Destiny Discussion Thread - Fear The Moon Wizards on September 9th

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Hey, thanks again for running sword last night and saving our bacon. We plugged right through everything else and then got stuck because we didn't have an experienced swordbearer among us. I feel like I should be able to do it, but at this point I never want to waste anyone's time while I practice.
No problem. I would have joined you earlier but I was having this odd error with Destiny on Friday after I got a system update from the preview program. Game would show the splash screen but then kick me to the dash and tell me it could not load the game. Had me stuck for a good piece of the night which was of course right in the middle of the limited time I get to play. It eventually worked itself out after a couple hours and a few restarts. Not sure if it actually was due to the dash update or simply a continuation of the XBL issues that seem to always be going on now.

Over the weekend I did manage to get my HM Crota kills with some random groups. One clear I found myself in a group with one of those "350+ HM Crota kill" Swordbearers from LFG. SB told everyone how he wanted to run it, but one guy from the group who says he always runs sword when he is on his hunter wanted to critique every aspect of the guy's strategy. Including telling him when he was early/late on calling for the downs every single time. Of course the SB gets killed the first run and gets an earful from this backseat driver. If I was the SB I probably would have bailed and moved onto my next group but his friend convinced him to stay and we ended up having a nice easy 2 sword kill on the subsequent run. One of those random things you find on LFG sometime that makes you laugh. Not as funny as when the hired gun swordbearer solicited us to send him money via paypal, but still got a chuckle out of it.

I still need to run the first parts of the crota on my 3 characters if anyone is running it tonight. Really don't need anything, just farming for mats really, but would like to at least do up to deathsingers and get that exotic chance on my other characters.

So I bought Borderlands at Best Buy yesterday and after many hours of installation and patch downloads I finally played it last night.

Man... It makes you appreciate Destiny all the more. And by that I mean the first-person perspective, graphics, and all those little things they did to not make it a puke-fest. I don't think I'll be able to play more than an hour or two of Borderlands at a time. The camera moves all over the place and shakes like crazy when you are running. It was making me sick. It is hard to pick out the enemies amongst the backgrounds, the radar is hard to follow, and both your character and the guns seem loose and floaty.

I don't think anything is wrong with Borderlands per se - I played it for a long time on the 360 and don't really remember any of this being an issue. The problem is that Destiny is so much more rock-solid in its mechanics that it is making Borderlands look bad in comparison!
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Won't be able to be on till Friday and Saturday night again. So if anyone would need to still run anything by than feel free to look for me.
So I bought Borderlands at Best Buy yesterday and after many hours of installation and patch downloads I finally played it last night.

Man... It makes you appreciate Destiny all the more. And by that I mean the first-person perspective, graphics, and all those little things they did to not make it a puke-fest. I don't think I'll be able to play more than an hour or two of Borderlands at a time. The camera moves all over the place and shakes like crazy when you are running. It was making me sick. It is hard to pick out the enemies amongst the backgrounds, the radar is hard to follow, and both your character and the guns seem loose and floaty.

I don't think anything is wrong with Borderlands per se - I played it for a long time on the 360 and don't really remember any of this being an issue. The problem is that Destiny is so much more rock-solid in its mechanics that it is making Borderlands look bad in comparison!
It's funny, I want to pick up the Borderlands compilation, but have a felling it'll sit there while I hop back into Destiny.

Maybe after I've spent some time with HoW, I'll grab it.

Really need to get going on some other games... my next-gen backlog is already bigger than I want it to be and yes, I've pretty much given up on my last-gen backlog.

[quote name="io" post="12663740" timestamp="1430167154"]So I bought Borderlands at Best Buy yesterday and after many hours of installation and patch downloads I finally played it last night.

Man... It makes you appreciate Destiny all the more. And by that I mean the first-person perspective, graphics, and all those little things they did to not make it a puke-fest. I don't think I'll be able to play more than an hour or two of Borderlands at a time. The camera moves all over the place and shakes like crazy when you are running. It was making me sick. It is hard to pick out the enemies amongst the backgrounds, the radar is hard to follow, and both your character and the guns seem loose and floaty.

I don't think anything is wrong with Borderlands per se - I played it for a long time on the 360 and don't really remember any of this being an issue. The problem is that Destiny is so much more rock-solid in its mechanics that it is making Borderlands look bad in comparison![/quote]
I had the opposite feeling. It made me realize what Destiny is missing. I don't need the humor but I feel they do story better. The number of areas and missions to explore. The loot! If I could infuse these things into Destiny I feel I'd have the perfect game.
Doing a last minute Nightfall right now with two, if anyone wants in feel free to join!

ETA: Nine strange coins from the Nightfall. F my L.

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^ You can hit 20 in 8-10 hours of play so catch up and then we'll take you through the endgame content! You can also always join up with one of us on patrol and such and get some quick exp.

Renegade Moose said:
I had the opposite feeling. It made me realize what Destiny is missing. I don't need the humor but I feel they do story better. The number of areas and missions to explore. The loot! If I could infuse these things into Destiny I feel I'd have the perfect game.
Story perhaps. But the loot is kind of overwhelming in Borderlands. You get way too many trash guns that you have to sort through all the time. I like Destiny's approach to loot much better. It is way easier to tell what is good and what isn't. I have a full backpack of guns in Borderlands from when I last played 2+ years ago and I can't tell which are good and which aren't. There are too many variables and stats to them and the rarity and price don't seem to correlate too well with how good they actually are.

I also dropped back in at Level 45 and it is not at all clear what I'm supposed to be doing next. I did a couple of missions that were in my queue (but they were for level 25-30) and here's another annoying thing: having to slog through an entire area just to get to the mission point and then having to slog back through to get out again. Destiny's "Go to orbit" at any time ability is petty nice in retrospect.

And Destiny doesn't make me nauseous, even after playing for hours straight.
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So... no Iron Banner. I was all set to do the orbit/gear switch trick to try to buy the helmet and when I went in to the Tower the back part was closed. A lot of other people were looking for it too since they went up there and stood by the entrance ;).

Anyway, so I lost the Gorgon checkpoint trying to do that. But at least I was able to run two Nightfalls and Heroics with the only other person on my friends list who was online at the time.

Nigthfall is Omnigul with all-burn. It isn't too bad but you have to be careful of those tracking arc shots and the shielded shanks. No lightswitch though so you don't have to worry about the swarms of enemies killing you via melee at least.

The Heroic Weekly has solar burn which makes it pretty easy since few of the enemies use that (just a few shotgun wielding Dregs and Captains).

I got a duplicate Crest of Alpha Lupi with a worse roll (so that became an exotic chard) and Another NITC legendary scout rifle with crappy perks (so that became 2 ascendant energy). Not the best rewards, but I was really doing it for the exp boost anyway. I ended up with a Dead Orbit and Future War Cult drop too, and just got armor and energy/coins out of that. Meh...

I'll be up for one more Nightfall Tuesday evening along with any Raiding (either Crota or VoG).

Edit: Just found this via Google: "According to the recent post, the next Iron Banner hits off at 10:00 a.m. PT on Tuesday, April 28." Well, crap, 10 am? That sucks. Do stuff at reset Bungie! I may try running some regular Crucible Tuesday night to see if I can get my Thorn bounty done. The theory there is that all the better Crucible players will be in IB. I'll try it out to see how it goes. I could also try some other game types though I have no idea what any of them are besides Control!
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Iron Banner used to start right when the reset hit and your rank from the previous Iron Banner wouldn't reset until you logged in and out so you could camp the tower and buy all the Rank 5 gear if you stayed up until reset.  Pretty much a similar exploit as doing double bounties.  They pushed back Iron Banner start time until the afternoon today I'm assuming to squash that practice.  I thought the start time change was discussed in here last week but maybe I saw it in the Playstation thread or on Reddit.  Might have got lost in all of the new info last week as well.

That is funny that you guys got Borderlands because I received it via GameFly yesterday.  Installed it but didn't download the 16gb patch yet.  I completed the first game with some of my achievement buddies, but never played much of the other games.  I always was overwhelmed by the loot system.  Sure there were a ton of drops but I ended up spending too much time trying to figure out if things were worth keeping or not.  The DLCs were the exact opposite of Destiny in that they had too much content and way too much grinding necessary to get all the achievements.  Overall I did enjoy the game, but I think you need to have a good co-op team of friends to really get the most out of it.

[quote name="GLOCKGLOCK" post="12665133" timestamp="1430231180"]Iron Banner used to start right when the reset hit and your rank from the previous Iron Banner wouldn't reset until you logged in and out so you could camp the tower and buy all the Rank 5 gear if you stayed up until reset. Pretty much a similar exploit as doing double bounties. They pushed back Iron Banner start time until the afternoon today I'm assuming to squash that practice. I thought the start time change was discussed in here last week but maybe I saw it in the Playstation thread or on Reddit. Might have got lost in all of the new info last week as well.

That is funny that you guys got Borderlands because I received it via GameFly yesterday. Installed it but didn't download the 16gb patch yet. I completed the first game with some of my achievement buddies, but never played much of the other games. I always was overwhelmed by the loot system. Sure there were a ton of drops but I ended up spending too much time trying to figure out if things were worth keeping or not. The DLCs were the exact opposite of Destiny in that they had too much content and way too much grinding necessary to get all the achievements. Overall I did enjoy the game, but I think you need to have a good co-op team of friends to really get the most out of it.[/quote]
The first game had a ton of grinding for the achievements, especially for the claptrap dlc. The second one didn't have any grinding that I recall.
I haven't been in this thread in forever! Hahah it seems this lovely group is still going strong, glad to see it : )

Alright so the new DLC is tempting me back. I am flirting with idea of loading Destiny back up soon though it definitely is unfortunate that it comes out the same day as Witcher 3. Not to mention I am finishing up my program, quitting my job and moving all at the beginning on June so my game time already is limited!

Regardless though I have read up a bit on how you can ascend the old gear and all that jazz.

Is there anything I can do now in the coming weeks to slowly build up a better situation for when the new content/upgrading becomes available? 

I haven't been in this thread in forever! Hahah it seems this lovely group is still going strong, glad to see it : )

Alright so the new DLC is tempting me back. I am flirting with idea of loading Destiny back up soon though it definitely is unfortunate that it comes out the same day as Witcher 3. Not to mention I am finishing up my program, quitting my job and moving all at the beginning on June so my game time already is limited!

Regardless though I have read up a bit on how you can ascend the old gear and all that jazz.

Is there anything I can do now in the coming weeks to slowly build up a better situation for when the new content/upgrading becomes available?
You can pretty much keep doing the same things you have been doing in the end game content. Farm the raids for all Mats as they can now be exchanged for each other on a 1 to 1 basis or exchanged for glimmer. You can ascend exotics immediately with an exotic shard and glimmer with no need to re level them so get all the ones you value the most maxed out. Commendations will be exchangeable for faction rep so keep working towards those to get some quick care packages on May 19 when HoW hits. Max your Vanguard and Crucible marks and make sure your ranks are high enough to buy the new weapons and armor from the vendors. If there is anything the current vendors are selling that you want make sure to pick them up because all the gear will probably be switched out like when TDB came out.

Not sure what else really, but they have made it so that everything is relevant going forward so keep on the same old grind for the most part, lol

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I have oracles CP.  Will have Gorgon most likely later tonight or tomorrow.

Also I ran 1 Nightfall and got what was my 3rd Last Word in the last week. :shock:  Oh well free Exotic Shard.

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I have oracles CP. Will have Gorgon most likely later tonight or tomorrow.

Also I ran 1 Nightfall and got what was my 3rd Last Word in the last week. :shock: Oh well free Exotic Shard.
I'm wondering why i even still do nightfalls? Got everything yet I still run it, i guess any exotic is a win cause it becomes a shard regardless

Hit me up if anyone needs help with HM Crota I'm hoarding crux's!

Gonna do all 3 nightfalls, then do some iron banner or raids in an hour or so. If anyone wants to join, hit me up. For Crota, I will do normal first, though.

If anyone wants to help me beat Invincible McGee or whatever his name is in Borderlands 2 I would appreciate it. I never played Borderlands 2 with anyone else when I did it and I realized most of what I have left from my 360 playthrough is coop stuff.

BrolyB593 said:
Is there anything I can do now in the coming weeks to slowly build up a better situation for when the new content/upgrading becomes available?
One thing that Vendetta suggested is to do your Daily public events and then store the rewards at the postmaster. They are worth a decent amount of exp when redeemed so you will want to save them for when you get new gear after HoW. That could be the new vendor gear or if you are lucky new stuff from Prison of Elders.

But otherwise, yeah, having the marks and commendations on hand is good. I have a ton of Crucible commendations from trying to grind Dead Orbit and Future War Cult for the shaders.

Otherwise, though, the big thing we don't know is how frequent Etherial Light drops will be. That's what you need to upgrade legendary stuff to the new max level. I guess it maybe makes the most sense when HoW hits to run the new Nightfall (which I'm assuming will be the new strike) for a chance at one there. Plus hopefully that boosts the commendation exp from 250 to 300. Then do the story stuff to unlock Prison of Elders.

Vendetta_x360 said:
I have oracles CP. Will have Gorgon most likely later tonight or tomorrow.

Also I ran 1 Nightfall and got what was my 3rd Last Word in the last week. :shock: Oh well free Exotic Shard.
I'll grab that Gorgon checkpoint and do whatever else when I see you on later. I did 2 Nightfalls with DevilDog last night and he got the Amalthea shader from New Monarchy. It is red and white.

paintballers said:
I'm wondering why i even still do nightfalls? Got everything yet I still run it, i guess any exotic is a win cause it becomes a shard regardless
Yeah, I do it for the exp bonus so that I can grind the factions. That's really the only reason at this point. Exotic shards/strange coins are always good, too - though I have over 300 coins at this point.

So does Iron Banner have the helmet? If so, I'll have to grind that crap again...
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So does Iron Banner have the helmet? If so, I'll have to grind that crap again...
Helmet, Chest Piece, Efrideet's Speer, Timur's Lash. Speer has Firefly by default with solar burn. Guess I'm only playing Destiny this week. I will be trying to get helm and chest on 2 guys (Hunter & Warlock) because fuck the titan ;) And 3 snipers and maybe 1 Lash just cuz. Since I have so many motes, I will probably try to re-roll 2 of them to Void + Firefly. Hopefully if I am lucky with Firefly (for PVE), Field Scout, and either Last Round or Spray & Play.

EDIT: Thinking about it, maybe a re-roll to Void isn't a good idea since Praedyth's will soon be upgradable. So maybe I will opt for Arc + Firefly. Plus I feel like Praedyth's is the best sniper. :)

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Is there anything I can do now in the coming weeks to slowly build up a better situation for when the new content/upgrading becomes available?
If anything try to build up a cache of commendations, care packages and engrams (engrams just to level up your Cryptarch for new care packages, after the expansion).

And like others said, max out your marks and glimmer. I'm sure we'll all be burning thru our respective stash real quick :mrgreen:

Helmet, Chest Piece, Efrideet's Speer, Timur's Lash. Speer has Firefly by default with solar burn. Guess I'm only playing Destiny this week. I will be trying to get helm and chest on 2 guys (Hunter & Warlock) because fuck the titan ;) And 3 snipers and maybe 1 Lash just cuz. Since I have so many motes, I will probably try to re-roll 2 of them to Void + Firefly. Hopefully if I am lucky with Firefly (for PVE), Field Scout, and either Last Round or Spray & Play.

EDIT: Thinking about it, maybe a re-roll to Void isn't a good idea since Praedyth's will soon be upgradable. So maybe I will opt for Arc + Firefly. Plus I feel like Praedyth's is the best sniper. :)
Soft spot for supremacy cause I feel it's a little more rare!
My wife took the kids for haircuts this evening so I was able to do the weekly on level 30 with some randoms. Really wish they would add matchmaking to the Nightfalls and maybe a quicker way to switch between special weapon types.
So, I jumped into a regular Crucible control match to work on my Thorn bounty. I did pretty well - got a 2.4 k/d but most of my kills were with Vex so I only bumped my bounty from 352 to 355. It was on the Earth one (the one near the City) and I don't know that map well so I had no idea where the heavy ammo was.

But then I decided to do Iron Banner and got put in Blind Watch starting at 'A'. I was on a good team and we took 'B' pretty quickly and then I freakin' wrecked with my void grenades and Corrective Measure defending the 'B' point from the upper stairs. I got a 3.0 K/D, but more importantly, bumped my Thorn bounty all the way from 355 to 392! I've never gotten nearly that much progress on one match in the past. That was unreal. Now I'm hyped to finish it off and not have to worry about that any more and just play Iron Banner for fun and for all the rewards. Like Vendetta, I'll probably try to run two characters through this week if I can finish up this stupid Thorn bounty quickly. V - if you are getting on soon let's run it together for a bit. I've done all my progress so far solo with no communication but hopefully that can make things a little easier. Though I think getting into a full fireteam isn't the best since you get matched up with other seasoned fireteams.

Oh yeah, and I also got The Last Word from that one IB run ;).

I also need one more Nightfall so if anyone sees me on and wants to run it just send me a message.
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This crazy RNG...nothing but shards and energy from 2 raids (which was what I wanted anyway) But then a legendary engram that dropped from an earlier patrol gave me Thunderlord. Woo-Hoo!

Heh - did another IB and won yet again, but this time with a K/D less than 1. I went from 392 to 393 on my Thorn bounty. Hey, as long as it moves forward...
I played a couple rounds of IB for the first time last night and did rather well. I was top of the boards a couple times ( but both were losing teams) and my k/d wasn't as bad as it usually is. I got up to rank 1.25 at least, which I figure wasn't too bad for one night in the IB. I'd like to at least get to rank 3 to get the chest piece this time around. I'm going to need to glimmer farm at some point this week, tho. I haven't had to do that in months. Any tips?
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chubbyninja1319 said:
I haven't had to do that in months. Any tips?
There's always Exclusion Zone. I have the opposite problem - I'm at the cap and keep having to spend it on stuff to get back below. I won't be able to buy anything till I hit Rank 3 which will probably take a few more days.

I played about 6 hours of IB tonight with Vendetta and his friends. All that playing only got me to 2 1/2 on IB - but of course the buff is pretty low still. But I finally got my Thorn bounty to the next stage. Now I need to deal with Phogoth. It was so exhausting and took so long to get the Crucible part of it done, it almost seems cruel that they add another step in there after that! But now on IB at least, I can start using Suros and gong for a few more of the bounties instead of trying not to die so that should make IB a little faster to rank up.

And Vendetta, after you got off Epic and I did some bounties and I got to Dead Orbit Level 21 on my Hunter. I bet you know where this is going. Yep, got another shader. Unfortunately it wasn't Revenant though. I got Hanged Man. That's great and all, but it is sort of just the opposite of Bittersteel (the white parts are black and vice versa). It didn't look great on my Hunter so I put it on my Titan, so check that out. It looks pretty good with full Crota gear. Unfortunately, like most shaders, it looks bad when using Armamentarium or even Ruin Wings which would be the way I usually run my Titan.

Here's my Titan with the Hanged Man shader:

I'm pretty burnt out on IB right now but I would really like to take my Titan through to level 4 as well to get that sweet helm. We'll see...
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Booted up the game last night for just a bit. Got a full set of bounties done pretty much so they are there to redeem and I did a Weekly Heroic seeing as I have like no Strange Coins haha.

My plan is to have a full set of bounties on each character completed and ready to redeem, maxed glimmer, store as many sellable items as possible to quickly replenish my glimmer reserves and try to score a few more exotic shards since I only have 8 currently. 

With the currency exchange coming up, is it only for the same 'Set?' Radiant for Radiant, Ascendant for Ascendant and so on? I have like 300 Ascendant Energy and yet like zero planet resources and would love to have some sort of conversion for those. 

so with the AP nerf and new limited ammo , What is everyone feeling about the best perks to roll for a PvP spear?

My 3 spears from previous IB's:

solar, ambush scope,unflinching, snapshot/AP/perfect balance, final round (This used to be my got to in IB)

void, shortgaze/tacsys scope, rodeo, lightweight/fieldscout/custom optics, final round

arc, ambush scope, perfomance bonus, high caliber/fieldscout/custom optics, firefly

I also have an old supremacy from queens wrath event:

arc, shortgaze scope, double down (12 rounds when 1st spawn in PvP, but doesn't give more ammo on other resoawns even though the description suggests otherwise), High caliver/AP/skip rounds, lifesupport (I've never noticed this proc before so I don't know how usefel this is in PvP)

edit: oops, accendetly posted on thread.

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Booted up the game last night for just a bit. Got a full set of bounties done pretty much so they are there to redeem and I did a Weekly Heroic seeing as I have like no Strange Coins haha.

My plan is to have a full set of bounties on each character completed and ready to redeem, maxed glimmer, store as many sellable items as possible to quickly replenish my glimmer reserves and try to score a few more exotic shards since I only have 8 currently.

With the currency exchange coming up, is it only for the same 'Set?' Radiant for Radiant, Ascendant for Ascendant and so on? I have like 300 Ascendant Energy and yet like zero planet resources and would love to have some sort of conversion for those.
I don't think there is any new way to exchange for planetary resources. You will have to farm them from bounties or by exchanging marks for them. This Planet Destiny article give some good tips on how to plan for HoW: Most of the tips have been mentioned here but still a good read.

I will have to start doing daily public events again to save those up. I haven't done them consistently in months.

Managed to get nightfalls done and a HM Crota kill while starting iron banner on my hunter and warlock. Made a bit of progress on my Thorn bounties on each. It usually takes me a couple days to get back into the swing of things in Crucible but I did have an 18-2 game that was pretty decent. I am just going to try to play an hour a day on each character until the payouts get higher.

Trials of Osiris stream in a half-hour

edit: i must be tired from playing late last night. I had to edit this post a bunch of times in order for it to make any type of sense. :beer:

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I just had a game with my Warlock and I went off.  15 kill streak to end the game.  :)   Man I love the Last Word for PvP.  Took last night to finally get used to it but since Suros is nerfed so bad, Last Word will be my go to weapon for Crucible :D

As for Osiris.... meh... too much hoopla for a game mode that I feel could already be in the game.  I do like how they are going to be running it though.  I have a couple other friends that I play shooters with that are both good, so I think the three of us should fair alright in there :)

I'm running Banner on my Warlock & Hunter and have most of my bounties done.  Have both to about 2.5.  It might be a quickie Crota kill type of night.  I really did want to try that last night (Normal runs and maybe 1 or 2 for my two friends that still need a bit of gear) but everyone wanted to play IB.

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Trials of Osiris doesn't look like a mode made for casual PvP players so probably won't be high on my list.  Unfortunately it is one of the places you receive the Etheric Light so some of us might be forced to play to upgrade gear quickly.   In case you missed it, the gametype is 3v3 elimination with no respawns, only revives.  Also there will be no matchmaking and no consideration for skill levels, etc.

I'll be playing iron banner tonight but if anyone wants to do some raid runs let me know.

Holy shit! What the hell happened to The Last Word....that gun dominates IB.  Almost instant kills with it.  I got one but never upgraded it...damn it.

I'm going to be on tonight doing...whatever. I haven't done any Nightfalls, so send me an invite if anyone needs it. Also, I could do one more Crota kill.
With the currency exchange coming up, is it only for the same 'Set?' Radiant for Radiant, Ascendant for Ascendant and so on? I have like 300 Ascendant Energy and yet like zero planet resources and would love to have some sort of conversion for those.
That's what you get for not playing for a while. Those of us who play all the time are swimming in planet mats. I wish there was some way to redeem those for other things. I'm always capping my Vanguard marks (and now my Crucible marks on my Warlock) and the easiest way to spend those is to buy mats. But I don't have a lot of room in my inventory so when I get the limit of 200 per stack, I tend to just delete them. Yeah, I'm deleting planet mats now...

I just had a game with my Warlock and I went off. 15 kill streak to end the game. :) Man I love the Last Word for PvP. Took last night to finally get used to it but since Suros is nerfed so bad, Last Word will be my go to weapon for Crucible :D

As for Osiris.... meh... too much hoopla for a game mode that I feel could already be in the game. I do like how they are going to be running it though. I have a couple other friends that I play shooters with that are both good, so I think the three of us should fair alright in there :)

I'm running Banner on my Warlock & Hunter and have most of my bounties done. Have both to about 2.5. It might be a quickie Crota kill type of night. I really did want to try that last night (Normal runs and maybe 1 or 2 for my two friends that still need a bit of gear) but everyone wanted to play IB.
I'll be up for Crota runs tonight - just send me a message or post here if you want to set up a time. I'll have to try Suros and/or Last Word for IB now that I don't have to worry about the Thorn bounty any more.
That's what you get for not playing for a while. Those of us who play all the time are swimming in planet mats. I wish there was some way to redeem those for other things. I'm always capping my Vanguard marks (and now my Crucible marks on my Warlock) and the easiest way to spend those is to buy mats. But I don't have a lot of room in my inventory so when I get the limit of 200 per stack, I tend to just delete them. Yeah, I'm deleting planet mats now... I'll be up for Crota runs tonight - just send me a message or post here if you want to set up a time. I'll have to try Suros and/or Last Word for IB now that I don't have to worry about the Thorn bounty any more.
I would be down for hm crota
Is there a quicker way to level up? I have just been playing the missions. It took me about 4 hours to go from a level 8 to a level 11 lol. If any of you want to add me (DONNIE IS 2FAST) I would greatly appreciate it. I do have a headset, and I like to communicate :)

Is there a quicker way to level up? I have just been playing the missions. It took me about 4 hours to go from a level 8 to a level 11 lol. If any of you want to add me (DONNIE IS 2FAST) I would greatly appreciate it. I do have a headset, and I like to communicate :)
Run patrol and do missions and bounties when you get them.
What is patrol? Sorry, I just don't know much about the game. I had it on the PS4, but rarely got to team up and play with people.
Patrol just means to enter the free roam mode of the planets (Green Compass symbol on the planetary maps when you are picking where to deploy. There you can pick up patrol bounties from the little poles with blinking green light on top (you can see them easier by holding the back button). Those give faction rep and quick xp for tasks that only take a few minutes usually. At the bounty board at the Tower there are 6 additional bounties per day that you can do for additional xp. One of them is always "Complete 6 patrol missions on Cosmodrome/Moon/Venus/Mars" that rewards xp and planetary materials for upgrades.

At your level I'd suggest playing the story missions and do all 6 vanguard bounties from the bounty board per day to level faster. If you have the expansion you might be able to do some easy bounties from Eris in the tower, but I think you have to be level 20+ to do those.

Another good strategy is to find someone who decided to delete one of their max level characters and wants to speed run the story to level up a new one and tag along with them. You can usually find people doing that on the matchmaking sites like Destinylfg, planetdestiny, destiny reddit or probably even

Maybe some people here have started new characters or have old characters they haveen't leveled yet that could help, but most of the people here have been playing since the game came out and have max level characters at this point. Once you get to raid level that is where the fun begins. I'm sure you can get in with some of us to do the weekly stuff or the end game activities.

Thanks Glock for the helpful tips. I did do several of the missions with the blinking green lights yesterday. I'll keep checking on the other bounties as well. I enjoy Destiny, but there is just so much I don't understand about the game..

Well, my buddy who I have been helping for about a month now continues to flash some damn lucky RNG when it comes to guns.  My IB group knocked out 3 Deathsinger - Crota clears last night.  io, I don't think we had a wipe that whole time either minus the forced one at the bridge to get the hallway chest.  :D

Anywho, I got pretty much nothing on all 3 clears but my buddy got:

-Chest Piece - This is crucial since now he can be 32

-Gjallarhorn - :hot:  We were actually joking about this earlier in the evening.  Glad he got this one from Deathsingers

-Last Word - So he gets Jellyhorn from DS, then this beauty drops from Crota.

Only thing he was missing was getting a raid helm and I don't think one could have asked for better drops than he got :)  Oh yeah and he got Truth from Nightfall as well.

As for IB progress, I'm almost to level 3 with most of my bounties left.  We pretty much were cruising through IB last night :D

Got Warlock to 2 on IB, Titan to 1 3/4 last night, cuz I really didn't feel up to playing IB. Will be doing Hunter tonight, but will be down for any normal Crota kills, or hard Atheon kills. I will get Hunter to 2 tonight. Then I'll get each to 4, each on a different day to get the helms & the Spear. My characters will all have complete Raid sets except my Warlock is missing arms :(. This will only be relavent for a couple more weeks until the level cap is increased. 

I was SO happy that I re-rolled by Radegast's Fury & finally got an arc one with tracking, hard launch, & field scout. Only my second arc launcher w tracking. I got my 3rd Felwinter's Lie to get hammer forger, aggressive ballistics, and rangefinder (rather shot pkg, but need to roll other weapons, so that was perfect). All are solar, unfortunately. My Jolders Hammer is ok. Field scout or perfect balance, CQB ballistics, and rangefinder with void. I will get another in a drop I imagine once my characters get past the rank 3 threshold in IB, so I can roll that one differently if I want. I have 2 great Against All Odds that I use, so only needed one Jolder's Hammer anyway. I hate it has "find more ammo" perk, as I only use that in pvp, so it's a worthless perk.

Trials of Osiris gear is SO ugly to me. I'm so glad cuz I really don't have friends that play pvp alot, and neither do I care to. I wish it had matchmaking personally, but whatever.

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Trials of Osiris doesn't look like a mode made for casual PvP players so probably won't be high on my list. Unfortunately it is one of the places you receive the Etheric Light so some of us might be forced to play to upgrade gear quickly. In case you missed it, the gametype is 3v3 elimination with no respawns, only revives. Also there will be no matchmaking and no consideration for skill levels, etc.

I'll be playing iron banner tonight but if anyone wants to do some raid runs let me know.
Did you do your HM VoG runs? I have oracles CP and have friends that still need Fatebringer and a couple going for Praetorian Foil for the completion sake of having all the raid drops. Thankfully I only need Titan VoG chest piece.

Oh and I forgot about the stupid little glitch where you have to clear the normal raid to be able to load up the HM raid :bomb: . Since I crushed my Hunter and made my new one, I can't ever load up the CP and that is kind of a pain in the ass if I forget that I can't and get the CP with her. So unless anyone here wants to do a fresh VoG run on normal, I may just have to LFG it seeing as how my friends probably won't want to do that.

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