General Gaming Thread ∞

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[quote name='zewone']Uncharted 2's first half wins, but it falls apart hard in the second half.[/QUOTE]To improve the 2nd half of U2, they shoulda done this.
Oh man, I didn't even realize that P3: Portable has been out in Japan for a week now. I really, really hope Atlus does a quick localization.

GOTY 2009. :cry:
Valkyria Chronicles 2 demo is up in the Japanese PSN Store.

It's super short, but pretty cool how they got they same look and feel of the first into a portable version.
I still need to finish the first Valkyria Chronicles... Hopefully I get around to it before that comes out.

Is there some option I need to turn off to show my achievements again? My sig is telling me I have privacy enabled... but I can't recall ever checking a box for that.
[quote name='seanr1221']EA guy: "Well...our profits are down...bring in DMK!"

DMK: "Ok guys, start cutting those corners. Drop HD, no one wants it! Too much lag on the LCD tvs anyway. Oh, and let's figure out how many people will pirate, rent and buy a used copy of our game, and cut the costs down based on that. Now, this extra R&D will cost money, so make sure to take more money for that.

Oh, and shoehorn multiplayer in, that will keep the pirates away!...I think. Yea, creating a multiplayer mode will cost more money...but you gotta spend it to make it, people!"

EA guy: "You saved EA, DMK! Here, have an SD tv on the house!"[/QUOTE]
Bravo, my good man.

[quote name='dallow']So glad Inazuma Eleven is being localized to English.
That completes the trifecta of RPGs I wanted to play but had small hope of them being localized. (7th dragon and 3D Dot Heroes being the others)[/QUOTE]
!!! I'd ask where you heard this, but I'm just going to assume the answer is GAF and just go check there. I was 100% sure this game would never come to America.

Edit: Wait, is it only coming to Europe? Importable, yes, but that blows.
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[quote name='DarkNessBear']Batman AA was totally awesome. Right up there with Uncharted as my GOTY. How hard is the hard mode though? Is it worth the play through?[/QUOTE]

If you decide to play through again, sure. Mainly, it removes the visual cues for incoming attacks and you take a lot more damage so you have to be good at combat. But overall, I wouldn't say it was that hard... I've only played through fully once, and it was on hard.
[quote name='gunm']Ooooh, they took out the infinite spawns? Great! Getting grenaded every couple of seconds in the first MW (on the harder difficulties) was such a soul killer for me... :p[/QUOTE]

MW was nothing compared to WAW in terms of grenade spam. WAW on veteran was basically "raining 'nades". There'd be one to two guys at a spot, you could pop out, shoot one, and the remaining guy would somehow throw 7 grenades your way.
Morning GGT, I'm really tempted to get MW2 from Amazon, but I've not played through the single player campaign of the first one.

Am I going to ruin anything storyline line wise by playing MW2 before the first one ?

EDIT - Sounds like it follows right after the first one, I think I'll leave it for now.
Wow, Phantasy Star Zero is a day away and I'm hearing absolutely zero buzz bout it.

I'm almost a little concerned that it's gotten delayed or something there's so little talk about it.
I'm not sure how much I'll play the multiplayer, I'm not that into online FPS's as I tend to suck at them.

I'm all over the place on this but I think I'll leave it, I've got more than enough games at the mo and I've got AC2 coming next week.

EDIT - What the hell is going on with these posts jumping into the future!!
Just finished up Dragon Age. It was pretty fun and I can't wait to play again. Just hope I don't run into bug with Leliana again. I missed out on get an achievement because of it. And the "new game+" is pretty pointless as well since you can only visit the DLC areas.
^ wow that sucks.

But how much gameplay hours did you spend playing the whole story game?
Because i was thinking about getting this game.
[quote name='mykevermin']You're concerned about the plot of an FPS?

The Occident kicks everyone else's ass ever.

Have you ever played the COD4 campaign? It's actually really good. A lot of people are buying MW2 strictly for the campaign. I can't remember the stats exactly, but I was pretty blown away at the number of people who bought COD4 and never touched the multiplayer.
NSMB Wii has way too much waggle. Its absurd that they wont let you use normal control methods to play it. This entire setup could be played to the T on a sixaxis other then the speaker sounds in the controller. 6 out of 10.
[quote name='Count']^ wow that sucks.

But how much gameplay hours did you spend playing the whole story game?
Because i was thinking about getting this game.[/QUOTE]
Well it's better then ME atleast. In ME if you got past a certain point you wouldn't be able to play any of the DLC.

I'd say it took me around 50-60 hours. But I'm sure you could finish alot faster if you skipped side quests.
[quote name='mykevermin']You're concerned about the plot of an FPS?

The Occident kicks everyone else's ass ever.

That's pretty short sighted to not give the game credit just because of the type of game it is.

I thought MW1 and 2's story were very entertaining and it would have ruined some of the experience to know some of the plot twists.
[quote name='dallow']Blitz: You can't use dpad + a and b buttons?!

maklershed: No problem! Plat is easy in this game.[/QUOTE]

You do use them, but theres useless tilt portions that have 0 benefit (i prefer the old weight method 100x more), and to spin around and attack, you have to waggle, same to fly in the air with the propellers. Its ridiculous and totally put in there as a "waggle is cool" feature rather then adding to the gameplay. Oh yah, to pick up frozen blocks and POW blocks, you need to WAGGLE right next to them. Its the only way to pick them up.

Some idiotic design decisions. No gamecube controller support either. So you have to play the way they want you to.
[quote name='blitz6speed']NSMB Wii has way too much waggle. Its absurd that they wont let you use normal control methods to play it. This entire setup could be played to the T on a sixaxis other then the speaker sounds in the controller. 6 out of 10.[/QUOTE]

Are people really still complaining about the Wii? I thought by now they would have realized that nobody gives a shit and moved onto to complaining about something else.

Like cactuses...and how they're too prickly.
[quote name='blitz6speed']*words about waggle controls in a 2d platformer*

Some idiotic design decisions. No gamecube controller support either. So you have to play the way they want you to.[/QUOTE]

Thank god I read this before I got my $20 MW2 credit. Bravo Nintendo, bravo. Continue to ruin games. At least your old games will always be good even if most of your new ones suck donkey dick.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The new Rabbids Go Home seems like the Wii game to get this fall from the Giant Bomb Quick Look, if I feel the need to get one.[/QUOTE]

I'll be picking it up this week along with Phantasy Star Zero (And using that Target coupon along the way.)
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The new Rabbids Go Home seems like the Wii game to get this fall from the Giant Bomb Quick Look, if I feel the need to get one.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I'm actually pretty surprised by that. Sadly I'm a little addicted to Dragon Age right now so I'll probably skip it.
[quote name='The Crotch']...
They're still making Rabbid games?[/QUOTE]
Why would they stop? It seems that they bring in some money. The only shocking thing here is that this isn't a mini-game collection.
[quote name='KingBroly']I thought the Wii game to get this fall was New Super Mario Bros. Wii?[/QUOTE]

not anymore, apparently because of the control scheme forced upon you mentioned earlier in this thread.
[quote name='The Crotch']The complaints are about waggle, not the sideways control.
Cacti kick ass.[/QUOTE]

It sounded like he was saying you had to use waggle/tilt even when using the wiimote sideways?
[quote name='blader16']Just picked up MGS4, hopefully it lives up to its legacy.[/QUOTE]

Prepare for disappointment.

It *might* be my least favorite Metal Gear Solid, all things considered (and Portable Ops excluded)
NBA Live 10 is $39.98 on Amazon right now. I'm so tempted to buy it at that price, but hate to buy it since I'm already making too many game purchases, lol.

I'm also tempted to buy Modern Warfare 2 for $60 on Amazon (getting $20 credit to use towards another game). Also got a $5 off of Wii game coupon at Costco (would get KoF: The Orochi Saga for $15 - $5).
Dead Space was an awesome, awesome game. Too bad it's only good for one playthrough, or two if you're going for Platinum/1000g (Glitches benefit you very in attempting to do either).

It's nice to see that the RE5 Director's Cut content is going to be DLC. All Capcom needs to do is make a $10 bundle with the Versus DLC because no one's going to buy it.
I was considering getting Fallout 3 GOTY for PC, and decided to see what mods are available, when I stumbled upon the dark side of PC game modding.



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's some shameful shit there
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