Diablo III / Diablo II Battle.net Thread

[quote name='SEH']The prices were fucking stupid. Legendaries for $100, then the same item by someone else for $5. The AH went down though as I was browsing, but I did get to see there is no way to sell gold, only buy it. I don't know if I missed something, but is the gold actually being sold by Blizzard?[/QUOTE]

They launched the RMAH without the ability to sell commodities (essences, etc...)

Gold counts as a commodity, so you can't sell it right now. MAYBE this is due to all the botters who have been hoarding gold, or maybe it really is because they don't know if they can handle the load.

For now it's only equipment auctions. Note that for equipment, the transaction fee is $1, not 15%. Transferring funds to PayPal is still a 15% free.

There seems to be an issue where tying your PayPal account to your BNet account doesn't register correctly, so you can't cash out right now.
After playing some more Act 1 with friends, I'm actually not all that mad that I'm stuck here. Reminds me of playing L4D with my friends. Same levels every night for a year or so. So much more fun with buds.
[quote name='Clak']I've been trying to get Leoric's shinbone for the last hour and those damn logs just will not appear.[/QUOTE]

I had same problem, easiest thing to do is Switch quest at main menu and then switch back to the original quest, resets the whole map, I got it right away after doing that.
Just found my first ever set piece (a level 60 belt) doing treasure goblin runs in Act II. Ironically, it didn't even drop off of the goblin, just a random mob. Go figure.
[quote name='bvharris']Just found my first ever set piece (a level 60 belt) doing treasure goblin runs in Act II. Ironically, it didn't even drop off of the goblin, just a random mob. Go figure.[/QUOTE]

Yea, i think the best legendary(of 3 total found) was off of a weapon rack.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Yea, i think the best legendary(of 3 total found) was off of a weapon rack.[/QUOTE]

My luck sucks at finding legendary items. My friend has found 2, and I havent found a single one yet and I'm lvl58 and just started Act 3 Hell.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']

For now it's only equipment auctions. Note that for equipment, the transaction fee is $1, not 15%. Transferring funds to PayPal is still a 15% free.

Yeah, I thought they took 15% off the top and another 15% for paypal. This $1 off the top screws my whole plan of unloading all of my yellows for $.75 each...I maxed out my auctions for now, we'll see how it goes.
[quote name='sasukekun']My luck sucks at finding legendary items. My friend has found 2, and I havent found a single one yet and I'm lvl58 and just started Act 3 Hell.[/QUOTE]

They were crappy items, unless you were like level 30. The only worthwhile legendaries i've used I bought from the AH.
[quote name='sasukekun']My luck sucks at finding legendary items. My friend has found 2, and I havent found a single one yet and I'm lvl58 and just started Act 3 Hell.[/QUOTE]

Same boat. Level 59, Act 4 Hell....no sets or legendaries. For the most part they suck though. I'd be happy with a decent rare drop, but I haven't really gotten one of those either. After I finish Hell diff, I plan to take a break from this game until the patch comes out and the economy has time to settle to see if I'll still be able to find decent deals on the gold AH. I refuse to pay real money for a digital item that I cannot physically possess...crap, I did just that with this game.
[quote name='Poor2More']I had same problem, easiest thing to do is Switch quest at main menu and then switch back to the original quest, resets the whole map, I got it right away after doing that.[/QUOTE]
Wtf, that worked. usually just leaving and resuming is enough.
anyone know how armor is calculated for a monk? I have 6.7 armor currently and cant seem to see how getting 10k total armor adds up

And what gear do you guys suggest in getting with high armor that is cost effective.
I just had 3 items sell already on the RMAH for: $40, $60, & $60 (not including the $1 fee on each). I can't believe they sold and kinda wish I linked my paypal. But I didn't want that info on there with all the hacking, etc that has been going on. Takes up to 72 hours for processing.

My once badass monk is now naked though.
I think its hilarious that there are so many people that think they can sell items for $200+ on the RMAH. Yeah bro, I'm definitely gonna throw down $250 for that 700 DPS one-hander.
I'm getting sick and tired of patch days and stealth nerfs. So to combat excessive session farming for rare mobs, they've introduced the same instance limits you find in WoW. That is, you can only create X amount of games per Y minutes. When that limit is reached, you can't join your friends, you can't create new games, you can't PLAY. I'm absolutely livid right now and this might be the last straw for me. I didn't pay $60 to be told when and how I can play their game and the irony is thick considering they don't want us farming in a fuckING ITEM FARM GAME.

We rarely ever even get anything worth selling and this last week farming with friends has actually been the most fun I've got out of D3. Blizzard has gone too far this time and it's sad they've resorted to such tactics. Hopefully the backlash is strong enough that they remove this bullshit quick.
[quote name='Jodou']I'm getting sick and tired of patch days and stealth nerfs. So to combat excessive session farming for rare mobs, they've introduced the same instance limits you find in WoW. That is, you can only create X amount of games per Y minutes. When that limit is reached, you can't join your friends, you can't create new games, you can't PLAY. I'm absolutely livid right now and this might be the last straw for me. I didn't pay $60 to be told when and how I can play their game and the irony is thick considering they don't want us farming in a fuckING ITEM FARM GAME.

We rarely ever even get anything worth selling and this last week farming with friends has actually been the most fun I've got out of D3. Blizzard has gone too far this time and it's sad they've resorted to such tactics. Hopefully the backlash is strong enough that they remove this bullshit quick.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure when asked they'll say it's to combat people running bots. Which is amusing, since they'll just add a bit of a delay to their scripts and keep right on plugging away.

This only punishes people who are trying their best to farm and be able to progress in Inferno. You're not meant to be able to do that, you need to go to the RMAH. :roll:
[quote name='Jodou']I'm getting sick and tired of patch days and stealth nerfs. So to combat excessive session farming for rare mobs, they've introduced the same instance limits you find in WoW. That is, you can only create X amount of games per Y minutes. When that limit is reached, you can't join your friends, you can't create new games, you can't PLAY. I'm absolutely livid right now and this might be the last straw for me. I didn't pay $60 to be told when and how I can play their game and the irony is thick considering they don't want us farming in a fuckING ITEM FARM GAME.

We rarely ever even get anything worth selling and this last week farming with friends has actually been the most fun I've got out of D3. Blizzard has gone too far this time and it's sad they've resorted to such tactics. Hopefully the backlash is strong enough that they remove this bullshit quick.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I really don't understand what they're trying to do here. They've stated that to progress at the higher levels you're going to have to farm a lot, but they've done nothing but punish people that are farming (in most cases the ones that suffer are people farming legit). It makes zero sense.
[quote name='SEH']Yeah, I really don't understand what they're trying to do here. They've stated that to progress at the higher levels you're going to have to farm a lot, but they've done nothing but punish people that are farming. It makes zero sense.[/QUOTE]

They only want you to farm the way they want you to farm.
I really do feel like we are waiting for the other shoe to drop on this. I mean, of course, some user (or parent/family member) is going to file a lawsuit over the RMAH but what I'm really interested in is how the various relevant government agencies of the world are going to view it now that it's live.

Could it be classified as gambling or money laundering or price fixing? Blizzard holds so much power over what drops and when and at any time they can drastically alter the economy even unintentionally.

Could it be a precedent setting case somewhere in terms of TOS/EULA and how truly binding they are after the point-of-sale?

I'm quite interested to see how this all shakes loose regarding any potential legal stuffs.
I just logged into my account and saw a naked wizard and almost got pissed off until i remembered I was just owned too much and everything was broken.
[quote name='bvharris']They only want you to farm the way they want you to farm.[/QUOTE]
That sums it up, they want us to play their game, their way. My friends just want to go back to trying to finish w/e act they were on or do MF runs solo. WTG Blizzard, we were playing your game the way it was intended and now you've forced us to split up again since we don't have a good DH or Wiz to farm inferno ponies with.

But you clearly know what's best for us.
[quote name='Pookymeister']I just logged into my account and saw a naked wizard and almost got pissed off until i remembered I was just owned too much and everything was broken.[/QUOTE]I lol'd.
Linking to Paypal doesn't seem to want to work - hit OK and nothing happens.
Not planning on playing tonight or tomorrow, so was gonna see if a few things sold - but i guess theres a waiting period on paypal linkage anyway.
Thanks Blizz for finally admitting you have a problem. That's the first step to recovery:
[quote name='fucktards']We've recently added a limit to the number of games a player can create within a certain amount of time. Players who hit this limit will see the error: "Input limit reached. Please wait to perform more actions." After receiving this error, you will need to wait approximately 10 to 15 minutes before creating any additional games.

This change was made to help reduce server strain and improve overall game stability, and we'll continue to monitor the situation and make additional improvements as necessary. We're currently working to find a solution that allows most players who are playing normally to create games without encountering this error, but will still limit some of the more extreme cases of rapid game creation. We appreciate your patience as we make these adjustments.

Thank you![/quote]Strain? What strain? You mean the past month with the occasional hiccup (read: Asian servers go down and they flood US servers) once things smoothed out? Guess they couldn't be completely honest afterall. . .
[quote name='bvharris']I love how they don't even bother to tell you what the limit is.[/QUOTE]
And that the reason it wasn't in the patch notes was because it was an independent decision. Good to know nobody at Blizzard is capable of communicating with each other until forum posts have been raging for eight hours. They sure know how to make people hate patch days, don't they?
I don't envy Blizzard having to put up with all the nerdrage that they do, but they certainly don't make it easy on themselves by making changes like this in the most shady way possible.
[quote name='ksuwild25']I just had 3 items sell already on the RMAH for: $40, $60, & $60 (not including the $1 fee on each). I can't believe they sold and kinda wish I linked my paypal. But I didn't want that info on there with all the hacking, etc that has been going on. Takes up to 72 hours for processing.

My once badass monk is now naked though.[/QUOTE]

How does it work if you don't link to paypal? The money sits there till you link or you can use it to buy other items?

I use to make $200ish a month way back when Diablo 2 launched and it was my part time job (lol) because I was in college. So I'm interested in the real $ auction house but I believe over time prices will just plummet to the point where it won't be worth it anymore
Basically what Pooky said, it goes into your BNet account (which I'm pretty sure I read can't exceed $250). I also thought I read you could only use BNet cash to buy digital Blizzard merch (their downloadable games and other digital in game items from Diablo, Warcraft, etc.).

I tried synching paypal as well and I coudn't get it to work earlier. I'll have a friend try to use the link Prinny posted later on his account and when I get my BNet cash I'll have that friend list some garbage item for whatever I have in my BNet account to transfer my BNet money to his paypal.

I'm kind of pissed cause I saw that my helmet that I sold for $60 go back up on the RMAH and it sold for $250. I thought it wouldn't sell for $60, but oh well. Can't believe there are people that pay that much cash for digital in game stuff that can be wiped by Blizzard at any time.
The stats were something like:

800 armor
78 All resist
50-60 Phy resist
80+ Dex
and a socket w/ 14% life gem

I paid 3 mil at the AH for it, and I've seen better helmets which is why I didn't think of asking for $250.
Can you gift items through the battle.net store? Reason being is if I set my payment through Battle.net cash, I might want to gift a game or two to someone assuming I make enough someday. Otherwise the Battle.net cash would be worthless to me except to start me playing WoW again :lol:.
So since we couldn't farm tonight at all, I went shopping for upgrades over the course of an hour. Sadly, nothing new was ever posted under the filters I was checking the entire time. Seems everyone is posting on the RMAH now. Perfect. Can't farm my gear thanks to Blizzard's heavy handed DRM and now I can't find upgrades on the AH for gold since nobody is posting new goods.

I think that's it for me; they have completely killed my enjoyment of this game with a single patch.
[quote name='Jodou']So since we couldn't farm tonight at all, I went shopping for upgrades over the course of an hour. Sadly, nothing new was ever posted under the filters I was checking the entire time. Seems everyone is posting on the RMAH now. Perfect. Can't farm my gear thanks to Blizzard's heavy handed DRM and now I can't find upgrades on the AH for gold since nobody is posting new goods.

I think that's it for me; they have completely killed my enjoyment of this game with a single patch.[/QUOTE]
I hope in the next few weeks people realize that the RMA doesn't always work and they post shit on the in game gold AH. I was afraid this would happen with the RMA.

Also that farming limit is completely fucking ridiculous. I mean in WoW it's not bad because there is always something else to do besides farming a place. In Diablo that's all you do.
Lol, in typical Blizzard fashion they blame it on 'not working as intended' aka 'we fucked up again and have reconciled':[quote name='Bashiok']After looking into some reports you guys provided it seems the limit may have not been working exactly as intended. Working properly you really shouldn't see it, even in fairly normal 'farming' conditions, or reasonable amounts of character swapping. We're shutting it off until we can take a better look at it tomorrow.[/quote]So it should be off now. Just in time for me to hit the sack. God dammit Blizzard, no more patch days kthnx!
[quote name='bvharris']It boggles my mind that people are actually paying $60, let alone $250 for a single item.[/QUOTE]

Dumb spoiled rich kids with lazy parents. :cool:

I just hope the GAH doesn't become littered with crap items for my alts because I refuse to pay real money to win.
Yeah, hopefully they can restrict the farming thing to people doing it at superhuman speeds. My Act 2 goblin run will likely run into the restriction if it comes back.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Yeah, hopefully they can restrict the farming thing to people doing it at superhuman speeds. My Act 2 goblin run will likely run into the restriction if it comes back.[/QUOTE]

Assuming you're doing the same goblin (Ancient Path) that I am, it definitely will. I got the error a bunch when it was up yesterday.
Sold something for $2.50, weeeeeeee

I also put up half of my gear I was wearing for the hell of it - if it sells I will get about $250 and I'll take a D3 break.
[quote name='Jodou']I'm getting sick and tired of patch days and stealth nerfs. So to combat excessive session farming for rare mobs, they've introduced the same instance limits you find in WoW. That is, you can only create X amount of games per Y minutes. When that limit is reached, you can't join your friends, you can't create new games, you can't PLAY. I'm absolutely livid right now and this might be the last straw for me. I didn't pay $60 to be told when and how I can play their game and the irony is thick considering they don't want us farming in a fuckING ITEM FARM GAME.

We rarely ever even get anything worth selling and this last week farming with friends has actually been the most fun I've got out of D3. Blizzard has gone too far this time and it's sad they've resorted to such tactics. Hopefully the backlash is strong enough that they remove this bullshit quick.[/QUOTE]
Wtf, seriously? That will make it so much easier to get the parts for the staff of herding. I swear I'm getting so pissed at Blizzard.
Anyone have trouble logging in after adding an authenticator? Can't login to D3. Bnet works fine but D3 keeps giving me an incorrect login error. SLDJDSF*#*(JSAKSDLJF
[quote name='n4styn4t3']Anyone have trouble logging in after adding an authenticator? Can't login to D3. Bnet works fine but D3 keeps giving me an incorrect login error. SLDJDSF*#*(JSAKSDLJF[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure they're doing more maintenance right now, I saw a note this morning. So it might be that.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I hope in the next few weeks people realize that the RMA doesn't always work and they post shit on the in game gold AH. I was afraid this would happen with the RMA. [/QUOTE]

Same here, I knew this was going to happen. So much for having a gold AH that no one is going to use.

I haven't even been playing that much, my witch doctor is at level 47. There's just something about this game that doesn't draw me back as easily as Diablo 2 did. I really wish the Diablo 2 team didn't leave Blizzard.
3 Sold emails so far...2.50, 3.50, 3.50 - nothing to write home about but better than salvage/vendor gold for sure. Think it was stuff i bought on AH originally for 100K ish.
I've decided to finish leveling my DH. I'm currently level 38 with 1100 DPS and 9900 HP. Does that seem right? It doesn't feel like I'm doing enough damage.
bread's done