Fallout: New Vegas - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Survivalism']Hypothetically, let's say someone played the hell out of Fallout 3 but never got around to to playing any of the expansions. If you had to recommend either New Vegas or the Fallout 3 GOTY, based on both value and awesomeness, which would you suggest?[/QUOTE]

If it were between this and Fallout 3, I would say FO3 without a doubt. But seeing as you already played the main game, you'll find more fun in New Vegas, despite its faults. In my opinion, a lot of the FO3 DLC was not all that fun.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']If it were between this and Fallout 3, I would say FO3 without a doubt. But seeing as you already played the main game, you'll find more fun in New Vegas, despite its faults. In my opinion, a lot of the FO3 DLC was not all that fun.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree here. Go with NV if you've already played FO3 and enjoyed it.
Indeed. To elaborate on my previous point, there are five pieces of DLC for Fallout 3. Operation Anchorage is boring to play, but has some great equipment at the end. The Pitt was better than OA, but that's not saying much. The equipment was not that great, either. Broken Steel was pretty good and raised the level cap. Point Lookout was by far the best of the Fallout 3 DLC. And Mothership Zeta sucked beyond belief, in my opinion.
So I'm kind of at the "point of no return" right now. I can side with either the NCR or Yes Man, Caesar's Legion and Mr. House are not an option at this point lol. Anyways any opinions on what I should do? Is one of the paths more "good" than the other? I have been trying to play the role of Mojave Wasteland hero to this point, just curious which of these 2 factions would be best to side with for my purposes.
[quote name='cgarb84']So I'm kind of at the "point of no return" right now. I can side with either the NCR or Yes Man, Caesar's Legion and Mr. House are not an option at this point lol. Anyways any opinions on what I should do? Is one of the paths more "good" than the other? I have been trying to play the role of Mojave Wasteland hero to this point, just curious which of these 2 factions would be best to side with for my purposes.[/QUOTE]

Make two saves and go both ways. There are multiple endings if that's your goal...
Hahahaha this game is INSANE. I was climbing black mountain last night, totally destroying any Super Mutants that stood in my way, when out of nowhere comes a PACK of Deathclaws. Needless to say I died, despite immediately switching the game to "very easy" and pulling out the armor-piercing ammo... Laughed it off a re-loaded my save, and didn't mind losing 45 minutes of gameplay.
[quote name='drktrpr1']Hahahaha this game is INSANE. I was climbing black mountain last night, totally destroying any Super Mutants that stood in my way, when out of nowhere comes a PACK of Deathclaws. Needless to say I died, despite immediately switching the game to "very easy" and pulling out the armor-piercing ammo... Laughed it off a re-loaded my save, and didn't mind losing 45 minutes of gameplay.[/QUOTE]

I haven't ran into a DEATHCLAW yet, I keep hearing horror stories about them and how tough they are, any tips?
I thought they were supposed to have patched this by the end of last month? These fuckers better get on the ball, because the dlc comes out in 3 weeks.

If you've already made good progress in teh game, and are now stuck because of glitches (or have the game and haven't started yet), I say "speak with your wallet and boycott the dlc until the game is fixed!"
[quote name='irratebass']I haven't ran into a DEATHCLAW yet, I keep hearing horror stories about them and how tough they are, any tips?[/QUOTE]

Deathclaws are very fast, have a ton of health, and can kill you in just a couple of hits, depending on difficulty. They do a lunge attack, which quickly closes the gap between you. Unfortunately, they didn't include the dart gun in this game. In Fallout 3, the dart gun automatically crippled any targeted limb. So, all you would have to do is cripple one of its legs, and it became a lot easier. They still had a ton of health, but they could no longer do their lunge attack, so you could just keep backing up and firing away.

In this game, just avoid them until you're a higher level. If you see them, just don't go that way. If you happen to run into a pack of them that attack you, just reload and don't go that way until later.

My preferred method of dealing with just one or two DCs is the super sledge (or its unique variant, Oh Baby). If you run into a pack in a dungeon area, like at Dead Wind Cavern, you can go with the Super Sledge there, as well, but make sure you take some drugs first. Just try to fight them in a tight space, so that they cannot surround you.

Out in the wastelands, a scoped weapon is your friend. If you see DCs, take them out from a distance. If Boone is with you, that makes the task a lot easier. The first scoped weapon I used a lot was the Gobi Campaign scout rifle. It can be found in the Sniper's Nest, a little ways away from the Cottonwood Cove. It's in a very hard locked case, though. Later in the game, you will come across anti-material rifles.
Just ran into my first Deathclaw last night on the Primm Pass, man that thing kicked my ass, but I am level 7 so it makes sense. I couldn't find the damn missing laser pistol :bomb:
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Deathclaws are very fast, have a ton of health, and can kill you in just a couple of hits, depending on difficulty. They do a lunge attack, which quickly closes the gap between you. Unfortunately, they didn't include the dart gun in this game. In Fallout 3, the dart gun automatically crippled any targeted limb. So, all you would have to do is cripple one of its legs, and it became a lot easier. They still had a ton of health, but they could no longer do their lunge attack, so you could just keep backing up and firing away.

In this game, just avoid them until you're a higher level. If you see them, just don't go that way. If you happen to run into a pack of them that attack you, just reload and don't go that way until later.

My preferred method of dealing with just one or two DCs is the super sledge (or its unique variant, Oh Baby). If you run into a pack in a dungeon area, like at Dead Wind Cavern, you can go with the Super Sledge there, as well, but make sure you take some drugs first. Just try to fight them in a tight space, so that they cannot surround you.

Out in the wastelands, a scoped weapon is your friend. If you see DCs, take them out from a distance. If Boone is with you, that makes the task a lot easier. The first scoped weapon I used a lot was the Gobi Campaign scout rifle. It can be found in the Sniper's Nest, a little ways away from the Cottonwood Cove. It's in a very hard locked case, though. Later in the game, you will come across anti-material rifles.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the tip, I do have Boone and Rex with me at the moment and I believe I am a level 16...I have been and will keep my eyes peeled for them.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Just ran into my first Deathclaw last night on the Primm Pass, man that thing kicked my ass, but I am level 7 so it makes sense. I couldn't find the damn missing laser pistol :bomb:[/QUOTE]
Yeah, like BDB44 said, that doesn't change. I was still getting my ass handed to me by them and giant radscorpions, even in the 20's. I think you need some armor piercing ammo. To hell with Sloane.
Oh yeah, those giant Radscorpions are a complete bitch, no matter what level. I remember running into a whole bunch of them in that area north of Goodsprings and west of the quarry. I was in the 20s and still had to like have a plan going in, making sure to only engage one at a time, instead of my usual strategy, which usually involves just going in and killing everything in site. The one advantage you have with them, though, is that they move like a tank, so you can circle around them and just bash them to hell with a super sledge.
So I think I screwed myself here
I'm trying to finish the Volare side quest right now. I have most of the parts finished except for the healing of the patients. I remembered that I accidently killed one of the patients because my medicine rating wasn't high enough. I ask him if I can help and he says not after after what I did. The marker still shows up on the map that I need to go there.

Is this quest now impossible to complete? Does that mean I can't finish the main story?
[quote name='FrankySox']So I think I screwed myself here
I'm trying to finish the Volare side quest right now. I have most of the parts finished except for the healing of the patients. I remembered that I accidently killed one of the patients because my medicine rating wasn't high enough. I ask him if I can help and he says not after after what I did. The marker still shows up on the map that I need to go there.

Is this quest now impossible to complete? Does that mean I can't finish the main story?
IIRC, he's just bitching. You can still help other patients and finish the quest. He'll talk to you when it's done.
[quote name='shieryda']I thought they were supposed to have patched this by the end of last month? These fuckers better get on the ball, because the dlc comes out in 3 weeks.

If you've already made good progress in teh game, and are now stuck because of glitches (or have the game and haven't started yet), I say "speak with your wallet and boycott the dlc until the game is fixed!"[/QUOTE]

Hear that! Only got a couple hours in before I heard what a bugfest it was so I've been putting off restarting the game. I bought all the expansions for 3, but you can bet your ass I'm not spending another dime until this thing is fixed properly and I can actually play it without worrying about a game ending debacle.

Next time Bethesda releases a game I'm wating a while to get it. From everything I've heard they really shit the bed with Vegas. And I don't care if Obsidian developed the game. Bethesda is ultimately responsible for this mess being released.
[quote name='irratebass']I haven't ran into a DEATHCLAW yet, I keep hearing horror stories about them and how tough they are, any tips?[/QUOTE]

Here's a tip. Do not fire 200 rounds from the light machine gun into a Deathclaw. It will do nothing.

I'm level 30 and they're still kicking my ass, even with Boone and ED-E(upgraded) by my side.

I'm going to try the armor piercing bullets with either my custom Trail Carbine, the All American, or That Gun.

If none of that works, I'm throwing frag grenades on those fuckers.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Here's a tip. Do not fire 200 rounds from the light machine gun into a Deathclaw. It will do nothing.

I'm level 30 and they're still kicking my ass, even with Boone and ED-E(upgraded) by my side.

I'm going to try the armor piercing bullets with either my custom Trail Carbine, the All American, or That Gun.

If none of that works, I'm throwing frag grenades on those fuckers.[/QUOTE]

Dayum!!!! I have Rex & Boone, after I complete Kings' quest can I get Cass to join me, and is she as powerful or more than Boone?
From my experience, no one trumps Boone, due to the extreme distances he will hit targets at. There have been times I simply left him at my apartment, because I wanted to boost for some of the challenges, like melee and unarmed damage, and he would kill just about everything before I got close. Veronica, the BoS Scribe you can find at the 188 wasn't too bad, but her usefulness will drop dramatically against really strong enemies, because her strength lies in melee. So, she will get too close, and you will be constantly reloading after her deaths.

Deathclaws can definitely be a chore, but like I said, if you have a decent scoped weapon, you should be ok. If they get too close, just pop some drugs and wail on them with a super sledge. Like I said, it was my weapon of choice for dealing with enemies that have a high damage resistance, like deathclaws and giant radscorpions. It will crack through anything.
Just beat the game, went with the NCR ending. I might play this again someday but after 46 hrs of playtime I think I'm ready to move onto something else at this point. I wasn't a huge fan of the last quest for the NCR, I didn't like it as well as the last quest in Fallout 3. It was a little better than the final quest in Oblivion though, that thing sucked.
Where do I go to form an alliance with the NCR
I have quest options for Mr. House, Caesar, and the Wild Card. I also have a "Don't Tread on the Bear!" notice in my quests that says the NCR will be pissed if I keep working with these people but I don't have any quest options to work with them instead (which is what I want to do). I have a note in my misc, saying someone would like to speak to me from the NCR, I just can't find them.

Any help would be appreciated.

Loving the game so far, have had one lock up pre-patch, other than that things are going great.
To work with the NCR...

...go to the Strip and head to the last part. There you will find the NCR Embassy. Inside, speak to Ambassador Crocker. He will be your contact for the early work with the NCR.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']To work with the NCR...

...go to the Strip and head to the last part. There you will find the NCR Embassy. Inside, speak to Ambassador Crocker. He will be your contact for the early work with the NCR.

Thanks man I found it. I had been over that way before looking for it, don't know how I missed it.
[quote name='irratebass']Getting ready to go to the Strip, but decided to do Helios one 1st, before I go further....any tips?[/QUOTE]

You can do anything you want in pretty much any order honestly. I didn't go to the strip until I was about 70 hours in. I've got a good number of strip quests still outstanding. I found the strip pretty uninteresting except for a spot here or there.
Just "beat" the game, main quest at least. Accidentally found myself alligned with the Legion...tried botching
Ceasars surgery
but they still loved me. 42 hours, level 27, only 350 achieveivements. Sucks it kinda just ends with no option to continue except to load an earlier save. Luckily I knew these things and saved and noted things down at earlier key story swing parts.

Not as good as the first one which is still my favorite 360 game but it was a good experience and i'll be picking up all the DLC on it's release. :D

Also for those having trouble with Deathclaws find yourself a sniper rifle or anti-material rifle. Once I found the anti I totally changed my play style and used it primarily for the rest of the game. You can add a quick reload perk which helps plus add in some turbo and it's even great in tight high traffic battles as headshots usually kill in 1-2 shots no matter what along with your companion and Ed-E helping.
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My Black Friday copy of New Vegas just arrived from Amazon and it's got the pre-order bonus code inside!

I also just read this an hour ago on Twitter:

@Fallout: We’ve wrapped up work on the Fallout: New Vegas patch and submitted it. We’ll let you know when it’s up on PS3, 360, and Steam.

Really pumped to finally get into this game.
[quote name='bsmiff']My Black Friday copy of New Vegas just arrived from Amazon and it's got the pre-order bonus code inside!

I also just read this an hour ago on Twitter:

@Fallout: We’ve wrapped up work on the Fallout: New Vegas patch and submitted it. We’ll let you know when it’s up on PS3, 360, and Steam.

Really pumped to finally get into this game.[/QUOTE]

I bet the patch hits the day the DLC comes out if that's the case.

I've now managed to accidentally
kill all the legion. I've never even met Caesar. heh.
I just lost my Gold subscription today.. hope I can still get the patch. I assume I can... also the DLC.. not sure if I'll get that though, probably wait for reviews first.
[quote name='PhrostByte']I just lost my Gold subscription today.. hope I can still get the patch. I assume I can... also the DLC.. not sure if I'll get that though, probably wait for reviews first.[/QUOTE]

I'll wait until I beat the game lol
I'm getting to the point where I need a sidekick and it seems that from what I keep hearing from my friends and on here is that Boone is the best choice. So...where can I find Boone at and what do I need for him to join me?
Boone is good if you want him to do all the fighting for you.. that's what I wanted since my character was based around speech lockpick.. stuff like that.

He's at Novac. Him and Manny Vargas alternate as town defense snipers in the mouth of the dinosaur. He'll want you to find the person who sold his wife to the Legion.
[quote name='Malik112099']i find that the anti-material rifle works pretty well against the deathclaws[/QUOTE]

Agreed... Sniper rifle with armor-piercing rounds does the trick as well, especially if you can hit them with a sneak-attack headshot from a distance, and even better if you have the "Better Criticals" perk. High enough levels should be able to one-shot a deathclaw on normal with this or the anti-material rifle.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I'm getting to the point where I need a sidekick and it seems that from what I keep hearing from my friends and on here is that Boone is the best choice. So...where can I find Boone at and what do I need for him to join me?[/QUOTE]

Boone is definitely the way to go. He's good with the sniper rifle or with melee. Right now, I've got him with the Ballistic Fist, and he's one shot punching pretty much everything to death.
boone is the first companion i've found so far and he's definitely very useful in combat. i'm assuming there's more personable/interesting companions out there though?
[quote name='saut']boone is the first companion i've found so far and he's definitely very useful in combat. i'm assuming there's more personable/interesting companions out there though?[/QUOTE]

There are a few. Cass, the king's dog, 1-2 more I think. Boone has a good back story if you talk to him.
[quote name='saut']boone is the first companion i've found so far and he's definitely very useful in combat. i'm assuming there's more personable/interesting companions out there though?[/QUOTE]

You can have two companions at once with you. One human type and one animal/robot type. There are at least 5 human type companions, and one robot and one dog.

Each companion has a questline you can unlock when certain conditions are met. Once you finish the questline, that companion receives an upgrade/extra skill. Some of the companions have branching questlines that can lead to different skill upgrades.
[quote name='TC']Thanks for the update. Looks like next week I can finally start this game for real.[/QUOTE]


Crazy the amount of stuff they've fixed.
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one thing that's really been annoying me is the gun animation in first person - occasionally it gets stuck in a "raised up" position and obstructs practically half the screen. terrible. any word on a fix for that or is that not being considered a glitch, just a feature i find annoying?
[quote name='saut']one thing that's really been annoying me is the gun animation in first person - occasionally it gets stuck in a "raised up" position and obstructs practically half the screen. terrible. any word on a fix for that or is that not being considered a glitch, just a feature i find annoying?[/QUOTE]

No word on a fix, and it's definitely a glitch. It happens a LOT in the crouching position.
[quote name='mtxbass1']No word on a fix, and it's definitely a glitch. It happens a LOT in the crouching position.[/QUOTE]

Happens to me all the time. My guy likes to raise and lower his gun real fast like he's having a seizure.
Great news. I just started playing Zombies with a friend of mine to deter boredom from BO's multiplayer but what I've been really itching for is an RPG experience. Now I can start a new play-through when the DLC comes out.
[quote name='Malik112099']i find that the anti-material rifle works pretty well against the deathclaws[/QUOTE]

The best weapon I've found so far against them is Boone's sniper rifle. I dont know if there was a fluke in my game but that thing outpowered every other weapon I came across including the .50 cal sniper (which I bought for some ridiculous price.), gauss rifle, Tesla cannon, etc, etc.
bread's done