GGT #52 -- Thank you, but our princess is in another thread...

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I've never enjoyed using laptops. They just seem to be so finicky. That being said, I'd love to own a Mac laptop someday. Been playing alot of Crisis Core the last couple of days. It's really addictive.
[quote name='botticus']Yeah, mine has a Pentium 4 in it. Like a desktop-grade P4. I'm no stranger to overheating.[/QUOTE]

yep. At some point right after I bought it, I had it sitting on my bed-- 30 minutes later, it's dead. It was still in warranty luckily. I learned a nice lesson about overheating that day :lol:

Speaking of loud, hot electronics, my new 360 should be here tomorrow. NG2 and Ikaruga, here I come.

before any of you ask, I DON'T KNOW, I LOST COUNT. :lol:
How many i... oh, never mind.

Planning on keeping this one or just until you're done with NG2? I'm thinking about investigating the quieter, cooler, more reliable 360s once that DRM tool hits in June.
[quote name='daroga']How many i... oh, never mind.

Planning on keeping this one or just until you're done with NG2? I'm thinking about investigating the quieter, cooler, more reliable 360s once that DRM tool hits in June.[/QUOTE]

It all depends on how into NG2 I get, I guess. I'm still heavily into the first one, so who knows...
[quote name='Apossum']It all depends on how into NG2 I get, I guess. I'm still heavily into the first one, so who knows...[/QUOTE]

So when you sell this, what's the next game you'll buy a 360 for? I'm guessing Too Human, if it gets a lot of hype.
[quote name='daroga']It's not out yet, is it? I needs that stuff![/quote]

It's out in Japan. Good stuff indeed.

I can't get past the fun of T-Hunt on Rainbow Six Vegas 2 to start anything else.
[quote name='Chacrana']So when you sell this, what's the next game you'll buy a 360 for? I'm guessing Too Human, if it gets a lot of hype.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I'll still have this one when that game comes out. I don't think that'll be any good though.
[quote name='Apossum']Oh, I'll still have this one when that game comes out. I don't think that'll be any good though.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I dunno about that right now... Too Human's like... it sounds cool, but Dennis Dyack is a cunt, so it could go either way.
I think Too Human is going to flop in many aspects. Sales, reviews, marketing. The whole 9 yards.

I just beat the World Ends With You, which has an insanely hard boss fight, even on the default setting. I had to lower it to Easy to beat it -_-'. I feel like I cheated since it became retardedly easy by changing it to Easy from Normal.
Well, Beatmania IIDX 14 is finally out, so I ordered that along with the Nights: Into Dreams remake. Good shit, probably.

What's in Beatmania IIDX 14?

I'm still making my way through GTA 4. 35 hours in and around 40% complete. Not sure how many story missions I have left, but I just unlocked the last island and I still have 3 or 4 contacts on my map that I haven't even started a mission for yet.

This game is going to take me a long time.
[quote name='MarkMan']In game XMB for PS3s will be implemented with firmware 2.40 (due out soon). It will have more features than expected![/QUOTE]Yeah, I heard it over and over again, from sources of mine.
[quote name='KingBroly']I think Too Human is going to flop in many aspects. Sales, reviews, marketing. The whole 9 yards.[/quote]

I have exam tomorrow...

BIG exam...

but I feel like I'll prolly jus play games all day X_X

I donno how to get smarter than I already am o_O
2.40 will make me play PS3 everyday.

On the laptop subject: I was PC exclusive for 17 years and got a Macbook this January. What Macbook brings to the table destroys any Windows based laptop. The only way your getting a PC laptop better then a Macbook is if you are shelling out serious dough.

If games isn't your thing Macbook is worth every penny.
So summer school starts on monday, so I think I'm going to start a game and play it from start to finish before school starts. Only problem is, I don't know what to play :\
I always miss the morning crowd...

I was asleep all day and missed 4 calls. apparently I got called by some random girl i don't know saying she loves me in a country song... really random especially since it's country in miami.
Good news about 2.4 Firmware for PS3.

Is it bad I want the blue "Madden" PSP? Pre-orders are up @ amazon. Sooo tempted. My only justification is that I could give the PSP I already have to the kiddies. :p

Edit: RR--is she cute?
[quote name='gunm']Good news about 2.4 Firmware for PS3.

Is it bad I want the blue "Madden" PSP? Pre-orders are up @ amazon. Sooo tempted. My only justification is that I could give the PSP I already have to the kiddies. :p

Edit: RR--is she cute?[/quote]

It looks nice. Is there a graphic on the back or something to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Madden?
lol, I dunno--I hope it's just blue as the graphic might be cheesy. I will try to look it up now.

Edit: looks like it's just a limited color, no graphic. Even more tempting to me now.
so for laptops if i can afford it i guess i'll go with an xps or a mac
now i just need to find out how much my parents are willing to spend :lol:

on a sidenote damn graduation
horrible timing since im gonna miss the laker game and lost >
[quote name='Nelo Ice']so for laptops if i can afford it i guess i'll go with an xps or a mac
now i just need to find out how much my parents are willing to spend :lol:

on a sidenote damn graduation
horrible timing since im gonna miss the laker game and lost >
[quote name='nyprimus4']No DVR/Tivo?

Go to a Dell store near you and go to the Apple Store. Play around with the laptops and make the sales rep there sell it to you. (pun intended)[/quote]

nope dont have a dvr or tivo
and hmm guess i'll go try that that when i visit the bay area again since they have an apple store and maybe a dell store

also im considering a mac since ive heard like all good things about em and im sick of my computer freezing 4-5 times at startup before its stable then freezing when i watch a video or usually at any random time
[quote name='nyprimus4']2.40 will make me play PS3 everyday.

On the laptop subject: I was PC exclusive for 17 years and got a Macbook this January. What Macbook brings to the table destroys any Windows based laptop. The only way your getting a PC laptop better then a Macbook is if you are shelling out serious dough.

If games isn't your thing Macbook is worth every penny.[/QUOTE]

Soo... exactly what is it that destroys Windows? I always hear that, but I've never heard any specifics except that "it's great... unless you wanna play games." Which doesn't sound like destruction by any means.
[quote name='Nelo Ice']nope dont have a dvr or tivo
and hmm guess i'll go try that that when i visit the bay area again since they have an apple store and maybe a dell store

also im considering a mac since ive heard like all good things about em and im sick of my computer freezing 4-5 times at startup before its stable then freezing when i watch a video or usually at any random time[/quote]Wow, the Mac probably wouldn't do that, but a PC shouldn't either. That sounds like a physical hardware problem, or you just need to get to formatting that sucker.
[quote name='daroga']Wow, the Mac probably wouldn't do that, but a PC shouldn't either. That sounds like a physical hardware problem, or you just need to get to formatting that sucker.[/quote]

the sad thing is ive done all that
i reformatted the comp and changed the power supply
at this point im thinking its the graphics card now but id rather spend the money to get a new comp instead of using this POS
[quote name='Nelo Ice']nope dont have a dvr or tivo
and hmm guess i'll go try that that when i visit the bay area again since they have an apple store and maybe a dell store

also im considering a mac since ive heard like all good things about em and im sick of my computer freezing 4-5 times at startup before its stable then freezing when i watch a video or usually at any random time[/QUOTE]

I see macs are pretty much the same as PCs IMHO. I used Macs so much over the past year I have noticed alot of the shortcomings and good things about them. IMHO only go mac if you aren't a power user or person who likes to customize the hell outa everything or likes to have a program for every little thingy.

I only use macs now for some video editing stuff, but in reallity I really don't need to. And yes, macs freeze. I can't tell you how many times I've had it happen to me.

take note, that I do alot of video processing stuff on macs for editing and filmaking so I may be doing more on them than the average mac user.
well im more comfortable with windows and i like how u can customize and how most things i use are for windows

i dunno anymore i just want a stable computer damnit!
[quote name='Chacrana']Soo... exactly what is it that destroys Windows? I always hear that, but I've never heard any specifics except that "it's great... unless you wanna play games." Which doesn't sound like destruction by any means.[/quote]
It really is a you have to own it type thing. It is really intuitive, everything is really streamlined and has a cool way to access it. And Mac OS X Leopard is just stable. No freezing ever, no viruses, and it is as fast today as it was when I bought it 5-6 months ago.
[quote name='nyprimus4']It really is a you have to own it type thing. It is really intuitive, everything is really streamlined and has a cool way to access it. And Mac OS X Leopard is just stable. No freezing ever, no viruses, and it is as fast today as it was when I bought it 5-6 months ago.[/QUOTE] i freak because my PC is running just as well as your mac or what?

btw, your mac will freeze when you try to do too many things at once, just like XP. In my experience, they are just as susceptible when it comes to audio/video processing and intense things.
It seems that Apple knows how to make an OS well from the get go. Microsoft gets there eventually.

XP is amazingly rock solid at this point. Vista's alright, but it's got some issues, more just things that annoy me. ;)
whew, the PC I built for my dad powered up and installed XP on the first try.
I wasn't so lucky when I built my own. :lol:

any GGTers pick up LP:Colonies or am i the only cool one here?
[quote name='Apossum']whew, the PC I built for my dad powered up and installed XP on the first try.
I wasn't so lucky when I built my own. :lol:

any GGTers pick up LP:Colonies or am i the only cool one here?[/quote]

i was gonna get it but target yet again didnt have it in stock
i refuse to pay $30 when i can get it for $20! :lol:
Beat Mario World! Such a solid game. They need to get on putting Yoshi's Island out on the VC. And Sonic & Knuckles.

Debating if I should play Mario 2 or not. I've never beaten it, and I don't really like it. It seems like I should, but I'm pretty sure I just answered my own question there. ;)
[quote name='whoknows']I never really liked it either. I say skip it and play the real Mario 2 if you need to play a Mario 2.[/quote]I would, but the Famicom version is such a glitch mess. As if it wasn't hard enough, but when the koopa you need to spawn to make a jump doesn't, it kinda ruins it.

If I could get at the All-Stars version of it, and have save-after-every-level (rather than just every world) ability, I might do that.

Might be on to the Game Boy games! I love the first Mario Land :) It's so crazy.
I love all the GB mario games including the wario ones... the rabbit ears were damn hella cool


and yeah, I fucking hate vista with a passion. xp is the way to ex-be
I'll get to Wario Land. None of them are that long. The first one especially. It's like 45 minutes tops. Like Kirby's Dream Land. Another amazingly awesome game. :)
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I love all the GB mario games including the wario ones... the rabbit ears were damn hella cool


and yeah, I fucking hate vista with a passion. xp is the way to ex-be[/quote]

Bunny ears rock! But not as much as Kuriboh's shoe. Also, why the vista hate? I'm using now (My old lappy died), and with Office XP, it works okay.
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