Demon's Souls - Atlus & From Software's Action RPG - October 6

[quote name='Saint Noir']The bonus should ship with the game but be a separate item. It isn't something GS would have beforehand. So, when they get their orders in, chances are every copy they get initially (preorder or not given how Atlus works) will come with the art book and CD.[/QUOTE]

But that's before they gut about 10 copies to put out on display on the wall. Then they'll have the 'bonuses' seperate in that way at least.

If I hadn't already splurged and spent most of my GS credit, I would've fully paid off a pre-order there. I can only hope that TRU will get a copy or two of the DE when it releases, since I have about $70 in credit there right now thanks to their trade-in program starting up.

I just wish there were some way to get the guide, other than buying the US version of the game, since all I really need is the damn guide.
I've been trying. I had it up for like $45 shipped for over a month now and only had one bite and I think they chose to go with the DE of the US version from Amazon. Personally, I don't see many really using the online interaction all that much, since I never had anyone come into my game as I was playing and most of the notes/hints that were left were in English.

I just want the guide though, since I don't wanna spend $70 on another copy of this game because I haven't even finished playing through the version I have. I e-mailed Atlus about just buying the guide. I'll wait to see what they say about it.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I've been trying. I had it up for like $45 shipped for over a month now and only had one bite and I think they chose to go with the DE of the US version from Amazon. Personally, I don't see many really using the online interaction all that much, since I never had anyone come into my game as I was playing and most of the notes/hints that were left were in English.

I just want the guide though, since I don't wanna spend $70 on another copy of this game because I haven't even finished playing through the version I have. I e-mailed Atlus about just buying the guide. I'll wait to see what they say about it.[/QUOTE]

Might lack the portability of a strategy guide but

has everything you would need to know about the game.
I have a funny feeling I'm going to ragequit even with the DE guide, Wiki, Internetz, etc., lol. Still getting it though. >_
gamestop CE is inactive as they have hit preorder limit... estarland same thing...

off to another store to see what I can do..

Now that I cant get the CE I want it even more..

Atlus may have made this pretty limited in the end. Has anyone heard how many preorders have been pushed?

I figured the Ce's would be somewhat easy to get.
[quote name='StillFree']Might lack the portability of a strategy guide but

has everything you would need to know about the game.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I have my computer right near my PS3, so I can just surf there whenever I get stuck.

Oh and gunm, you will probably quit this game outta frustration multiple times, but still come back to it like I have. It's an addicting, yet frustrating game.
[quote name='Snake2715']gamestop CE is inactive as they have hit preorder limit... estarland same thing...

off to another store to see what I can do..

Now that I cant get the CE I want it even more..

Atlus may have made this pretty limited in the end. Has anyone heard how many preorders have been pushed?

I figured the Ce's would be somewhat easy to get.[/QUOTE]

You can still order it from amazon. And with ECA, FSSS, and their current price of $66.99, it's the best value.
No eca code for me.. I cant get that to work. Trying to figure that out now so I can do the order.
FSSS is free second shipping (prime) or something else?
[quote name='Gourd']Yes, I have this preordered, but I'm sort of... terrified. Terrified that I'm buying a game I will absolutely hate. I haven't taken that risk since I bought Jak 2.

I hope people in this thread will be helpful when I ask questions... Rather than turning into the Uber Ninja Gaiden Horde with responses like: 'That waz teh Easy, u suxxor.'

Honestly, other gamers turn me off hard games. (Jak 2. Ninja Gaiden. Viewtiful Joe. Various others.)[/QUOTE]

Well, don't listen to the latest CAGcast then. Shipwreck said he spent 6 hours on it and couldn't get through the first level. Also, I see nothing about this in the thread here (at least on the last few pages) but he said they made the U.S. version even harder than the Japanese one to get people who were fans of the import to buy it again. That sounds awfully strange to me - what's going on there?

I'm starting to regret my preorder ;).
LOL IO I've been saying that all along, that the game is INSANELY hard. If anyone wanted to find out how mind numbingly hard it truly is, they could've bought my import(which I bought from another CAG who got frustrated with it, I believe) for $45 shipped for the last TWO MONTHS.

It's still on my TL and people seem to think that by getting the US version it's going to suddenly be a breeze. LMAO Like I said before, I'll wait for the glut of used copies to drive down the price before I consider a US version. It shouldn't be a long wait. :razz:
Yeah, but what Ship said is that the U.S. version was made HARDER than the original! That's what I'm trying to figure out. I know it was hard to begin with so I can't imagine they'd have made it even harder :lol:.

I'm torn between writing it off as a waste of time and effort and looking at it as a challenge and seeing if I can handle it!
I don't see HOW the US version can be harder than the import I've played. Then again, after a while you get to know how to dodge around enemies and just stab 'em straight through, so getting back to where you died in the game is a breeze after a bit.

However, getting there in the first place, that is the challenging part.
I know for a fact I will be totally pissed. reading through GI and they say that you die and it takes 45 mins to get back to where you are... That sounds like a challenge and all, but sometimes I have only 45 minutes to play, and I dont get time for another 2-4 days...

I can see how this would get dropped to the backlog pile, for the day I may become disabled and have nothing else to do..

Still itching to get my copy though... if only the ECA codes would work.
Seriously, as long as you can dodge and get behind the enemies to be able to run them through with your sword, getting back to the point you died at is fairly easy and shouldn't take TOO long. Although there ARE certain harder enemies on just the first level who you may not be able to get behind quite as easily.

This game is definitely NOT for those who expect an easy game though.
Either that or call in help from other people playing the game, as they've said you can do. I didn't run into any of the people invading my game to try and kill me when I was playing the import, so I wonder how that actually works.
Someone said if you do that, you risk losing a level or some stats permenately, if you die... so its a big risk, jumping blind into another persons game and only having half your life..

Could be well worth the risk..

Also the fact that the person knows someone is jumping into their game to hunt if you will..
I'm really looking forward to the challenge. I have been breezing through most games recently and want something that will stop me cold! I just hope I can tolerate the constant death and don't get too pissed. I really do hope I am "up to it"... should be fun regardless. Almost time to test some mettle!
Well, if you wanted to 'test some mettle', you could've already been doing that in an import copy and not have to wait another 6 days. I would've gladly given you my copy(for $45) about 2-3 weeks ago, since I was still frustrated by it and not playing it at all.
True. But I've had it offered up for almost as long as I've had it and aside from an offer from a friend of mine(who I play GTA IV with on occasion and who is also a CAG)I've had maybe ONE offer for it and they backed out.

I refused to put it in Ebay, since I don't want them getting a share of any $$$ from the sale. I figured someone on CAG would wanna try this game and see what it's like long before the US version comes out. I guess I was wrong.

Thing is, the offer from my friend was a trade for some of their games, but I'd honestly rather the $$$ than a straight trade.

Having just checked Ebay, most of those on there are selling for around what I've wanted for it($45 shipped) on CAG for almost 2 months now, considering most of the $42 final value auctions are before Ebay/Paypal fees and shipping costs(since most are free shipping).

So yeah, I don't think my price was unreasonable and I figured I'd have had some interest in it by now. But with the US version being less than a full week away now, I'm betting the import version's price will drop considerably.
45 minute corpse run? Any old Everquesters out there? This was the standard, and sounds like a Plane of Fear or Hate run gone bad! I CAN'T WAIT!
Actually, I remember playing many older RPGs(back on the Genesis) and having to do a full run through of a game in one shot. But then they started making battery based saves for those type of games and it was good....till the battery died.

But yeah, you're gonna have to do alot of the same kills over and over if you get killed. Thing is, the other night when I was playing through the first level, I ended up respawning at a point about 5 minutes in on that first level.

I don't know if it was the game messing up by not respawning me back at the beginning or not, but there I was up on the one set of steps and not at the beginning.

Maybe they're adding in checkpoints via an upcoming patch and that was a test?
[quote name='WormFOODx']45 minute corpse run? Any old Everquesters out there? This was the standard, and sounds like a Plane of Fear or Hate run gone bad! I CAN'T WAIT![/QUOTE]
That's the first thing I thought of when I heard how this game handles death.
... Please don't say Everquest corpse run. I actually /quit/ Everquest due to a corpse run.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I don't see HOW the US version can be harder than the import I've played. Then again, after a while you get to know how to dodge around enemies and just stab 'em straight through, so getting back to where you died in the game is a breeze after a bit.

However, getting there in the first place, that is the challenging part.[/QUOTE]
After playing through Batman:AA and mastering every challenge, I can honestly say I'm hoping for an equally difficult and skilled combat system. It's been far too long since a game challenged me, which also made it one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had. If it's even half as good, then I'm going to be playing this hardcore.
Like I said before, I think I'm going to wait and just grab this once everybody who expected this to be a breeze get tired of dying repeatedly and the price bottoms out in like 3 months.

That reminds me that I gotta find my receipt for my pre-order, so I can get back my $5 in credit and use it towards a different USB headset, since my SOCOM one is dying on me.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Like I said before, I think I'm going to wait and just grab this once everybody who expected this to be a breeze get tired of dying repeatedly and the price bottoms out in like 3 months.

That reminds me that I gotta find my receipt for my pre-order, so I can get back my $5 in credit and use it towards a different USB headset, since my SOCOM one is dying on me.[/QUOTE]

See given other hard atlus titles I cant see this one bombing as much, unless you think Sony having a hand will help this reach more people that arent expecting this hard of a game.
[quote name='Gourd']... Please don't say Everquest corpse run. I actually /quit/ Everquest due to a corpse run.[/QUOTE]

lol, I felt that pain. It sucks. :(

Cheapest, I was wondering the same thing. I'm still amazed at all the people laughing off the difficulty like they "CAN'T WAIT".

I have a funny feeling I'm never going to get half way through the first level, lol.
[quote name='Snake2715']See given other hard atlus titles I cant see this one bombing as much, unless you think Sony having a hand will help this reach more people that arent expecting this hard of a game.[/QUOTE]

I've never played any of Atlus' other titles, but I have played other titles from From Software like Armored Core.

The Atlus releases are usually niche titles that only a select group of people will actually buy, though since this is the first really good action RPG for the PS3 in the US it may get a wider fan base than usual.

Although I do hope that Atlus will pick up their 3D Dot Game Heroes game for release here. It looks quirky and weird enough to compete with Katamari Damacy.
[quote name='gunm']lol, I felt that pain. It sucks. :(

Cheapest, I was wondering the same thing. I'm still amazed at all the people laughing off the difficulty like they "CAN'T WAIT".

I have a funny feeling I'm never going to get half way through the first level, lol.[/QUOTE]

If the game is HARDER than the version I've already played, there's going to be ALOT of very pissed off gamers, especially those who are thinking 'bah the game isn't gonna be THAT hard'.

All I can say to those people is PLAY AS A ROYAL, so at least you have Soul Arrow(ranged attack) to use against some of the harder enemies in just the first level.

I ended up cancelling my pre-order @ GS tonight, since all I really need is the guide because I still have the import version that I got from someone on CAG.

But if TRU ends up getting the Deluxe Edition in, maybe I'll grab it and resell the soundtrack CD, artbook and game, but just keep the guide for the import.
gonna go pre-order/pay this off tomorrow/Saturday. I hope they still will let me put it twards the Deluxe in store since its sold out online.

I wonder how its difficulty compares to Ninja Gaiden Black/2, Armored Core2-4A, Valkyrie Profile 2, DoA4, Ikaruga.... Thos are the hardest games I own lol.
Thanks for the advice, I'm definitely playing as Royal...not that it's going to help me much.

I dunno about the alleged difficulty increase for this version (WTF, I thought only Japanese players liked punishing difficulty?), but apparently this game is very unforgiving with no checkpoints/saves and corpse runs.
I bought the Asian/English version and DAMN this is fucken stupid hard, but yet very rewarding like no other game I played this year, you actually feel like you accomplished something. I died about 5-7 times on just the first lvl, and another 3 times on the first boss, keep in mind I did not use the Royal, so that will make it a smidget easier. ALL enemies have a pattern, study & Adapt, thats the key to survival in this game. I sold off my import copie right when this was announced for $55.

Im actually going to preorder a copy of this tommorow, since Alpha Protocol was pushed back till summer of next year, and I had that paid off at gamestop.
[quote name='Poor2More']I bought the Asian/English version and DAMN this is fucken stupid hard, but yet very rewarding like no other game I played this year, you actually feel like you accomplished something. I died about 5-7 times on just the first lvl, and another 3 times on the first boss, keep in mind I did not use the Royal, so that will make it a smidget easier. ALL enemies have a pattern, study & Adapt, thats the key to survival in this game. I sold off my import copie right when this was announced for $55.

Im actually going to preorder a copy of this tommorow, since Alpha Protocol was pushed back till summer of next year, and I had that paid off at gamestop.[/QUOTE]

I only had the minimum of $5 put down on the DE of this game, so I got it back earlier and now I'm hoping that TRU gets the Deluxe Edition in, since I'd get it there with the $67 I have in credit from their stores.
*Great idea about the TRU, The TRU by my house never gets collectors edition in, let alone any atlus games. I went the amazon route, got the deluxe edition for $51 (Double Stacked ECA codes) shipped w/release day delivery
The difficulty of this game isn't going to be SHIT on me. I beat games that would make people CRY from difficulty. I beat Hydlide and Double Dragon 3. This game will be no problem.
Definitely looking forward to getting this game Tuesday from Amazon! Seemed like a really good game back when people were preordering the Asian version and happy its coming here finally.
This game isn't going to be SHIT on me. I'm from the old school. I eat steel and shit bullets. Some of the games I beat in the past are

Bad Dudes
Double Dragon
Friday the 13th
Nightmare on Elm Street
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Mortal Kombat 2
Almost beat King's Field games.

This game is not going to hurt me. Infact I'm going to kick ITS ass.
[quote name='Paco']This game isn't going to be SHIT on me. I'm from the old school. I eat steel and shit bullets. Some of the games I beat in the past are

Bad Dudes
Double Dragon
Friday the 13th
Nightmare on Elm Street
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Mortal Kombat 2
Almost beat King's Field games.

This game is not going to hurt me. Infact I'm going to kick ITS ass.[/QUOTE]

The game isn't going to shit on you? Well, I certainly hope not, since that's kinda disgusting. But if you're into that, then so be it. Different strokes for different folks, as they say. :razz: :lol:

As for beating some of those games, Punchout was easy once you learned the patterns to the other fighters. :razz:
[quote name='Paco']This game isn't going to be SHIT on me. I'm from the old school. I eat steel and shit bullets. Some of the games I beat in the past are

Bad Dudes
Double Dragon
Friday the 13th
Nightmare on Elm Street
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Mortal Kombat 2
Almost beat King's Field games.

This game is not going to hurt me. Infact I'm going to kick ITS ass.[/QUOTE]

how come there's no mention of early mega mans, contra or battletoads? and hows that platnium on sfiv going? ( i gave up on that one a long time ago).
I could beat Mega Mans 1 and 2 in the day, but now I couldn't even make it through the demo level of MM9, so I am fully expecting the get a beating, it will be a nice change of pace after playing some Prince of Persia.
Ghosts n Goblins?... thats one that people were pissed off, or the endless battletoads level...

The game almost fell apart after that level if I remember correctly... its like they ran out of time, so they through in a hard as level so hopefully people wouldnt get past it, to see their shoddy work.

What happens if you shut the game off once you start to die? I can imagine the old school resets happening, then someone jacking their hard drive.
bread's done