I really hate this OTT.

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[quote name='manthing']I sure the fuck am.

The past week convinced me to keep my iPhone around as an iPod once I get the fuck away from the Apple/ATT bullshit.

I'm gone as soon as the HTC Incredible or Desire shows up on AT&T or Verizon. Rumour has it the Incredible might go on sale 4/29 (you told me that), so we'll see.

On the second note, doesn't the iPhone revert to that bullshit "emergency calls only" bs if you're not on an activated number?
You know whats funny, even my cheap little Nokia smart phone can multitask. Apple on the other ahnd feels like the ability to do more than one thing at a time is some new feature everyone should be excited about. That's so stupid it hurts.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Hipsters aren't emo, man.
I hear that, but the promenade is full of the ATL emo tweens who marta it down to see the cool movie from/in the creative loafing and then there are the Tech douchies. Tara is cool all around.
I once saw this kid in the mall near here, he looked like he had come out of some cheesy 80s movie. Was dressed in mostly denim, had pink hair and some heavy metal hair band t-shirt on.
[quote name='joe2187']Got me a Motorola Droid!...

It's sweet. Amazon is slawesome.[/QUOTE]

It's quite the nice phone, espcially since they fixed the sync issue and my battery lasts more than 20 minutes.
[quote name='senorwoohoo']Only thing I give a bitch: A fucking orgasm.[/QUOTE]
Yer one of those romantic types, aren't ya?
[quote name='Number83']Dayumn...how many weeks vacation do you get?!?![/QUOTE]

[quote name='corrosivefrost']He works for the state...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='h3llbring3r']Miracles video is sublime- Shaggy is so spiritual.[/QUOTE]

... and shit
GoW3 rumors are starting up...

According to Edge-Online's unnamed source, the following new gameplay features will be added to the as-yet-unannounced sequel Gears of War III.

  • Underwater missions.
  • Mech suits that can be used offensively and defensively
  • COG explosives that travel underground to take out enemy cover spots.
  • Locust enemies with tentacles that extend to player cover spots.
According to the rumor, all of the new wrinkles in the Gears of War universe will be available in both single and multiplayer modes.
The above story is simply rumor, so keep that in mind, but if seems like at least a realistic direction for the series to go. Ordinarily, I hate almost all underwater levels, but I have a feeling that if Gears III does have beneath-the-sea sections, Epic will have re-imagined how that sort of combat can work in a game, much like they did with above-water combat in the first two games. There are a lot of unexplored possibilities, no doubt. Plus, given how Gears II ended, with the sinking of the last human city, it makes sense.
Using computer technology and various Eastern fortune telling devices, TheFeed has concluded that this rumor is 70 percent likely to be true.
Source: Edge-Online

I'm 99.9% sure that this is what Cliff B. is going to announce on Jimmy Fallon on Monday...which BTW is a really weird place to make an announcement. I probably won't even DVR it, I'll check out the clips on Hulu on Tuesday.
That shit better be fake. That shit sounds really fucking stupid. The problem with Gears 2 is that it added too much shit. Instead of being stupid and trying to add more explosions and shit they should strip the game back down and make it the excellently executed yet highly simplistic shooter that it was.
It's great when I get into constant arguments with my parents about if/when I get a job how we are going to afford me moving there and getting a place to live, etc.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Yeah, I pray that it is indeed just a rumor. I hate any underwater levels in any game.[/QUOTE]

So you hated this game and this one:

56K warning
[quote name='seanr1221']LP, is your avatar two stick figures hugging?[/QUOTE]


Now I'll never be able to unsee that, just like the Bomberman Big Daddy from Bioshock 2.


It's just an eclipse and some power lines.
woohoo - ever listen to Attention Deficit disorder by Whale? I got it awhile ago but just started listening to it recently and its unbelievably awesome.
[quote name='Eviltude']I've never really watched Bones before a few days ago, but this is a pretty good show.[/QUOTE]

Emily Deschanel is super yummy too :drool:
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Emily Deschanel is super yummy too :drool:[/QUOTE]

I didn't even know she was a Deschanel. That just blew my mind.
[quote name='Eviltude']I didn't even know she was a Deschanel. That just blew my mind.[/QUOTE]

Yup....Zooey was a special guest in one of the episodes this Season.
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