GGT 326 Continues 2 B About Things U Don't Care About

Just because it's in purple, doesn't mean I said it. Only if it's NOT in purple, does it mean I did NOT say it.


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But if it IS in purple, then there is a greater chance that you did say it, and not anybody else!


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tom is like yoda and mo can be Hayden


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You don't think he does 1) post more in here than anybody else, or 2) have signatures and member titles and avatars, or 3) know how to do it?
Well let's see 1) He talks to himself so this is true, 2) We mostly all have this, 3) This was the one I was mainly referring to in this post.

You can try to hold out until they do a BOGO.

I mean, it's really buy one hero and get a random box, but it's still better than nothing. I popped a Spidey out of that after buying Scarlet Witch who is only like 400 (when Spidey is one of the most expensive at like 1350).

Since you have two heroes, it would probably be best just to play those for now since you'll end up at least getting a couple random boxes from the ES that you'll make and hopefully get more heroes out of that. Unless there is someone that you just really want or unless you want to spend it on costumes cuz while that BOGO works on costumes too, it's way more random since there's a shit ton of them.

Also, the last sale was like just last month so it'll probably be a while until the next one.

Another stash tab would probably be useful too. Preferably general over crafting (or both).
Good point. I shall try to hold out. I mainly just want the Superior Spidey (because of CDB) and Marvel now Moon Knight for costumes and Star Lord and Venom for characters. I tried playing Spidey, but the Drake Bell voice got really grating really fast.
Oh you're right, that's totally him. I didn't know they did that.

Don't tell me this.
Afraid you'll get a few? I'm thinking of going to target tomorrow to get some games to flip towards a couple more cards just so I can get Venom and Star Lord when they drop.

I'll probably get at least one more card and then maybe I'll get a $10 eshop card.
I don't know.

I already have enough to get X-23 and Nova when they come out (even though I don't want fuckin Sam Alexander).

And I'm not really big on buying costumes.

Nova is to be this year. Marvel has been holding him back.

They've been working on X-23 on the side, so she's totally up in the air. They've already shown off three costumes for her though.
That's pretty sweet. Have they said what Venom's alts will be yet? I'm hoping for an agent Venom alt.
Al videoless song #1!!

Best one I could find on Youtube to link here, the other one has the douche who put it up promoting downloading the song in the comments.

I'd give you some of those 3/7 day trials I have but I'm pretty sure they don't activate sale prices last I heard :/
Thanks, but they won't work. I have a few of those too.

I did it, fuck it.
YAY! You should post pics when you get 'em.

I went out and flipped games from Target to get another Marvel Heroes card with my coupon. I feel ready for whatever I want now. I think I'll buy a costume.

bread's done