GGT 284 celebrates the announcement of Project Diva f for the Vita

Unlockable costume in Dead Rising 3 for beating the game!



Yeah, definitely understandable why he is raging, but funny nonetheless!
Damn that looks awesome

gunnm, you gonna get a xbone now,? or you going to wait for for infaune's spin-off remake in 201x?

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the date has no be determined yet for infaunes spinoff megan series, that is why i typed 201X, the X mean it could be in 2013 or 2019.

AWD might be the way to go for me...will be looking after launch and Holidays. I want dat XBox Fitness hnnnggg....
might as well till next year, micro$oft will def release a version without kinect. THey will do another 180, since they always listen to the feedback of their "fans".

Saw that Games for Gold is coming to Xbox One which means both systems will have free games for paying members, can't complaing about that!

I can't find the original thread, but this one aggregates the issues that have been reported.
Wow, that's pretty crazy. Wonder how much of that stuff we will hear over the weekend then.

Link looks terrible in that game
He looks like the classic drawn link they always had in promos and stuff, so it looks very fitting for the game. I have to get an XBone. LOLZ...jus playin :rofl:
Dead Rising does look pretty sweet though, you know you want to play it! :p

AWD might be the way to go for me...will be looking after launch and Holidays. I want dat XBox Fitness hnnnggg....
I'll let you know how that is since you keep mentioning that you want it

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I'm still debating launch games, I'm thinking B2G1 free with Injustice, Killzone and I dunno about a third title-ACIV? Lego Marvel, NBA Cause it looks awesome but I don't care about Basketball? I dunno...

The Real Mega Buster from Dead Rising is one of the best unlockables ever.

This console launch is just making me feel old, which I know is silly because I'm younger than most people here i think (22). When the 360 came out, I was (I believe) a freshmen in high school, and now I'm 6 months out of college. I know people are often wary of buying into consoles at launch because of the problems that come with it (see: PS4), but there's something great about being part of that early community. I got my 360 for Christmas 2006, but even then, approaching the height of my gaming geekdom (which definitely fell off through college, just look at how less-often I post here), i felt like I knew every 360 and XBLA game available. Whenever ANYTHING was released, good or bad or even ridiculous peripheral (remember that arcade joystick controller that looked like it wanted you dead?), it felt like such an event. After a few years, though, it just becomes overwhelming and there is such a constant stream of games coming out, from AAA to Jer quality, that nothing really even registers outside of terrible flops, groundbreaking revolutions, or innovative niche stuff.

A lot of great memories of that early console gen,though. I spent the whole Christmas break of 06 playing Dead Rising and Gears of War with one of my best friends from high school, who I've seen once in the past 4 years. I went to three different early-AM store openings trying to find my brother (who was like, God, in the 5th or 6th grade? He's a junior in high school now) a Wii the year it launched. I bought my PS3 using frowned-upon spoils of the WIndows Live Club the night before I took my SATs and stayed up all night playing MGS4.

Not really going anywhere with this, just feeling nostalgiac I guess. I hope something comes along to recapture my interest in gaming because ugh, in middle/high school I was so insanely passionate for gaming that I thought I'd never "grow out of it", but that really does seem to be more and more true every year. The only games really calling to me right now (besides GTA and Pokemon, which I've been loving) are Blacklist and 3D World.

Gaming is dead.

The Real Mega Buster from Dead Rising is one of the best unlockables ever.

This console launch is just making me feel old, which I know is silly because I'm younger than most people here i think (22). When the 360 came out, I was (I believe) a freshmen in high school, and now I'm 6 months out of college. I know people are often wary of buying into consoles at launch because of the problems that come with it (see: PS4), but there's something great about being part of that early community. I got my 360 for Christmas 2006, but even then, approaching the height of my gaming geekdom (which definitely fell off through college, just look at how less-often I post here), i felt like I knew every 360 and XBLA game available. Whenever ANYTHING was released, good or bad or even ridiculous peripheral (remember that arcade joystick controller that looked like it wanted you dead?), it felt like such an event. After a few years, though, it just becomes overwhelming and there is such a constant stream of games coming out, from AAA to Jer quality, that nothing really even registers outside of terrible flops, groundbreaking revolutions, or innovative niche stuff.

A lot of great memories of that early console gen,though. I spent the whole Christmas break of 06 playing Dead Rising and Gears of War with one of my best friends from high school, who I've seen once in the past 4 years. I went to three different early-AM store openings trying to find my brother (who was like, God, in the 5th or 6th grade? He's a junior in high school now) a Wii the year it launched. I bought my PS3 using frowned-upon spoils of the WIndows Live Club the night before I took my SATs and stayed up all night playing MGS4.

Not really going anywhere with this, just feeling nostalgiac I guess. I hope something comes along to recapture my interest in gaming because ugh, in middle/high school I was so insanely passionate for gaming that I thought I'd never "grow out of it", but that really does seem to be more and more true every year. The only games really calling to me right now (besides GTA and Pokemon, which I've been loving) are Blacklist and 3D World.
I'm 21 and I agree with all of this (except the last part haha, I still love gaming now :p) there's definitely something special to picking up a console at launch, you get to go through the whole process and all of the problems and good things as well! See how the system evolves firsthand since you'll have it for the whole ride!

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bread's done