some intense down home St. Louis food that gave me that kind of shit that's like freshly mixed cement, super dense and sticky, and then I did a whole lot of walking. Big time swamp ass. When I got home, the first thing I did -- even before I turned on the lights in my living room -- was sit down on my heated Toto toilet seat and give myself a spray. Oh, what a spray. It felt like home. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your partial responsibility for the introduction of the Japanese toilet seat into my daily routine.

I guess this isn't a question but you should read it on the "air" anyway.
Hey CheapD and Wombat, I got a game for wii that you can play mutliplayer online and i told my friend to get it to so we can play online. The thing is he bought it and he has a modded wii and he does not want to risk playing online because he is afraid of getting caught. I was wondering if would get caught if he played online with a modded wii or could he still play without worrying about being caught. Also i would like to know because another game that we are excited to play online is brawl, and it would be awesome if you could answer this on the show. Thanks and keep up the good work.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

With all of the hub-bub you've created over review scores, I was wondering if you've enjoyed any games that weren't exactly critically-acclaimed? If so, what were they?
Cheapy - It sounded like the CAG gamerpics on XBL was almost a dead deal. What about doing a theme for the PS3 or PSP? You wouldn't have to charge for it and could even make it available through your own site.
I recently picked up the genesis collection on PS2 after Wombat's recommendation and I am really impressed. I wondered what are Cheapy & Wombat's thoughts on best & worst game compilations.
If you could have chosen where to live and grow up, where would it be?
Still Love New York? rather live in Japan?
one more question... Cheapy/Wombat what's your prognosis on the Sega situation. What do you guys feel is going to become of the company?

I was hoping that someone would buy them out, my first pic was for Sony to buy them out, because, out of the 3 competitors, they don't really have a mascot - Sonic supporting blu ray would be nice. If not Sony, Nintendo, or MS, then I'd like to see EA possibly purchase Sega, I think that would definitely make them just as powerful as the MS, Sony and Nintendo, basically fulfilling the dream that Sega set out for when they decided to be a software only company. EA could definitely benefit from Sega Am-2, and that secret sword based fighter that they had in the works secretly.
Taito released Arkanoid in japan for the DS with a cool arkanoid paddle-rotary controller that come in many colors. will you be picking that up cheapy?
Hey wife and I are taking a trip to NY in April and want to know if you guys can recommend any restaurants, cool shops, video games shops, any cool places to go????

Oh and what is the best place to get some pizza?
Is wombat's boss still getting drunk during work hours? If so, any new stories?

P.S. Got my Advance Wars: Days of Ruin and Wi-Fi T-shirt
Cheapy, you have mentioned that you are a huge Howard Stern fan. Who is your favorite character on the show past or present and what is your most memorable moment/story from the show? I personally think Artie Lange is hilarious and almost any of his stories from his coke days are timeless. His revelation where he took a load on the chest almost had me driving off the road.

On that topic you mentioned that Wombat had some contacts with the show. It would be great to get one or both of you on there sometime. They routinely rip one of the staff members for playing 360 online against 'a bunch of 10 year olds' while his wife is upstairs taking care of their kids. Meanwhile Stern is TiVo'ing 10 hours a night of reality TV to watch as you pointed out. They often have some interesting guests on from time to time so it would be great if CAG could get some love on there? You need to make an appearance happen.
Hey Cheapy-san and Wombat-chan,

What do you guys think of the hype surrounding Super Smash Bros Brawl? Do you care? Do you give a shit about things like the new characters and "Final Smash" moves? Do you think it's an overrated franchise?

Cheapy, did you personally witness the fury of the game's hype in Japan? And did you see any coverage of the game's release on the news there?

Much manly love.
Hey CheapyD and Wombat,

Do either one of you have tattoos? If you don't, do you want one or plan on getting one? I know in Japan it's a little taboo, but I'm sure you can still find a parlor to ink you if you really wanted to.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, just wanted to know how far Wombat is on Devil May Cry 4 and also if Cheapy has bought it yet. I completed it on Devil hunter mode a few days ago, got about 15 hours of play out of it all together and I must say that I will definitley be going back to that game.

Thanks guys, love the CAGcast.

P.S I know Cheapy said that he can't really get into the DMC games but Nero's devil bringer arm is really awesome and the storyline is alot more involved.
Cheapy...You should give the latest Three Red Lights podcast from IGN a listen. It will be good for a laugh and it sounds like an opportunity to jump on another podcast. and s[pread some CAG love.
[quote name='LittleWildman']I usually read booklets but only when I need to find something out about the game or when I am bored, so your not on your own there.[/quote]

I used to do that, but with games like CoD4 having instruction manuals that don't really offer a reference point (really, there's no mention of throwing back grenades, or anything). I guess instructions on 'basic controls' and 'how to insert the disc' are all we need, anymore.
What are your thoughts of the explosion of puzzle games over the past 2 years. Before the DS and Xbox Arcade (PSN to a lesser extent) the puzzle genre was a dying breed but now puzzle games are as big as ever. Heck I find myself playing Poker Smash and Proffesor Layton more than CoD4, Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect.

Should we atribute this growth to casual games or simply that devlopers are taking the time to create fresh ideas on tried and true formulas and we are seeing better puzzle games as a result?
My good friend Cheapy -

You've mentioned quite a few times, including this past show, that you believe the majority of people who write about games for a living are disposable since so many people want the job, and ultimately that's why you don't think the recent Gamespot departures, etc., are a particularly big deal.

I just want to clarify something, and bring up a point that hopefully makes for a good discussion springboard on the CAGcast. First off, while indeed many people want to write about games for a living, and many people are excellent writers, those two contingents rarely overlap. It's incredibly tough to find talented writers who want to spend their lives writing about games. You know where I work, and I've helped a couple other places look for writers before, and it's really hard to find good candidates. As much as it might be a dream job for many, it's a really tough position to fill.

Though most of the time, readers wouldn't notice. I applaud you for encouraging listeners to read the text of reviews, but the sad reality is that most people only care about the scores (and bickering over them on message boards). If there's a problem here, it's with the audience; regardless of what kind of stable of quality writers we stock and how much care and time we put into something (even more so for older demographic-skewing sites like The Escapist), most readers would rather read a sensationalist news story on a blog. Until readers start demanding quality, or at least recognizing it where it exists, writers ARE disposable on your end of things as a reader, even it's a damn hard thing to maintain on our end. We as the gaming media have a host of other problems to remedy, certainly, and said quality is by no means universal, but this one isn't on our shoulders.

Hmm, I guess there wasn't really a question there. Anyhow, discuss if you like.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat. You guys mentioned on CAGcast 107 that you would like a re-design of the DS. I was just wondering what you guys thought of this. I know it's fake I just wanted to know your opinions on this design.

By the way, i know that if you answer this on the CAGcast people will have to come to the CAGbag to see the picture. I kept that in mind.

Here's a question based on some super hero stuff..Best X-men game released? What do you like better Cheapy and Wombat, the x-men Legends series, Marvel Ultimate Alliance or Justice League Heroes?
Gentlemen (I use that term loosely :D)

1) I've been listening since about CAG Cast #8 and although I've heard some stories about you wonderful spouses I haven't really heard how you met them. Cheapy, how does a gigantic. bald white dude land a Japanese lawyer-lady? There has to be a story there . . . And what about you Wombat? For a video-game-lovin', comic book nerd (like me :D) who can't seem to find a satisfying job you seem to have done pretty well for yourself too. What is they story there?

2) For Wombat, have you found any of the Absolute Editions put out by DC worthy of buying for yourself? I've picked up Watchmen and one of the Sandman editions and am amazed at home much I still enjoy the stories, even more so in the improved format.

Love the show! It is the only 'cast that has held my attention more than 3 episodes (and I think I am about to hit 100 CAGcasts listened to myself).


Dr. Strangepork
Hey, Wombat and Cheapy. Just wanted to know if either of you voted in the Super Tuesday primary. I'm not asking who you voted for, of course -- just if you bothered to cast a vote. I asked a lot of my friends about it and I was pretty astonished at how many of them either didn't bother, or (in the case of some people who were out of state at the time) didn't even know they could. And these are people who all have fairly strong political opinions.

Also, Cheapy -- How do you stay up on U.S. news and politics in Japan? Do ever read the U.S. coverage in the English-language Japanese newspapers, or do seek out U.S. sources online?

I'm enjoying this new server setup, by the way. Blazing fast.
bread's done