MAG Discussion Thread

[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']I don't know if its been discussed, but for some reason I have noticed that MW2 players hate MAG and likewise for MAG players.[/QUOTE]

I guess it's because of the almost opposite nature and gameplay style between the two. The MAG diehards believe the team play is the most 'skillful' while MW2 players think that twitch play is the most 'skillful'.
New patch released today. A.K.A. the SVER SABO defense balance patch

Patch v1.04a
Available March 17, 2010 | N/A (TPPS), 84MB (DLS)

  • Adjusted player boundaries to limit “spawn camping” exploits in Darien Network, Copper Hills Relay and Syr Daria Uplink maps.
Map – Syr Daria Uplink

  • Pushed in physical defensive boundary for Attacker’s “Alpha Squad” spawns 10 meters.
  • Removed two short staircases in front of Attacker’s “Alpha Squad” spawn.
  • Relocated box truck to block sightline on attacker’s right side at “Objective A” stairwell.
  • Added box truck to block sightline exploit to Attacker’s “Alpha” squad main entrance.
  • Added fence line to Attacker’s right side at “Objective A.”
  • Pushed parachute drop near “Objective C” forward by 25 meters.
  • Added new entrance to “Objective C” building in right corner.
  • Added additional geometry near “Objective C” to block sightline exploits near main door.
  • Added and removed various small object and panel locations to repair or enhance sightlines.
  • Multiple terrain repaints in various locations.

  • Fixed crash that sometimes occurred when reviving players who died while interacting with objective.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']I don't know if its been discussed, but for some reason I have noticed that MW2 players hate MAG and likewise for MAG players.[/QUOTE]

Noticed it as well.

I liked Killzone 2 and MAG, MW@ was just OK for me.

Wow sounds like it did more to Valors defense than to SVERs... Maybe I am reading it wrong.
[quote name='Snake2715']Noticed it as well.

I liked Killzone 2 and MAG, MW@ was just OK for me.

Wow sounds like it did more to Valors defense than to SVERs... Maybe I am reading it wrong.[/QUOTE]

I didn't say it was for SVER's benefit :)
Ah, need to get back on to this to see the patch tweaks. After I switched to Raven I haven't had people to play with and it made me realize how the game's fun is really dependent on the community.

Even against the opponent, if they're not attacking well you're just standing there picking your nose hoping to spot someone.

Dubbed the “Trooper Gear Pack,” our first DLC addition to the MAG universe will offer a number of cool goodies for veterans and first timers alike. Out of everything in the pack, the most popular will likely be the oft-requested “Flashbang Grenade” that can be used to confuse, disorient or distract your enemies in a single throw.

Of course, there’s more to the Trooper Gear Pack than Flashbangs. We’ll also be including new special edition Light Machine Guns for each PMC. Raven’s APEX 100SE, SVER’s RTK-74 Vla, and Valor’s Mk 46 Mod 1 weapons will provide both a new look for your favorite LMGs and a number of performance adjustments as well.

The last element of the pack will be two additional uniforms – “Trooper Dark” and “Trooper Light.” Available to all three PMCs, these uniforms are specifically designed for urban and interior combat situations and give you two more aesthetic options to diversify your character with.

The best part of the Trooper Gear Pack? It’s just the beginning of our ongoing commitment to MAG. In the coming months, you can expect to see plenty of other add-ons and goodies that we can’t quite tell you about yet (but know you’ll enjoy).

But that’s not all. To commemorate the release of our DLC, we want to throw in a little extra. And so, as a thank you to all of our fans, we’re offering Double XP to any and all MAG players starting March 25. Simply log in at 12am Pacific/ 3am Eastern/ 8am GMT and play MAG as you normally would. Every time you complete a game your experience doubles, and yes, this bonus stacks for Veterans who already have an XP bonus to begin with! Just make sure you actually complete the games you play – if you quit early, your bonus won’t apply.

Expect the Double XP promotion to run until 11:59pm Pacific time on Sunday, March 28. Be sure to take advantage of it as much as you possibly can until then.
The flashbang grenade sounds like it could be more annoying than the poison smoke grenades. I'm guessing all of that stuff is unlocked right away once you download the DLC.
I haven't been on MAG since BF2 came out, but I need to pick it up again. I want to see how the changes affect SVER Sabo, as that is what I was playing against most of the time.

Also, I never used my preorder skin code for SVER. if for any reason someone needs a code rather than the psn download (i cant think of a reason why), pm me and you can have it,
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[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The flashbang grenade sounds like it could be more annoying than the poison smoke grenades.[/QUOTE]

Seems pretty useful in certain situations if the flash bang effect is akin to Counterstrike.

Throw one at a heavily defended capture point, run in guns a blazing, knife a guy or two, cap the point.

Can't wait to try it out.
New Supression maps would make me happy. That's almost all that I play, due to all of the guys who take the game way too seriously in the other types.

I even had one SOB send me a message after a loss in Suppression telling me that my objectives as a squad leader weren't tactically superior enough, which cost us the win.

Anyhow, I'll be cashing in on the double-XP all weekend!
Hey any Valor players looking to play in the upcoming days let me know. My net has been down and I'd really like to get on with some of you guys now that it is back up and running.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Hey any Valor players looking to play in the upcoming days let me know. My net has been down and I'd really like to get on with some of you guys now that it is back up and running.[/QUOTE]

Thinking the same thing. I'll send you a friend request.
I am on valor. Havent touched the game for almost two weeks, been busy... double XP. I will be on again asap starting tomorrow. Valor baby!
I'm on valor too, add me if you want. I have been playing too much BFBC2 though. I played a couple rounds of MAG last night and I was fumbling with the controls for a while.

I'll definitely play if I have others on to play with though, so add me!
This thread needs a more organized way of adding people besides through rosters. It would probably better just doing it through like google docs or something, so that anyone can edit it.

There was a valor list I made in post 876 that was current. Others followed and made ones for the various clans.. at least someone could start with that to make a doc.

[quote name='Snake2715']Supplice,

Maybe update Valor roster if you will here it is:

CAG = PSN Username

Soodmeg = Soodmeg
SteveMcQ = SteveMcQ
FriskyTanuki = Crashspyro (you have an extra K in his name on your roster)
fizzywix = Fizzywix
sky03 = mushh
fatmanforlife99 = anorexicwes
drbutchevil = drbutchevil
MaskedPlague = MaskedPlague
the_grimace = frankied14
Snake2715 = Snake2715
Ultimate Matt X = TheUMX

Cag Name? = HenryRequiem
Cag Name? = maingon
Cag Name? = AndrewsAwesome

phillyphill39 = No user name?[/QUOTE]
Cool, well I'm not too sure about the weeknights, but I'd definitely like to get a group to play together this weekend. Though I expect I may be on a little tonight and even more likely Thursday too.
Add me to the Valor roster. I'm definitely going to be on this weekend.

Cag ID: Twicwborn (supposed to be twiceborn but cant change it now)= PSN ID: RiSeN1
I'll make one, and than everyone could edit the spreadsheet so that it is more updated. One spreadsheet via google docs, three sections: Valor, Raven, Sever.

Finished! I would like to thank option.iv for allowing me to copy his format for his google docs in his thread. CAG PS3 Fighting Matchmaking Thread

Made it much easier, and extremely convenient. I made 3 different spreadsheats, one for Raven, Valor, and S.V.E.R. Just edit it, and put your info!



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[quote name='Megiddo_CAG']I'll make one, and than everyone could edit the spreadsheet so that it is more updated. Three spreadsheets via google docs: Valor, Raven, S.v.e.r.

Finished! I would like to thank option.iv for allowing me to copy his format for his google docs in his thread. CAG PS3 Fighting Matchmaking Thread

Made it much easier, and extremely convenient. I made 3 different spreadsheats, one for Raven, Valor, and S.V.E.R. Just edit it, and put your info!




Google docs are completed! Feel free to edit your info!
[quote name='Megiddo_CAG']Google docs are completed! Feel free to edit your info![/QUOTE]
Threw my name on SVER, hopefully I'll be on quite a bit over the next couple days.
[quote name='sendme']I put me in the Valor one is the free stuff still up?[/QUOTE]

Do you mean the armor you only got for pre-ordering the game or something? If so it should be in the psn store for MAG DLC. Unless your referring to the free DLC coming out today.

Anyone interested in a gamenight for MAG? We have a more organized and convenient way of editing the roster, and could throw it all in one thread.
I let a friend of mine borrow the game for a bit, but hopefully I'll get it back soon. I'm on Valor, so if anyone wants to add me, feel free.

Just played a game and was upset to not see double xp.

Then I looked again and apparently it happens after the game is over.

I wanted to see 40 xp pop up for reviving someone near a frago point. :lol:
[quote name='seanr1221']Just played a game and was upset to not see double xp.

Then I looked again and apparently it happens after the game is over.

I wanted to see 40 xp pop up for reviving someone near a frago point. :lol:[/QUOTE]

That's one of the conditions for getting the XP bonus. You need to complete the match, if you leave early or get kicked out, you won't get the double xp
i suck. all my time on battlefield has ruined me. the turning in mag is so spot on that to bc2 players, its twitchy. i kept hitting select to spot bastards and mixed up melee, crouch, reload, and secondary gun too many times.

the free preorder armors are welcome. but theyre not the the overpowered stuff that they once were. the flashbangs aren't that bad. you dont get stunned unless it hits you head on.

farmed valor sabo with Megiddo_CAG.
[quote name='enufs8d']i suck. all my time on battlefield has ruined me. the turning in mag is so spot on that to bc2 players, its twitchy. i kept hitting select to spot bastards and mixed up melee, crouch, reload, and secondary gun too many times.

the free preorder armors are welcome. but theyre not the the overpowered stuff that they once were. the flashbangs aren't that bad. you dont get stunned unless it hits you head on.

farmed valor sabo with Megiddo_CAG.[/QUOTE]

Fun games last night :cool:. Having to defend Valor's C on sabo while being spammed with flashbangs - not fun.
It was fun to pick up MAG again, been so busy with work and trying to play the many new games that came out lately. But I at least managed to rank up from level 16 to 20 on Raven in about 2 hours last night. Ill hopefully have some more time this weekend to rank up a bit further as well.
[quote name='FoxHoundADAM']I have this on it's way, but have the patches done a better job of evening out the squads? I know SVER appeared to be unbalanced early on.[/QUOTE]

All of the PMC's are evenly matched regarding weapons and gear, there's some map unbalance that they've started to fix (They changed the SVER SABO map on the last patch, with more maps being worked on supposedly).

Of course it all depends on your squad mates, no matter how balanced things are, if half of your squad are sniping you won't have much luck on capturing any objective
[quote name='Nastrodamous']What are some things you guys like/dislike about this game?[/QUOTE]

My only complaints is that fun (for the most part) is dependent on you having a squad and or people to correctly work with and your opponents. If they aren't putting up a good fight, you're going to go have to look for them or wait for them.

The other is matchmaking/level selection.

Other than that, the patches have hammered every other problem away and it's perfect (sans my complaints,) imo.
Good game all around. It seems to be that those who liked Killzone 2 like this and those die hard MW2 fans are not happy with this.

This appears to be more of a squad based game, somehwat similar to KZ2. MW2 was more of an everyman for themselves type game. At least from my prespective.
[quote name='Nastrodamous']What are some things you guys like/dislike about this game?[/QUOTE]

The command structure and 256 players are the only things that really make this stand out to me. This really is a game based around teamwork.
[quote name='Nastrodamous']What are some things you guys like/dislike about this game?[/QUOTE]

I pretty much like everything. The scale of the game, being objective based (I'm not that good of a shooter player), the progression mechanics, ability to tailor your soldier to your liking, the actual shooting mechanics (the complete lack of auto-aiming make every kill a rewarding experience)

The only bad thing is that a bad squad can really ruin your enjoyment of a match
I also rally dislike some ridiculous medal/ribbon/trophies requirements (what is it with Sony and their extremely hard trophy requirements on their online-only games (Warhawk, SOCOM, MAG)???)
New patch coming on Monday April 19th

Patch v1.05
Available April 19, 2010 | 41MB (TPPS), 40MB (DLS)

  • Improved the automatic Leadership selection criteria to make players with microphones more likely to be selected than those without them (note: this does not prevent players without microphones from being selected as leaders)
  • Adjusted automatic Leadership selection criteria to include Leadership point total in preference formula.

  • Repaired bug that prevented players who were incapacitated and then revived from throwing grenades until they reload.
  • Fixed issue with the game lock-ups caused by “hanging” black screen following the conclusion of a gameplay round.
  • Repaired crash that sometimes occurred after playing more than 15 consecutive rounds.
  • Resolved issue with rare game crash that occurred during playback of intro video.
  • Numerous localization changes for in-game text.

  • Adjusted iron sights to give player clearer view for the following weapons: AK-103, M4A1, PKP MG, Apex 100, RTK-74, Boudini 12 Gauge, and T-195.
  • Improved accuracy on all iron sights and red dot sights.
  • Increased upwards-recoil to all machine guns.
  • Slightly increased accuracy for pistols, PDWs, and SMGs.
Hope to see you there!

They also released high-resolution maps for download here and with better resolution here
Got the game back and went through it this week. Man this game is fun. Leveled up pretty quick thanks to xp bonus in Sabotage though statistically may not have done so great.

This may very well be my favorite shooter to date.
finally fixed that leadership problem. i hated being a veteran #X and having a dumbass newb as the SL. but i probably wont play again until another double xp weekend.
bread's done