Japanese Niche Games Deals Thread: Atlus, NISA, Aksys, XSeed and More!

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2 (100%)
The following thread are for niche-based Japanese video games by smaller companies such as Atlus, NIS America, AKSYS, XSEED, D3 Publisher, KOEI/TECMO, SNK Playmore, Ignition, Natsume or any sweet deals for those who are passionate and hardcore about Japanese video games even from the bigger companies like SquareEnix, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.

But to avoid any messiness of links everywhere, we'll focus on games within the last 2-3 years as opposed to the last five-ten. [although, if you do see older titles on sale, please post them regardless].

The theme of these deals are Japanese video games distributed in the US by the smaller niche companies. The thread is literally for those who love Japanese games.
There will be a few Korean games that you may see on this list, such as the "DJ Max" games.

If you see a deal, please post!

NOTE: Please check the most recent page for the latest deals.

And I want to thank many of you in advance who submit their deals and their support!!!
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I strongly agree. I would play this over any NIS or even Atlus games. I'd even take it a step further and say that for me personally, nice graphics are integral to the JRPG experience, and that I'd rather play Infinite Undiscovery than better-received but homelier-looking games like Xenoblade.
Agree. Xenoblade looked so bad that I got rid of it after playing only 5 hours. I hate those ugly Wii SD graphics.

To the discussion going on right now, I LOVED Infinite Undiscovery. One of my favorite stories of all time in games and enjoyed the combat. But also! I know this isn't a niche Japanese game, but I'm selling Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn download code for PC right now. I'll also trade it for a JRPG that I don't already have. So, if interested, message me or reply to this comment! Thanks! :D

Nice surprise today, my copy of Project Diva F arrived early so hopefully get to play it some over the Labor Day weekend!  Be curious how the game sells for Sega.

Not like there'd be any point in pre-ordering it. The CE for XIII-2 dropped faster than children down a flight of stairs. I was less than pleased I got in on that at Day 1.
It's times like these, I think people should just take the easy route and say, "it dropped fast" rather than putting themselves on the spot and having trying to come up with clever analogies. fuckin' hell man.

The possibility of Project Diva F becoming a rarity kinda makes me want to pick it up. I'm usually into most niche Japanese titles, but I don't care for J-Pop stuff. I hate when they inject it randomly into my JRPGs. Agarest War 2 was bad enough without the pop concert cinematics. I'm thinking that maybe the gameplay will compensate for the theme... but I doubt I'd be able to tolerate it. Still... the collector bug is nippin' at me.

Stoked as hell for Aquapazza, too. Glad I waited on importing it.

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It's times like these, I think people should just take the easy route and say, "it dropped fast" rather than putting themselves on the spot and having trying to come up with clever analogies. fuckin' hell man.

The possibility of Project Diva F becoming a rarity kinda makes me want to pick it up. I'm usually into most niche Japanese titles, but I don't care for J-Pop stuff. I hate when they inject it into my RPGs and stuff. I'm thinking that maybe the gameplay will compensate for the theme... but I doubt I'd be able to tolerate it. Still... the collector bug is nippin' at me.
Basically comes down to when amazon will sell out. Gamestop sold out in days online and most B&M store didn't get more than 1 or 2 copies. I mean it is pretty uncommon for a game to be selling above retail price on ebay in less than one week.

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It's times like these, I think people should just take the easy route and say, "it dropped fast" rather than putting themselves on the spot and having trying to come up with clever analogies. fuckin' hell man.
Jealous, are we? Here, let me give you some more price-drop analogies (you can use these yourself):

That game ended up cheaper than a pre-op in Thailand.

That game now costs less than children in Africa.

That price dropped quicker than a really quick price drop.

You're welcome.

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Ordered and cancelled cheaper order at Newegg. So worth it for this edition!
Hate to have it happen to you, but the last 2 times I have pre-ordered from Newegg (Animal Crossing 3DS XL Bundle and a Limited Edition version of game I cannot remember) were never sent to me. The release date just came and went, and they never emailed me at all. I no longer pre-order from Newegg, or, in the case of the Wind Waker Wii U Bundle, I am pre-ordering from Newegg and Gamestop with the intention of returning the Gamestop one (hopefully I get a Newegg shipment email before the Gamestop one so I can cancel it!). Amazon has not let me down yet.

Probably almost no one will be interested in this, but the English version of Vanguard Princess is currently $2.49 on Amazon DRM-free.
Kind of curious at that price. Any opinion on the game?

Speaking of Amazon, I got my copy of Sweet Fuse. The little pre order bonus seems nice. Probably should play the game to understand the item.

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So after all of that, the only recommendations are Infinite Undiscovery and The Last Remnant for solid story-driving JRPGs?  Is the 360 library really that small?  =/

I own both of those already, as well as Star Ocean: The Last Hope, but have yet to dig into any of them.  Anything on xbla that would scratch that itch?

Not sure if I'm going to preorder. Muramasa Rebirth CE dropped on Amazon (took a month I think. someone with ccc check). It's $47.86 atm. Then again this is Ys and XSEED.

I don't even have a Vita and have a backlog :wall:
didnt the ys LE crash super fast on the psp

had an email buy 50 in gift cards get 10 back.... expires oct 31

might just use that promo to get this game for 50

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So after all of that, the only recommendations are Infinite Undiscovery and The Last Remnant for solid story-driving JRPGs? Is the 360 library really that small? =/

I own both of those already, as well as Star Ocean: The Last Hope, but have yet to dig into any of them. Anything on xbla that would scratch that itch?
I don't know if it's been recommended but Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vesperia are good 360 rpgs

So after all of that, the only recommendations are Infinite Undiscovery and The Last Remnant for solid story-driving JRPGs? Is the 360 library really that small? =/

I own both of those already, as well as Star Ocean: The Last Hope, but have yet to dig into any of them. Anything on xbla that would scratch that itch?
You said you own Vesperia, Lost Odyssey, & Blue Dragon already, right? Other than that there's stuff like Eternal Sonata, Resonance of Fate, & the Record of Agarest War series that's also on PS3. Magna Carta 2 would be another 360 only game.

You have to understand after 2009/10 MS stopped trying to get JRPG's on the system because they didn't sell enough & the companies realized they pissed off a lot of customers going to 360 first or exclusively so all the JRPG's after that became PS3 exclusives.

If you are online with your 360 then Breath of Death VII & Cthulu Saves The World in the Indie Game section are good, just beware Indie Games have online-only DRM. They did port 30 Second Hero to XBLA or there's that Faery game on there also.
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So after all of that, the only recommendations are Infinite Undiscovery and The Last Remnant for solid story-driving JRPGs? Is the 360 library really that small? =/

I own both of those already, as well as Star Ocean: The Last Hope, but have yet to dig into any of them. Anything on xbla that would scratch that itch?

Of those, here are your only good J-RPG options:

Tales of Vesperia



Lost Odyssey

Blue Dragon

Resonance of Fate


Ignore the opinion of anyone who liked Infinite Undiscovery.

Tales of Vesperia was amazing. Not as good as Symphonia, but I have a sneaky suspicion it is mostly because Symphonia for me was revolutionary (them rose tinted glasses). 

The tale games in general are great for people who like JRPGs but don't necessarily like the turn based system some of the more well known ones utilize. As a warning, Abyss was good, but I can't stand the whiny protagonist. 

Didn't read all, but 360  has a decent JRPG library.  was gonna mention magna carta2, eternal sonata and record of agarest war but I see that MSUHitman already did.  There are quite a bit exclusive worth playing.  

Literally almost all JRPGs on the 360 are now out-of-print, so if you want to buy them in New condition like me, then you better do it before the prices get too high. Even The Last Remnant has jumped in price lately.

If all you care about is getting the game in any condition, then you will not have a problem with any title, with Magnacarta 2 being the only possible exception.


Of those, here are your only good J-RPG options:

Tales of Vesperia



Lost Odyssey

Blue Dragon

Resonance of Fate


Ignore the opinion of anyone who liked Infinite Undiscovery.
That's mature. I'm glad I didn't listen to reviews for Undiscovery since I almost passed on it myself. Conversely, you recommend Vesperia with its too-cool-for-school protagonist and let's-throw-every-expletive-in-here NIER. No game is perfect - certainly not JRPGs.

It's funny how Ciffy asked for recommendations depite having Undiscovery and Remnant in his collection. That was the case for me too - I was looking to buy Atelier Totori during the PSN sale and decided to try my backlog first. Both games sat on my shelf unplayed for years. If you get around to trying them, Ciffy, please post your impressions. Remnant has a bit of a learning curve because the combat is strategic, but Undiscovery should be familiar to you if you've played Tales games or Star Ocesn.

That's mature. I'm glad I didn't listen to reviews for Undiscovery since I almost passed on it myself. Conversely, you recommend Vesperia with its too-cool-for-school protagonist and let's-throw-every-expletive-in-here NIER. No game is perfect - certainly not JRPGs.
I didn't like NIER myself, but it's worth a play-through, simply because it's a love-it-or-hate-it experience. Though it looks like your only problems with those two titles are that they're not targeted to your age-range. Do you have any valid complaints or are you just mad I called you out for your poor taste?

For example, with IU we could talk about how its graphics would be better experienced with blindfolds, the insipid, uninspired characters, the thoughtless plot, or the dull gameplay. Or I could cite my personal experience with the game, which was one hour in a college room with my friend where it was so terrible we couldn't even enjoy it by making fun of it. The experience is void of entertainment in any sense and if you could find some way to enjoy it, your time would be better spent staying as still as possible to preserve your few remaining brain cells left.

It wasn't that bad. I could name many ways why The Last Remnant was a lot worse. IU's combat was solid. Intuitive and simple. No overly complex learning curve. The graphics were not that bad. The plot was somewhat ridiculous, but I've played worse.

It didn't do anything great, but I don't think it did anything terrible either. One of Sakuraba's better recent soundtracks too, which have ben going down hill lately.

I didn't like NIER myself, but it's worth a play-through, simply because it's a love-it-or-hate-it experience. Though it looks like your only problems with those two titles are that they're not targeted to your age-range. Do you have any valid complaints or are you just mad I called you out for your poor taste?

For example, with IU we could talk about how its graphics would be better experienced with blindfolds, the insipid, uninspired characters, the thoughtless plot, or the dull gameplay. Or I could cite my personal experience with the game, which was one hour in a college room with my friend where it was so terrible we couldn't even enjoy it by making fun of it. The experience is void of entertainment in any sense and if you could find some way to enjoy it, your time would be better spent staying as still as possible to preserve your few remaining brain cells left.
You only played Infinite Undiscovery for an hour before you decided it was demon spawn? Almost every JRPG is dreck in their first hour. I thought I was debating the game's merits with someone who actually gave the game a fair shake. Well, about half a dozen people chimed in about their enjoyment with this underrated title, so if this is what being stupid is like, I'm off to bake my few remaining brain cells, as you eloquently put it.

You only played Infinite Undiscovery for an hour before you decided it was demon spawn? Almost every JRPG is dreck in their first hour. I thought I was debating the game's merits with someone who actually gave the game a fair shake. Well, about half a dozen people chimed in about their enjoyment with this underrated title, so if this is what being stupid is like, I'm off to bake my few remaining brain cells, as you eloquently put it.
You're right, I should have given it 100 hours before deciding I didn't like it. It's at hour 10 the game starts being playable, right? When do the graphics get better? Hour 5? The great character interactions must come in around hour 60?

You said you own Vesperia, Lost Odyssey, & Blue Dragon already, right? Other than that there's stuff like Eternal Sonata, Resonance of Fate, & the Record of Agarest War series that's also on PS3. Magna Carta 2 would be another 360 only game.

You have to understand after 2009/10 MS stopped trying to get JRPG's on the system because they didn't sell enough & the companies realized they pissed off a lot of customers going to 360 first or exclusively so all the JRPG's after that became PS3 exclusives.

If you are online with your 360 then Breath of Fire VII & Cthulu Saves The World in the Indie Game section are good, just beware Indie Games have online-only DRM. They did port 30 Second Hero to XBLA or there's that Faery game on there also.
I almost had a heart attack when I read "Breath of Fire VII" because I LOVE that series. But alas, you meant Breath of DEATH VII...

Thanks guys.  Been a helpful page or so of stuff to read through.  Main reason I haven't started IU or Last Remnant or Magna Carta 2 or Star Ocean yet (already own all of those) is because I'm trying to play / complete everything in my xbla backlog this year and I'm kind of a completionist when it comes to getting all of the achievements in the games I play.  I've already played and completed (story and achievements) Eternal Sonata, Nier, Vesperia, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Enchanted Arms, and Half Minute Hero.  Looks like I should look into Resonance of Fate and the Agarest War game / series if I want other titles as those are the only ones mentioned I don't either own or have played already.  Oh, and Breath of Death and Cthulu, but I might look for those on steam since I tend to stay away from the Indie games marketplace (because of the DRM and no achievements).

Also, Nier is the most depressing thing ever.  Just FYI if you haven't played it already. So sad.

Quick Question, is the KH 1.5 Remix artbook part of a "day-one edition" type of thing and will come with all first print games or was it an amazon exclusive?

Quick Question, is the KH 1.5 Remix artbook part of a "day-one edition" type of thing and will come with all first print games or was it an amazon exclusive?
Who knows? They claim it's limited, but that could mean all kinds of things. Best just preordering it now and hoping for the best or make your peace with maybe not getting it.

All pre-orders get it, so it's likely a day-one edition deal.
Given that it's KH and they've been milking the series like crazy, it'll probably be produced in ample supply. But whether or not it could be found for substantially less than MSRP is another story I suppose...

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Amazon has been out of the Limited Edition for a few days now. No clue what that means though.

Gamestop.com only mentions the art book as the pre-order bonus. Did it include the art book before in the description?

I guess you could pre-order it at GS B&M and go there on release day and just get one of the first copies they have w/ the art book...

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Amazon has been out of the Limited Edition for a few days now. No clue what that means though.
Gamestop.com only mentions the art book as the pre-order bonus. Did it include the art book before in the description?
there is a chance bestbuy might have it, with the limited artbook for release date editions.
I guess you could pre-order it at GS B&M and go there on release day and just get one of the first copies they have w/ the art book...
bestbuy still has it with the artbook preorder bonus.

link http://www.bestbuy.com/site/searchpage.jsp?_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&_dynSessConf=&id=pcat17071&type=page&sc=Global&cp=1&nrp=15&sp=&qp=&list=n&iht=y&usc=All+Categories&ks=960&fs=saas&saas=saas&st=kingdom+hearts
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