Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

I threw the 3D dog (maybe it's a wolf or coyote or such) image up on DropBox, it really shows off the ability for object to pop-out of the screen. Copy the 2 files (there's a JPG and a MPO) into the appropriate folder on your 3DS SD card (Google for how-to if you don't already know).

This is what it looks like:

On a separate note, I just finished the Campaign mode on Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars last night (all maps completed on Elite difficulty). So far i've also played 2 of the skirmish maps. Awesome game, highly recommend it for any turn-based strategy fans.

Ghost Recon (activity log)
Total game time so far: 41:15 hours
Days played: 8
Avg. Time per play: 2:17

I think I spent close to 2 hours alone on the next to last mission, that one just kept going and going.
Looking from the recent posts in this thread, I think there is a misunderstand of what a gimmick is. It's something that makes a product stand out while not improving the experience. From what I've read lately, it seems everyone is enjoying the 3D one way or another.

I too struggled to see the 3D at first, but now my preference is to alway keep it on. Also, I don't believe battery live is saved much by tuning it off. It's mostly a passive process from what I understand. My mistake!#-o

[quote name='Strell']I'd hold off for a game built from the ground up to see if it exploits 3D. It'll probably end up being the Mario title.

Call it fanboyism if you want but when Miyamoto is excited about something and claims it might solve a fundamental problem in 3D gaming, I'd like to see just what the hell he's up to.

Besides the system has been out a week. Have some patience people.[/QUOTE]

I was intrigued when I heard that at the keynote too!

How is Steel Diver treating you? I thought the 3D has been implemented pretty well in that game. It's kind of like looking into an aquarium, or a fish tank I guess. It has made be want to get pilot wings so that I can see how it handles the 3D and to test out the circle-pad.
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the 3D effect from the Kid Icarus deomo I played is way better than any of the launch games I got. Not sure if I want to play that game with 3D off because it is that good. They need to get demos on the estore so people can see how 3D gaming working correctly.
3D "mode" definitely drains the battery quicker. Its about 2.5 with it on, 5 hours with it off.

Whether or not the 3D is a "gimmick" is pretty subjective, I do think many people don't have much experience with 3D in general as hardly anyone owns a 3D TV. With that in mind I believe most people would find it worthwhile at first, but might get old after a while. I know when i play SSFIV I always turn the 3D off. Conversely, when playing pilot wings I always keep 3D on.
[quote name='omster']Looking from the recent post in this thread, I think there is a misunderstand of what a gimmick is. It's something that makes a product stand out while not improving the experience. From what I've read lately, it seems everyone is enjoying the 3D one way or another.[/quote]

Tons of people in the thread aren't. I haven't really played anything on it yet long enough to for sure pass judgment though. Having too much fun with Spirit Tracks on my XL.

I too struggled to see the 3D at first, but now my preference is to alway keep it on. Also, I don't believe battery live is saved much by tuning it off. It's mostly a passive process from what I understand.

Well, I'm not sure that the second screen layer would have to do any more work on versus off-either way I'd assume power would be applied to it (Unless it uses less just at a neutral position or something). So the only other thing that would really be using more power is the GPU...I guess if they basically use half the GPU's fill rate with 3D off, than it might use less power. But some games double the frame rate with it off, so then it shouldn't matter.

Although maybe there's something else the GPU has to do, or more CPU work required.

Either way, I really wouldn't expect battery life to be super different with it on or off.
I can definitely tell you first hand 3D mode puts more drain on the battery. So much so that its obvious and noticeable. I still think 2.5 hours is sufficient considering that is about the average battery life of a lap top
[quote name='Strell']I'd hold off for a game built from the ground up to see if it exploits 3D. It'll probably end up being the Mario title.[/QUOTE]

I guess an obvious question is, why didn't they release such a game on day one?

Miyamoto is also the guy that talked up the Vitality sensor, or whatever it was called, for the Wii, something which I find hard to believe was ever a good idea, nor that it will ever see the light of day.

I'd like a 3DS for sure, but I really don't wan to pay for the 3D. I'm done with 3D in the movie theaters. I saw Toy Story 3 in 2D and it was awesome. Heck, the 3D parts of 3D movies aren't even the majority of the films, rather a minority of them. Take your 3D glasses off sometime and watch the movie that way. Most of the movie will look perfectly fine (and be quite a bit brighter), and then occasionally there will be a blurry bit - that's when it's "3D". In fact, the parts that look 3D often aren't even in 3D, because our brain does a fine job of "seeing" 3 dimensions without any gimmicks. Heck, just close one eye. You'll still see 3D. Amazing stuff, eh?
[quote name='Wolfpup']Tons of people in the thread aren't. I haven't really played anything on it yet long enough to for sure pass judgment though. Having too much fun with Spirit Tracks on my XL.[/QUOTE]

I was mainly referring to the recent posts. Specifically this page. Regardless, that doesn't really mean much when considering the whole user base of 3DS, so my earlier post was kind of pointless now that I think about it. I guess my thinking is skewed by my own positive experience so far.

[quote name='kurrptsenate']I can definitely tell you first hand 3D mode puts more drain on the battery. So much so that its obvious and noticeable. I still think 2.5 hours is sufficient considering that is about the average battery life of a lap top[/QUOTE]

Looking into it more, I found that I was wrong about that. I was only thinking about the parallax barrier, which is what directs one of the two images to each eye. Does anyone know if it requires power to maintain the barrier?

I think I figured out the main reason. When the 3D is turned on, the brightness is increased, otherwise it would drop significantly. As long the 3D is on, the battery life is reduced. Doesn't matter where the slider is at. This does explain why I thought the colors looked better with the 3D on. It's brighter!
[quote name='crunchewy']I'd like a 3DS for sure, but I really don't wan to pay for the 3D. I'm done with 3D in the movie theaters. I saw Toy Story 3 in 2D and it was awesome.[/quote]

Thumbs up! (I can't find a thumbs up smiley!)

Yup, I'm done too, and I saw Toy Story 3 in "2D" also, and it was EXCELLENT and looked awesome.

Regarding that film, my initial thought was "oh please, we really need a third?" and then was sold on it within minutes of it's like yep, this is just perfect :D

In fact, the parts that look 3D often aren't even in 3D, because our brain does a fine job of "seeing" 3 dimensions without any gimmicks. Heck, just close one eye. You'll still see 3D. Amazing stuff, eh?

Yup! It's why I and plenty of people (maybe everyone) find "2D" images more three dimensional (I say maybe everyone because just because someone's being wowed by and actually liked that "3D" effect, doesn't mean it actually looks more three dimensional to them).

[quote name='omster']Looking into it more, I found that I was wrong about that. I was only thinking about the parallax barrier, which is what directs one of the two images to each eye. Does anyone know if it requires power to maintain the barrier?[/quote]

My assumption is that it does...I think though am not 100% certain that it's effectively like a second (or in this case third) LCD screen, where the "pixels" are requiring power to maintain position...except it may require power to maintain "2D" mode too, I don't know.

I think I figured out the main reason. When the 3D is turned on, the brightness is increased, otherwise it would drop significantly. As long the 3D is on, the battery life is reduced.

Interesting. At first I was going to dismiss that, BUT maybe that's true, as it is directing light two directions, so maybe to make up for that they bump the brightness up. Not sure how easy or hard it would be to see that for sure, but that sounds plausible.

I did see that "power save" mode in the menu, and I do wonder what on Earth is up with that-someone earlier said turning it on made the contrast look worse, which is bizarre, but I toggled it myself and that does indeed appear to be the case! How does reducing contrast help battery life?

Well...on certain screen technologies that may make sense, but LCD's the lowest power tech, and also doesn't really care what it's displaying.
Well, I've committed The Sin.

Paid full price for SSFIV 3D at Best Buy...that's right, FULL PRICE and NO INCENTIVES like a $10 gift card or somesuch. After seeing some 3DS Friends playing that very game for over a week now, I just..simply..lost my patience and went out to get a copy.

Now I know I could have gone to Toys R Us instead and get that $10 gift card but I hardly shop there. They don't price match competitors but themselves for 14 days. I decided to go with Best Buy since they do price match and give you 30 days to do so. A gamble it is, indeed.

Now I'm about to pop in the game...this is my first 3DS game...well, a separate game, that is. Gimme a few days to shake off the rust since I haven't played a fighting game since the Dreamcast days...oh, good times. Looking forward to giving y'all a can of whupass (be fair, though...don't shoot fireballs at me and nothing else...that's so boring, you know?)

After about a week with my 3DS I must say that I am really enjoying the 3D in the 3DS. It reminds me of Tron Evolution where the 3D is not meant to have 3D pop out every 5 seconds at you, but instead add a layer of depth to the movie in the background and such. Playing Rayman in 3D makes me want a port of Super Mario 64 even if it is just a straight port of the DS version. To me the 3D just adds a little something extra that just adds to the experience.
[quote name='kurrptsenate']I can definitely tell you first hand 3D mode puts more drain on the battery. So much so that its obvious and noticeable. I still think 2.5 hours is sufficient considering that is about the average battery life of a lap top[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and that's why I never use my laptop unplugged. Unfortunately, this kills the 3DS as being my travel system, which is too bad. I generally travel to the East Coast and have 2 flights when doing so: a 2 1/2 hour flight followed by a 4 hour flight. My DS Lite has served me well on those trips as it isn't even starting to run out of power when I'm done with those flights.

Once some better games come out it will be hard to resist bringing my 3DS (and I'd even like to bring it soon for the tag mode stuff), but it looks like I'll have to bring two systems if I want to get any gaming done on the plane! That is a bit unfortunate.
[quote name='io']Yeah, and that's why I never use my laptop unplugged. Unfortunately, this kills the 3DS as being my travel system, which is too bad. I generally travel to the East Coast and have 2 flights when doing so: a 2 1/2 hour flight followed by a 4 hour flight. My DS Lite has served me well on those trips as it isn't even starting to run out of power when I'm done with those flights.

Once some better games come out it will be hard to resist bringing my 3DS (and I'd even like to bring it soon for the tag mode stuff), but it looks like I'll have to bring two systems if I want to get any gaming done on the plane! That is a bit unfortunate.[/QUOTE]

Or a $20 battery as been mentioned.
[quote name='Snake2715']Or a 20 battery as been mentioned.[/QUOTE]

I have no idea what you are talking about. The Nyko thing doesn't seem to be a great solution as it still only makes it 4-5 hours. I need more than that ;). I just think it is not going to be useable on long flights and that's that. Plus I hardly want to pay $30+ more for that anyway.
[quote name='integralsmatic']i think the battery life can all be solved with the Nyko Battery pack +. Here is engadget's review[/QUOTE]

With a battery pack that big, I'm wondering why the damn thing doesn't provide 3 - 4 times the battery life, since it easily adds 3 - 4 times the size of the original battery.

Also think they should have made it work with the stock cradle, most likely with an insert that fits in your existing cradle so it fits the new battery shape.

Still, at least there's options. My option was to buy an extra battery for $15.
You guys are talking about getting a second battery just to swap out when the first one runs down? Isn't it held in there with tiny screws or something (at least that review for the Nyko charger seems to indicate that)? That sounds impractical to deal with on a cramped plane...
[quote name='io']You guys are talking about getting a second battery just to swap out when the first one runs down? Isn't it held in there with tiny screws or something (at least that review for the Nyko charger seems to indicate that)? That sounds impractical to deal with on a cramped plane...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I considered that idea too, but the 3DS just isn't designed for interchangeable batteries. I'm waiting for a better solution, but likely, a lot of us will just jump on the next 3DS iteration.

Just got Pilot Wings today from Goozex. The 3D is much more noticeable in this game than my only other 3DS game, Nintendogs. It's definitely a good game for the demo stations, as it does a good job of showing off 3D.

Getting Steel Diver soon from Goozex. I know it looks a little dull in trailers, but I can't miss it. It's too novel an idea to pass up, especially at the price of a trade.
Buy a music power encore charger and a DSi USB cable. The charging ports are the same on the DSi and 3DS. The Music Power encore charger has a built in lithium ion battery inside and 2 USB slots so you plug the USB cable into the slot and it will power your 3DS. The Music Power Encore charger can be purchased at Amazon and some Walmart's. I think it is around $10-15 and you can use it with other devices you own. I have not actually tested this method with a 3DS because I don't own one but I have tested it with a DSi and it works just fine. I have a music power encore charger for my 4th gen iPod touch and it has yet to fail me. I have also used it with my DSi.

You will have to carry the charger and the cord though and leave the cord plugged into the 3DS when charging though, and I don't know how much extra battery power it will give you on a 3DS. But you won't have to attach something bulky to the underside of your 3DS.
Gang, there's a wonderful battery solution coming from Penguin United in (hopefully) the next two months or so. I can't spill many details on it right now, but it's pretty awesome. :D
It really makes you think about how you are going to use your battery and if the "benefit" is really worth the added cost of battery life.

Fact remains most people play the majority of their DS games at home. I'm sure many of you have been addicted to some RPG/Animal Crossing game (or both) and have extended play sessions that involved you plugging the unit in at some point. It's very similar to the battery life in your smart phone. Would you cruise the internets for an hour or so, facebook for 3 hours, or just make random.
[quote name='UncleBob']Gang, there's a wonderful battery solution coming from Penguin United in (hopefully) the next two months or so. I can't spill many details on it right now, but it's pretty awesome. :D[/QUOTE]

Hopefully it doubles as a case and doesn't sport some super pink design or something -.-
Just to end all the speculation, the only reason using 3D drains more battery is because it doubles the light output to compensate splitting it two ways. The actual stereoscopic rendering doesn't really tax the hardware that much more.

Also, I got my first real StreetPass today! A girl named Mai who likes AR Games and wants to "master an art".
Ugh, twice my 3DS crashed during Ghost Recon. Both times it was during the same mission. The second time I was about 3 turns away from the end...
[quote name='BREVITY']Surprised to find that Ghost Recon on 3DS is scratching that FFTA itch. Fairly deep game. Hope they make more like it![/QUOTE]

Only reason I didn't buy it was it seemed extremely, extremely dumbed down.

Is there actually equipment, skills and the like? It seemed like every deployed unit was unique and there wasn't any spending hours in menus (bad thing imo).
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Ugh, twice my 3DS crashed during Ghost Recon. Both times it was during the same mission. The second time I was about 3 turns away from the end...[/QUOTE]Was it a general crash or the Black Screen with the error text? If the latter, did you have wifi on?
Turning it off while playing this game seems to prevent that.

Also, you can save mid-mission in case that happens.
[quote name='dallow']Was it a general crash or the Black Screen with the error text? If the latter, did you have wifi on?
Turning it off while playing this game seems to prevent that.

Also, you can save mid-mission in case that happens.[/QUOTE]

It was the black screen. I was wondering about the Wi-Fi because the first time it crashed when I restarted I had a message from Capcom waiting for me. The second time there was nothing though.

I'm done playing Ghost Recon for a while now I think. That frustration of having to play a mission multiple times kind of burns you out. The save feature is nice and I have used it from time to time but its easy to forget to keep doing it.
Yeah, I know what you mean, I had to replay a mission a couple times because of it as well.
Take a break and then come back with the wifi switch off.

I and MANY others have reported never getting the error screen again once that was done. Have not seen one report of it happening with wifi on.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']
I'm done playing Ghost Recon for a while now I think. That frustration of having to play a mission multiple times kind of burns you out. The save feature is nice and I have used it from time to time but its easy to forget to keep doing it.[/QUOTE]

surely it can't be as hard as Shadow Dragon with 2 save points?
[quote name='ajumbaje']To those who ordered their 3ds on amazon: how long did it take for you to get your 25$ credit?[/QUOTE]

I think it was within 1 day after it shipped.
[quote name='DarkonJohn']Quite true. My wife seems far more interested in the 3D pictures than any of the games. It's just too bad they aren't higher resolution, but since there aren't too many devices that will let you view them in 3D, I guess it doesn't matter that much right now since they'll only be viewed in 3D on the 3DS for now.

BTW: super_dawn...I like your sig..I've been trying to stick to the "don't pay more than $20 for a game" motto because I believe it is the smart thing to do, though I must admit I'm not always smart enough to stick to it since I bought a few 3DS games for over $20 because I wanted them NOW ;-)[/QUOTE]

True. A better resolution would be nice, but not necessary at this time.

Haha...I try as well unless its a game I know is worth paying more. I haven't bought a 3ds game yet, but thats more due to the fact that I'm not really interested in the launch titles (at least not interested in paying $30-$40 for them!). Hm. I think the only game I paid over $20 this year was the collector's edition of fable iii....sometimes ya just gotta splurge. ;)
[quote name='ajumbaje']To those who ordered their 3ds on amazon: how long did it take for you to get your 25$ credit?[/QUOTE]

I ordered my 3DS a week ago (last Tuesday), and received the credit on Friday. It is rediculous. I want to play my game.... but it still says 'shipping soon' even though I placed the order right after I got the promotional credit e-mail. Very frustrating. It should have been more of a bundle deal, where it is optional, but if you add a game with a 3DS it takes $25 off.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']I ordered my 3DS a week ago (last Tuesday), and received the credit on Friday. It is rediculous. I want to play my game.... but it still says 'shipping soon' even though I placed the order right after I got the promotional credit e-mail. Very frustrating. It should have been more of a bundle deal, where it is optional, but if you add a game with a 3DS it takes $25 off.[/QUOTE]

That seems awful slow for Amazon. Those of those that preordered got our credits really fast. Sounds like maybe they weren't so lightning-quick for future orders.
^Agreed. I ordered mine on Saturday, got shipping notification on Sunday evening, had the 3DS show up at 8:30am Monday and placed my order for 2 games using the game credit on Monday (getting the games on Wednesday with Prime). They turned my order around so quick it almost made me dizzy...but then I realized it was just the 3D effect ;-)
[quote name='iKilledChewbacca']:'(

My cousin dropped my 3DS and it snapped[/QUOTE]

Man, that sucks. I've let quite a few people handle my 3DS, and I keep wondering if someone is going to drop it. I think I'd die.
[quote name='confoosious']surely it can't be as hard as Shadow Dragon with 2 save points?[/QUOTE]

...Shadow Dragon having save points makes it easier than most of the Fire Emblem games, FWIW.

Bought my 3DS on Friday ( for the $25 GC - which is already in the mail), exchanged it on Sunday due to about 4-5 dead pixels. The current one I have seems fine.

Haven't bought any of the 3DS launch titles yet; Ghost Recon has been on my want list from the moment I heard the X-Com comparisons being made. That said, as a console launch game, I can wait a few months for it to go on sale while I play other games (Pokemon & the 3rd Prof. Layton game demand my attention, and that's just the DS games in my backlog). As a plus, I'm guessing that the firmware updates will fix the 'black screen' glitch.
Shadow Dragon was the DS one? I don't think I made it past six battles. Maybe not even that many. Loved the Gamecube one, wanted to like the Wii one, but the DS one was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay harder than even the Wii one :whistle2:(
Anyone know when the 3DS shop is going to be available to download games? I'm getting a little anxious and have a ton of points to burn.
bread's done