L4D - The Sacrifice by Oct 5 1&2 - Gen. Discussion & Info -

i don't have gold right now, but i get my first paycheck (hooray for 2 new jobs!!!) next friday and i'll be able to get gold, so in the meantime if you want to add me as well, do it. i'm ready to finally get in some playing minus AI.
So has anyone heard if Valve has any plans of clearing up the lag on these dedicated servers with a patch or anything within the next few weeks or they just going to leave it as is?
Well, for co-op campaign the lag is a non-issue if you host locally. For versus, no it has not been fixed yet because I believe the only available option is dedicated but I think valve is aware of it now when they'll fix it based on their track record for "taking awhile" to release things I don't expect anything soon.
[quote name='Capone127']So has anyone heard if Valve has any plans of clearing up the lag on these dedicated servers with a patch or anything within the next few weeks or they just going to leave it as is?[/QUOTE]

They patched the PC version earlier this week, so I'm guessing a 360 version would be in the works. It takes a bit longer to certify of course...
Well, I got three Avatar items so far. got the 10,000 Zombies Killed, All Campaigns Done and Saving Gnome Chompski (or how ever you say his name) I do need the two achievements for a versus game and scavenge game. Maybe a couple of us CAG's could get together and boost it?
[quote name='Salamando3000']If you're gonna boost wins, count me in. I've been trying to do it legitly, but it seems every vs round I'm winning in ends prematurely.[/QUOTE]

Yah I know how ya feel honestly. Seems like when our team is winning, they all quit out and there is no win at all. Sucks really. If they disconnect it should count as a win.
Online community is very much alive and well. I've only ran into a few idiots so far, and I played quite a bit the first week. Not so much this past week though, due to work/holiday.

If you want smart player to campaign/versus/realism with, add me to your friends list. That goes for everybody. I'm always up for a good game with people who listen if I get incapped. lol
[quote name='beach_BumX']How's the online community in this game? I'm planning on renewing my live account to play this.[/QUOTE]

Unless you're playing with friends or people from online (such as here), I would advise against anything else.

Playing the original with randoms was almost always unpleasant, and so far this has been more of the same for me. There might be a good game every once in a while, but overall it just isn't worth bothering with.
[quote name='Sharp Katana']Has anyone tried expert? Is it just me or does the AI stand around and wait to get clobbered by a hoard??[/QUOTE]

... why would you ever attempt expert with AI? o_O
[quote name='Sharp Katana']my friend had to leave, plus I've reach the finale with all AIs in L4D, but the AI seems worse in L4D2[/QUOTE]

yeah. it is. MUCH worse.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']Just got this after ordering on amazon thursday with FSSS shipping. That was fast. Going to hop on now. Anyone else want in?[/QUOTE]

What the hell? I used Prime and I am getting it today.

With that said, I'd be down for some games later tonight.
EPIC WIN I scored a minty copy of L4D2 for 30 bucks off CL today and looking to play with people. My gamertag is evildeadjedi007 so I might already be present on your friend's list.
[quote name='HydroX']yeah. it is. MUCH worse.[/QUOTE]

I still can't wrap my head around why the AI is such a huge step down. When I played the original alone, they could at least hold their own pretty well. I wouldn't dare attempt anything higher than normal with them now.

[quote name='jza1218']Hard Rain is hands down my favorite campaign. Quite epic.[/QUOTE]

Definitely mine as well, Dark Carnival second.
[quote name='DiscoDuck8k']I still can't wrap my head around why the AI is such a huge step down. When I played the original alone, they could at least hold their own pretty well. I wouldn't dare attempt anything higher than normal with them now.[/QUOTE]

I have a few ideas as to why...

1) Perhaps Valve intentionally gimped the AI. Maybe they thought it was too good, or they wanted more people to play through it online with others (insert conspiracy theory about how Microsoft wants to sell more memberships here).

2) With a relatively short development turnaround (they took one year for this game...consider how long we've been waiting for Half Life 2: Episode 3), they had to prioritize heavily. Since the game is a predominantly multi-player game, it wouldn't be all too unreasonable to bump AI of co-survivors to a lower priority, to the point where it may not have been worked on much at all. When you consider all of the other gameplay altering elements implemented (More zombies, three new special infected, rolling crescendo events), even L4D1's AI could have problems.
Just picked this game up this weekend. Really liking this game :). Online is fun and maybe I'm lucky but I've not run into any douches yet. Even wth the original left 4 dead I didn't have any problems with idiots like I usually run into with halo. Still if anyone is up for playing add me an we'll play sumtime. I've only finished the 1st campaign on normal though so don't expect too much from me lol
Although the AI is seriously stupid at times... they still seem to have amazing accuracy when it comes down to spotting and killing special infected from a thousand feet away. Especially in Versus mode.
[quote name='azngtlman']Although the AI is seriously stupid at times... they still seem to have amazing accuracy when it comes down to spotting and killing special infected from a thousand feet away. Especially in Versus mode.[/QUOTE]

at least one thing that is unchanged from the first
The thing about the AI is that there is no middle ground. Either they finding ways to shoot bullets up flights of stairs through 2 sets of doors for a head shot or standing right next to you wondering why you are dancing in the arms of charger.
[quote name='Soodmeg']The thing about the AI is that there is no middle ground. Either they finding ways to shoot bullets up flights of stairs through 2 sets of doors for a head shot or standing right next to you wondering why you are dancing in the arms of charger.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like a love ballad. *cue piano*
[quote name='n4styn4t3']anyone want to play some coop? i wanna bust through some achievements.[/QUOTE]

if you wanna add me, i'll definitely be up for some come this weekend when i finally have gold again.
I thought it was a fluke that the demo seemed a little harder, after getting the real deal yesterday pfft yeah AI partners aren't so good anymore which makes the game overall harder. I can't say i'm against that though. On normal last time around it was too easy and now the difficulty seems about right for a you against the world game.
Hey I wanna play some co op with some cags too. Maybe some VS or scavenge?? I'll be getting on at 10 PM Central time at the latest. Send me a friend request if you want to play.
I'm on the second part of the parish with AI on normal and it's pretty challenging. Though I guess I was going backwards since isn't Dead Center the first campaign?

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it goes Dead Center, Dark Carnival, Swamp Fever, Hard Rain, The Parish? I know the game doesn't rely on story much at all but since I never played L4D should I wait to play the rest of L4D2?
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I think the storyline order is Parish, Dead Center, Dark Carnival, Swamp Fever and Hard Rain. I'm also itching to get started on Expert runs with either my usual L4D crew (Ivan, Gala, Anex) or anyone else so if anyone is interested just send me a FR in the near future.
L4D2 Plot:

Like Left 4 Dead, the sequel involves the aftermath of an apocalyptic pandemic. There has been an outbreak of a rabies-like pathogen that causes infected humans to behave like zombies. The four survivors have to fight their way through the hordes of infected, using safehouses along the way to rest and recover, in order to reach extraction points. Left 4 Dead 2 is set in the Southern United States, starting in Savannah, Georgia and ending in New Orleans, Louisiana.[3][4] Left 4 Dead 2 introduces four new survivors, whose backstory is again provided through dialogue. Unlike the first game where there was no significant story development, Left 4 Dead 2 features a story arc.[7]
After climbing a hotel in Savannah to achieve rescue, the survivors find themselves abandoned by helicopters, and make their way to the local mall after hearing word of a second evacuation point there ("Dead Center"). The mall proves to be overrun, and the four use a stock car to bust out of the mall and travel towards New Orleans. Finding the highway completely blocked by wrecked vehicles, the four are forced to travel through a still-operating amusement park, and start a huge fireworks-and-lights show in order to attract the attention of a helicopter pilot ("Dark Carnival"). Though rescued, they find their pilot to have been infected, and are forced to kill him, causing the helicopter to crash into a bayou ("Swamp Fever"). Finding brief shelter in a plantation mansion, they make radio contact with a boat captain named Virgil who rescues them, but informs them that he needs additional diesel fuel to make it to New Orleans. Amid a torrential downpour, the survivors go ashore, make their way to a gas station to get fuel supplies, and return and defend their position while waiting for the boat ("Hard Rain"). Virgil takes them to New Orleans, where the military appears to still be evacuating survivors, but as they make their way to the extraction point, they find that the military is actually bombing the city to cleanse the infection ("The Parish"). They are able to clear the bridge amid a mass of infected and reach safety, moments before the bridge is demolished.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I think the storyline order is Parish, Dead Center, Dark Carnival, Swamp Fever and Hard Rain. I'm also itching to get started on Expert runs with either my usual L4D crew (Ivan, Gala, Anex) or anyone else so if anyone is interested just send me a FR in the near future.[/QUOTE]

Galego and I tried some expert runs the other week with a couple of randoms. fucking insane. The only one we ended up finishing was Dead Center. I'm swamped with exams right now, but I definitely want to try to go through all of the campaigns on expert in a couple of weeks.
[quote name='IvanHood']Galego and I tried some expert runs the other week with a couple of randoms. fucking insane. The only one we ended up finishing was Dead Center. I'm swamped with exams right now, but I definitely want to try to go through all of the campaigns on expert in a couple of weeks.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I tried out an expert campaign with three randoms. Impossible. Even playing on normal with randoms can be frustrating. I think I'm going to play solo to get used to the maps and get some achievements unless I get some people I trust to play with.
[quote name='n4styn4t3']I'm in. When?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='draven1089']I wanna start knocking out the expert campaigns, anyone up for it?[/QUOTE]
About to send you guys some friend requests.
Just got the game not too long ago. If anyone wants to play, hit me up. I just need people with mics, a couple of my runthroughs have been disasters because of communication.
i also will be up for some expert campainging here in a couple days, although my availability is weird, what with working 2 jobs, one of which loves to call me in a few hours before i would need to work.
bread's done