Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Out Now on PS3 & PS4 - 4/11: PS3-to-PS4 Transfer Live!

OK, so their fix for the account management being down is to redirect us to the EU page. Logged in to find I'm registered for EA, which is great but I don't see where I'd find my 20-digit key now. I'm not holding my breath about an email, but if they manage to screw me there will be blood. . .
5~ hours later I still have no email

Where did you see that youre registered for EA btw?

And if I dont have an email when I awaken im gonna call them tomorrow

I think I may be borked... I actually did get a PSN code from the preorder page, but when I attempt to enter it the PS3 says it's invalid or expired. I don't see anywhere in Account Management that I'm registered for early access, unless I'm not looking in the right place... where exactly would I see that?

5~ hours later I still have no email

Where did you see that youre registered for EA btw?
I just logged into my account profile and under registered games it says FFXIV, which was definitely not there before today. I assume that to mean I'm registered for EA, but it's entirely possible that's just a proxy to acknowledge they got my code. My guess is their servers are so fucked right now they're unable to process emails and they will just run a batch job after things calm down to mass email all registrants. At any rate, things don't bode well for launch if they can't even manage registration process.

I mean, imagine launch day when everyone is entering their product codes to continue playing. This shit would DEFINITELY not fly if people couldn't do so all day long and you'd see massive returns/refunds.

Nope thats not early access

When you register the first code it adds that crap to your account (mine says registered for ps3)

but theres a SECOND code (that they send you after you redeem the first )

Which is for early access

So unless you entered two seperate codes, you likely dont yet have early access

im in that same boat 

Makes sense, but for those who have no idea -- whoo boy are they going to be mad if this goes south.  I'm pretty surprised at how badly this launch is already turning out to be because it has been a long time since a company couldn't handle the load.  I've been through SWTOR, GW2, and other MMO launches in the past five years all going relatively smoothly.  That error 3102 and registration issues are already worse than anything those games had, so things are not looking good.

Did anyone else notice they are adding new servers?

Seems like a gamble because a lot of people probably just tried the Open Beta to see what the game was like, say it sucks, and go back to dumb WoW. I get that the PS3 (and PS4) open up a huge new player base, because many console gamers don't have rigs that would have played 2.0 or even 1.0. But they've had to close and merge servers previously.

Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that the Duty Finder in Open Beta sucked. My first Dungeon I had a wait time of 50 mins, get in and the Tank says bye, party disbands. Now I retry and have another 60 min wait, fun. The 3 main story dungeons all had 50+min waits, while in Phase 3 my wait times were 3min to 8min, with instant and 15min waits rare. Imagine a year down the line, trying to find a group even using Duty Finder, for a level 15, forced to do it to progress, dungeon. DF will become useless and you'll have to rely on Linkshell once again. It's great introduction to a new game, and new players, and a great tool, but how long will it last for say Tam Tam before you need to beg your LS or FC to help you pass a dungeon because you came to the game later. You may not even have a LS or FC and bam, turns away new players 1 year+ down the line?

This leads me to believe that there is an actual limit to how many instanced dungeons can be running at one time, so we were waiting for people to finish a dungeon so it would open up and let the next party in. That sucks. P3 = closed and they controlled the population, P4 = Open and everyone tried it out. So it was clogged. Also Duty Finder/Instanced is cross/all server, so it must be something like only 100 instances can run at once or something they didn't have the foresight to see as a clog. Just my take away.

Also, the 4th dungeon, Halataliti, was the level 20 dungeon and I only had 8min to 15min waits in Open Beta. I'll assume because it wasn't part of the main story line and no one knew about it.

As for the errors, it wasn't that bad for me on PS3 for Open Beta, maybe I was in the minority but people only speak up when errors happen, so I'll share my errors which weren't too intrusive. But first let me say the way they handled the betas was a little frustrating because people have lives and scheduling time to play only at certain days over 2 or 3 months is annoying. "Thanks for playing, look forward to trying again in 2-3 weeks". That does put a lot of stress on the servers at one time, but doesn't show how stable it may be over a long period of time, oh well.

Open Beta Day 1: The whole server got kicked (at least judging by shout channel when I got back) and I got World Full error, and was able to log back in in 15 min.

Open Beta Day 2: Heard shouts about people saying don't zone because people are getting error 90000 and can't get back on. Well my quest was in another zone (omg I hate zones, the load times aren't bad but I have to zone so often it becomes irritating) and I zoned out, instant DC. Was able to log back in in 5min. Did get error 3104? and World Full, but again only took 5min and was back in.

Open Beta Day 3: 2.5hrs before the Login Maint was set to be done (I didn't log out, was able to play through most of it) it force DC'd me while I was standing still looking at quest log. No biggie, I'd wait the 2.5hr when maint done, since we actually had an official announcement by this time. Come back and they extended NA/EU beta because of it, bonus. Got my stuff done, logged out in an Inn.

Still, with everything overall, I'm not filled with confidence. I see a future of emergency maintenance's and little stuff being added for longer and longer periods of time passing.

The problems with the dungeon finder queues has nothing to do with instances (im almost certain)

It has to do with what class you are

I leveled a marauder (tank) gladiator (tank) and conjurer (healer) in phase 4. For my tanks the longest queue i sat in was 30 seconds

On my conjurer it might of been 3 minutes

The issue is class breakdown, and that people dont want to play tanks and healers.

Also they just added arcanist, so that was by FAR the most popular class in phase 4 of beta (and arcanist is a dps class)

So for every 20-30 people who queued for a dungeon, maybe 1 was a tank 2 were a healer, and the rest dps.

Thats why queues were so long 

That said the dungeon finder DOES have issues

I ran about 8 ~ instances in beta, 7 went without problems at all. The one time I zoned in with me (tank) and 2 dps (no healer.) only 3 people made it in. We couldnt requeue or anything (which is an issue) so we all had to leave. Not an issue for me because my queue as a tank was 30 seconds, but for the other 2 guys they had to requeue for 50 minutes.

And to make it worse since we all manually left the instance, it locked us out of using the dungeon finder for a full 15 minutes because we "quit an instance"

So they gotta fix that, not fair to dps 

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People who play DPS classes should know they're going to be waiting longer.  It's common sense, I don't think there's anything to really be done about it.

I knew about it going in and still chose to play DPS, I'm fine with it.  Protip for DPS players:  Find a healer or tank to party with and queue with them.  You'll get in right away.

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Makes sense. All servers wide the amount of DPS seeking must have been 50 to 1 considering SMN was a DPS and a new class.

Still...f those glowing rats making me target them.

Should I be alarmed that my account has somehow been turned into an EU account?  At first I thought they were just redirecting traffic to the EU site but now I realize every time I log on it sends me there.  I know I created it as US, preferences are even saved as US so IDK WTF is going on anymore.  I tried entering my code again just to see what would happen and still got Error 3, so maybe that's the code already used error.  Still no email from SE and still no explanation from them as to what the hell is going on.

This is Bush League shit.

They tweeted that they were aware of the issue with EU codes 3 hours ago.  They've said all day that they're having issues with the site, considering that there are 4 days left before early access nobody is being forced to continue hammering the site trying to register their code.  I'm confident people are still doing exactly that, however. There's no prize for doing it today rather than tomorrow or the next two days.  Once I realized they were having issues, I figured I'd just either wait until they said they fixed it or give it a try tomorrow.

I don't want to come across as a blind S-E apologist, because they definitely are having issues dealing with the demand and their infrastructure and processes for setting up the game launch are undeniably lacking, but...  The foaming at the mouth I'm seeing here and elsewhere is pretty ridiculous as well.

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Of course right after I posted that, I messed with it some more and now it's directing me to the proper NA site. Lol, now I understand why SE is in such dire straits as a company if this is how they conduct business.

They tweeted that they were aware of the issue with EU codes 3 hours ago. They've said all day that they're having issues with the site, considering that there are 4 days left before early access nobody is being forced to continue hammering the site trying to register their code. I'm confident people are still doing exactly that, however. There's no prize for doing it today rather than tomorrow or the next two days. Once I realized they were having issues, I figured I'd just either wait until they said they fixed it or give it a try tomorrow.

I don't want to come across as a blind S-E apologist, because they definitely are having issues dealing with the demand and their infrastructure and processes for setting up the game launch are undeniably lacking, but... The foaming at the mouth I'm seeing here and elsewhere is pretty ridiculous as well.
That's a separate issue where the people lucky enough to actually be sent their 20-digit code, are receiving the wrong region so it kicks back with a different error trying to register EU codes on NA accounts. At least, that's what I got from their mixed messaging.

The foaming at the mouth is because people don't want to keep checking back periodically to see if it's fixed yet. Four days has quickly become three with no resolution yet and nobody wants to be stuck still trying to get this resolved while everyone else is playing, if it comes to that.

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They tweeted that they were aware of the issue with EU codes 3 hours ago. They've said all day that they're having issues with the site, considering that there are 4 days left before early access nobody is being forced to continue hammering the site trying to register their code. I'm confident people are still doing exactly that, however. There's no prize for doing it today rather than tomorrow or the next two days. Once I realized they were having issues, I figured I'd just either wait until they said they fixed it or give it a try tomorrow.

I don't want to come across as a blind S-E apologist, because they definitely are having issues dealing with the demand and their infrastructure and processes for setting up the game launch are undeniably lacking, but... The foaming at the mouth I'm seeing here and elsewhere is pretty ridiculous as well.
Someone posted on their forums that their coding was screwed up,and had a line in it that was changing you to "not logged in" when you register their code.

This all wouldnt be so bad, had ffxiv already launched and failed epicly 3 years ago.

This is one of the first times in my life that I can think of a company getting a 2nd change to remake a game a truly rare event, and they're screwing it up with incredibly bad incompotence. which no doubt has significantly hurt their bottom line by now (which in turn hurts the experience for all players since it gives SE less money to make future improvements/content)

Apparently they JUST suspended preorder code entering now so they can fix the problem.

I dont like to shit on a company, but this is the most incompetence ive ever seen a triple a title possibly ever (factoring the 1.0 mess in of course)

I have faith the game is going to be a good product, I have absolutely none in SE providing good customer service/support ever though

The foaming at the mouth is because people don't want to keep checking back periodically to see if it's fixed yet. Four days has quickly become three with no resolution yet and nobody wants to be stuck still trying to get this resolved while everyone else is playing, if it comes to that.
So don't keep checking the code-entry website. Follow them on twitter, check out the FFXIV sub-reddit or another forum, or just follow this thread. Once it's fixed, word will get out.

Trust me, I 100% understand the anxiety, both in terms of wanting to play the game and in wanting the registration process to be quick and painless, which it clearly isn't. But I think it's a real stretch to think we're in a doomsday situation here. I find it very unlikely that people are going to be locked out and unable to get into the early access which they're entitled to because of a screwup with S-E's infrastructure. At that point it's affecting something people are actually paying for, and it's a much bigger deal than what went down in the beta. I just don't see it coming to that.

That said, they need to hire some better network engineers and web developers, stat. Their game is great, but they need to get all of the ancillary components which surround it into much better shape.

I dont like to shit on a company, but this is the most incompetence ive ever seen a triple a title possibly ever (factoring the 1.0 mess in of course)
SimCity and Diablo III immediately spring to mind as two AAA games in the past couple years which had significantly more troubled launches, keeping in mind that we're not even at launch yet for FFXIV. Neither of those games ever truly recovered from them in the eyes of many people.

At this point would it surprise me if there are major launch issues? No. But I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that there will be like you guys seem to think. Maybe I'm just an optimist like that.

I agree with you that the 1.0 debacle grants them a lot less benefit of the doubt, and that's definitely fair - but I'm not sure people getting whipped into a frenzy about it four days before the game is even in EA is beneficial for anybody.

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ok sim city was definitely more of a failure

Diablo not as much, I dont recall having any problems at all when I got it on launch . I mean their RMAH sucked, but Diablo still went on to sell like a bajillion copies

But in sim city and diablos defense, they both had absolutely superb customer service (which SE definitely doesnt have)

I know people who bought sim city got all kinds of refunds and a FULL game (of choice) for free and crap.

And Blizzard has some of the best customer service/updates of any company out there.

Then agian I guess SE didnt charge any 1.0 monthly fees for a long time, although the game was almost completely unplayable.

I admittedly had fun for some time, but can also say it was one of the worst mmos ive played in my entire life.

If SE took a page from Blizzard when it comes to customer service, I think theyd be ok right now

ok sim city was definitely more of a failure

Diablo not as much, I dont recall having any problems at all when I got it on launch
Neither did I, in fact I leveled 3 or 4 characters to max level and never so much as sat in a login queue, but I personally know several people who were unable to even get in the game for at least a day or two. Here's an article about it:,2817,2404481,00.asp

The larger point is that the game is not out yet. I think it's premature to call it a debacle until it actually is one. If Friday comes along and they still haven't fixed their registration site with hours to go before early access, I'll be waving a pitchfork right alongside you guys.

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So the only update so far is a message from Yoshida-san stating he personally guarantees the 90000 and 3102 errors have been fixed.  Until it happens again, amirite?

Not sure if it was confirmed or not before, but there will also be no wipe from beta.  Also, tried entering my code this morning because I can't get enough of that error 3. ;)

I tried to enter the code yesterday and I got error 3 so I was patient and waited a while to enter it again and just tried a few minutes ago.  

Congratulations! Your pre-order code has been redeemed.

Here is your PlayStation Promotion Code that will allow you to download the game from the PS Store, grant you early access to FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn, and the Cait Sith Doll Minion and Mog Cap in-game bonus items once the official service begins.

When I go to redeem the code on PSN I get this error though:

The Prepaid Card code you entered is incorrect or is no longer valid

I don't guess its a big deal since I already have the client downloaded from P4/Open Beta.  When I check the Square Enix site it shows FFXIV was registered on my PS3 account today.

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I tried to enter the code yesterday and I got error 3 so I was patient and waited a while to enter it again and just tried a few minutes ago.

Congratulations! Your pre-order code has been redeemed.

Here is your PlayStation Promotion Code that will allow you to download the game from the PS Store, grant you early access to FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn, and the Cait Sith Doll Minion and Mog Cap in-game bonus items once the official service begins.

When I go to redeem the code on PSN I get this error though:

The Prepaid Card code you entered is incorrect or is no longer valid

I don't guess its a big deal since I already have the client downloaded from P4/Open Beta.
This is the exact same thing that happened to me yesterday. I suspect that the code is for the wrong region-- on the PC side you can actually distinguish which region the codes are for, and people are saying that they've received EU codes even though they have an NA account.

I already have the beta client installed too, so downloading it is not the issue, but I'm worried that if I can't enter the PSN code my account won't be flagged for early access, not to mention receiving the preorder bonus items.

This is the exact same thing that happened to me yesterday. I suspect that the code is for the wrong region-- on the PC side you can actually distinguish which region the codes are for, and people are saying that they've received EU codes even though they have an NA account.

I already have the beta client installed too, so downloading it is not the issue, but I'm worried that if I can't enter the PSN code my account won't be flagged for early access, not to mention receiving the preorder bonus items.
This is what my registered games say so I'm not to worried:

  • 289b6493b6d8d905a18054713c757417.jpg

    FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn
    Registered On: 21/08/2013

Yeah, mine says that too. I would just love some reassurance at this point that the PSN code is only for the client download and that Sq-Ex somehow recognizes that I preordered and am entitled to early access. :/

That doesnt mean you are registered for early access

There was a post on the offical beta forums

When you enter the FIRST code, the game gets flagged to your account 

They will then email you the codes to redeem for early access/preorder items etc etc

So unless you were able to successfully redeem the SECOND code you are not flagged for early access yet, even if your account says youre registered to xyz game.

Ill note that im in the exact same situation, as mine says i have the ps3 version under my account, but I have not yet received an early access code to enter

I'd give them a call at this point.
If anyone calls let me know how it goes/long it takes

yesterday I people on the forums claimed they were on hold for over 5 hours

But I find that difficult (although with the way Square Enix behaves not impossible) to believe

lol and the shitshow goes on

[NA] Procedures during Periods of High Congestion (Aug. 21)

We are expecting major congestion during the period starting with the Early Access on Aug. 24, 2013 at 2:00 a.m. (PDT) leading up to the official game launch on Aug. 27, 2013 (PDT).

If a large volume of players attempt to login to the game simultaneously, certain players may receive the following message: “This World is currently full. Players in queue: ##.” If you receive this message, we ask that you please wait until your login is processed.

In addition, in order to avoid server congestion related issues from multiple characters concentrating in the starting areas, we may implement restrictions on logins and/or the creation of new characters for a period of time after the servers open to the public.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
The pre-order site is now working.  I was just able to successfully register my code on the first attempt.

Edit:  They actually gave me TWO codes after I registered, one which they displayed on the screen and I successfully redeemed, and an entirely different code which they e-mailed me and is an EU code.  So they still can't entirely get out of their own way, but at least I can confirm that it is working now. 

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lol and the shitshow goes on

[NA] Procedures during Periods of High Congestion (Aug. 21)

We are expecting major congestion during the period starting with the Early Access on Aug. 24, 2013 at 2:00 a.m. (PDT) leading up to the official game launch on Aug. 27, 2013 (PDT).

If a large volume of players attempt to login to the game simultaneously, certain players may receive the following message: “This World is currently full. Players in queue: ##.” If you receive this message, we ask that you please wait until your login is processed.

In addition, in order to avoid server congestion related issues from multiple characters concentrating in the starting areas, we may implement restrictions on logins and/or the creation of new characters for a period of time after the servers open to the public.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Come on man, you're really stretching at this point. Queues are a part of high-traffic MMOs, it's not a shitshow.

I got this exact message half a dozen times in the open beta, I never queued for longer than like 15-20 seconds.

Queues are ok, its the login restrictions/character creation issues that i worry (although this is vague, idk if this means a restriction on how long you can log on, how many times you can log in, or just preventing new chars from logging in?)

then again I am just whining a bit 

This is what my registered games say so I'm not to worried:

So the preorder site is working now, apparently. I tried redeeming the code I already redeemed yesterday, which gave me the invalid PSN code, and it gave me Error 3 again, maybe because that code had already been redeemed.

Tried the second code I had from Amazon (they sent me two, one when I preordered the vanilla game and another one when I changed my order to the CE), and it redeemed successfully and gave me a different PSN code. This one worked on Sony's website and said it was for Final Fantasy XIV Early Access.

I now have two copies of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn listed on my Sq-Ex members page. :lol:

All's well that ends well, I guess. If the site won't give you a different PSN code and you're stuck with the invalid one, I guess your options are to open a support ticket with Square-Enix, or just preorder the game from Amazon, get a new early access code, and then cancel that preorder. :/ Good luck.

Queues are ok, its the login restrictions/character creation issues that i worry (although this is vague, idk if this means a restriction on how long you can log on, how many times you can log in, or just preventing new chars from logging in?)

then again I am just whining a bit
I noticed. :D

I read it as restrictions on new character creation (which doesn't affect us) or number of login attempts. I don't think it would make sense to just shut it down entirely, though I guess it could be that.

So I just redeemed my code again and got a second code (somehow this worked)

its a ps3 code, is there a place i can enter that on my pc ?

Is that only for the download ?

Or to link early access to my beta acount ?
It for sure will let you download the client, if you don't already have it from the beta. It's possible that entering the code on Square's website is what flags your account for early access and the bonus items, and the PSN code is only if you need to download the client. Or the PSN code might have something to do with allowing you into the early access and giving you the items. I would definitely redeem it on the PS3 just to be safe, even if you already have the client.

I just dont trust SE, and would rather enter the code directly into my ffxiv account first, and then link it to my ps3 later.

The thought of entering the code into my psn account, and hoping it somehow ends up on my account worries me.

then again you might be right

Last thing and im done

Is there a way to check the characters on your psn account (for ffxiv) while the server is offline ?

(ie to make sure everythings done correctly)

Last thing and im done

Is there a way to check the characters on your psn account (for ffxiv) while the server is offline ?

(ie to make sure everythings done correctly)
I don't think so, unfortunately. In order to get to the characters the server would need to be up.

So the preorder site is working now, apparently. I tried redeeming the code I already redeemed yesterday, which gave me the invalid PSN code, and it gave me Error 3 again, maybe because that code had already been redeemed.

Tried the second code I had from Amazon (they sent me two, one when I preordered the vanilla game and another one when I changed my order to the CE), and it redeemed successfully and gave me a different PSN code. This one worked on Sony's website and said it was for Final Fantasy XIV Early Access.

I now have two copies of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn listed on my Sq-Ex members page. :lol:

All's well that ends well, I guess. If the site won't give you a different PSN code and you're stuck with the invalid one, I guess your options are to open a support ticket with Square-Enix, or just preorder the game from Amazon, get a new early access code, and then cancel that preorder. :/ Good luck.
I actually had another EA code from where I changed from the collectors edition. I redeemed that on the site and it gave me a NA code to use on PSN. The code didn't prompt me to download anything and it was successfully redeemed. Checking on the SE site it know shows I have 2 FF14s registered.

I already have the open beta client downloaded which might be why nothing was prompted to download.

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I actually had another EA code from where I changed from the collectors edition. I redeemed that on the site and it gave me a NA code to use on PSN. The code didn't prompt me to download anything and it was successfully redeemed. Checking on the SE site it know shows I have 2 FF14s registered.

I already have the open beta client downloaded which might be why nothing was prompted to download.
Sounds like we are in the exact same boat. I feel pretty confident about early access being sorted out at this point. I don't think I'll be able to fully relax until I have my CE items though. :lol: Hopefully that doesn't turn into another nightmare.

Sounds like we are in the exact same boat. I feel pretty confident about early access being sorted out at this point. I don't think I'll be able to fully relax until I have my CE items though. :lol: Hopefully that doesn't turn into another nightmare.
You're not expecting to get those before the 27th, right?

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I really hope amazon ships my game out soon, I'd rather not have to wait long after XIV comes out to actually play.

bread's done