Club Nintendo 2012 (Club Year Ends 6/30/12)

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I'm not sure.

Mario Pins A and D are sold out. Mario Pin A's link has been removed from Nintendo's site.
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[quote name='cheapbastard']I reg a 1st gen Wii system & didnt get any points. Is that suppose to be so??[/QUOTE]
Yes, that's correct.

You only get points for the Wii Sports Resort bundles.
Anyone have any opinions on the Game & Watch Collections? Should I spend the 800 points (I have ~1200, and will have more after registering DKC:R later today) on each one or try to find them on ebay or something?
[quote name='Altanis']Anyone have any opinions on the Game & Watch Collections? Should I spend the 800 points (I have ~1200, and will have more after registering DKC:R later today) on each one or try to find them on ebay or something?[/QUOTE]

It's exactly what you think it is.

Everyone has different tastes, but the only thing that's worth its money on the store (to me) are the stylus sets. And that's 'cause you can actually use the item. The Game and Watch collections are just ugly to play, and unless you're going to play it, it'll just collect dust.

That said, I just ordered the playing cards. I've gotten just about everything from the store now. Wow, those Hanafuda cards were quite the disappointment. They are about 1/6 of a regular size card, and just not what I was expecting.
The cards aren't much. The posters have all been very nice except for those ESRB logos on a few of them.

That reminds me, for the next Club Nintendo Year, I'll have a Product Reviews section.
If spending coins right now, I'd probably grab pins. Yes, they are overpriced... but they are good quality and appear to be limited editions. My second choice would be the messenger bag (assuming it gets restocked).

The (Animal Crossing) playing cards were quite nice, and the posters were pretty slick also. Neither is really worth the asking price though - with cards in particular being more expensive than they are worth unless you are a collector.

So other than bags or pins, I would probably wait and see what comes out next year. Nintendo took a survey asking what type of rewards people liked, and saw how popular items sell out very quickly... I'm hoping for better Club Nintendo swag in 2011 than what we had in 2010.
I'm going to assume the messenger bag may get restocked December 1st, but that's just an assumption and maybe we'll see a new item in stock??? Well, can't really say that the latter is highly possible, but who knows. I kind of wish they would give you an infinite amount of time to register your intend-to-buy games and still get the extra 10 points, but oh well.
From Club Nintendo Site:

Due to the popularity of this item, supplies are being replenished. Please check back for availability.

This is referring to the fans and tote/messenger bags.

Also fans and pins have been given their own sections.
So after you hit platinum status, is there an incentive to add more points aside from rewards? Would I be better off holding on to my codes to enter next year to make platinum again if there is no reward I want?

Nope, there's really no incentive. I entered a couple codes just because I had done the intend to buy on about 6 games, and didn't want to lose 100+ points. I'm not gonna enter any more I2B's I think.

If you're not interested in any reward, save your codes till next year. I know I'm saving about a half-dozen codes right now but will probably collect a couple more. That and I now have a Red Wii bundle and a DSi to register. I'll be platinum again next year about 5 minutes after it resets.
[quote name='gravel']So after you hit platinum status, is there an incentive to add more points aside from rewards? Would I be better off holding on to my codes to enter next year to make platinum again if there is no reward I want?


This comes up every so often, but I'll say it again.

Register your codes as soon as you get them, but exit out of the survey without completing it (by clicking another link, closing the window, whatever).

When you go back and complete the survey, you'll get the registration points along with any Intend to Buy and Early Registration points you're eligible for. Also, if any bonus surveys pop up, you'll still get those as well. Extra bonus - you don't have to worry about remembering which codes you've registered or worry about losing any of your codes.
Sorry for the slightly off-topic question:

I have an extra code for Battalion Wars 2 that should work, but it won't do me any good since I've already registered the game. (Decided to give the game a second shot, despite not being that impressed the first time around.)

Is there a place on CAG to trade stuff like this? If anyone else had extra codes for Wii/DS games then we might both benefit. I've also got a Square Enix Member code that isn't going to get used, if that matters.
[quote name='ejamer']Sorry for the slightly off-topic question:

I have an extra code for Battalion Wars 2 that should work, but it won't do me any good since I've already registered the game. (Decided to give the game a second shot, despite not being that impressed the first time around.)

Is there a place on CAG to trade stuff like this? If anyone else had extra codes for Wii/DS games then we might both benefit. I've also got a Square Enix Member code that isn't going to get used, if that matters.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Altanis']BW2 doesn't give coins anyway, so it doesn't really matter.[/QUOTE]

Seriously? That's too bad. I thought any first-party games with a registration code gave coins. Didn't think to check the date. Thanks for the heads-up.
Only certain games before a certain date give coins. The list of those titles is in the OP, along with every bit of general information.
Only certain games before a certain date give coins. The list of those titles is in the OP, along with every bit of general information.

New Rewards are up.

I condensed the Fans, Pins and Towels into single links so it'll just take you to those Hub Pages. All of the Fans are sold out now, too.
I was excited when I saw "towels" only to be further disappointed to see they were small hand towels. Still neat, but I would've rather had something larger like a beach towel.
Sorry everything is blocked at work, but is Game and Watch Collection 2 not available to request anymore? Someone told me this and I'd be disappointed if I didn't get it.
It's still available.

Something else got removed from the Rewards section. I'm going to find out what exactly.

E: Scratch that, nothing was. The Wii Remote Holders were just combined.

E2: OP updated to reflect that change, and some sections are now 3 across.
I was gonna point out that I didn't think anything was removed KingBroly. I was utterly confused for a few minutes there. Either way, you do an amazing job on this thread. :)

Here's to hoping we get better stuff than a... Dragon Quest IX screensaver in the near future.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']I was excited when I saw "towels" only to be further disappointed to see they were small hand towels. Still neat, but I would've rather had something larger like a beach towel.[/QUOTE]

That would have been nice, but I think the hand towels are cool enough. I think I'll get one.
[quote name='maigoyume']From Club Nintendo Site:

Due to the popularity of this item, supplies are being replenished. Please check back for availability.

This is referring to the fans and tote/messenger bags.

That's terrific news! My local post office seemed to have "misplaced" my order of the tote bag, so I requested Nintendo to send me a new one. The Nintendo rep didn't seem optimistic that they'll be replenishing the tote bag's stock and offered me a refund of the coins. Good thing I held firm and insisted that I be sent a replacement.

Now I hope the USPS doesn't lose my bag again.
I am hoping that since they put the OOS pins pages back up, they might replenish them, but they don't have the "we are working on replenishing" disclaimer. Had to order C now since it's the only one left.
[quote name='scottman']I am hoping that since they put the OOS pins pages back up, they might replenish them, but they don't have the "we are working on replenishing" disclaimer. Had to order C now since it's the only one left.[/QUOTE]

Tell me about it. I got B C and D, but looks like I'll never have A. :(
I'm 230 points over Platinum this year, but I didn't have the patience to hang onto my slips for next summer to roll around.
I might be wrong, but I don't think any of the pins were removed.

They do say Sold Out and nothing else, unlike the messenger bag.
Button A was actually removed for a short while...
Thanks for contacting us about the Super Mario Bros. Commemorative Pin A. Please note that this reward was produced in limited quantities, so it is unlikely that we’ll be getting more in stock. I will, however, document your interest in this particular reward on the record of feedback for this item. If additional supplies become available again in the future, we’ll be sure to update the Rewards section of Club Nintendo ( Since we'll be unable to alert you if this happens, we ask that you check back periodically.
[quote name='KingBroly']My guess is that they'll remove the Pins when Button C sells out.[/QUOTE]If the demand was as high as it is I'd expect Nintendo to go ahead and produce more, but right now I guess its a toss up.
It would really depend on how many of those Nintendo made and had for sale.

If they made 10,000 and they sol out like that, I don't know. If they only made say 500 or 1000 of them, I'd see the making more.

It really will end up depending on what Nintendo's cost is to produce them. They might have only made a few of them as a test run and realized that they're in high demand- and it might cost a bit to produce more.
I was under the impression that pins were a limited time offer to celebrate the anniversary.

If they become available again later, that would be awesome. I'm not holding my breath though.
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