Man kills two robbers attempting to rob a neighbor's home

[quote name='Kayden']Sure. Anyone smart enough to come up with a scheme like that is smart enough to know its still illegal.[/QUOTE]
Frontier justice for everyone then. We'll save lots of money getting rid of police and courts.
[quote name='MrBadExample']So where do you draw the line? Where is the division between misdemeanors and crimes that get you shot in the back? How about embezzlers? Can we shoot them without an arrest or trial? After all, they steal more in one day that these two could have ever hoped to take in a lifetime of B&Es.[/quote]
Well clearly, the line is drawn on who gets to you first: The homeowner or the police.

The homeowner/neighbor is going to feel much more threatened than any cop or team of cops that show up, and in truth they are also more vulnerable. At the same time, I believe the homeowner has the right to defend their home/loved ones as they see fit. After all, it was YOU who chose to trespass, and I, as a homeowner, am not going to wait and give you the chance to warrant a lethal reaction towards you, and wait for you to harm/kill someone before I decide to do something about it.

No, I'm going to do whatever it takes to stop you the first time, so too bad for you if you just so happen to pick the "wrong" house, and there's a loaded gun waiting for you inside AND outside.

The police have their way with dealing with you. That's fine, good for them when they come and take you away with force. I however, will not just stand there and say, "You're doing bad things, stop it", nor will I attempt to physically apprehend you if I'm too old, out of shape, or have no idea what weapons you possess, if any.

No, I'm going to stop you dead in your tracks, full force, with a gun. If you were REALLY that concerned about it, perhaps you should've called the cops ahead of time, and let them know you're going to rob this house, at this time, and you'd like them to be there just in case someone inside doesn't like what you're doing and tries to shoot you.

Or, you know, you could've not tried to rob anyone and tried to make decent human beings out of yourselves. Waste of an opportunity.

And I think it's naive to think race had nothing to do with Horn's ignorant determination to go outside and shoot two people who weren't posing a threat to anyone's physical safety.
And I think it's ignorant to think race had anything to do with Horn's determination to go outside and shoot two criminals who could pose a threat to anyone's physical safety. Horn didn't know they were unarmed, and it's naive to believe that you need a dead body first to prove that they were and justify Horn's actions against them.

Believing that leads to one thing:

"Horn don't shoot them they could be unarmed!"
*Horn is shot and killed*
"Horn! They have a gun! You can shoot them now!"
(Too bad for Horn, but they DID have a gun, STATEWIDE MANHUNT! KILL THEM!)

Yeah, that mindset works for everyone except the "sacrificial goat".

Note how many of your sentences were about "defending one's home", when that wasn't really the case.[quote name='HotShotX']

Believing that leads to one thing:

"Horn don't shoot them they could be unarmed!"
*Horn is shot and killed*
"Horn! They have a gun! You can shoot them now!"
(Too bad for Horn, but they DID have a gun, STATEWIDE MANHUNT! KILL THEM!)
~HotShotX[/quote]Scenario 2: Horn stays inside his house and doesn't risk making a bad situation worse. Liquid was right about the philosophical differences bit. I don't give a shit about whether or not the robbers moved towards Horn or not. Red fucking herring. The important bit is this: your neighbour's house is being burgled while he/she is away. Do you attempt to stop this on your own?

1. Yes.
2. No.
3. You should play more Starcraft, HotShot.
[quote name='The Crotch']Note how many of your sentences were about "defending one's home", when that wasn't really the case.Scenario 2: Horn stays inside his house and doesn't risk making a bad situation worse. Liquid was right about the philosophical differences bit. I don't give a shit about whether or not the robbers moved towards Horn or not. Red fucking herring. The important bit is this: your neighbour's house is being burgled while he/she is away. Do you attempt to stop this on your own?

1. Yes.
2. No.
3. You should play more Starcraft, HotShot.[/quote]
1 & 3. I love you Crotch, we'll see after finals. In the meantime, get a 360.
Some trigger happy gun nut kills two men, takes the life of two men, just to eliminate the chance that they would have gotten away with a bit of his neighbor's possessions (a neighbor he doesn't know very well)... and you guys DEFEND him? Absolutely ridiculous.

And that's in the best case scenario -- he didn't even know that those men were actually criminals. There could have been other, unlikely explanations.

That man should be put in prison for no less than ten years, and anyone who thinks what he did was right should be watched very closely.
[quote name='Koggit']And that's in the best case scenario -- he didn't even know that those men were actually criminals. There could have been other, unlikely explanations.[/quote]

That's where it gets murky for me. What if the guys were there to clear out a foreclosed home for the bank?

Far as I see it, the shotgun guy took his chances when he went out to confront them. Seeing as they turned out to be criminals, I think an acceptable resolution is a stern warning to refrain from using firearms against criminals when trained police personnel are present on the scene.
The guy could have saved himself some trouble if he just got the number off the car's plates they were going to use to haul the loot away in. Most people that rob houses are too dumb to use anything but their own car.
[quote name='camoor']That's where it gets murky for me. What if the guys were there to clear out a foreclosed home for the bank?

Far as I see it, the shotgun guy took his chances when he went out to confront them. Seeing as they turned out to be criminals, I think an acceptable resolution is a stern warning to refrain from using firearms against criminals when trained police personnel are present on the scene.[/QUOTE]
Clearing out the home from the side window?

[quote name='crunchb3rry']The guy could have saved himself some trouble if he just got the number off the car's plates they were going to use to haul the loot away in. Most people that rob houses are too dumb to use anything but their own car.[/QUOTE]No car; they had a bag of cash and jewelry.

[quote name='Koggit']Some trigger happy gun nut kills two men, takes the life of two men, just to eliminate the chance that they would have gotten away with a bit of his neighbor's possessions (a neighbor he doesn't know very well)... and you guys DEFEND him? Absolutely ridiculous.

And that's in the best case scenario -- he didn't even know that those men were actually criminals. There could have been other, unlikely explanations.

That man should be put in prison for no less than ten years, and anyone who thinks what he did was right should be watched very closely.[/QUOTE]They were, beyond doubt, criminals.
They broke into the home from the side window, had a bag of valuables with them, and ran from Horn, who was armed.
Innocent men would have had nothing to fear and would not have run.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Clearing out the home from the side window?

No car; they had a bag of cash and jewelry.

They were, beyond doubt, criminals.
They broke into the home from the side window, had a bag of valuables with them, and ran from Horn, who was armed.
Innocent men would have had nothing to fear and would not have run.[/QUOTE]

You don't fear a man with a shotgun? You are braver then I.

Listen, the debate is not about the morality of these people. They were burglers, stealing items for whatever reason, legitimate or illegitimate.

The debate is on whether Mr. Horn, under no personal threat of his own, was within his rights to kill these men.

I particularly take note of his reaction on the phone as soon as he returned; it was something to the effect of, "they were coming right for me."

He was already establishing his case of self-defense! He prompted the entire situation leading to death!

It will be interesting to see how this case proceeds.
[quote name='Liquid 2']They were, beyond doubt, criminals.[/QUOTE]

"Beyond doubt?" And you call yourself "Science CAG"? How misleading. A scientific mind knows that there is nearly always doubt, and that doubt must be fully explored before accepting it as a truth.

There are countless unlikely explanations. For one example, perhaps the owners relatives were visiting and filming a video for a school project. Likely? Hell no. Do I think that's what was going on? Hell no. Is it, regardless of how unlikely, a chance that was what was going on? Yes.

Taking a life is too big a decision to make when there is absolutely any chance for error, however unlikely that chance is.

. . . but that wasn't even my 'big' point from the post your quoted. My main statement from that post was not about the uncertainty, but rather about the the end justifying the means. Even if he somehow had rock solid proof that these men were criminals (which he didn't), he took two lives just to eliminate the chance that they would have gotten away with an acquaintance's possessions. There were officers nearby, who evidently arrived just seconds after he shot the criminals, it's very likely that the criminals would have been caught by them and our justice system could have dealt with them accordingly. Horn deciding to go out of his way, out of his house, to shoot and kill two men to take away the chance of their escape is absolutely ludicrous. Those two men are dead. It's appalling.
[quote name='Koggit']"Beyond doubt?" And you call yourself "Science CAG"? How misleading. A scientific mind knows that there is nearly always doubt, and that doubt must be fully explored before accepting it as a truth.

There are countless unlikely explanations. For one example, perhaps the owners relatives were visiting and filming a video for a school project. Likely? Hell no. Do I think that's what was going on? Hell no. Is it, regardless of how unlikely, a chance that was what was going on? Yes.

Taking a life is too big a decision to make when there is absolutely any chance for error, however unlikely that chance is.

. . . but that wasn't even my 'big' point from the post your quoted. My main statement from that post was not about the uncertainty, but rather about the the end justifying the means. Even if he somehow had rock solid proof that these men were criminals (which he didn't), he took two lives just to eliminate the chance that they would have gotten away with an acquaintance's possessions. There were officers nearby, who evidently arrived just seconds after he shot the criminals, it's very likely that the criminals would have been caught by them and our justice system could have dealt with them accordingly. Horn deciding to go out of his way, out of his house, to shoot and kill two men to take away the chance of their escape is absolutely ludicrous. Those two men are dead. It's appalling.[/QUOTE]We can talk about "what ifs" forever, but, as you stated, the chance of the thieves not being thieves is insignificant, and thus, negligible.

I never said that Horn should have killed the two men (although killing the one who ran at him could be justified); he could always have incapacitated them.
They could have been captured, yes, but they were killed, which, while not the best possible outcome of the situation, is acceptable. Far better than letting them escape.
You also have to keep in mind that he had a shotgun, which is very powerful, so even simply wounding them without killing them may have been difficult.
I think that Horn's actions were admirable and that we're better off without the criminals.

As for the cop, he was in plainclothes, so Horn had no idea he was there.
[quote name='Liquid 2']We can talk about "what ifs" forever, but, as you stated, the chance of the thieves not being thieves is insignificant, and thus, negligible.[/quote]Did he say insignificant? I don't think he did. Small? Yes. But sure as fuck not insignificant. Do you remember the thread a few months back about the guy who tried to save what he thought was a rape victim that turned out to be a porn movie? Guess it's a good thing buddy didn't have a shotgun.

[quote name='Liquid 2'] I never said that Horn should have killed the two men (although killing the one who ran at him could be justified); he could always have incapacitated them.[/quote]Which back to my point: he put himself out there in the fucking first place.
[quote name='Liquid 2']We can talk about "what ifs" forever, but, as you stated, the chance of the thieves not being thieves is insignificant, and thus, negligible.[/QUOTE]

No "what if" is negligible when the stakes are human lives.

[quote name='Liquid 2']As for the cop, he was in plainclothes, so Horn had no idea he was there.[/QUOTE]

Yet another list of reasons that he shouldn't have shot.
[quote name='The Crotch']Did he say insignificant? I don't think he did. Small? Yes. But sure as fuck not insignificant. Do you remember the thread a few months back about the guy who tried to save what he thought was a rape victim that turned out to be a porn movie? Guess it's a good thing buddy didn't have a shotgun.[/quote]Heh, no, can't say I remember that.
But honestly, what are the odds of them not being thieves, seeing that they broke into the side windows?

[quote name='The Crotch']Which back to my point: he put himself out there in the fucking first place.[/QUOTE]And we're back to the philosophical differences.

I think it's admirable that Horn went to confront the thieves because he didn't think the police were going to arrive in time, and although I don't think the killing was unavoidable (and it was certainly not desirable), I think it was acceptable.

Others think the killing should have never occurred and that Horn should have left things to the police.
[I'm leaving this part vague deliberately to avoid putting words in others' mouths]

[quote name='Koggit']Yet another list of reasons that he shouldn't have shot.[/QUOTE]How so?
[quote name='Liquid 2']But honestly, what are the odds of them not being thieves, seeing that they broke into the side windows?
[/quote]Great enough for most people to put the shotgun down and stay the fuck inside, that's how big the odds are.

EDIT: I hope.
I have things to say regarding the rest of your post, particularly the first bit about the small chance, but I covered that a few posts ago.

[quote name='Liquid 2']
How so?[/QUOTE]

If Horn saw a black officer in street clothes running toward him with a handgun, do you think there is any chance that Horn would have shot him?

The logical would be yes.

If Horn had killed an officer in his vigilantism due to mistaking that officer for as a criminal threat, would you still consider his course of action acceptable?

The logical would be no.

That's the main reason -- the list I was referring to extends to ricochets, stray bullets, nearby neighbors, potentially children, etc. Shotguns are not easily controlled, as you yourself have stated, so anyone else nearby was certainly at risk.
[quote name='Koggit']"Beyond doubt?" And you call yourself "Science CAG"? How misleading. A scientific mind knows that there is nearly always doubt, and that doubt must be fully explored before accepting it as a truth.

There are countless unlikely explanations. For one example, perhaps the owners relatives were visiting and filming a video for a school project. Likely? Hell no. Do I think that's what was going on? Hell no. Is it, regardless of how unlikely, a chance that was what was going on? Yes.

Taking a life is too big a decision to make when there is absolutely any chance for error, however unlikely that chance is.
Could also be a domestic disturbance where someone's making an unconventional getaway.

However let's not get too liberal with the hyperbole, it's not like the taser-happy police are some perfect force that never acts where there's absolutely any chance for error.
Sorry I just cannot allow this complete and unadulterated stupidity go unpunished.

Anyone advocating frontier justice is a fucking idiot. This system makes the one with the biggest and fastest gun "right" in derogation of any civilized system of justice.

Hotshotx and Liquid, sorry but you're just fuckin wrong. There are no philosophical differences here. Well I guess they're philosophical if you think being right and wrong are two schools of philosphy, but they're not. Horn was just flat out wrong here.

Horn didn't know shit about these murder victims. He didn't know they had priors, he didn't know they were illegals, he didn't know they were burglars with 100% certainty. He only knew (a) they appeared black/hispanic, and (b) they looked like they were burglarizing the place (just like the guy on that disc. channel show who breaks into peoples homes to help them get better security appears like a burglar.) Stop conflating what they were with what Horn knew. Horn's actions will be judged with what knowledge he had at the time of the murder.

What the fuck kind of argument is: "They ran so they must be guilty!" Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? Or anybody else who would think this is equivalent to a guilty plea. If I'm black/hispanic, and some racist hick (okay its not fair to label Horn a racist hick, lemme rephrase:) and some guy who talks, looks, and acts like a racist hick (
[quote name='pittpizza']*Pittpizza's Quote*[/quote]

See, the funny thing is, you're not here to debate an actual topic anymore. You spend more time calling everyone idiots just because they don't agree with your ideals.

That's a lot of hypocrisy coming from someone who's taken up the "equality & understanding" position in this chat.

We're entitled to act/believe how we want in this country, or have you forgotten? So, with this being a debate forum, feel free to join in and express your ideals, but don't go around and start harshly criticizing others for stating how they would act in such a situation or how they feel Horn should be viewed.

Honestly, I think you spend too much time wanting to play the race card, but you're entitled to that, just don't go knocking others for having a different point of view.

Now, getting to your argument:
What the fuck kind of argument is: "They ran so they must be guilty!" Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? Or anybody else who would think this is equivalent to a guilty plea. If I'm black/hispanic, and some racist hick (okay its not fair to label Horn a racist hick, lemme rephrase:) and some guy who talks, looks, and acts like a racist hick (
[quote name='HotShotX']See, the funny thing is, you're not here to debate an actual topic anymore. You spend more time calling everyone idiots just because they don't agree with your ideals.

That's a lot of hypocrisy coming from someone who's taken up the "equality & understanding" position in this chat.

We're entitled to act/believe how we want in this country, or have you forgotten? So, with this being a debate forum, feel free to join in and express your ideals, but don't go around and start harshly criticizing others for stating how they would act in such a situation or how they feel Horn should be viewed.

Honestly, I think you spend too much time wanting to play the race card, but you're entitled to that, just don't go knocking others for having a different point of view.

Now, getting to your argument:

The guilt admission wasn't running away, it was breaking into the house (Horn witnessed them entering and exiting). I don't believe race had anything to do with it (seeing as how most people don't let strange white men into their house either). Horn left his house to try to apprehend them, and when they fled/ran at him, they were shot.

Is it as black and white as that? No, of course it isn't, but that doesn't mean someone can just assume the absolute worst, call it a hate crime, give Horn the chair, say "justice was served", and call it a day.

As you said, we have a justice system in this country, a justice system where one is judged by a group of their peers. And what will you say, should a group of his peers deem Horn to be in the right for stopping two crooks? Will you think all of them should burn in Hell or be jailed? Will you say justice was not carried out?

All in all, ignorance and stupidity doesn't exist just because someone has a different viewpoint from you. That's the kind of ideology that leads to "bombing some brown people" if you know what I mean.

In the end, I think the following is true:

had nothing to do with it.


I never said someone was not entitled to act or believe what they want. I said that whoever acts like/believes property is more important than life is a fuckin idiot and I am entitled to say that because it's true. It's undebatable and can't really be argued about. Well it can be, but not logically: If you value stuff more than you value life then you're just simply wrong, and probably stupid. BTW, who the hell said I took up the "equality and understanding" position? My only position is the "Use your brain" position.

Actually more of my post was on topic rather than flaming, so you're wrong there too (about where my time is spent)...again.

Regarding the race card (funny pic BTW) I never said it was a hatecrime (you put those words in my mouth) nor did I say that they were not guilty (though I will now since in USA (even Texas) you're not guilty until proven so beyond a reasonable doubt). I am referring to a court of law here, not a court of public opinion where one is guilty until proven innocent. All I said was that it is more likely than not that race played a factor (just one of many) and that fleeing does not equal guilty. I then proceeded to label people (justifiably so) who think it is more likely race had nothing to do with it than race being a factor in Horn's actions naive and ignorant. Try to re-read this paragraph and even you may be able to understand that my point is not that Horn killed them because he was racist, only that my point is that IMO, race was more likely than not one factor of many.

HotshotX, one smart and non-ignorant (educated?) point you made was asking how I would feel if a jury acquitted Horn. I'm acutally really glad you brought this up because (1) It may very well happen, and (2) the hypothetical should help everyone understand my and others stance on this subject.

So lets visit "what if" land and assume Horn goes to trial for Murder/Manslaughter whatever. Lets even assume that the prosecution proved all elements of Murder1 beyond a reasonable doubt and we have a room full of deliberating jurors saying/debating "Well, he did, with premeditation, take the life of another human being. The recording, the testimony, everythign is in place telling us to give a GUILTY verdict, but we are still uncomfortable convicting this guy for what he did!" This is what is known by lawyers, and 99% unknown by non-lawyers as "jury nullification." Jury nullification is where the jury simply disregards the law because following the law will not (in the jury's opinion) result in justice. SO they find him NOT GUILTY anyway. I have absolutely no problem with this. As a matter of fact I will be pleased that the political forces and pressure from orgs like the NRA didn't prevent the DA from pressing charges to begin with. This is what I would call Due Process of Law, and this is what Horn took from the murder victims when he acted as judge/jury/executioner.

My legal opinion though (albeit fairly inexperienced) is that most juries do not have jurors that are aware of jury nullification, and therefore usually do a good job of at least trying to follow the law, which in this case seems to be that Horn will be found Not Guilty as to the murder victim that was allegedly advancing towards him, and Guilty as to the murder victim that was running away from him. (I'm not going to get into the lesser degrees of murder/manslaughter b/c it is VERY complicated).
[quote name='pittpizza']HotshotX, one smart and non-ignorant (educated?) point you made was asking how I would feel if a jury acquitted Horn. I'm acutally really glad you brought this up because (1) It may very well happen, and (2) the hypothetical should help everyone understand my and others stance on this subject.[/quote]

Thank you for at least considering that there may indeed be life on other planets :)

But yes, I agree that there should be due process of law, and Horn should go through the legal system, etc. I also believe that he will be found guilty of murder (duh, it's what he did), but also that he will not be punished for such an act because the jury/sympathizers will side with him.

I don't necessarily condone Horn shooting the second guy in the back, but I'm not necessarily losing sleep over it either. Overall, I can't agree with a guy like Horn being behind bars for offing two criminals, and I don't really see it happening.

[quote name='HotShotX'] I also believe that he will be found guilty of murder (duh, it's what he did), but also that he will not be punished for such an act because the jury/sympathizers will side with him.

This cannot happen. If found guilty, there are mandatory minimum sentences, outside of which the sentencing judge cannot stray.
I know you guys have your own big debate, and I'm not here to comment on pittpizza's lack of civil strategy. (a smily goes here, before pitt gets all mad)

However, I do question the rationality of any individual who is supporting Horn in this. Regardless of premeditation, regardless of Texan law (and I'm in Texas and I know exactly WHY that law is in place), and regardless of this particular case, the idea of "self administered justice" is a concept that can not live up in our society.

The reason why the race card is in this equation, however, is because that's exactly the issue with such things. Individuals (single) are prone to bias, hatred, racism, xenophobia, and simply having a bad day, or a bad case of itchy trigger fingers.

Horn assasinated two men in cold blood for a crime that under the United States Law (and Texan Law at that) they would not be eligible for Death Penatly. In most jurisdictions of the United States (according to Wikipedia) a burglary is a felony, and since it was Daylight I have to look up whether or not it's first degree or second in Texas (In California, it would be second - damn potheads!). The punishment for this burglary would never be death.

Horn's actions, however, did not aid the law, which is by all means a responsibility of any "proud" citizen of this country. His actions were to take the law into your own hands, and unleash the punishment that did not fit the crime. Even within your system that it was "his right" to unleash vigilante justice, the man killed two other men... While being told by a representative of the law enforcement not to.

All this really boils down to "no property is worth killing someone over."
Havent read through all 9 pages so if its been said already, fuck it: Well what if the guys had escaped, just to return sometime later and broke into a house that DID have people in it during the robbery? Something could have happened to them just like that family in Connecticut many months back. BTW wheres the update on that case? I believe the victims were a husband who survived, 3 daughters and his wife. What came of the two men?
[quote name='HotShotX']See, the funny thing is, you're not here to debate an actual topic anymore. You spend more time calling everyone idiots just because they don't agree with your ideals.



Hell you don't even live in Texas and you're fucking stupid to think race has nothing to do with it.

[quote name='HotShotX']Horn left his house to try to apprehend them, and when they fled/ran at him, they were shot.[/quote]
Seriously, shut the fuck up and go fucking listen to it again. He said he was going to kill them before he ran out the door.

The stupidity of you dumbasses truly amaze me.
So we can count on you to stand there mouth agape while the elderly lady gets trampled and someone steals her purse? Hell, its not on your property; you should just mind your own business, right?

[quote name='gokou36']Because you ARE a fucking idiot. You, Liquid and that dumbfuck Johnnyretard. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SELF DEFENSE/HOME PROTECTION. THIS WAS NOT HORN'S HOME, HE SHOULD"VE fuckING STAYED IN HIS fuckING HOUSE LIKE HE WAS TOLD TO.

Hell you don't even live in Texas and you're fucking stupid to think race has nothing to do with it.

Seriously, shut the fuck up and go fucking listen to it again. He said he was going to kill them before he ran out the door.

The stupidity of you dumbasses truly amaze me.[/quote]
[quote name='Kayden']So we can count on you to stand there mouth agape while the elderly lady gets trampled and someone steals her purse? Hell, its not on your property; you should just mind your own business, right?[/quote]

I think he might tell the old lady to go fuck herself, and that she's a fucking idiot for being an old lady with a purse.

[quote name='gokou36']

Hell you don't even live in Texas and you're fucking stupid to think race has nothing to do with it.

The stupidity of you dumbasses truly amaze me.[/QUOTE]
So you're saying if it was two white guys, he wouldn't have shot them?
I jumped back in here to hopefully read a bit more news on the subject... and it goes to race..

You know I am so sick of the race suject its not even funny anymore. Who are the ones keeping the issue alive anymore anyway?
[quote name='gokou36']Because you ARE a fucking idiot. You, Liquid and that dumbfuck Johnnyretard. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SELF DEFENSE/HOME PROTECTION. THIS WAS NOT HORN'S HOME, HE SHOULD"VE fuckING STAYED IN HIS fuckING HOUSE LIKE HE WAS TOLD TO.

Hell you don't even live in Texas and you're fucking stupid to think race has nothing to do with it.

Seriously, shut the fuck up and go fucking listen to it again. He said he was going to kill them before he ran out the door.

The stupidity of you dumbasses truly amaze me.[/quote]


You see, it is not differing viewpoints I have a problem with. It's moronic ignorant stupidity that bothers me.

As to race, nobody said it was a racial killing. All we said was that it was a factor. Docin nobody said he would not have shot them if they were white though it is a good point and you're probably right; he probably would not have. Whether or not it was the determinative factor is a question only Joe "I'm gonna kill em'" Horn can answer. It really doesn't need to be discussed any further since we cover it ad naseum in just about every other vs. thread.

Addressing the purse snatching scenario: Hell no I'm not going to put my life and the life of other's in danger to get some old lady's purse back. I will surely call the cops, and do any and everything else in my power to stop the snatchers, but never would I use lethal force and never would I endanger myself and others to protect STUFF! She can get another purse, cancel credit cards, get more cash etc... But one cannot get another life, you get just one.

That people value things over life (or think it is acceptable/admirable to take life to protect property) is what is so stupid and moronic about so many posts in this thread.

BTW, something I think nobody has pointed out yet: Joe "I'm gonna kill em" Horn broke more laws in this encounter than his victim's did.
Couple of thoughts while reading the thread. If he truly did shoot them in the back, I would have to agree that he is guilty of something (not real well versed in law), it would be obvious that they were running away. Truthfully, I don't feel THAT bad for the thieves, they were breaking and entering into a property, and there are inherent risks in doing that. That being said, there are many different things that Horn could have done instead of shoot them, like maybe fire a warning shot into the air, but he chose to use lethal force. So truthfully, he has to face the consequences of making that decision, just like the robbers did. I have to agree though, Horn is not a hero in any sense.
[quote name='Kayden']So we can count on you to stand there mouth agape while the elderly lady gets trampled and someone steals her purse? Hell, its not on your property; you should just mind your own business, right?[/QUOTE]

You don't even know the story do you? Intentionally killing someone and defending someone is 2 completely different things. I guess I forgot to add you to the dumbass list.

[quote name='HotShotX']I think he might tell the old lady to go fuck herself, and that she's a fucking idiot for being an old lady with a purse.


Stop trying to agree with someone to make you look good, you're still a dumbass.
[quote name='gokou36']You don't even know the story do you? Intentionally killing someone and defending someone is 2 completely different things. I guess I forgot to add you to the dumbass list.

Stop trying to agree with someone to make you look good, you're still a dumbass.[/quote]

Yeah Kayden, affiliating with an idiot only works for Condi Rice.

Gokou, I like your style. You make me look like a patient understanding pacifist. ;) jk...jk. Seriously though this thread is full of moronic posts so it is frustrating but (sadly) not surprising really.
[quote name='gokou36']Because you ARE a fucking idiot. You, Liquid and that dumbfuck Johnnyretard. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SELF DEFENSE/HOME PROTECTION. THIS WAS NOT HORN'S HOME, HE SHOULD"VE fuckING STAYED IN HIS fuckING HOUSE LIKE HE WAS TOLD TO.

Hell you don't even live in Texas and you're fucking stupid to think race has nothing to do with it.[/QUOTE]Yeah, that's not the issue.

The issue is that some of us applaud Horn for preventing criminals from getting away. He told them clearly "You move, you're dead," and they moved.
You, among others, think he should have let them get away, rather than killing them. You and they have a selfish "It's not my stuff, so why should I care?" viewpoint, which is absurd.

And you're fucking stupid to assume that simply because Horn is Texan, he shot and killed them because they were minorities.
We're having a civil discussion here. Either shut the fuck up or do the same.

[quote name='pittpizza']Addressing the purse snatching scenario: Hell no I'm not going to put my life and the life of other's in danger to get some old lady's purse back. I will surely call the cops, and do any and everything else in my power to stop the snatchers, but never would I use lethal force and never would I endanger myself and others to protect STUFF! She can get another purse, cancel credit cards, get more cash etc... But one cannot get another life, you get just one.

That people value things over life (or think it is acceptable/admirable to take life to protect property) is what is so stupid and moronic about so many posts in this thread.[/QUOTE]You know who else would have stood back and let the old lady get robbed? Nazis. :lol: ;)

As for the second part of your post, I (and others) happen to value material possessions more than the life of a criminal. That's the kicker here.
It doesn't matter if you can only have one life. That should not be a reason to let a criminal escape. Who knows if they would have killed someone in a robbery later on? We're better off without them, simple as that.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Yeah, that's not the issue.

The issue is that some of us applaud Horn for preventing criminals from getting away. He told them clearly "You move, you're dead," and they moved.
You, among others, think he should have let them get away, rather than killing them. You and they have a selfish "It's not my stuff, so why should I care?" viewpoint, which is absurd.

And you're fucking stupid to assume that simply because Horn is Texan, he shot and killed them because they were minorities.
We're having a civil discussion here. Either shut the fuck up or do the same.

You know who else would have stood back and let the old lady get robbed? Nazis. :lol: ;)

As for the second part of your post, I (and others) happen to value material possessions more than the life of a criminal. That's the kicker here.
It doesn't matter if you can only have one life. That should not be a reason to let a criminal escape. Who knows if they would have killed someone in a robbery later on? We're better off without them, simple as that.[/quote]

Joe "I'm gonna kill em" Horn didn't prevent criminals from getting away. They would not have gotten away, there was a cop already there. He murdered them. You applaud him for murdering them and that is what is absurd/stupid/moronic.

Who assumed Joe "I'm gonna kill em" Horn killed them b/c they were minorities? If you had read the post, (or if you had the reading comperhension to understand the post) you would know that our only point was that it is more likely race was A FACTOR (just a factor) than it is likely that race was not a factor at all.

As to you Nazi point, whats that "theory" that every int. msg. bd thread will have nazism in it? Glad to see you're typical enough to prove the theory right. WTF was even your point about this? I hope you're joking. The only National Socialist views espoused in this thread came from you when you took it upon yourself to dictate our society "better off without criminals" just like Hitler dictated Germany "better off without (insert class/race/religion/ here)."
[quote name='pittpizza']Joe "I'm gonna kill em" Horn didn't prevent criminals from getting away. They would not have gotten away, there was a cop already there. He murdered them. You applaud him for murdering them and that is what is absurd/stupid/moronic.

Who assumed Joe "I'm gonna kill em" Horn killed them b/c they were minorities? If you had read the post, (or if you had the reading comperhension to understand the post) you would know that our only point was that it is more likely race was A FACTOR (just a factor) than it is likely that race was not a factor at all. [/Quote]He didn't know the officer was there because it was a plainclothes officer. And you can't deny that he didn't give the thieves fair warning.
I've already posted that I believe there were more desirable potential outcomes than their deaths, but I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep over it.

And whether or not race is a factor or not is insignificant. To quote docvinh:
So you're saying if it was two white guys, he wouldn't have shot them?

Race isn't a factor; you guys are bringing it to make Horn look worse and to justify your view.

[quote name='pittpizza']As to you Nazi point, whats that "theory" that every int. msg. bd thread will have nazism in it? Glad to see you're typical enough to prove the theory right. WTF was even your point about this? I hope you're joking. The only National Socialist views espoused in this thread came from you when you took it upon yourself to dictate our society "better off without criminals" just like Hitler dictated Germany "better off without (insert class/race/religion/ here)."[/QUOTE]
Are you serious?

Of course I was joking. Did you somehow miss the smileys? :roll:
I liked the bit where everyone just ignored MarioColbert and kept going on about the same irrelevant bullshit that has brought us to ten pages thus far.

So, yeah.
[quote name='The Crotch']I liked the bit where everyone just ignored MarioColbert and kept going on about the same irrelevant bullshit that has brought us to ten pages thus far.

So, yeah.[/QUOTE]
This thread did need to lighten up a little.

That picture is fuckin hilarous!! I LMAO.

WHere do you get that stuff? CAG is full of people who pull out the most appropriate funniest pics ever. I love it.

Kayden I'm gonna laugh when you get shot b/c someone mistakes you for a criminal and decides to exact frontier justice. Be afraid be very afraid.

BTW, whether or not Joe "I'm gonna Kill em" Horn knew there was a cop there or not doesnt change the fact that they was one there and they probably wouldnt have got away.
Not likely.
A) I treat people with respect.
B) I treat people's property with respect. IE- I don't take things without asking, I return it promptly and don't vandalize it.
C) I'm white.

Why would it be ok for me to be shot for being suspected of a crime and its not ok for them to be shot CAUGHT in the middle of a crime?

It's OK though; I'll just laugh when you come home from work one day to find your house totally emptied by two guys while you were gone that no one wanted to stop because they were afraid of oppressing a minority.

[quote name='pittpizza']This thread did need to lighten up a little.

That picture is fuckin hilarous!! I LMAO.

WHere do you get that stuff? CAG is full of people who pull out the most appropriate funniest pics ever. I love it.

Kayden I'm gonna laugh when you get shot b/c someone mistakes you for a criminal and decides to exact frontier justice. Be afraid be very afraid.

BTW, whether or not Joe "I'm gonna Kill em" Horn knew there was a cop there or not doesnt change the fact that they was one there and they probably wouldnt have got away.[/quote]
[quote name='Kayden']Not likely.
A) I treat people with respect.
B) I treat people's property with respect. IE- I don't take things without asking, I return it promptly and don't vandalize it.
C) I'm white.

Why would it be ok for me to be shot for being suspected of a crime and its not ok for them to be shot CAUGHT in the middle of a crime?

It's OK though; I'll just laugh when you come home from work one day to find your house totally emptied by two guys while you were gone that no one wanted to stop because they were afraid of oppressing a minority.[/quote]

I never said it would be a reasonable vigilante that would do it, after all it's not like Joe "I'm gonna kill em" Horn's actions were completely rational.

It would not be ok for you to be shot for being suspected of a crime, nor is it ok for someone to be shot leaving a burglary when no one's life or safety is being threatened.

Funny you should mention me getting burglarized because it happened not this past October but the one before that. I rent from my sister so her homeowner's insurance covered every single thing they took (and also paid me 50 bucks a game and 300 for an old xbox, all of which I only paid $150 b/c im a CAG). At the time I felt violated but at the end of the day I profited several hundred dollars on the exchange and put all of it on my faince's finger (ring). They caught the guy. Nobody died, nobody got shot, and justice was served. This is what Joe "I'm gonna kill em" horn could have let happen if he had not murdered them.
Tell you what pitt: I'll start paying attention to your bullshit profiling and ignorant generalizations of the posters here if you could quote SPECIFIC statistics to back up your "guns are more likely to be used on their owners clains" for the states of Texas and Oklahoma (where I am from).

From what I can tell pitt, you seem to be a defense attourney, right? So obviously you of all people shoud know the recividism rates of felons who commit robbery, as well as their propensity to move their way up to more serious crimes, right?

You want to condesend to those who don't agree with you because you are too pathetic to conduct a proper debate, fine. But don't ever expect to be taken seriously in the future.

[quote name='Veritas1204']Tell you what pitt: I'll start paying attention to your bullshit profiling and ignorant generalizations of the posters here if you could quote SPECIFIC statistics to back up your "guns are more likely to be used on their owners clains" for the states of Texas and Oklahoma (where I am from).

From what I can tell pitt, you seem to be a defense attourney, right? So obviously you of all people shoud know the recividism rates of felons who commit robbery, as well as their propensity to move their way up to more serious crimes, right?

You want to condesend to those who don't agree with you because you are too pathetic to conduct a proper debate, fine. But don't ever expect to be taken seriously in the future.


Your first mistake was taking me seriously. Don't ever do that. Don't take life too seriously either. Your second mistake was assuming I'm a defense attorney because I stand up for the protection of people's civil, due process, constituional, and human rights. If I come off as condescending I apologize.

Whom did I generalize/stereotype? I am not prejudiced (I see you like latin so you must know it stands for "pre judging" people.) I've judged people (and always will) on what they do, the actions they take and the words they say, not on anythign else (race/color/religion/national origin etc...). As a matter of fact, my top three hates happen to be (1) racism, (2) prejudice, and (3) injustice.

Your "gateway" crime argument, although probably right, does not hold weight with me or the criminal justice system. Defendants are not punished, judged, or sentenced on what they may do in the future. Just so you know though, no robbery was committed here. (See a couple pages back for the difference between a robbery (violent crime) and burglary (non violent crime)). The only violent crime committed here was by Joe "I'm gonna kill em" Horn.

As to the gun statistics, I'll leave that to myke or someone else who is into those studies. I could be wrong about that stat (won't be the first time and certainly won't be the last) but it is something that I've heard repeatedly over the years. That being said, I've always liked the quote "If the statistics don't back up what you're saying, you need to find some more statistics" meaning that no matter what your stance on an issue, you can get stats to support it. This is taking the thread off the topic of Joe "I'm gonna kill em" Horn's actions and veering it toward a general gun debate. Maybe you think this would be more "proper" since you seem to have some privileged insight on how to conduct a proper debate?
Ok pitt, you don't want to be taken so seriously, fine. I said what I did as a response to your condesending approach to my statements here. Statements which weren't an inditement of anyone, but simply my position on this particular issue. It was you who decided that my point of view must be skewed, since it doesn't jive with yours, and it was you who attacked my creditibility as a Police Officer with baseless statistics that you're not even sure exist.

So yeah, excuse me if I took you a little seriously; I tend to do that when I get blindsided by someone. If it's alright with you, I'll go ahead and leave all that behind and we'll get to the crux of your arguement.

Let me start by saying I commited a typo when I said robbery as opposed to burglary. That was my mistake, and I thank you for catching it. However, that in no way waters down my point, as I was trying to say that our society as a whole is shifting to a place where we view a man's right to protect his personal property and life as an inconvenience, because it makes us have to decide whether or not that right is as important as protecting the livelyhood of two namless thugs' right to break into an innocent man's house in broad daylight and take things that aren't theirs to begin with.

Now,you may say that this particular crime (i.e. burglary) isn't punishable by death, and I would happen to agree with you. OTOH, I can wholeheartedly say that, given the LAW in the state of Texas giving a man the right to defend himself and his property by lethal force if necessary, these two scumbags brought it on themselves when they decided to enter that house unlawfully. You may disagree with Mr. Horn's actions, but to me it's kind of like blackjack; you hit on 18, and you greatly increase your odds of busting. What I'm saying is that, while I won't sit here and tell you they should have been killed, I am saying they have no one to blame but themselves.

My main quirrel with your line of thinking pitt is this idea that we should punish someone like Mr. Horn for his actions, when he acted within the confines of the law as he understood it. Yes, obviously he wasn't in fear for his life until he exited the house and put himself into danger, but what happened after (assuming of course he didn't actually shoot one of the men while he tried to get away) was justified.

I think we can all agree that, had Mr. Horn been the one who was killed after exiting his house that we would all say "well, he put himself in danger by confronting the burglars." Why then is it a strech to say the same thing for the two dead scumbags?

After all, they were the ones who broke the law in the first place.
[quote name='Veritas1204']
...we view a man's right to protect his personal property and life as an inconvenience[/QUOTE]
Emphasis added.

I am a man of my word, and when I said that I would post a puking smiley or headbanging on the wall smiley if someone implied that Joe "I'm gonna kill em" Horn was protecting somebody's life or safety I meant it. So here it is: :wall: :puke: :puke: :wall:

Okay now that thats out of my system I will once again point out that the only thing he was protecting here was stuff/property/possessions and that there would still be two people on this earth if he had not killed them. While we can put our philosophical differences on whether the world is better off with the victims of the shooting in it, its tough for me to accept what Horn did as acceptable and even tougher for me to think it admirable. Was it courageous? yeah. Was it brave? hell yes. But what matters is whether it was "right" (normative I know). Tell me as a cop, would you want to work in a city where people just took justice into thier own hands on a regular basis? Don't you think our (collective) safety is better off left to people like you to guard rather than millions of individual's interpretations of what is just?

Perhaps I erred when I assumed that Texas was like the other 49 states in the Union. Maybe they do have laws on the books that permit lethal force to be used to protect one's (or in this case your neighbors's) property. If that is the case then I think it's fucked up but not surprising it's a Texas "shoot first ask questions later" law. There are a lot of shotguns in the back of pickups around here too so excuse the stereotype, or bitch about it, your call.

BTW, when you said "(assuming of course he didn't actually shoot one of the men while he tried to get away)" I thought to myself: "Well thats a pretty damn big assumption since he did clearly shoot one in the back."
[quote name='Liquid 2']Yeah, that's not the issue.

The issue is that some of us applaud Horn for preventing criminals from getting away. He told them clearly "You move, you're dead," and they moved.
You, among others, think he should have let them get away, rather than killing them. You and they have a selfish "It's not my stuff, so why should I care?" viewpoint, which is absurd.[/quote]

You don't fucking kill someone for stealing from other people dumbass. Did you not fucking hear what dispatcher said? And Horn saying *you move you're dead* has no meaning since he had the intention of killing them before he went out.

[quote name='Liquid 2']And you're fucking stupid to assume that simply because Horn is Texan, he shot and killed them because they were minorities.
We're having a civil discussion here. Either shut the fuck up or do the same.[/quote]

Take your own advice stupidfuck. And if you still think race has nothing to do with it, you must be living in another world.

[quote name='Liquid 2']As for the second part of your post, I (and others) happen to value material possessions more than the life of a criminal. That's the kicker here.
It doesn't matter if you can only have one life. That should not be a reason to let a criminal escape. Who knows if they would have killed someone in a robbery later on? We're better off without them, simple as that.[/QUOTE]

Thats your assumption that they would kill someone. You ever heard of police/cops? They're not allowed to kill anyone unless they're in danger. Oh wait, you're too fucking stupid to know that, you have the same mindset as Horn.
bread's done