Nintendo DSi and DSi XL Out Now. "3DS" Showing at E3

Why do you want an LL? It's just a bigger DSi, and thus heavier and less portable. I don't understand the interest in that model, except for those with trouble reading the text on the DSi's screen.
I'm awfully tempted to get a DSi, as I've got some Reward Zone certificates and a visa gift cart to use, but I'm not looking forward to tracking down and applying screen protectors after the ones on my DS Lite are on so perfectly.

Plus I love my Playgear case.
[quote name='Halo05']Sweet, I was debating what to do with random GS credit. Off towards an XL it goes.[/QUOTE]

Woot! Looking forward to your comments about weekly DSiware releases. :]

/Hopes this is overwhelmingly understood as facetious
You're already losing a painfully bad fight in the Yakuza 3 thread. No reason to start up a second one here when your hands are full already.
[quote name='foltzie']Dear Nintendo... I would still like to transfer DSiWare titles.[/QUOTE]

I'm with you. Unless they come up with a way to transfer DSiWare, I'm not biting. I've spent $30 or so on DSiWare and still have another 1000 or so points stored on this thing, and I'm not about to lose it.
[quote name='utopianmachine']I'm with you. Unless they come up with a way to transfer DSiWare, I'm not biting. I've spent $30 or so on DSiWare and still have another 1000 or so points stored on this thing, and I'm not about to lose it.[/QUOTE]

This. If they let us transfer, I'm there for the XL day-one. If not, well, I'll apparently just be saving $190.

(or I'll wait until I can get one cheaper, cause I'm a whore)
I'm still rocking my electric blue phat DS, but this I might have to bite on...

How are people downing on this product? It seems to me like it's the best upgrade to the DS they've done simply because of the jumbotrons they call screens.
[quote name='snipegod']I'm still rocking my electric blue phat DS, but this I might have to bite on...

How are people downing on this product? It seems to me like it's the best upgrade to the DS they've done simply because of the jumbotrons they call screens.[/QUOTE]

Well the short version is that some of us with more discretionary cash than brains are on board for the larger screen, but only if we can port our DSiWare titles, otherwise, DSi it is.

Folks who have held off on the DSi are not likely to see anything in the DSI XL worth making the jump (other than perhaps looking for a DSi sale)

For the older generation Nintendo of Japan was marketing this too, it remains to be seen if this takes off with Baby Boomers and Busters. I can assume the marketing folks are planning a push like the Wii where the DSi XL will make appearances on the various daytime talk shows.
I only play my DS at home and i skipped the DSi, but I do want alot of DSiWare so I'll prob sell my DS Lite and and pick up an XL.

Plus it'll force me to finish a few DS games which I have the largest backlog at the moment: Contact, Flower Sun and Rain, and some other random things.

I miss playing my DS honestly... feels very neglected.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I only play my DS at home and i skipped the DSi, but I do want alot of DSiWare so I'll prob sell my DS Lite and and pick up an XL.

Plus it'll force me to finish a few DS games which I have the largest backlog at the moment: Contact, Flower Sun and Rain, and some other random things.

I miss playing my DS honestly... feels very neglected.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much my exact situation and plan. I think the only time any of my portable systems have been out of my house has been when I drove them home from the store.
[quote name='utopianmachine']

DSi XL launching March 28th at $189.99. Bronze or Burgundy.[/QUOTE]

I saw that. I'm actually thinking about picking up a DSi. I've never had a handheld system before. I know it's pricey and probably not worth it, but I'm eyeing a Mario bundle on ebay. Just because that's the only color that looks appealing to me. I was thinking of maybe going for a XL, but I don't like those colors either. Maybe I'm just being anal...
[quote name='utopianmachine']I'm with you. Unless they come up with a way to transfer DSiWare, I'm not biting. I've spent $30 or so on DSiWare and still have another 1000 or so points stored on this thing, and I'm not about to lose it.[/QUOTE]

I don't know if I would buy it, but I would definitely consider getting the XL if I could move my DSiWare games over. Like RelentlessRolento, I only play my DSi at home, so the portability factor for me is not much concern. Having a bigger screen would be great though. Just noticed that you get 3 free games with the XL too, so some added incentive I suppose.
I want the DSi XL pretty bad as I age and find the large screen to be a big value to me. I don't have a current DSi so transferring the games isn't as important.

I guess it's time to start drumming up some reviews on if the screen size makes older games look stretched or crappy. This is my only concern as if it's poorly executed then it will bug me constantly. We always have other regular DSs in the house to transfer or let me play GBA games.

If anyone finds some good reviews on what games are like on the bigger screen maybe we can add them to the front post?
Mah bronze one is now reserved. I'm looking forward to the great Zelda Phantom Hourglass experiment wherein I try and play the game again without blocking the whole screen with my hand.
[quote name='Indyjones']I saw that. I'm actually thinking about picking up a DSi. I've never had a handheld system before. I know it's pricey and probably not worth it, but I'm eyeing a Mario bundle on ebay. Just because that's the only color that looks appealing to me. I was thinking of maybe going for a XL, but I don't like those colors either. Maybe I'm just being anal...[/QUOTE]

Well, I right after I posted this, I checked out ebay before my lunch ended, just to see what was on there and ended up getting a new/sealed Mario DSi bundle for $179 shipped. It's not great, but it's not bad either. I basically got it for retail. Every other ones I've seen on there are at least $220. So in a way, I lucked out.:) Now I just need some games...
[quote name='utopianmachine']I'm with you. Unless they come up with a way to transfer DSiWare, I'm not biting. I've spent $30 or so on DSiWare and still have another 1000 or so points stored on this thing, and I'm not about to lose it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I wonder how the decision to not allow transfers is going to affect sales. On the one hand, the DSi hasn't even been out a year yet in the US. How many people are going to be looking to upgrade that fast? However, there probably are some people who would've wanted to get the larger version, but are now questioning it since it means losing out on a lot of past purchases.

[quote name='Indyjones']I saw that. I'm actually thinking about picking up a DSi. I've never had a handheld system before. I know it's pricey and probably not worth it, but I'm eyeing a Mario bundle on ebay. Just because that's the only color that looks appealing to me. I was thinking of maybe going for a XL, but I don't like those colors either. Maybe I'm just being anal...[/QUOTE]

I love the look of the blue one, but I'd really say the color doesn't matter terribly much when you consider there are a lot of skins you can get to customize the look of the DSi. If you're even more adventurous, there are shells you can purchase to completely change the color, although it's not something I'd personally risk.
I am so tempted to get the bronze XL.

I have a DS Lite now. Which I love to death. As others have commented, I mainly play it while at home, or, alternatively, when I'm trapped on an airplane.

The larger size screens would make Zelda probably a LOT easier for me to play, since I have big hands.


Curse you Nintendo. I think I'll pick this up and give Phantom Hourglass another shot.
I tend to play DS at home, so portability is not a big feature for me. I'll keep the DS Lite for the occasional road trip, but mostly I just want to sit in my chair and play Pokemon and RPGs on a bigger screen.
[quote name='Cantatus']Yeah, I wonder how the decision to not allow transfers is going to affect sales. On the one hand, the DSi hasn't even been out a year yet in the US. How many people are going to be looking to upgrade that fast? However, there probably are some people who would've wanted to get the larger version, but are now questioning it since it means losing out on a lot of past purchases.[/QUOTE]

I am. I have $252 worth of downloads and credit on my DSi. This means buying a DSi XL (which I do want) will virtually cost me $442. Thanks Nintendo.

Also makes me question buying any more downloadable games from Nintendo.
[quote name='kurrptsenate']the 4th fukking DS and it still does the same shit...

and the drones are off to buy yet another DS lol[/QUOTE]

So what is your opinion on the Xbox 360 owners who are on their third/fourth/fifth system due to defects, yet they keep buying?
[quote name='UncleBob']I am. I have $252 worth of downloads and credit on my DSi. This means buying a DSi XL (which I do want) will virtually cost me $442. Thanks Nintendo.

Also makes me question buying any more downloadable games from Nintendo.[/QUOTE]
No one's making you throw out your DSi.
[quote name='cochesecochese']No one's making you throw out your DSi.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I know. And no one's making me buy a DSi XL.

All I'm saying is that if Nintendo wants me to buy an XL (and, ideally, they want every man, woman and child to buy one... or two...), then they need to fix this.

If they want me to take their digital distribution seriously, then they need to fix this.
I pre-ordered a Burgundy XL... can't wait! It feels like a new console launch for some reason. Perhaps because I only have a Lite and not a DSi yet. Really looking forward to some that DSiWare like Bookworm, Oregon Trail, Dragon's Lair, etc.

I had to cancel my pre-order for the Bronze once I noticed it is not a solid color and has this HIDEOUS gray border around the edges and on the back too. The Burgundy is a nice solid color like the regular DS.
[quote name='ElektroDragon']Really looking forward to some that DSiWare like Bookworm, Oregon Trail, Dragon's Lair, etc.[/QUOTE]

DSiWare certainly has some really good stuff for cheap. Can absolutely recommend Bookworm. I've been thinking about picking up Oregon Trail myself.
By the way, this is by far the BEST info/ad video I've seen for the DSi XL. Way better than the super fast US ad (which you can see at where you hardly get a look at it. The Brits really know how to make a quality ad. Either that, or I'm more British than American in mindset. :lol: It made me change my pre-order back to the Bronze one, they somehow made the light gray border look good in this ad.
[quote name='LakersForLife82481']LOL @ the lady trying to read that book on her DSI XL. What normal person would read like that lmao.[/QUOTE]

I don't know... what normal person would read that book on a Kindle with only a single screen and no possibility of backlighting in dark conditions?

Yet people do it like mad. So I can't wait for the 100 Classics bundle, hope it comes to the US. I would probably buy downloadable e-books for the XL, if they do a good job with the text. Not too impressed with the current e-readers.
Yeah, I don't see anything wrong with reading on the DSi XL. Text is text.

I'll stick with my Kindle as the e-ink screen is easier on the eyes, and the battery life is phenomenal. But nothing wrong with reading on the DS--it's a nice option for e-books for people who don't want to read on their PC/laptop, nor by an e-reader etc. Should be as good or better than say using the Kindle or other e-book apps on the iPhone etc.
[quote name='ElektroDragon']I don't know... what normal person would read that book on a Kindle with only a single screen and no possibility of backlighting in dark conditions?[/QUOTE]

I have to assume that you have never read on an e-book reader. They use a type of display which appears almost exactly like paper. People have been reading for almost 10,000 years without backlighting. ;)
I really haven't decided on a color yet but I'm definitely buying one on launch day. I'm happy to say I didn't buy a ton of DSi downloadable games, but that said I still hope they come up with an iTunes type sharing system which lets you load your purchases on up to 4-5 devices or something. I really hope they have NES/SNES/etc. games eventually too like the Wii has. To me this would be an ideal way to play a lot of the classics. Maybe even a combo pack that lets you play on the Wii/DSi for a dollar or two more. I'd totally be down with that (as long as it supported a few devices).

Time will tell. I really have to consider selling my DSi now though as the DS Lite / DSi XL combo seems really nice :)
[quote name='Zing']I have to assume that you have never read on an e-book reader. They use a type of display which appears almost exactly like paper. People have been reading for almost 10,000 years without backlighting. ;)[/QUOTE]

In the dark? :D My point was you could read on an XL in conditions too dark to read a normal paperback or Kindle. Like how dim my wife wants the light to be when she wants to sleep and I want to read!
[quote name='ElektroDragon']In the dark? :D My point was you could read on an XL in conditions too dark to read a normal paperback or Kindle. Like how dim my wife wants the light to be when she wants to sleep and I want to read![/QUOTE]

Yep, would be good for that.

It's not problem with a Kindle (or other e-ink reader) or a real book either.

A little clip book light works just fine--and doens't light up the room any more than my DS or other back lit devices.

Less than 24 hours until I can pick up my XL!

Seriously psyched for it. I've been DS-less for awhile now and it has been sad.
[quote name='Halo05']:whee::whee::whee::whee::whee:

Less than 24 hours until I can pick up my XL!

Seriously psyched for it. I've been DS-less for awhile now and it has been sad.[/QUOTE]

I know!!! :applause::applause::D:D

Mine shipped from Amazon this afternoon and should be here Tuesday! Woot! I only have the original launch DS so this will be a huge upgrade for me. I've always wanted a DS with larger screens so this is perfect for me.
DAMN - The screens on this thing are HUGE... Do like.
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[quote name='UncleBob']DAMN - The screens on this thing are HUGE... Do like.


Where is the fucking GB printer! That collection isn't complete :cry:
[quote name='UncleBob']DAMN - The screens on this thing are HUGE... Do like.


What is the device above the Hori controller? It looks like it plugs into a gamecube memory card slot.
[quote name='laaj']Where is the fucking GB printer! That collection isn't complete :cry:[/QUOTE]

I actually have a couple GB Printers (and Cameras). Strongly considered including them in the shot.

[quote name='foltzie']What is the device above the Hori controller? It looks like it plugs into a gamecube memory card slot.[/QUOTE]

This was one of the things I was iffy on including. It's the "Advanced Game Port" from Datel (the Action Replay people). You are correct, it plugs into the memory card port of the Game Cube and, with the use of the included disc, plays (somewhat) Game Boy Advance games on your TV screen. It *only* plays GameBoy Advance games, doesn't play a lot of them as it is, the sound is pretty horrible and it all-around sucks. I don't recommend it.
Anyone got theirs yet? At $150 I dont think id be on the fence but $180 feels like Nintendo is just getting away with murder. Fighting the urge to go and get one...and to be honest think im just looking for one of you to push me off the edge.
The *only* reason to get this is... *duh* the HUGE screens. They are frickin' HUGE.

Combine this with the rumored Netflix streaming and a mobile WiFi Hot Spot (via cell towers) and you've got a killer set up.

If you want a DS with HUGE screens, this is for you. The only /down/ sides are the size, the price and the inability to transfer your DSiWare titles.

I still can't get over how frickin' big the screens look.
[quote name='UncleBob']The *only* reason to get this is... *duh* the HUGE screens. They are frickin' HUGE.

Combine this with the rumored Netflix streaming and a mobile WiFi Hot Spot (via cell towers) and you've got a killer set up.

If you want a DS with HUGE screens, this is for you. The only /down/ sides are the size, the price and the inability to transfer your DSiWare titles.

I still can't get over how frickin' big the screens look.[/QUOTE]

Well and pixelation, im just wanting to hear a little more from gamers too make sure that since they didnt increase resolution that the pixels dont look too huge and blocky.
The only things I've played on mine so far are New Super Mario Bros. (vs. mode) and the new Wario Ware. Neither one looked noticeably pixelated.
[quote name='UncleBob']The only things I've played on mine so far are New Super Mario Bros. (vs. mode) and the new Wario Ware. Neither one looked noticeably pixelated.[/QUOTE]

I actually just called and asked my local ebgames(yep I still have an ebgames)to put one aside for me. I just have this feeling that I should get one. Maybe I am mixing up desire and a gut feeling....but currently it just feels more like its the right thing to do, and my guts been on a lot recently. Maybe my gut knows the 3DS is going to not come out here till next year or more unlikely it will flop(doubt that, but some people really hate 3D).
Can anyone confirm if you can still get the 1000 free DSiware points for the american DSi XL? Someone on gamefaqs said they didn't get any free points after logging into the shop and setting up their account/linking it with nintendo club :(.
bread's done