Employees of all stores--post your stupid customer stories-- Numero Quatro!

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I overheard this homeless-looking dude at an EB Games here in Houston try to get a deal on a used Xbox360s (which were out of stock). He kept aking if the new ones were refurbished (?) and if they had any used new Xbox360s. The girl kept patiently explaining that the system could not be new if it's actually used. He finally gave up and asked where he could get such a system, and the girl politely told him she knew of no such place.

He then left the store and went outside only to return about thirrty seconds later to ask some more stupid qestions about the PS2 and Xbox games in the $5.00 and under bin.

I secretly wept for humanity.
[quote name='Scorch']The best part is when they pull out Madden 03, Fantavision, Fable, KOTOR and NCAA 2001 and expect to get enough credit to get a new game. I honestly don't know which is better, that, or the rant they go on after you tell them how much credit they'll be getting about how they paid such and such for this game and this is a ripoff and this company sucks and they're never coming back to your store again.[/QUOTE]

That would actually be a blessing, haha.
well i dont work at a store but its a movie theater and we get our share of stupid.This whole week tons of people have been asking waht snakes on a plane is about (WTF). then today some lady asked a customer outside if world trade center was a sad movie she said no then an hour later she came out bawling saying its the worst movie ever.
[quote name='Paco']Wow. This topic really makes me think. The only thing that makes me laugh more is how adults keep saying we're getting SMARTER and more enlightened as people. I may not work at a game store, but I have a story to tell while being the patient observer at a local game crazy.

A fat mexican woman with her kids walk in. They walk in and she has a N64 and wants to trade it straight up for a PS2 "her reasoning. It cost 199 when she bought it, so she can get a new PS2 straight up" The poor lone bastard who was working there told her that it would only be worth around 15 or 20 dollars credit. She starts getting upset. And I'm putting it mildly and lets loose a string of that good ol fashion mexican swearing you hear about so much.

Why is it that they think their N64s hold much value? If I end up working at a gamecrazy I pray to god that I don't get some people trying to trade in N64s.[/quote]

15 - 20 for a n64? are you sure? they sell them for 25 so i dont understand why they would sell the for 5 - 10 less.
[quote name='Paco']Wow. This topic really makes me think. The only thing that makes me laugh more is how adults keep saying we're getting SMARTER and more enlightened as people. I may not work at a game store, but I have a story to tell while being the patient observer at a local game crazy.

A fat mexican woman with her kids walk in. They walk in and she has a N64 and wants to trade it straight up for a PS2 "her reasoning. It cost 199 when she bought it, so she can get a new PS2 straight up" The poor lone bastard who was working there told her that it would only be worth around 15 or 20 dollars credit. She starts getting upset. And I'm putting it mildly and lets loose a string of that good ol fashion mexican swearing you hear about so much.

Why is it that they think their N64s hold much value? If I end up working at a gamecrazy I pray to god that I don't get some people trying to trade in N64s.[/QUOTE]

Hey, way to stereotype people. I'm sure it's only Fat Mexican women that think their N64s "hold much value."
[quote name='doctorfaustus']Hey, way to stereotype people. I'm sure it's only Fat Mexican women that think their N64s "hold much value."[/QUOTE]

Hey, way to focus on two words out of context. Stop reading mall advertisements.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Hey, way to focus on two words out of context. Stop reading mall advertisements.[/QUOTE]

Especially since I know Paco personally and he IS Mexican himself!
I used to be a supervisor for the Customer Service department of a notebook company. The policy towards computers reported stolen has since changed, but back when I was working there, if a customer had their notebook stolen, we'd flag the serial number in the system, and if anyone ever called on it, we'd bring it in for repair then ship it to the local police department from where the report was created.

The fun part was, I got to call the people that shipped it in. Once in a while it was some person that had nothing to do with the crime, but bought it used without knowing the history (always, always call a manufacturer and check the serial number before buying something used off a third party).

But 9 times out of 10, it was the person that stole it, or knew it was stolen that would send it in. That was the highlight of my day.

ME: Hello, is this Mr. Jones? This is Mike from blah blah computer company.
Jones: Is my computer done yet?
ME: You could say that. Can you confirm the shipping address for me?
Jones: Sure, it's blah blah blah. When are you shipping this?
ME: Actually, it already shipped, but since it was reported stolen 2 years ago, we had to ship it to the police as evidence until the case is closed. Thanks for your help in retrieving it though!
ME: I was just calling to make sure we had your current address.
Jones: This is bullshit
ME: Sounds like it. Luckily though, the police are going to help us all get down to the bottom of this I'm sure. My advice is to collect up any receipts you have for the computer, that will really help the police sort this out.
[quote name='eshbums']I used to be a supervisor for the Customer Service department of a notebook company. The policy towards computers reported stolen has since changed, but back when I was working there, if a customer had their notebook stolen, we'd flag the serial number in the system, and if anyone ever called on it, we'd bring it in for repair then ship it to the local police department from where the report was created.

The fun part was, I got to call the people that shipped it in. Once in a while it was some person that had nothing to do with the crime, but bought it used without knowing the history (always, always call a manufacturer and check the serial number before buying something used off a third party).

But 9 times out of 10, it was the person that stole it, or knew it was stolen that would send it in. That was the highlight of my day.

ME: Hello, is this Mr. Jones? This is Mike from blah blah computer company.
Jones: Is my computer done yet?
ME: You could say that. Can you confirm the shipping address for me?
Jones: Sure, it's blah blah blah. When are you shipping this?
ME: Actually, it already shipped, but since it was reported stolen 2 years ago, we had to ship it to the police as evidence until the case is closed. Thanks for your help in retrieving it though!
ME: I was just calling to make sure we had your current address.
Jones: This is bullshit
ME: Sounds like it. Luckily though, the police are going to help us all get down to the bottom of this I'm sure. My advice is to collect up any receipts you have for the computer, that will really help the police sort this out.
Jones: [/QUOTE]

:applause: Bravo.
[quote name='eshbums']I used to be a supervisor for the Customer Service department of a notebook company. The policy towards computers reported stolen has since changed, but back when I was working there, if a customer had their notebook stolen, we'd flag the serial number in the system, and if anyone ever called on it, we'd bring it in for repair then ship it to the local police department from where the report was created.

The fun part was, I got to call the people that shipped it in. Once in a while it was some person that had nothing to do with the crime, but bought it used without knowing the history (always, always call a manufacturer and check the serial number before buying something used off a third party).

But 9 times out of 10, it was the person that stole it, or knew it was stolen that would send it in. That was the highlight of my day.

ME: Hello, is this Mr. Jones? This is Mike from blah blah computer company.
Jones: Is my computer done yet?
ME: You could say that. Can you confirm the shipping address for me?
Jones: Sure, it's blah blah blah. When are you shipping this?
ME: Actually, it already shipped, but since it was reported stolen 2 years ago, we had to ship it to the police as evidence until the case is closed. Thanks for your help in retrieving it though!
ME: I was just calling to make sure we had your current address.
Jones: This is bullshit
ME: Sounds like it. Luckily though, the police are going to help us all get down to the bottom of this I'm sure. My advice is to collect up any receipts you have for the computer, that will really help the police sort this out.
Jones: [/QUOTE]

Man, that sounds like a fun job!
[quote name='niceguyshawne']Man, that sounds like a fun job![/QUOTE]

Most of the time it was very frustrating, but it was little gems like that that kept me going.

There was on time, it was a Saturday so it was slow as hell, that one of the reps tiered a supe call up to me. I listen to the customer go on and on about his side of the story forever (something about his RAM still being under warranty IIRC). While he was talking, I poked around in his history and found that sure enough, he was right, and I'd be able to help him out.

But he wouldn't stop talking long enough for me to tell him he was right. He was dropping F bombs left and right, and every time I'd say "but" - he'd cut me off and continue to scream and yell.

I had had enough, so I took the cradle of my phone, and pounded it on my desk for 20 seconds or so. When I put it back up to my ear, it was quiet:

ME: may I speak now?
HIM: yeah
ME: while you were calling me a dumbass, I was able to track down in our system what you were talking about, and can save you about another hour of berating me, and about $300 of RAM you don't want to buy, shall we continue?
HIM: yeah
ME: Great. I'm walking away from my desk for about 2 minutes to grab a printout, when I get back, we'll go over the process without either of us raising our voices, and you'll be off the phone in 10 minutes, does that work?
HIM: yeah

After I got up, I looked around the cube farm, and both our department and tech support were looking at me like I had just killed a horse in my cube. I never had the guts to try beating my phone on the desk with someone on it again, but it felt damned good that day.
I work in an equipment servicing company. We get calls when people's equipment is down. If we don't get someone to their site fast enough, then they call back either concerned or irate [which is justifiable.]
The entertaining one, which is more common than you'd think, is when they call up pissed off and want to speak to a bigwig. "I've been down for three days! I need service now! Where's my service guy! Give me a manager!" So the CSR looks in the system..."Sir, did you place a service call with us?" "No, but I've been down since Monday, I need service ASAP!" Ah, so that's why you waited till Thursday to call us. We're good, but we can't fix your unit without knowing it's broken....
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Hey, way to focus on two words out of context. Stop reading mall advertisements.[/QUOTE]

Out of context? Hardly. Paco said, "A fat mexican woman with her kids walk in" and "Why is it that they think their N64s hold much value?"

It is clear that Paco when paco uses "they" that he believes that all Mexican women "think their N64s hold much value"

[quote name='Dead of Knight']Especially since I know Paco personally and he IS Mexican himself![/QUOTE]

So that legitimizes or excuses his generalizations? So what if he is Mexican? I'm Mexican and I found that very insulting.
[quote name='doctorfaustus']Out of context? Hardly. Paco said, "A fat mexican woman with her kids walk in" and "Why is it that they think their N64s hold much value?"

It is clear that Paco when paco uses "they" that he believes that all Mexican women "think their N64s hold much value"

So that legitimizes or excuses his generalizations? So what if he is Mexican? I'm Mexican and I found that very insulting.[/quote]
Well, since most of these stories don't elaborate as to the race of the stupid customers, I'm gonna randomly assume they are all white males, just like me. Therefore, I find 95% of these stores to be very insulting.

Get over yourself.
Over the summer I was a checker for Safeway. Some old lady brought up a Campbell's soup can and asked the most amazing question ever....

She had noticed that on all the deals that required a Safeway card, you never actually had to buy the recommended deal amount (ie. 10 for 10$ or whatever) to get the discounts. Underneath that recommended sale price, it lists "or 1$ each." So, she has this Campbell's soup can and asks me if she can have it for free (totally serious) since the deal is buy 1 get 1 free. She said that she should just be able to have the free one.
[quote name='doctorfaustus']
It is clear that Paco when paco uses "they" that he believes that all Mexican women "think their N64s hold much value"

Actually, "they" appiles to this 'wonderful' group of people who leave their IQ outside when they enter a retail establishment. Find any 2 cashiers dishing about things customers do that are annoying, and "they" get mentioned quite a bit. (Have you ever worked retail? I find it hard to believe you'd assume that was a race statement if you had.)
[quote name='doctorfaustus']It is clear that Paco when paco uses "they" that he believes that all Mexican women "think their N64s hold much value"[/quote]

That's quite possibly the dumbest thing i've ever read on this site.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Over the summer I was a checker for Safeway. Some old lady brought up a Campbell's soup can and asked the most amazing question ever....

She had noticed that on all the deals that required a Safeway card, you never actually had to buy the recommended deal amount (ie. 10 for 10$ or whatever) to get the discounts. Underneath that recommended sale price, it lists "or 1$ each." So, she has this Campbell's soup can and asks me if she can have it for free (totally serious) since the deal is buy 1 get 1 free. She said that she should just be able to have the free one.[/quote]

[quote name='doctorfaustus']Out of context? Hardly. Paco said, "A fat mexican woman with her kids walk in" and "Why is it that they think their N64s hold much value?"

It is clear that Paco when paco uses "they" that he believes that all Mexican women "think their N64s hold much value"

So that legitimizes or excuses his generalizations? So what if he is Mexican? I'm Mexican and I found that very insulting.[/QUOTE]


Grow some thicker skin, I found no implied racism in his post, just some bad wording for you to misinterpret like an idiot.
[quote name='neocisco']You mean to tell me that all customers are nice, kind, polite and considerate now? I don't think so!!! More stories![/QUOTE]

I had a woman tell me that she wouldn't buy Street Fighter because "it looks too chinese."

I left quickly.
[quote name='EndlessChris']OMFG, RACISM ON THE INTERNET

Grow some thicker skin, I found no implied racism in his post, just some bad wording for you to misinterpret like an idiot.[/QUOTE]

Fool, nobody can be fat, stupid, or obnoxious if they're a different race than you. That's racism and you can't deny it. You need to put them on a pedestal because that's the right thing to do.

Not a stupid customer, but a bitch co-worker.

Walked in at about 5pm today to swap my Playgear Pocket case with another one. So I went in, talked to the assistant manager (David) and did just that. He was working with Jamie (said bitch) and apparently, she had another "bad day".

I got the case and hung around for a bit and realized I needed to check a price on a game and I also wanted to check out a game.

Myself: "Hey, Jamie, what's your initials?"
Jamie: Bluntly, "Why?"
M: "Because I wanna look up the price of a game."
J: Again bluntly, "Just use David's."

"Whatever." I thought and looked up the price of the game.

A couple of minutes later, I found the game I wanted to check out, Ultimate Ghosts and Goblins. I need the actual SKU to write down into our employee book in order to check out, so I got back on the register.

J (while helping a regular customer, again bluntly): "What do you need now?"
M: "Just looking up a SKU, you don't need to be so rude."
J: "I'm having a bad day, leave me alone."
M: "It shouldn't matter if you are having a bad day or not, you don't take it out on a co-worker."
J: "I don't care."
M: "You and me, we need to talk about this soon." (She's pulled this kinda shit on me before)
J: "David, I'm going on a break after this."
M: "Good, you need one."

The then proceeded to slam the money drawer shut, give a quick apology to the regular customer and storm out the door.

I know I'm gonna hear it from the store manager because as I said, we've had a fight like this before. I admit, I was at fault for the last one, but she needs to learn how to control her anger and not take it out on me.
Is she one of those almost cute girls that thinks shes really hot?
[quote name='Kuros']Not a stupid customer, but a bitch co-worker.

Walked in at about 5pm today to swap my Playgear Pocket case with another one. So I went in, talked to the assistant manager (David) and did just that. He was working with Jamie (said bitch) and apparently, she had another "bad day".

I got the case and hung around for a bit and realized I needed to check a price on a game and I also wanted to check out a game.

Myself: "Hey, Jamie, what's your initials?"
Jamie: Bluntly, "Why?"
M: "Because I wanna look up the price of a game."
J: Again bluntly, "Just use David's."

"Whatever." I thought and looked up the price of the game.

A couple of minutes later, I found the game I wanted to check out, Ultimate Ghosts and Goblins. I need the actual SKU to write down into our employee book in order to check out, so I got back on the register.

J (while helping a regular customer, again bluntly): "What do you need now?"
M: "Just looking up a SKU, you don't need to be so rude."
J: "I'm having a bad day, leave me alone."
M: "It shouldn't matter if you are having a bad day or not, you don't take it out on a co-worker."
J: "I don't care."
M: "You and me, we need to talk about this soon." (She's pulled this kinda shit on me before)
J: "David, I'm going on a break after this."
M: "Good, you need one."

The then proceeded to slam the money drawer shut, give a quick apology to the regular customer and storm out the door.

I know I'm gonna hear it from the store manager because as I said, we've had a fight like this before. I admit, I was at fault for the last one, but she needs to learn how to control her anger and not take it out on me.[/quote]
I just started working at GameCrazy about a month ago and we had a midnight Madden Sale. This guy who bought Madden 2007 360 at around 12:15 AM brought it back at around 12:45 AM the same night. He told us that the graphics and the game play were awful and that he wanted to trade it in for a PS2 copy. He came in a couple days later talking about how one of his other games for the 360 looked bad so I asked him about his setup he is using a TV from the 1980s, no lie, he had to buy the RF adapter to hook it up.

Last week the plot thickened. The same guy bought a wireless 360 controller about 2 hours later he comes back says it doesn't work we try it on our demo unit hes right. So we give him another one. Two days later he brings that one back it doesn't work. I freak out and say well its not the controller it's your 360 he says no the manager looks at the controller for a couple seconds and kicks the guy out of the store, Yeah he was bringing back his old dirty controllers and getting new ones. I felt like an idiot. Sorry for any bad grammer or typos.
[quote name='M1C13']I just started working at GameCrazy about a month ago and we had a midnight Madden Sale. This guy who bought Madden 2007 360 at around 12:15 AM brought it back at around 12:45 AM the same night. He told us that the graphics and the game play were awful and that he wanted to trade it in for a PS2 copy. He came in a couple days later talking about how one of his other games for the 360 looked bad so I asked him about his setup he is using a TV from the 1980s, no lie, he had to buy the RF adapter to hook it up.

Last week the plot thickened. The same guy bought a wireless 360 controller about 2 hours later he comes back says it doesn't work we try it on our demo unit hes right. So we give him another one. Two days later he brings that one back it doesn't work. I freak out and say well its not the controller it's your 360 he says no the manager looks at the controller for a couple seconds and kicks the guy out of the store, Yeah he was bringing back his old dirty controllers and getting new ones. I felt like an idiot. Sorry for any bad grammer or typos.[/quote]

[quote name='Allnatural']I have a friend that works at Home Depot. One day, a woman comes in looking for a generator. Apparently the power was frequently going out in her small, outlying town. So my friend was showing her the models they carry, and this is where the conversation went:

lady "What does it mean when it says 'seven gallon tank.'"

friend "Uh, it means it can hold seven gallons of gas."

lady "Gas? Why would it need gas?"

friend "It's a generator. How else would it produce electricity?"

lady "I thought you just plugged it in."[/quote]

o_O I always thought that it was a battery that got charged by the power when it was on till I seen my first generator which was loud and noisy. ^.^ Like the PSP or other devices.. that is most likely what she thought? -_- They should come up with a super big battery charger so generators are not so loud then again, you can always put more gas into a gas one. Maybe one that does both. heh... >.> I don't think she was that stupid.
[quote name='Kuros']Not a stupid customer, but a bitch co-worker.

Walked in at about 5pm today to swap my Playgear Pocket case with another one. So I went in, talked to the assistant manager (David) and did just that. He was working with Jamie (said bitch) and apparently, she had another "bad day".

I got the case and hung around for a bit and realized I needed to check a price on a game and I also wanted to check out a game.

Myself: "Hey, Jamie, what's your initials?"
Jamie: Bluntly, "Why?"
M: "Because I wanna look up the price of a game."
J: Again bluntly, "Just use David's."

"Whatever." I thought and looked up the price of the game.

A couple of minutes later, I found the game I wanted to check out, Ultimate Ghosts and Goblins. I need the actual SKU to write down into our employee book in order to check out, so I got back on the register.

J (while helping a regular customer, again bluntly): "What do you need now?"
M: "Just looking up a SKU, you don't need to be so rude."
J: "I'm having a bad day, leave me alone."
M: "It shouldn't matter if you are having a bad day or not, you don't take it out on a co-worker."
J: "I don't care."
M: "You and me, we need to talk about this soon." (She's pulled this kinda shit on me before)
J: "David, I'm going on a break after this."
M: "Good, you need one."

The then proceeded to slam the money drawer shut, give a quick apology to the regular customer and storm out the door.

I know I'm gonna hear it from the store manager because as I said, we've had a fight like this before. I admit, I was at fault for the last one, but she needs to learn how to control her anger and not take it out on me.[/QUOTE]

Maybe she was upset because you are there when you are not working and getting in the way by going behind the counter, asking questions, and hanging out while she is working. I dunno, maybe she resents that.
[quote name='pop311']tagged[/quote]
instead of posting "tagged", you can just click on Thread Tools at the top right of any thread you're interested in, and choose "Subscribe to this Thread". saves a post and does the same thing.
[quote name='allyourblood']instead of posting "tagged", you can just click on Thread Tools at the top right of any thread you're interested in, and choose "Subscribe to this Thread". saves a post and does the same thing.[/quote]I know. I just completely forgot that. My bad.
It's more of a stupid employee story than a customer.

This was back when I got my Alienware and it turns out I needed a DVI to VGA adapter in order to plug it into my monitor. So I go to Fry's and find 2 there. The first said $12.99 but the pins were bent. The other one was priced at $79.99, but the price tag said HDMI Cable. So I take both so I don't get ripped off. I show the guy the one that is broken and is correctly priced and that the good one has been mispriced. He tells me that they are different products. Now I know for sure I can read the name that's on both products which say "VGA to DVI adapter" On them in bold lettering. Even after that the guy still suggest they both must be different. It took him ten minutes just to get a confirmation on the product.

Now, here's another one. But now it's a stupid customer/student.

I'm working the late shift in the computer lab at DeVry and one of the students asked for the I.P for the printer so that he can print wirelessly with his laptop. I told him that I cannot give out that information and after a few minutes he asked if I could print out the test page and look. I do what he ask and sure enough, there is no I.P on the thing. Despite that, he asked for the paper and says he will find the I.P from there. I give it to him knowing he wont find it either way and he spent half the night trying to find the I.P.
:roll: A test page wouldn't find the IP. :roll: Its used to check alignment and color density.

Printing the configuration page, however, would show you the IP, toner levels, pages printed since last maintenence and a whole lot of other fun stuff.

As for the DVI-VGA converter, I would have just bought the bent one and fixed it with a tweezers and skipped the douchebag that probably couldn't tell ISA from PCI-E but works there because he likes that Madden thing on the Xcube.

[quote name='klyco']It's more of a stupid employee story than a customer.

This was back when I got my Alienware and it turns out I needed a DVI to VGA adapter in order to plug it into my monitor. So I go to Fry's and find 2 there. The first said $12.99 but the pins were bent. The other one was priced at $79.99, but the price tag said HDMI Cable. So I take both so I don't get ripped off. I show the guy the one that is broken and is correctly priced and that the good one has been mispriced. He tells me that they are different products. Now I know for sure I can read the name that's on both products which say "VGA to DVI adapter" On them in bold lettering. Even after that the guy still suggest they both must be different. It took him ten minutes just to get a confirmation on the product.

Now, here's another one. But now it's a stupid customer/student.

I'm working the late shift in the computer lab at DeVry and one of the students asked for the I.P for the printer so that he can print wirelessly with his laptop. I told him that I cannot give out that information and after a few minutes he asked if I could print out the test page and look. I do what he ask and sure enough, there is no I.P on the thing. Despite that, he asked for the paper and says he will find the I.P from there. I give it to him knowing he wont find it either way and he spent half the night trying to find the I.P.[/quote]
[quote name='Kayden']:roll: A test page wouldn't find the IP. :roll: Its used to check alignment and color density.

Printing the configuration page, however, would show you the IP, toner levels, pages printed since last maintenence and a whole lot of other fun stuff.

As for the DVI-VGA converter, I would have just bought the bent one and fixed it with a tweezers and skipped the douchebag that probably couldn't tell ISA from PCI-E but works there because he likes that Madden thing on the Xcube.[/quote]

He also could have right clicked the printers properties in the schools computer, but I figured he could have figured that out on his own. I was just following orders from the main boss and not giving him the I.P.

As for the broken one, it's hard to fix when there are missing pins as well.
A younger couple came into the store tonight, with their two little girls, who were maybe 5 and 6. The girls proceeded to run around the store as if it was their personal playground, unrestrained by their parents. One of them headed right for the Gamecube games on the rack, and started banging on them with her fists. I spoke up to her and her parents, "Be careful, it's not good to hit the games like that!" which caused the girl to stop.

About a minute later, the other demon child walked up to the same rack of Gamecube games, and began to rearrange them in a random fashion (they were previously in alphabetical order). Once again, I spoke up, telling the girl "Please don't do that. They're in a special order." Apparently I crossed some sort of line at this point, because the mother quickly turned to her daughters and husband, and said in a rather loud voice "Well, I think we'd better go shop somewhere else! Apparently we're not allowed to touch anything in here!" The husband didn't look too happy with his wife, since I assumed they came in the store so he could find a game for himself. The family left, and I heard the she-witch explaining again on the way out, "We can shop somewhere else if they don't want us touching their games." Of course, I wished them a pleasant evening as they exited.

... Stupid cunt.
Wow, that's f'd up. She didn't even want to take fault for her bad parenting skills. It's parents like that who cry and say it's societies fault than to take an ounce of blame.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']A younger couple came into the store tonight, with their two little girls, who were maybe 5 and 6. The girls proceeded to run around the store as if it was their personal playground, unrestrained by their parents. One of them headed right for the Gamecube games on the rack, and started banging on them with her fists. I spoke up to her and her parents, "Be careful, it's not good to hit the games like that!" which caused the girl to stop.

About a minute later, the other demon child walked up to the same rack of Gamecube games, and began to rearrange them in a random fashion (they were previously in alphabetical order). Once again, I spoke up, telling the girl "Please don't do that. They're in a special order." Apparently I crossed some sort of line at this point, because the mother quickly turned to her daughters and husband, and said in a rather loud voice "Well, I think we'd better go shop somewhere else! Apparently we're not allowed to touch anything in here!" The husband didn't look too happy with his wife, since I assumed they came in the store so he could find a game for himself. The family left, and I heard the she-witch explaining again on the way out, "We can shop somewhere else if they don't want us touching their games." Of course, I wished them a pleasant evening as they exited.

... Stupid cunt.[/quote]

just wondering, what store was this? itd be ok if you dont want to give out the info.
I work as a fortune teller who accepts donations, since it's illegal for me to get money for it without the proper licences. I always polish up my big crystal ball before I work the spirits, it's just how it's done. Well, some S-head (that's Spirit head, by us fortune teller's lingo) came in and rubbed his greasy paws on my balls.

I said, "SIIIIRRR!!! Away - oh, Thor, come hither and strike this cultrip (that's cultrip, not culprit - see, a cultrip in what we fortune tellers call a bad whammer jammer, a rotten man, one who's probably in a cult)!" Thor came and hit the cultrip and he dropped a buffalo nickel and I, having never seen one, immediately picked it up.

Suddenly, a SWAT team surrounded me, and a detective threw me on my crystal balls. My balls hurt me so bad, I teared for a time.

"Yu'b za righto tu remain sirento. Enisingu yu sei can ando WILL ... " As his INSANE rant continued, I looked in the corner; staring at me was Vishnu, laughing! I'd been set up to accidentally receive payment not in the form of donation! As they dragged me out, I cried, "VIIISHNU!!! VIIIIIISHNUUUU!!!"
[quote name='Moses144'] "Yu'b za righto tu remain sirento. Enisingu yu sei can ando WILL ... " As his INSANE rant continued, I looked in the corner; staring at me was Vishnu, laughing! I'd been set up to accidentally receive payment not in the form of donation! As they dragged me out, I cried, "VIIISHNU!!! VIIIIIISHNUUUU!!!"[/quote]

One of my coworkers offically changed his name to Vishnu. Unfortuantely he was getting a lot of bad comments about people thinking that it was a terrorist name so he changed his nametag to reflect his old name.
[quote name='sonderiaom']One of my coworkers offically changed his name to Vishnu. Unfortuantely he was getting a lot of bad comments about people thinking that it was a terrorist name so he changed his nametag to reflect his old name.[/quote]

How do you confuse the preserver of the universe with a plane jacker? :lol:
[quote name='Kayden']How do you confuse the preserver of the universe with a plane jacker? :lol:[/quote]

I'm sad to say it but around us there is a very high amount of ignorant folk who know the carnel pleasures of their whole family if you know what I mean.

They probably only saw that it was foreign and therefore could be bad. Funny thing is that he's jewish so a while back he was wearing the hat and the strings on his waist.
[quote name='sonderiaom']I'm sad to say it but around us there is a very high amount of ignorant folk who know the carnel pleasures of their whole family if you know what I mean.

They probably only saw that it was foreign and therefore could be bad. Funny thing is that he's jewish so a while back he was wearing the hat and the strings on his waist.[/quote]

Ok... so now you have a Jew named after a Hindi god. I'm confused. :lol:
[quote name='Bezerker']Could've sworn one of the hijackers on 93 was named Ezekiel Weinstein-Muhammed.[/QUOTE]

I get the image of Woody Allen hijacking a plane.

"Now all of you people here sit down. I..I..I'm taking over this plane."
[quote name='Kuros']I get the image of Woody Allen hijacking a plane.

"Now all of you people here sit down. I..I..I'm taking over this plane."[/quote]

"Tonight, the world watches in horror as a plane full of gentiles are held at bagel point."
[quote name='Kayden']Ok... so now you have a Jew named after a Hindi god. I'm confused. :lol:[/quote]

His normal name is Dan, but he thought that it was too normal so he was trying for something more exotic. I was actually going to tease him one day when he was wearing his yammica by saying that we weren't supposed to wear hats to work, but figured it would be in poor taste.

I have a stupid customer story as well to throw in. We were super busy today; it was the second day of the giant coupon book starting and the first day of the weekend. In any case, there were huge lines and I was doing all I could just to get everyone out the door and happy but this one guy stops in the middle of the lines and asks me a question. He only has one banana in his cart among the rest of his items, and then on the receipt it shows that he was charged for 2 bananas, then one was taken off, then one was put on, and another was taken off. I try to explain exactly what I had just said to him but he kept on insisting that they were charged for 2 bananas total. Figuring he may be more of a visual learner, I used fingers, I held up two fingers over the receipt, then I took one away to visually show the void of one, then put another finger to show the addition, then took one away for the second void; therefore leaving only one finger, but he still didn't get it. Realizing how he still wasn't understanding, I told him that if he gets home and adds it up and realizes that he was charged for 2 bananas, he would be more than welcome to yell at me, and the managers for all he would be worth tomorrow.
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