CAGcast #327: The E3 2013 Authentication Free, Digital Deluxe Edition

I would've been totally fine w/ MS's DRM scheme IF it meant better pricing for downloadable games. The problem is MS has given me no reason to believe that they would've actually provided lower pricing on the Xbox marketplace. They barely have sales now, and the sales they do have are terrible.

The complaining about the always-connected is overblown. We all have internet. We all would've been fine. Yes, those few in the military would've gotten screwed.

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How is Cheapy's public Twitter feed behind anyone's back? Who in the hell would follow him besides people who use the site? By the way, he's right.
Because this is his site and his podcast, but he refuses to respond to any of the good points being made here and would rather deflect criticism by posting about it on Twitter. I'm sure some people here are being unreasonable, but that doesn't mean that we're all acting that way and deserve our points be dismissed so easily.

Maybe it isn't that he is refusing to reply, but he just doesn't see the point in replying to your "good points".

I think its time you quit following him if you are actually hurt that his opinion doesn't match your opinion.

Maybe it isn't that he is refusing to reply, but he just doesn't see the point in replying to your "good points".

I think its time you quit following him if you are actually hurt that his opinion doesn't match your opinion.
I'm not hurt by his opinion. I want to hear him explain his thoughts in more detail than he can on the show. This is a forum. It's a place for people to discuss their opinions in a reasonable and thoughtful manner. I don't think it's unreasonable to hope that he's willing to use it to further talk about his opinions on the topic so that we can better understand where he's coming from.

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I'm not hurt by his opinion. I want to hear him explain his thoughts in more detail than he can on the show. This is a forum. It's a place for people to discuss their opinions in a reasonable and thoughtful manner. I don't think it's unreasonable to hope that he's willing to use it to further talk about his opinions on the topic so that we can better understand where he's coming from.
Because internet arguments over something as silly as the Xbox One is a pointless waste of time.

Great show as always.

I am in a weird spot because I know how some stores can struggle without used game sales. I used to have a video game store and that was the only way to make any sort of money. The truth is that the entire industry should not be built that way. Period.

On all fronts, Publishers, Developers, Retail, it is just a bad industry to be in. I also know the reason they put the DRM in is because of so many consoles being compromised. I know people that have two Xbox 360's, one for multiplayer and one for everything else. Not only do they play the single player games on that hacked system, they also download ALL the DLC for these games.

The always online functionality is one that will be used to limit that in the future as majority of the AAA games come out move to a significant online incorporation. Look at Titanfall and Destiny as examples. We are our own worse enemy in this case. Everyone wants money and thus drives up the price of games. $60 is too much for 80% of the games coming out yet almost every game comes out at that price. People are assholes and will pirate and steal (then complain or praise a company even though they didn't pay for anything).

I just want to say that this is the first cagcast I've ever listened to and I was enthralled by CheapyD's unexpected voice.  I'm sure everyone says that their first time though.

Also, controversy?

Just wanted to say that I love video games. I am buying both next gen consoles so that I may play ALL the video games. That is all.
Gamers getting a tad too upset over video games, who would've thought it.

Just wanted to say that I love video games. I am buying both next gen consoles so that I may play ALL the video games. That is all.
Hey! You're not supposed to like the Xbox One, it's literally worse than Hitler! Maybe even worse than talking to the homeless, even though that is pretty bad.

Honestly, it's this internet outrage that I don't get. You guys DO know these are video games, right? Since when are OPINIONS on video games wrong? Personally, I plan on getting the Xbox One eventually, but definitely not at launch. It has nothing to do with whether it is better than PS4. At this point, until we get our hands on it, that is irrelevant. From what I've seen so far, and what I've seen of PS3, there just isn't any reason for me to get the PS4. The games they have shown so far just have not moved the needle for me. The same argument can be made for X1, sure, but the eventual exclusives that will undoubtedly come out for it interest me more and I love that controller.

Yes, the $500 price tag makes sense for the Xbox One, since it is bundled with Kinect 2.0. Whether it is mandatory or not is irrelevant, that is the one that is bundled and is coming out right now. Besides, I think they mentioned earlier that it was required to work. Not sure why, but it is. Maybe that will get redacted, too, who knows. The point is, the Xbox One is coming with an extra piece of equipment, so it is going to have a higher price tag. Simple economics there. Do I agree that it should be required or bundled? Of course not, I don't care at all about the Kinect or movement gaming.

Seriously guys, you are going to bash the guys that bring us quality gaming entertainment every week? On their own site? Do I agree with everything they say or do? Of course not. Yes, Cheapy can be a bit of an ass sometimes, but so can Wombat and Shipwreck. So can every one of us. That's what makes us people. Seriously guys, chill the hell out. We are talking about video games. This should be an exciting time for all of us: we are entering a new console generation!

On a side note, surprised none of you guys mentioned that we are getting Fable Anniversary this year!!

Because this is his site and his podcast, but he refuses to respond to any of the good points being made here and would rather deflect criticism by posting about it on Twitter. I'm sure some people here are being unreasonable, but that doesn't mean that we're all acting that way and deserve our points be dismissed so easily.
Calm the heck down, Frisky. He's probably saving it for the show. I'm surprised that you're surprised by his comments on the show. I mean look at CAG, it's Xbox colored.

I'm surprised that nobody is jumping on Wombat for almost getting away without mentioning that he pre-ordered an xbox one on the show. He didn't pre-order the $100 cheaper PS4 why again? And to top it off, he continues to complain about the lack of an Xbox One headset bundled in the system. Just get a PS4, Wombizie.

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Calm the heck down, Frisky. He's probably saving it for the show. I'm surprised that you're surprised by his comments on the show. I mean look at CAG, it's Xbox colored.

I'm surprised that nobody is jumping on Wombat for almost getting away without mentioning that he pre-ordered an xbox one on the show. He didn't pre-order the $100 cheaper PS4 why again?
Something tells me a lot of people aren't going to be happy with what he has to say.

In regards to the pre-order, he pre-ordered it because it's the console he wants and is probably going to actually use.

Americans in general lean to Xbox, Giant Bomb is the same way. I lean to Sony, but I listen to these podcasts. If one were to want a Sony leaning podcast, they'd listen to Greg Miller and Podcast Beyond...who am I kidding? No one wants to listen to that shit.

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Something tells me a lot of people aren't going to be happy with what he has to say.

In regards to the pre-order, he pre-ordered it because it's the console he wants and is probably going to actually use.

Americans in general lean to Xbox, Giant Bomb is the same way. I lean to Sony, but I listen to these podcasts. If one were to want a Sony leaning podcast, they'd listen to Greg Miller and Podcast Beyond...who am I kidding? No one wants to listen to that shit.
If I recall, none of the guys really use their PS3s that much, so it would make sense for them to lean Xbox. That is where the games they want are. Not really saying anything about the consoles or the person owning or playing the console. That is their console of choice. That's what this is all about, choice. Glad to see there are some levelheaded people here still. lol

If you buy an Xbox you don't care about Gamers

If you buy a can of Tuna fish, you don't care about dolphins.

If you don't support same sex marriage then you are a bigot.

All these arguments are about the same and come from certain groups of people that want tolerance for their idea or product and don't allow you to believe what they don't.

I'm gonna buy a Xbox1 and a PS4.  I already own a xbox 360, ps3, wii, wii u, 3ds, vita (used to, I sold that shiet once I actually tried the games on it), and an ipad.  

But there is no way in hell I am buying an Ouya, that thing is a piece of shiet.

Calm the heck down, Frisky. He's probably saving it for the show. I'm surprised that you're surprised by his comments on the show. I mean look at CAG, it's Xbox colored.

I'm surprised that nobody is jumping on Wombat for almost getting away without mentioning that he pre-ordered an xbox one on the show. He didn't pre-order the $100 cheaper PS4 why again?
I've never not been calm when posting in this thread, so you need to calm the heck down yourself. I don't think I've said that I was surprised by anything he said. I'd just appreciate a more thorough and thoughtful explanation of his opinion since it seems like he mixes in his thoughts as a businessman and a gamer, which clashes due to the biases that both create.

Cheapy could just buy him a PS4 for his birthday like he did with the PS3 if he doesn't get around to it himself.

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I'm 99% sure I'm going to buy a PS4, got my preorder in, looking forward to BF4 and Watchdogs, but the 180 is at about 1% chance of purchase right now. Not only does the One cost more/comes with Kinect I'd only consider buying it in addition to the PS4 so it's like I'd be spending $1000 to play any of the 180 games. I can't say any of those games get me that excited. I'm good with $400 for some of the PS4 games and the system in general but $1000 to play Titanfall? I'll just play it on my PC.

Based on the pitch they've made (MS) I'd be shocked if the 180 sells out. It's possible people will be so blown away by nex gen games that after the ps4 sells out they'll take a 180 home out of desperation but I don't think the Multiplatform games like Watchdogs and BF4 will be THAT good.

Didn't see the fuss to begin with and still don't see it now, I'll be getting an Xbox One on day one if possible. I deal with Steam on my computer so I didn't see the problem with a similar Xbox One interface and I don't deal in used console games, I just wait for discounts on new games usually which happens pretty regularly.

I prefer the Xbox controller as well as their UI and online experience. Also prefer the Xbox exclusives. Will probably get some fun out of the new Kinect if it's as good as they say it is.

Honestly a lot of the Xbox One hate sounds like Apple hate, rather pathetic and not likely to apply to the vast majority of consumers. 

Didn't see the fuss to begin with and still don't see it now, I'll be getting an Xbox One on day one if possible. I deal with Steam on my computer so I didn't see the problem with a similar Xbox One interface and I don't deal in used console games, I just wait for discounts on new games usually which happens pretty regularly.

I prefer the Xbox controller as well as their UI and online experience. Also prefer the Xbox exclusives. Will probably get some fun out of the new Kinect if it's as good as they say it is.

Honestly a lot of the Xbox One hate sounds like Apple hate, rather pathetic and not likely to apply to the vast majority of consumers.
The controller does look sexy. I'd get one for my PC if they go that route.

The thing about Apple to me isn't the company as much as its fanboys and the demeanor that if I don't have an iPhone, I'm stupid because I have stupid Android. It's the same thing with the consoles, if I want to get something that isn't like yours, you shouldn't bash me for it just because you don't understand the advantages. Cheapy does this a lot with the "Who gives a fuck about shitty Android, just get Apple TV, iPad, iWatch, etc..." comments that aren't really too tactful.

But whatever, that's him. Cheapy is out of touch, Wombat tells awful jokes and Shipwreck is a nerd. If they didn't have personalities they wouldn't be "personalities".

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Is it bad that the Wii-U is so forgotten that it can't even stir up Internet rage like the Xbox One and PS4? I mean, come on Nintendo, add some DRM or ban used games. Something!

First off, Nothing says summer is here like some E3 Wombat bashing for taking free stuff.  Kazoo anyone?

Second, This Xbox one stuff is the latest example of how gamers make even the smallest controversy into a world ending referendum on the topic of the day. Microsoft is not evil and out to end the gaming industry as we know it. They are a coporation who has slowly become out of touch with the everyday gamer since the departure of Peter Moore and the layoff of the Gamerscore Blog and Trixie 360. I think 80% of the current users would have not been negatively affected by the 24 hour internet DRM requirement and the "authorized retail partners" for disc based Xbox One games would have certainly included GameStop, Best Buy, Walmart, Amazon, and large regional based game resellers.  Game Sharing would have been much more useful to me then used games especially as a single dad who has custody of my son, It would have made playing games with him when hes at his moms on the weekends much easier.  

The biggest problem with Microsoft is without the Gamerscore Blog and Trixie 360 there to speak truth to power, they have done a terrible job communicating the benefits of their vision of next gen beyond better graphics.  Major Nelson, E and that bunch is older and in a different economic class then the vast majority of the Xbox community where as the Gamerscore guys seemed more middle class and could have helped developed a narritive that explained why these changes could benefit gamers.   Instead they let Insular board room culture dictate how they delivered the message and left it up to the games press to shape the narrative and enrage the gaming community as a whole.  Now some people would have been pissed at any changes no matter what but MS didn't have to be in this position and could've easily seen the solution was to keep prior policy for Digital games and keep disc based games status quo with a buy in option as a choice left up to the consumer.  They could have spun them as being more progressive and Sony being stuck in the mud.

As of right now I have preordered an Xbox One, as I waited to compare the games I would likely play based on annoucements at the press conferences and the rest of E3 the Xbox One came out ahead for me and I am more immersed in the Xbox Live ecosystem then the PSN ecosystem.  Deciding based on which system has more games I want to play, imagine that.

I don't think MS are evil but they were trying to kill the used market by trying (and failing miserably) to make their DRM look like it would be useful in some way.  Also I really have to question how useful game sharing would have ever been, the extended demo model seems the most likely outcome. Is a company that doesn't let devs give out free content in games and give us 30c as a birthday gift suddenly going to let us share our entire game libraries with 10 people from around the globe?  Seems unlikely.

MS were doing what they always try and do (together with most large corporations), they try to monopolise the market they're in.  It's just they were way too heavy handed about it, the message was poor and because Sony decided for whatever reason not to follow suit it blew up in their faces.

A fine podcast as always gentlemen, I can understand Wombat taking free shirts at E3, everyone loves free shit !!

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First of all, great show guys, the entire swag part was freaking hilarious I also thought you guys were very reasonable and unbiased when talking about the xbox one. Instead of going with the internet nerd rage you made some excellent points, and I couldn't agree more. Every company wants to make money, so they will do everything to make that happen. Since the consumers gave MS a big NO on DRM, they changed it. Great for us and for MS as they now will make more money. To be honest, the pathetic people in this thread who are bashing MS like they "OBLITERATED GAMER RIGHTS" are delusional. Did you forget about Sony removing Linux from the ps3? That was not infringing on gamer rights? To me they seem like upset Sony fanboys that are mad MS reversed the DRM, so they don't have that checkbox on the console comparison. 

Love the show guys, keep it going. Don't let the butt hurt vocal minority of Sony fanboys let you think otherwise!

Sure, I get that, but why stockpile points then? If you bought the points on sale, then you already getting the game "on sale". Are you waiting for a good game to on double sale?

It's honestly never anything I intended. I got many of them as gifts, the others I found on sale at target. I mean, at the time it made no sense NOT to spend $10 to get $20. I knew I'd spend it eventually. What I didn't necessarily count on was getting so many as gifts as well.

People know I play games, but don't know what I already own, so it's easy to just give me some points and let me get what I want.

And since I have a backlog of games, why buy a game that isn't on sale yet? I always kick myself when I buy a game and see it on sale before I've even started it. If I'm going to go ahead and play it now, I don't mind picking up a full price game, but otherwise, I wait on it until I'm either about to play it, or I see it on sale.

I've never not been calm when posting in this thread, so you need to calm the heck down yourself. I don't think I've said that I was surprised by anything he said. I'd just appreciate a more thorough and thoughtful explanation of his opinion since it seems like he mixes in his thoughts as a businessman and a gamer, which clashes due to the biases that both create.

Cheapy could just buy him a PS4 for his birthday like he did with the PS3 if he doesn't get around to it himself.
You are 100% right.
Whenever you listen to Cheapy you have to remember that he's both a businessman and gamer.

In reference to Cheapys "gift" to Wombat. He only purchased the ps3 for womabat so that he could use it and talk about it on the show. Which makes it more investment than gift.

How is today's rage over Xbox one any different than the rage over ps3? Since DRM was so easily discarded by MS what was the purpose of it in the first place? Profit? Or security for discs that could be saved to the console?
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While previous shows have made it obvious that the crew is pro-Xbox, this podcast just bordered on obnoxiousness.  Cheapy fails to grasp the real reason for all the Microsoft anger.  It boils down to their arrogance.  They offered a product that limits my freedom as a consumer, and told me if I didn't like, tough shit.  Go play a 360.  Now I don't think anyone believes Microsoft is an evil corporation seeking to screw gamers.  But they are seeking to maximize profits and that means they don't have gamer's best interest in mind.

Yet,  here we have Sony delivering a decisive blow to Microsoft. They offer top notch free games with Playstation Plus.  Good exclusives.  What the hell else does this company have to do to get the Cagcast to at least give them some credit?  The fact that Shipwreck took a dump on Last of Us, a Sony exclusive that pretty much everyone else loved just shows more biased.  I bet if this game came out on Xbox, all three guys would have played it and be gushing over it by now.

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While previous shows have made it obvious that the crew is pro-Xbox, this podcast just bordered on obnoxiousness. Cheapy fails to grasp the real reason for all the Microsoft anger. It boils down to their arrogance. They offered a product that limits my freedom as a consumer, and told me if I didn't like, tough shit. Go play a 360. Now I don't think anyone believes Microsoft is an evil corporation seeking to screw gamers. But they are seeking to maximize profits and that means they don't have gamer's best interest in mind.

Yet, here we have Sony delivering a decisive blow to Microsoft. They offer top notch free games with Playstation Plus. Good exclusives. What the hell else does this company have to do to get the Cagcast to at least give them some credit? The fact that Shipwreck took a dump on Last of Us, a Sony exclusive that pretty much everyone else loved just shows more biased. I bet if this game came out on Xbox, all three guys would have played it and be gushing over it by now.
This is why I'm glad I buy almost all consoles. The indoctrination that occurs in you people is astounding. Do people have such a complex with people that like Microsoft that they go off the handle when they don't hear what they need to from others.

Shipwreck gave his opinion, are you saying he can't give his opinion because it's not what you want to hear?

Sony gave a decisive blow to Microsoft and the systems arent even out yet. Do people honestly think that Microsoft is going to die in the console market because of this? If you do, please take classes that teach you about business and take a look at how big Microsoft and Sony are respectively.

This rage that continues is from a bunch of entitled crybabies at this point.

Great show guys!  Hearing about what happens when the three of you get together is hilarious as always.  Your friendship is what makes the CAGcast a joy to listen to.

It seems like the whole XBOX ONE DRM controversy generated some very strong feelings.  I can dig that.  I'm a bit of a collector myself, and their policies weren't attractive to me at all.  I can understand the business decisions behind it, but they didn't make the change attractive enough for me.  While trying to compromise with publishers and retailers they left consumers behind.  I hope MS tries again with cheaper digital downloads instead, or follow Sony's plan to offer a game streaming service...

Cheapy, Wombat, and Shipwreck are all game enthusiasts.  While they do all prefer some platforms to others, I wouldn't call them fanboys.  That makes them normal people like the rest of us.  I started out this generation with a 360, but now I prefer my PS3.  I'm more excited for the PS4 then the XBOX ONE because of that.  I'll probably end up owning both in a couple of years.  I don't think it's that deep...

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I know that CheapyD, Wombat and Shipwreck will probably get both consoles just so they can talk about it on CAG.  But from that fact alone I truly don't think that they will ever change their opinion on the playstation simply because they are deep down xbox fanboys.  It's okay for you guys to admit that your xbox fanboys because I'll still continue listening to the cagcast regardless but to say that you guys are not xbox fanboys is ridiculous.  BTW I do currently own 2 PS3s(1 launch and 1 slim), an xbox 360 arcade with a 250gb hard drive and n wireless adapter, a super mario anniversary red wii and a 3ds xl.  With that being said my go to system is definitely the PS3 just because I get so much more for my playstation plus service(eg. free downloadable games) that none of the other systems can't touch.  And for that reason alone I will be buying a ps4 first.  I'll probably end up buying an xbox one when they do away with the camera and lower the price down to a $299 price or have a must have exclusive that is not Halo or Gears of War since I really couldn't get into those games(which I made myself finish the game regardless just so I could be sure that I did not like them).  And once again keep those cagcasts coming since I love listening to you guys when I take my dog out for walks.      

I know that CheapyD, Wombat and Shipwreck will probably get both consoles just so they can talk about it on CAG. But from that fact alone I truly don't think that they will ever change their opinion on the playstation simply because they are deep down xbox fanboys. It's okay for you guys to admit that your xbox fanboys because I'll still continue listening to the cagcast regardless but to say that you guys are not xbox fanboys is ridiculous. BTW I do currently own 2 PS3s(1 launch and 1 slim), an xbox 360 arcade with a 250gb hard drive and n wireless adapter, a super mario anniversary red wii and a 3ds xl. With that being said my go to system is definitely the PS3 just because I get so much more for my playstation plus service(eg. free downloadable games) that none of the other systems can't touch. And for that reason alone I will be buying a ps4 first. I'll probably end up buying an xbox one when they do away with the camera and lower the price down to a $299 price or have a must have exclusive that is not Halo or Gears of War since I really couldn't get into those games(which I made myself finish the game regardless just so I could be sure that I did not like them). And once again keep those cagcasts coming since I love listening to you guys when I take my dog out for walks.
I would not consider myself a "fanboy", a fan sure. I have preference, I have always had them, from the Genesis, to the Gamecube to the 360, I am not irrational. The word Fanboy implies that my preference is without any merit or reason, and that I have some sort of undying loyalty. I may hate the Xbox One, I may love the Playstation 4. I don't know yet, because I don't have one yet.

I would not consider myself a "fanboy", a fan sure. I have preference, I have always had them, from the Genesis, to the Gamecube to the 360, I am not irrational. The word Fanboy implies that my preference is without any merit or reason, and that I have some sort of undying loyalty. I may hate the Xbox One, I may love the Playstation 4. I don't know yet, because I don't have one yet.

Save it for the show, Swag King.

I would not consider myself a "fanboy", a fan sure. I have preference, I have always had them, from the Genesis, to the Gamecube to the 360, I am not irrational. The word Fanboy implies that my preference is without any merit or reason, and that I have some sort of undying loyalty. I may hate the Xbox One, I may love the Playstation 4. I don't know yet, because I don't have one yet.
You take your logic, and you gitt outta here boy;
Thought about re-listening to this last CAGcast because I don't remember anything that would cause all this "controversy". Instead, I hit play on CAGcast #104, glad I did!

- CheapyD has strong gaming passion; rages on Fox News for running "Mass Effect is a porn sim" story

- Both CheapyD and Wombat play Mario on their Wii

- CheapyD praises fast PS3 download speeds over slow 360

- Wombat downloads Devil May Cry 4 demo on PS3 and boots it up while Xbox 360 DMC4 demo sits at 1% downloaded

- Everyone bitches about 2 weeks - 1 month+ of Xbox Live downtime

- CheapyD and Wombat give some comments and opinions on the PSP that are so eerie if you substitute those thoughts onto Vita

- Metacritic fanboy controversies!

- Wombat hosts Nintendo Advance Wars launch event

- CAGcast theme song entries

- Resident Evil 4 on GameCube "Not only best Resident Evil, but arguably best last gen game"

- Wombat talks comics

- Good long podcast length

- Pen 15 wins a contest; No phallic jokes made

- Mrs CheapyD offended by CheapyD's gamer pic

- CheapyD loves playing Zak and Wiki on Wii with baby in other hand

- CheapyD and Wombat write off Halo 3 and instead praise Call of Duty

- THQ cancels some IPs; Wombat suggests make a new Red Faction (was this before or after Guerrilla? The timing could be as good as Wombat inventing Batman: AA)

- CheapyD is hyped for Little Big Planet

- CheapyD deals with cradle cap and answers a phone call in Japanese

- Taxing video games all the way from January 2008?! CheapyD has some strong opinions; Wombat plays devil's advocate

Love it, worth the listen!

Thought about re-listening to this last CAGcast because I don't remember anything that would cause all this "controversy". Instead, I hit play on CAGcast #104, glad I did!

Love it, worth the listen!
Good call, decided to listen to it as well. Haven't listened to it since it aired.

As for this Cagcast, I did enjoy hearing about the Swag and about the E3 experiences. Personally, I'm glad that Microsoft pulled their DRM but at the same time it's a shame they also changed how it originally worked. As for their reasoning sure they can say it was because they listened to us, but nobody is going to believe that was the only factor.

I'm curious once the consoles are in the wild, and we get our hands on them what our experiences will be. Until then, I'm happy with my preorder, and eventually I'll pick up the other system once there is a price drop or a bundle that agrees with my wallet.

I have no idea what episode it is on, but Wombat also invented Avatar Awards. I believe he was suggesting them back when Mii's first were announced.

- THQ cancels some IPs; Wombat suggests make a new Red Faction (was this before or after Guerrilla? The timing could be as good as Wombat inventing Batman: AA)
Quoted to basically "re-tweet" this. I was interested in hearing about this too after hearing about it on the Giant Bombcast, I wanted to see their take on it.

As for all of this going on here, if you don't like what you've been hearing lately, then don't.

I just get the impression that our three hosts' lives are sort of drifting away from where most of the listeners are. Soon, it will be three fathers who for the most part try to get in gaming when they can, and who will stick to the games they like. Forza, Borderlands and Elder Scrolls. There is nothing really wrong with that, but that's just where this show is trending. I love the site and all, but I find myself listening to Giant Bomb more, considering that they give all games a fair shake for the most part, as dismissive as they can be sometimes. They at least give new games some time.

Cheapy really shouldn't be taking this thread personally, which as much as he will deny it, it seems as he is.
Quoted to basically "re-tweet" this. I was interested in hearing about this too after hearing about it on the Giant Bombcast, I wanted to see their take on it.

As for all of this going on here, if you don't like what you've been hearing lately, then don't.

I just get the impression that our three hosts' lives are sort of drifting away from where most of the listeners are. Soon, it will be three fathers who for the most part try to get in gaming when they can, and who will stick to the games they like. Forza, Borderlands and Elder Scrolls. There is nothing really wrong with that, but that's just where this show is trending. I love the site and all, but I find myself listening to Giant Bomb more, considering that they give all games a fair shake for the most part, as dismissive as they can be sometimes. They at least give new games some time.

Cheapy really shouldn't be taking this thread personally, which as much as he will deny it, it seems as he is.
Quoted to basically "re-tweet" this. I was interested in hearing about this too after hearing about it on the Giant Bombcast, I wanted to see their take on it.

As for all of this going on here, if you don't like what you've been hearing lately, then don't.

I just get the impression that our three hosts' lives are sort of drifting away from where most of the listeners are. Soon, it will be three fathers who for the most part try to get in gaming when they can, and who will stick to the games they like. Forza, Borderlands and Elder Scrolls. There is nothing really wrong with that, but that's just where this show is trending. I love the site and all, but I find myself listening to Giant Bomb more, considering that they give all games a fair shake for the most part, as dismissive as they can be sometimes. They at least give new games some time.

Cheapy really shouldn't be taking this thread personally, which as much as he will deny it, it seems as he is.
Cheapy is a more enjoyable personality than the desensitized half hearted view points of Jeff Gerstmann on Bombcast. From my experience, 80% of Jeff responses when asked about his opinion on a video game is basically " Meh! "
Shocked...shocked that Wombat and Ship didn't like Man of Steel.  Ok, maybe not.  I thought it was very entertaining.  Maybe not the happiest movie of the summer but I was glad to NOT see a cellophane "S" prison, Superman turning back time, Superman's mind wiping kiss power, Lex Luthor with a hair piece, voyeur Superman, SuperToddler, or any of the other brilliant things that critics seemed to ignore in the "better" movies of the past.  Now all of a sudden Superman doesn't make jokes and it's a terrible movie.  Oh well, lots of buildings got blowned up so I was satisfied.

The whole Xbox DRM stuff just reeks of what Netflix did a couple years ago.  Make a huge announcement, piss off just about everyone, figure out they're about to lose a butt-load of money, and make a full retreat.  Regardless of their plans the only thing about the Xbox One that interests me is Titanfall which I'm hoping will eventually come to PS4.  Until then I have plenty to play on PS3 or 360 so I'm in no hurry.

Shocked...shocked that Wombat and Ship didn't like Man of Steel. Ok, maybe not. I thought it was very entertaining. Maybe not the happiest movie of the summer but I was glad to NOT see a cellophane "S" prison, Superman turning back time, Superman's mind wiping kiss power, Lex Luthor with a hair piece, voyeur Superman, SuperToddler, or any of the other brilliant things that critics seemed to ignore in the "better" movies of the past. Now all of a sudden Superman doesn't make jokes and it's a terrible movie. Oh well, lots of buildings got blowned up so I was satisfied.

The whole Xbox DRM stuff just reeks of what Netflix did a couple years ago. Make a huge announcement, piss off just about everyone, figure out they're about to lose a butt-load of money, and make a full retreat. Regardless of their plans the only thing about the Xbox One that interests me is Titanfall which I'm hoping will eventually come to PS4. Until then I have plenty to play on PS3 or 360 so I'm in no hurry.

I talk about the movie more on my other podcast, iTunes ( ) & RSS ( ). Please check it out.


Cheapy is a more enjoyable personality than the desensitized half hearted view points of Jeff Gerstmann on Bombcast. From my experience, 80% of Jeff responses when asked about his opinion on a video game is basically " Meh! "
That can be true of Jeff, but he's balanced out by the excitement of Patrick most of the time. I used to hate Patrick, and now that he finally started becoming one of my favorites,
he's leaving.

Brad has really let himself go of late, it's weird to see how he has less and less to contribute as he falls further and further down that DOTA hole. Is that basically his role now? DOTA Editor?

That can be true of Jeff, but he's balanced out by the excitement of Patrick most of the time. I used to hate Patrick, and now that he finally started becoming one of my favorites,
he's leaving.

Brad has really let himself go of late, it's weird to see how he has less and less to contribute as he falls further and further down that DOTA hole. Is that basically his role now? DOTA Editor?
Patrick Klepek is insightful, charismatic and diligent. He is a true game journalist. I have been a fan of his work since he was on G4. He and Vinny are the main reasons I listen to Bombcast.

Yes, he is leaving for Chicago. Has it been said that he will no longer be on Bombcast? Oh no! Going to have see how the next few Bombcast shape up there maybe an amendment to my thread Best and Worst Video Game Podcast. <=Shameless Plug (Hatebit Podcast reference)
Klepek is gone from the podcast - I believe they mentioned it last week.

Good riddance as far as I'm concerned.  All he seems to do when I listen is recap what others say.  It is super annoying.

Good job to Wombat for showing his true colors and chastising Shipwreck for treating people who are begging like people.  How dare he show compassion and inconvenience you by speaking to them.  How can you be such a douche?  I understand if you walk by someone and don't speak to them, but to see someone talk to a person, who is apparently in need, and then go out of your way to make a comment about how you disliked it really makes you a super douche.  Stay classy Wombat. 

Good job to Wombat for showing his true colors and chastising Shipwreck for treating people who are begging like people. How dare he show compassion and inconvenience you by speaking to them. How can you be such a douche? I understand if you walk by someone and don't speak to them, but to see someone talk to a person, who is apparently in need, and then go out of your way to make a comment about how you disliked it really makes you a super douche. Stay classy Wombat.
Out of the three, Wombat comes across as the most compassionate, empathetic, humble, down to earth, and least conceited. He is the type of person I would have as a friend.

Klepek is gone from the podcast - I believe they mentioned it last week.

Good riddance as far as I'm concerned. All he seems to do when I listen is recap what others say. It is super annoying.
It makes me wonder what the conversations are going to be like moving forward. Ryan leading, Vinny playing dumb to move the conversation forward, Jeff being jaded and Brad twiddling on his phone, waiting for his next DOTA fix.

I think they should try bringing in Alex and Patrick on Skype for a few weeks. Plenty of podcasts do it that way (CAG included) and they work fine.

It makes me wonder what the conversations are going to be like moving forward. Ryan leading, Vinny playing dumb to move the conversation forward, Jeff being jaded and Brad twiddling on his phone, waiting for his next DOTA fix.

I think they should try bringing in Alex and Patrick on Skype for a few weeks. Plenty of podcasts do it that way (CAG included) and they work fine.
Agree with you 95%. Not big on Alex though.
MS should turn the nextbox into a pc too.  Parents would eat that up I think.  Hey you are not just getting your kid a videogame machine but also a pc to do his or her schoolwork on.  It runs OFfice etc.

You could either use it directly hooked up to a monitor or 1080p tv as a pc when you aren't gaming or it could use wi-fi direct to stream the UI to an extender in the same room connected to a monitor/mouse/keyboard.  Or stream it over a hard wire network into any room in the house.  The extender could easily be under $100. So AppleTV, Roku, Wii U Gamepad.

Technically speaking alot of computation could be offloaded to the powerful gpu in the thing.  This thing would have some good computing power.  

And responsiveness over wi-fi direct would be pretty good.  See Wii U and Gamepad.  Responsiveness over a hard wired network would also be pretty good.  See Windows Media Center pc with xbox 360 extender.  I have both of those and responsiveness compared to native  is either imperceptible or close to it.

Unfortunately MS also wants to sell you a copy of Windows.  And so this will never happen.

But considering they want to make it a sort of all-in-one box then making it a pc too would seem to go right along with that.

Out of the three, Wombat comes across as the most compassionate, empathetic, humble, down to earth, and least conceited. He is the type of person I would have as a friend.
I feel almost the exact opposite from you. Wombat is the most attention-starved co-host, imo.
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