Mega Man 9 September 25! $9.99, No Trophies, No WideScreen/HD, PURE OLD SCHOOL 8Bit

My initial impressions are that Capcom is in league with all 3 console manufacturers to sell more controllers/hardware. Since most/all controllers are wireless now, the risk of breaking them when heaving them across the room has increased exponentially, and this game is incredibly hard! Normally in Mega Man games, there's 1 or 2 stages everyone cringes at when you mention them, but so far almost every stage has given me SOME trouble.

Like a lot of other people have said, though, it rarely feels unfairly hard. Just requires a lot of precision and timing. Except! for the mini-bosses. The dragon? The falling boulder room? It's almost impossible not to take damage against them, let alone survive.

Not really a complaint, though. I'm enjoying every minute, but just a fair warning that if you aren't a retro-masochist, you might not have much fun.
[quote name='JMEPO']Kandal SOOO wants to gameshare me a copy :p[/quote]

got it during my CAG Group 6 gameshare sorry bro would love to share it but, it's all booked
I was going to buy this game.. however, I played the demo and I made a pact (with myself)...

"IF you CAN't Pass the one Damn stage in the demo, DON'T buy the game" Well fellas, I'm sorry to say I won't be joining you guys in the playing of Mega Man 9.
Don't be a baby.. I'm on wily's stage in the Wiiware version. That's tough.. a gauntlet of 4 levels with numerous bosses in between and no saving...

And yes, the Wiiware version on SD does look much better than playing the PS3 one in HD. That might be fixed if you hooked your PS3 up to the SDTV, but it still interrupts too much with that fancy menu shit. Wiiware gives the best old school feeling, IMO.
Ugh. Why blur filter?!?!?!?! The difference between the rankings/manual screen and the rest of the game is astounding. Classic my ass. This is a poor design decision.

EDIT: Love the game itself, but I don't like how "retro" they took it. People liked MegaMan 2 for its tight game play and level design, not for its boring backgrounds, sprite flicker, and low resolution. So close this time Capcom.
[quote name='Kandal']got it during my CAG Group 6 gameshare sorry bro would love to share it but, it's all booked[/quote]

No big deal, I haven't even played the demo yet so I don't even know if I like it.
[quote name='josh_animebum']Way to go, Capcom!

Endless Attack - 300 Wii Points - Sale Date: 10/6
- "Test your skills on a stage without end. Try to break the record for getting the farthest. Results will be displayed in the Rankings. Not compatible with Challenges."
Hero Mode - 100 Wii Points - Sale Date: 10/20
- "Play the game with a more difficult level of enemy distribution. Not compatible with Rankings or Challenges."
Superhero Mode - 100 Wii Points - Sale Date: 10/20
- "Play the game with a super difficult level of enemy distribution. Not compatible with Rankings or Challenges."
Proto Man Mode - 200 Wii Points - Sale Date: 10/6
- "Play the game as Proto Man. You can use the shield while jumping. Some of Proto Man's abilities may differ from Mega Man's. There is no story for Proto Man. Not compatible with Rankings or Challenges."
Special Stage - 100 Wii Points - Sale Date: 10/20
- "Gives you another Time Attack Stage to try, including a new Boss at the end! Results with be displayed in the Rankings. Not compatible with Challenges."

This is the kind of nickel and diming that gives DLC a bad name. Capcom just released Bionic Commando: Rearmed for $10 including a bunch of difficulty levels, coop play, multiplayer, and a bunch of challenge rooms, with HD graphics. All without needing extra DLC, and did I mention it was $10?

For Mega Man 9 I appreciate the old school approach to both the gameplay and graphics, but charging extra money for different levels of difficulty! Complete fucking crap! I'm not going to not get the game, but I guarantee I'm not going to be giving them my fucking money for DLC. This game cost nowhere near as much money as BC:R did to produce and will likely sell a ton more copies based on the name alone. So charging for all this little crap is flat out gouging in my opinion. :bomb:

Edit: I might wait a few months on this one and see if they do a DLC bundle for $12-15, but only because I would have still considered $15 a fair price for a COMPLETE game, instead of $10 for an incomplete game plus $8 for a bunch of stuff that should already have been there. It isn't like there is a shortage of good games to get on Thursday on PSN *cough* Wipeout *cough*[/QUOTE]

Even worse when you consider Megaman Anniversary Collection was easy to get for under $20 and that included I think around 8 - 12 games. I picked up the Gamecube version for KMart 2 years ago for $2.00 and it's crazy to think some of the DLC costs more than that.
[quote name='blueweltall']Why isn't there a widescreen mode? Mega Man 1 and 2 on the VC have widescreen.[/quote]
They're not widescreen.
They're just stretched.
[quote name='blueweltall']Damn it why isn't there a stretched mode than?[/quote]Because it's ugly stretched and isn't the way the game is made.

If you want to stretch it yourself, your TV probably has a "zoom" or "wide" button.
Finally beat Plug Man's stage. Holy crap it's annoying.

Whenever I hear those air blocks (what I've always called them, anyway, since they appear out of thin air) I get shudders.
I beat the game last night. I liked it, but not as much as I expected to. It's exactly what it aims to be; a new classic mega man game, but it also reminded me of some things I never liked about Mega Man, but had forgotten about over the years. Notably Wily's Castle and the lack of save points.

You have to go through 4 stages (i.e. one third of the game) with no save point. There are checkpoints, but if you decide it's time for a break and turn the game off, you'll have to do it all again. Even worse is that you can stock up on items, but if you use them, then die, you'll continue without the items and you can't go back to the store without having to redo the whole castle again. I ended up cheating (more on that later), which I hate doing, but the alternative was this; I'd get to Wily Stage 4, practice it a few times, go all out and not hold back on using my supply of items, die anyway (because you will still die even with a ton of e-tanks if you don't know what to do) and then I'd continue on stage 4 with no items and be totally screwed. I'd have to go through the entire castle just to get one good shot at the final stage with items. I realize the old games were like this, but nostalgia aside, there is no good reason to keep it this way. Don't get me wrong, I like a good challenge. But this lack of saving/checkpointing does not make the game any more fun.

So I ended up looking up the final stage on youtube. I saw a guy beat it without taking a hit. It was amazing, but not as amazing as I expected as it turns out each boss has one weapon that they're extremely vulnerable to. Finding out what that is consists of trial and error, and I probably would have discovered most of these strategies on my own had the game let me continue right before each boss, or refilled my ammo supply after each death, but as is there's way too much downtime between when you get the chance to experiment on these bosses. I guess that just echoes my previous point about the rubbish checkpointing.

I'm probably sounding overtly harsh as I otherwise liked the game. I mean I beat 11 out of 12 stages on my own with no help whatsoever (other than 1up's review suggesting which two bosses to start with), and had a pretty good time with that. It's just the insanely hard-until-you-have-the-right-strategy finale that left a bad taste in my mouth.

Playing this game was a bit like meeting up with an old friend who you haven't seen in years only to realize that there still at the same job, with the same person, and really haven't changed at all and you realize you don't have as much in common as you used to. It's still fun, but not as fun as you remember it being.

Edit: I stand corrected about the bosses being cheap. It seemed like you didn't stand a chance against them without the right weapon, or they wouldn't stand a chance against you if you had it. But there's a guy on youtube beating every robot boss using only the mega buster and taking no damage. Check out his thrilling duel with Plug Man;
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I gave in, and bought this game last night. It is hard just like the regular ones use to be, and it reminds me of good times year ago. I think it is worth the 10 bucks I spent on it although I will never be able to beat it.:whistle2:#
This game is punishingly difficult. I don't know if ill ever even beat it. The only megaman i remember beating was Megaman 2 on NES. If it had trophies i would actually have more motivation to beat it lol. Also, i started with concrete man which i guess is a mistake, ill re-start with one of the easier bosses.
[quote name='blitz6speed']This game is punishingly difficult. I don't know if ill ever even beat it. The only megaman i remember beating was Megaman 2 on NES. If it had trophies i would actually have more motivation to beat it lol. Also, i started with concrete man which i guess is a mistake, ill re-start with one of the easier bosses.[/QUOTE]

Oh man, the game is difficult. It's like a nail through your dick. I'm sure I'll beat the game eventually, though.

I can beat Mega Man 2 without Game Genie, but it took me more than five years before I could do it.
[quote name='blitz6speed']This game is punishingly difficult. I don't know if ill ever even beat it. The only megaman i remember beating was Megaman 2 on NES. If it had trophies i would actually have more motivation to beat it lol. Also, i started with concrete man which i guess is a mistake, ill re-start with one of the easier bosses.[/QUOTE]

Concrete Man was the first boss I took out since the demo warmed me up to it :D
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Concrete Man was the first boss I took out since the demo warmed me up to it :D[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, same here. And the boss pattern isn't too difficult.
lol, 8-bit is too complicated ?!?

Plug Man's level (and him) gave me the most trouble. Flame Man comes in second, he can cover almost the whole screen :/
[quote name='Chuplayer']Oh man, the game is difficult. It's like a nail through your dick. I'm sure I'll beat the game eventually, though.

I can beat Mega Man 2 without Game Genie, but it took me more than five years before I could do it.[/quote]

See I always thought MM 2 was SO MUCH easier than 1. I could still beat 2 easily today. MM 1 I could never beat without the pause glitch in the old NES version.
[quote name='MSUHitman']See I always thought MM 2 was SO MUCH easier than 1. I could still beat 2 easily today. MM 1 I could never beat without the pause glitch in the old NES version.[/QUOTE]

Isn't MM1 notorious for being one of the hardest games ever? I only ever played the easier version on the Anniversary Collection, so I don't know first hand. The only originals I own are the NES 2 and 6 and the PSX version of 8.

BTW, 2 on the AC in the easier/normal difficulty is not the same as the NES's normal difficulty. Certain things are easier. The only way to get the original difficulty in normal is to have the cart.
This game might be a scoach too hard. I remember the originals being challenging, but I put in 2 hours without getting past a boss now. The enemy placement can be relentless at certain points, and if not for that I usually end up falling in spikes or getting hit mid-jump and moving backwards into a pit. This will probably get pushed aside very quickly if I can't advance or my controller ends up through my TV screen.
[quote name='QiG']This game might be a scoach too hard. I remember the originals being challenging, but I put in 2 hours without getting past a boss now. The enemy placement can be relentless at certain points, and if not for that I usually end up falling in spikes or getting hit mid-jump and moving backwards into a pit. This will probably get pushed aside very quickly if I can't advance or my controller ends up through my TV screen.[/QUOTE]

I've made it through four or five stages, I only beat the bosses by gunslinging (no special weapons), and did it in less than two hours. Just keep at it.
[quote name='Chuplayer']I've made it through four or five stages, I only beat the bosses by gunslinging (no special weapons), and did it in less than two hours. Just keep at it.[/QUOTE]

I've only beat 2 in about the same amount of time, but I'm starting to feel more confident about the other levels. Makes me frustrated, but in a good way. I haven't played a game that challenged me this much in a long while. Dying is part of the process, you just need to figure out the pattern of when to jump and shoot. Those stupid elephants got me so many times, now I can breeze right by them.

Makes me want to dust off my old nes carts (never had 5, loaned somebody 1 and never got it back), but I'd like to beat 9 first.
[quote name='iggywiggum']Those stupid elephants got me so many times, now I can breeze right by them.[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, I forgot that I got good at that part when I played the demo. But I don't think I played it more than half an hour.
[quote name='QiG']This game might be a scoach too hard. I remember the originals being challenging, but I put in 2 hours without getting past a boss now. The enemy placement can be relentless at certain points, and if not for that I usually end up falling in spikes or getting hit mid-jump and moving backwards into a pit. This will probably get pushed aside very quickly if I can't advance or my controller ends up through my TV screen.[/quote]

Yeah, I kind of feel like they've perfected the art of difficult platforming that isn't impossible but is hard enough it makes you want to stop playing at times. This game has more in common with Contra, where you have to memorize things and do it perfectly or else risk not having enough lives (or in MM9's case, weapon energy too) to finish what comes later.

Has anyone had issues with the PS3 controller not being quite as responsive as it should be? Maybe it's just because I played the majority of NES Mega Man games recently, but I feel like jumps right on the edge of a platform or ledge are much harder to pull off. In Tornado Man's stage where you jump against the wind/rain, I try to jump as close to the dge as I can. This is reminiscent of Toad Man in MM4, but I found in MM9 that 1/2 the time I literally walked right off the edge and my jump never registered. This happened 3 times in a row in one playthrough, so I have trouble attributing it to poor timing on my part, especially since I'm no stranger to Mega Man. Has this happened to anyone else?
Part of it is memorization, but a lot is quick reflexes and timing, like certain areas with spikes require a quick bunny hop or the ability to quickly shoot the other way and redirect yourself.

The only part where I had to memorize something was the second to last boss, the blob thingy, otherwise I would jump at the wrong time.

On my second run through at around 22 minutes before going into Wily's Pad.

Has anyone had a problem with the "Farewell to Arms" Challenge? It's the one where you have to clear 4 stages without special weapons. I cleared 5 stages in a row (saving in between but never quitting) with just the mega buster and no tanks or w/e but it never said I cleared the challenge. Do I clear the game and then get credited for it?

Edit: Nevermind, I have to clear the game for it to register.
[quote name='Chuplayer']Isn't MM1 notorious for being one of the hardest games ever? I only ever played the easier version on the Anniversary Collection, so I don't know first hand. The only originals I own are the NES 2 and 6 and the PSX version of 8.

BTW, 2 on the AC in the easier/normal difficulty is not the same as the NES's normal difficulty. Certain things are easier. The only way to get the original difficulty in normal is to have the cart.[/quote]
IMO, MM3 is probably one of the hardest I've ever played. It's long and the bosses tend to do some major damage and are pretty hard to dodge
Anyone working on the challenges? I'm around 72%, just have a bunch of tedious and more difficult ones left, like Mr.Perfect and Totally Addicted! Getting the Quick Draw Challenge on Galaxy Man is an elusive one for me, just gotta get lucky enough for him to stay on the ground long enough to thrash him.

Magma Man is really hard to beat without getting hit -_-
[quote name='DestroVega']MM1 is different on the Anniversary disc?[/QUOTE]

Games 1-6 and maybe 7 have an easy mode. I'd imagine the normal or hard mode in MM1 is the same as the cart's difficulty, but I don't know.

I do know that the normal difficulty on the MM2 cart is different from the easy difficulty on the AC.
[quote name='MSUHitman']I don't know what the Wii trophies are, but the 360 achievements are like really ridiculous too. Have to play these side-by-side to see if I want the 360 or PS3 version.[/QUOTE]those are achievements??

those are all really the easier of the game's 50 challenges

PS3 doesnt have trophies btw... the game in itself has 50 challenges and I guess the achievements coincide with a few of them
I'mma do it! I'm goin' for the no damage run! Got four levels down, and magma man is giving me a freakin' headache. I make it all the way to him without getting touched and then he keeps nailing me with his jumping around. When I think he's going long, he goes short, when he goes short, he goes long :bomb:

I actually think I'll stand a better chance in Wily's Castle then with these eight pricks.

All that's left after this is just continually passing the game and the Last Man Stading challenge, which will probably be as ridiculously annoying as the no damage run -_-
Just beat it. Wiley's castle is challenging, but I actually thought some of the 1st 8 levels were harder overall. Maybe it's because Wiley's stages have a few really challenging parts but the levels are shorter, opposed to a few of the normal ones which are just plain hard the whole way through.

Anyone else trying not to use the store too much to buy powerups? Only bought some energy tanks which weren't as needed as I thought, but they did come in handy. I also got the item which lets your weapon capsules automatically refill weapons even when they aren't equipped, but honestly, I feel like that should be standard from the beginning.

Overall, I thought it was a pretty great game. I just wish it conformed and/or looked less weird on a widescreen monitor, I feel like I'm playing an emulator. Still, great game!
I take back what I said earlier. It's still damn hard but not impossible. I drilled away until I beat my first stage and I've been rolling since. I don't know if I had a game genie for the first few mega mans (I only remember playing 1-3 but I'm pretty sure I made it through 2 when I was a kid at least a few times with passwords and persistance.
I tried the demo and deleted it like after 10 games. Couldn't go more than 100ft in game lol. So fricking hard!
Maybe I'll actually try to learn timing and patterns later.
bread's done