Destiny Discussion Thread - Fear The Moon Wizards on September 9th

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I'd like to get another clan raid together this week: Crota normal and VOG hard (would be great if we could have one person with oracle cp and another with Atheon cp).

Anybody up for raiding Thursday and/or Sunday? If so what's your availability?
Neighbor, I still can't believe you got two exotics last night and my streak of vanilla legendary drops continues.

I have another group planning to play some PvZ Thursday night, but Sunday may work for raiding. Count me in if that night works for everyone else.
Ran Nightfall/Weekly on all 3 characters and Deathsinger/Crota normal runs on 2 characters. Ended up getting Mida Multitool (2nd in less than a week) and Plan C (now I can shard my max 300 attack one) on my Nightfall runs.  Still did not get a Hunger of Crota to drop but did pick up a 2nd Gjallahorn from the deathsingers so that should minimize my weapon swapping.  They really need to increase the size of this vault soon.  I am pretty much sharding every non raid purple I get and extra exotics at this point.

Looking at that leaked info that May release date for HoW is concerning.  There isn't much left to keep me interested right now, and not much on the horizon.  The Bungie site lists Iron Banner, HoW and Destiny Update 1.1.1 all with TBD dates.  Guessing the update might address the Heavy Ammo issue, and probably some minor stuff. 

This dearth of new content really highlights one of the major problems with the game: a lack of interesting weekly content and special events to keep people interested outside of our hopeless group. 

When do we get the PS exclusive stuff?  Is it exclusive for a full year?

How did they avoid the Shriekers in the Deathsinger? Must be some glitch I never bothered with.

Regardless that shit was crazy and I want to try it now haha
Grenades and punching. It was hilarious hearing how surprised they were each time they beat a section. "Did we just do that?!?!?!" Lol.

Looking at that leaked info that May release date for HoW is concerning. There isn't much left to keep me interested right now, and not much on the horizon. The Bungie site lists Iron Banner, HoW and Destiny Update 1.1.1 all with TBD dates. Guessing the update might address the Heavy Ammo issue, and probably some minor stuff.
This dearth of new content really highlights one of the major problems with the game: a lack of interesting weekly content and special events to keep people interested outside of our hopeless group.

When do we get the PS exclusive stuff? Is it exclusive for a full year?
We get PS stuff in September. I'm concerned as well if May is the release date. I just need the crux at this point and then I pretty much don't really need to play the Crota Raid except for fun and to help people. I already have all the exotic weapons as well. If I get the cruz in the next couple of weeks, then there's really nothing I need to do for the next 3 months until the next DLC. And by May, a lot of people may have moved on. Finding people for nightfalls, weeklies, and raids by then might be very limited, mainly with those who purchased the expansion pass or those on LFG.

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At least they did a couple of things right with regards to the Crota armor drops. They come frequently enough that people can hit level 32 without too much trouble (unlike level 30 on VoG). But they also put in more random rolls on the armor (both stats and perks). What I like about that is that it gives me a reason to continue to run the Crota raid indefinitely as I could always get armor with a better roll, and when I don't, it is more shards/energy to stockpile. So even if I ever do pull down the Hunger of Crota and Crux, I'll still have a reason to run it with the CAG group. Hopefully we get some more newbies in here to take through it as well as that is usually fun and breaks up the monotony of "pro" groups just cruising through it on auto-pilot.

(And no, Crota hasn't quite gotten like that yet but it did feel that way for me on VoG when I would run with some LFG groups who just rushed through it all and it wasn't all that fun).
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Anyone need gorgon cp? I am in a game now and will give it to you.
I already got it for this week, thanks though.

Well, I completed my 3rd Nightfall tonight - as usual, I got a purple weapon... But so did Chubby and Simo too so I don't feel too bad about it ;).
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Finished off Crota last night. The Hunger of Crota finally dropped for me. RNG has been kind to me since the days of VoG. Gally last week HoC this week.  :D/

Finished off Crota last night. The Hunger of Crota finally dropped for me. RNG has been kind to me since the days of VoG. Gally last week HoC this week. :D/
I still can't get that HoC. I have full raid gear for all 3 classes with exception of Titan helm. I have all weapons except the scout rifle & Hunger of Crota. I hear you can only get on normal, and did Hard on all 3 characters this week for 1st time, so next week I'll do normal then hard, I guess. :(

I still can't get that HoC. I have full raid gear for all 3 classes with exception of Titan helm. I have all weapons except the scout rifle & Hunger of Crota. I hear you can only get on normal, and did Hard on all 3 characters this week for 1st time, so next week I'll do normal then hard, I guess. :(
I'm stuck at 31 1/2 i need to hit Eris rank 4 so start exchanging mats. Hopefully i can get a Crota kill on hard before the reset. People usually want lvl 32, but when i max my gally hopefully i can squeeze in.

I'm stuck at 31 1/2 i need to hit Eris rank 4 so start exchanging mats. Hopefully i can get a Crota kill on hard before the reset. People usually want lvl 32, but when i max my gally hopefully i can squeeze in.
Yeah, I only had a maxed Truth. With a maxed Gally, people should have no issues with you being 31 as long as they have 32's, and the sword carrier is 32 (as long as you don't die, of course. Having a helm that allows health recovery or being a Titan really helps when you're 31).

Yesterday was my first time beating Crota on hard, and ended up doing it with all 3 characters with 3 seperate teams. Only got Word of Crota on Titan, the helms on Warlock & Hunter (already had Warlock, but glad I got Hunter helm). Very satisfying when you find a crew of people that follow the strategies, have heavy synths just in-case, and don't go try to go into the battle with rare launchers (or say they are soooo good they can take his shield down by looking at it, basically).

Too bad I only have Destiny on 360 so I can't play with you guys :(.

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I still can't get that HoC. I have full raid gear for all 3 classes with exception of Titan helm. I have all weapons except the scout rifle & Hunger of Crota. I hear you can only get on normal, and did Hard on all 3 characters this week for 1st time, so next week I'll do normal then hard, I guess. :(
I finished my normal crota runs last night and can't get Hunger of Crota either. I don't even want to run Hard mode just for a slim chance of the Crux to drop, especially since the Necrochasm apparently sucks ass. I did get Hard Light from the gorgons chest and now have all Exotic weapons except the Necrochasm.

I really hope Xur sells Red Death this weekend.  The game is seriously trolling me with that damn gun.  2 weeks in a row now someone I was playing with has gotten it as a drop.  As for me I got my 6th Universal Remote....  I haven't even used the gun and I hate it already... GRRRRRR. Oh well a free Exotic Shard I guess. ;)

Also on a side note, I hit 32 with my Titan so all of my guys are 32s.  Now to get a Deathsinger & Crota kill in with Titan, Everything but Crota on Warlock and 3 VoG runs and I'm taking a break until reset minus to check Xur and see if LaVante will sell that damn snake emblem... :bomb:

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simosaurus said:
Well, I reached level 32 today. Two feelings: 1) Yay me! and 2) what?
Hard mode Crota kills man!

As for Hunger of Crota, it definitely seems like the game is picking out a few of us to deny that weapon to.

twztid13 - yeah, you definitely need to run on Normal to get HoC. I only want to run hard for the Crux, as already from my 9 Hard mode clears I've gotten 4 Fang of Ir Yut (scout rifle) and 3 Word of Crota (hand cannon). And yet I still haven't gotten a Hunter helm - go figure. What I've been doing is 2 hard mode kills then saving one character to do normal then hard. The problem is my regular crew that runs right at reset all have every normal weapon so they just want to run Hard for the double mat drops and Crota hard mode drops.

As for Normal clears, well, let's look at the calendar as I did 3 per week till Hard, then just 1 per week after that: so that's 23 Normal clears with no Hunger of Crota. And I haven't gotten more than 3 of the other weapons either - yet on Hard, in addition to the 4 Scout rifles and 3 hand cannons, I've gotten at least 5 or 6 pulse rifles and 4 or 5 auto rifles (all in just 9 runs).

Really the ONLY thing I accomplished this week was getting a 3rd Word of Crota so each character now has their own set of Crota primaries. Whoo-hoo... Oh, and I did finally get the Warlock class item from the Deathsinger.

At least that knocked my list of missing items from this Raid down to 4: Crux, Hunger of Crota, Hunter helm, Hunter cloak.
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Big changes to gun balancing in the works:


Auto-rifles being nerfed further (didn't they do this once before?) with 2.5% damage reduction and bigger penalties to range.

Hand Cannons being nerfed with less accuracy at range, especially for follow-up shots. Damage fall-off starts closer to shooter also. Overall, the range has been nerfed. This will make me stop using them I guess.

Pulse rifles being boosted with nearly 10% boost to base damage! Wow, will have to start using Oversoul Edict now I guess.

Bunch of changes to fusion rifles but it seems mostly PvP based so I glossed over it.

Shotguns get 100% damage boost for PvE content! Wow, I might have to try some out now. As I suspected, their data showed that almost no one uses them in PvE so they are trying to change that. They are nerfing the range for PvP so that people aren't getting shotgun kills from across the map. Will they do this for the Fallen Captains too!?

The rest are being left alone. I guess I'll shift over to using Fang of Ir Yut a little more than Word of Crota since it will give me range and at least a little impact. I was running with Abyss Defiant last night a little and it seemed not so great already - now it will only get worse. It was awesome with last week's solar burn. I guess it will just be my solar burn Nightfall weapon and not much else from now on.

All of this effects what I will choose to upgrade now. I was going to max out a Word of Crota and Abyss Defiant for each character. Now I'll just do Fang of Ir Yut (x 3) and probably wait on duplicating any of the others.
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Renegade Moose said:
My bad juju - obsidian combo is going to be even better. :)
Hey, you are still around! Yeah, I saw people on the Bungie forums talking about Bad Juju being better now. How do you get that? I have one exotic bounty pending to be picked up but I forget what the choices were (I know it wasn't either of the two non-Crucible ones though).

Speaking of which, Ryu, you still up for helping me boost the Thorn bounty? ;)

With all the shotguns the Nightfall keeps giving me I think I have one of each elemental type that also have auto-fire perks. I guess I'll hold on to those (and upgrade them) for future Nightfalls now.
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Hey, you are still around! Yeah, I saw people on the Bungie forums talking about Bad Juju being better now. How do you get that? I have one exotic bounty pending to be picked up but I forget what the choices were (I know it wasn't either of the two non-Crucible ones though).

Speaking of which, Ryu, you still up for helping me boost the Thorn bounty? ;)

With all the shotguns the Nightfall keeps giving me I think I have one of each elemental type that also have auto-fire perks. I guess I'll hold on to those (and upgrade them) for future Nightfalls now.
Toland's Legacy

1. Beat weekly or nightfall

2. Beat 25 strikes (nightfall counts as 3x, weekly counts as 2x)

3. Buy weapon frame from Xur (1 coin)

4. 10,000 points in the Crucible (warlock kills worth 3x)


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Yeah, I think that is one of the choices I have. I got no problem with any of that except for #4. Bleh. Couldn't I just jab forks in my eyes for 30 minutes instead?
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[quote name="io" post="12475508" timestamp="1423190183"]Yeah, I think that is one of the choices I have. I got no problem with any of that except for #4. Bleh. Couldn't I just jab forks in my eyes for 30 minutes instead?[/quote]
Goes pretty quick. I think I teamed up with a buddy the second time I did it and we got through after maybe 1-2 hours.

I've been lurking. Just haven't had much to contribute since I haven't touched Destiny since before the hard raid dropped. I hit 32 and started to chip away at the backlog.
Dumb ass Xur...

Nothing of note. No heavy synths. I think the weapon is Plan C (the ONE exotic I get a lot from the Raid chests/checkpoints). He has Sunbreakers (for like the 10th time at least) and Don't Touch Me (everyone should buy these if they have a Hunter or think they might ever have one). He has gauntlet engrams AGAIN.

And yet the engram RNG still continues to be good to me even when all others suck. I got two gauntlet engrams. First, on my Warlock, I got Claws of Akhamwhatever which turned into an exotic shard since I had better ones already (hadn't even bothered to level them up). But then on my Titan I had to run to Xur to turn in that last Eris mission (for the gauntlets - I just cleared it so it wouldn't keep taking up a bounty slot). On a whim I decided to get one more engram and I ended up with Ruin Wings! Yes! I think that's the only exotic gauntlet I didn't have.

So that inspired me to do a few bounties and patrols to level them up a bit.

I took the Bad Juju bounty on my Warlock - it's too bad I did it right after doing the Nightfall and Weekly since that is the first step. I don't really feel like running it again just for that but I suppose I could do the Weekly at the lowest level and that should be pretty quick.
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I was reading those notes on the weapon updates and this is the 2nd time they have nerfed the ARs. I barely use them as it is, but I was trying to level up a couple lately... So much for that. Excited to hear that PRs are getting buffed because the only one I have that is worth a damn is Bad Juju.

I took the Bad Juju bounty on my Warlock - it's too bad I did it right after doing the Nightfall and Weekly since that is the first step. I don't really feel like running it again just for that but I suppose I could do the Weekly at the lowest level and that should be pretty quick.
I still need nightfall for my hunter and heroic for two others, so if you want company, send me an invite.
Speaking of which, Ryu, you still up for helping me boost the Thorn bounty? ;)
Yeah, sure. I'll have to finish my Invective one first, but that should only take a couple of games, then I'll be free to die as many times as necessary. :)

Xur sure is being a tool lately.


I've barely touched the game this week, haven't done the Nightfall or Weekly Heroic or anything yet, so I'd be up for whatever if you guys see me online.

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Goes pretty quick. I think I teamed up with a buddy the second time I did it and we got through after maybe 1-2 hours. I've been lurking. Just haven't had much to contribute since I haven't touched Destiny since before the hard raid dropped. I hit 32 and started to chip away at the backlog.
Hah I have been doing the same. Not really playing my backlog though, just focusing more on the ole' masters and art stuff. It is actually nice to finally be relatively free from the clutches of this game. I felt like I was crazy addicted and HAD to play every night regardless to stay competitive and have everything. Well here I am with everything and do not give two craps haha

Now with the nerf to the handcannons range I will have an even harder time coming back as I always preferred handcannons, even when the game first came out and Autos dominated the market I just prefer single power shot attacks like that in any game.

Yeah, I was a little distressed about the nerf to hand cannon sniping, hand cannons are by far my preferred weapon type in this game. Oh well, it is what it is. The nerf could have been a lot worse than it is.

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Yeah, same here. I don't use them much, but I didn't have any other specials to level up so I started working on Plan C and found it easier to use than other fusion rifles (besides Vex of course). So if you have the coins, go for it.
Need an exotic secondary for my Warlock (second character, just got to level 28), any strong opinions on Plan C?
Light of the Abyss is probably the best fusion rifle in the game, because it doesn't take up an exotic slot. Plan C was the best fusion rifle (sans Vex) prior to Murmur and Light of the Abyss. It is still an excellent PVP weapon, assuming you don't use an exotic as your primary.

I bought one today after resisting upgrading my old one for months… what's one to do with 110 strange coins?

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Yeah, sure. I'll have to finish my Invective one first, but that should only take a couple of games, then I'll be free to die as many times as necessary. :)
Is there no risk of getting banned for this type of boosting? I thought another game, maybe Advanced Warfare, was coming down hard on people for stuff like this.

Dumb ass Xur...

Nothing of note. No heavy synths. I think the weapon is Plan C (the ONE exotic I get a lot from the Raid chests/checkpoints). He has Sunbreakers (for like the 10th time at least) and Don't Touch Me (everyone should buy these if they have a Hunter or think they might ever have one). He has gauntlet engrams AGAIN.

And yet the engram RNG still continues to be good to me even when all others suck. I got two gauntlet engrams. First, on my Warlock, I got Claws of Akhamwhatever which turned into an exotic shard since I had better ones already (hadn't even bothered to level them up). But then on my Titan I had to run to Xur to turn in that last Eris mission (for the gauntlets - I just cleared it so it wouldn't keep taking up a bounty slot). On a whim I decided to get one more engram and I ended up with Ruin Wings! Yes! I think that's the only exotic gauntlet I didn't have.

So that inspired me to do a few bounties and patrols to level them up a bit.

I took the Bad Juju bounty on my Warlock - it's too bad I did it right after doing the Nightfall and Weekly since that is the first step. I don't really feel like running it again just for that but I suppose I could do the Weekly at the lowest level and that should be pretty quick.

I bought engram 2nd (big mistake) after I had already bought Sunbreakers... And guess what I got... :wall:

Sunbreakers! With a -25 roll compared to the one that Xur was selling...

I can't decide if I want to knock out 3 quick VOG for the week and be done until reset. I do still have a hard raid with my titan to do on Crota but I'm not motivated to do so.

I started Dying Light last night and I'm having fun with it. Maybe I can kick this constantly playing Destiny habit now! :D

Light of the Abyss is probably the best fusion rifle in the game, because it doesn't take up an exotic slot. Plan C was the best fusion rifle (sans Vex) prior to Murmur and Light of the Abyss. It is still an excellent PVP weapon, assuming you don't use an exotic as your primary.

I bought one today after resisting upgrading my old one for months… what's one to do with 110 strange coins?
Agreed on Light of the Abyss, I have one of those that I use often with my Titan. Now that I think of it, I did just get Murmur on my Warlock, so I might as well use that and save the coins and the exotic slot.

It's not even funny how stingy the RNG is with me lately. The last 3 times I have run CE, including last night, I have gotten nothing but shards, energy, and the same damn boots. Pretty much, I have no further motivation to play CE, because it's not even fun anymore.

[Yes, I'm pouting]

Now, VoG, that is still fun. Anyone want to do that again Sunday night?
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Damn it. Been waiting for more than a week for the gunsmith to sell blue fusion rifles, and he finally did last night, from 2:00 am to 6:00 am, while I was sleeping.  :wall:

I have a Gatekeeper checkpoint from trying to run it with Vendetta's group last night. We were having abnormal troubles there so we didn't finish it.
I have a Gatekeeper checkpoint from trying to run it with Vendetta's group last night. We were having abnormal troubles there so we didn't finish it.
Yeah sorry about that... I think we were all just zoned out last night. It didn't help that I couldn't get rockets to save my life either... or the fact that I seemed extra squishy and took way more damage last night... :wall:

Vendetta_x360 said:
Yeah sorry about that... I think we were all just zoned out last night. It didn't help that I couldn't get rockets to save my life either... or the fact that I seemed extra squishy and took way more damage last night... :wall:
I was kind of sucky too - wasn't really geared up (mentally or guardian-wise) for dealing with the Gatekeepers. I also forgot about going down the side to get back out instead of right over everything - we probably would have cleared it that one time I did that. Oh well...
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Productive night for me last night.  I did 5 strikes on the Roc playlist and afterward turned in 7 bounties and 12 engrams, two were legendary.  I didn't unlock anything noteworthy with the engrams, but the fact is that I've only pulled maybe 5 legendary engrams in the previous 210 hours of playing this game.  Got my secondary character up to level 29, so that's nice. 

I did from Templar on with my Warlock earlier, got Fatebringer (finally!), Timepiece and Vex. I already had the latter two, but it was a pretty great string of luck. I still have a Templar cp on my titan. If there's a full group I can get on after The Walking Dead.
I've been monitoring from my computer and don't see any CAGs playing Destiny tonight so I guess it is a no-go.

I'll be doing my usual 2 hard mode runs at reset but I will save one character for a Normal Crota run (to get Hunger of Crota hopefully - though I got no weapon at all from my one Normal run last week) if you guys want to do that some time this week. My son has a basketball game Tuesday but I should be free after 7 Pacific or so. Will probably need to run Nightfalls then as well.
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I did from Templar on with my Warlock earlier, got Fatebringer (finally!), Timepiece and Vex. I already had the latter two, but it was a pretty great string of luck. I still have a Templar cp on my titan. If there's a full group I can get on after The Walking Dead.
Sorry I didn't join up. Didn't seem to be a lot of CAGs online so I ended up playing some PvZ with Chubby and some other guys. I'll be around for some VoG and nightfall on Tuesday.
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