Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

I originally planned on just playing some IB last night but randomly changed my mind and went and did some of the Will of Crota strikes in hopes to get that Pulse Rifle. I was doing it a few times and then ran into someone using the ShadowShot glitch. I had completely forgot about it and so I started doing it too and hot damn, if you put on the one ability where you make more orbs or whatever it makes the strikes go so fast. I invited a buddy in so we could run it together and we just plowed through that strikes each time. One time we got a HammerBros Titan with us and we were able to pull of killing her two times, once in the Ogre spawning spot and then at the actual boss fight. I did the strike more times than I could count and I ended up with maxed inventory slots as well as a full postmaster. Nothing super useful came from it but a decent amount of 290 stuff I can use as "starter" infusion pieces for any low level gear I get that I want to use.

I then jumped in and tried to at least get a couple IB bounties done before reset and did alright. Almost rank 4 now and I got my first IB drop, a pair of Boots! They kind of suck stat-wise and have increased ammo for fusion and machine guns... neither of which do I use in PvP unfortunately. They do have an interesting perk that I did not notice when looking at the vendor one; increased movement speed and something else after capturing a control point in a multiplayer match. That is interesting that they have PvP specific abilities now and makes it even more useful then when playing to have multiple different sets of gear and not just for ammo counts and reload speeds basically.

They do have an interesting perk that I did not notice when looking at the vendor one; increased movement speed and something else after capturing a control point in a multiplayer match. That is interesting that they have PvP specific abilities now and makes it even more useful then when playing to have multiple different sets of gear and not just for ammo counts and reload speeds basically.
That is interesting. I think the vendor ones have increased stats of some sort after respawn which is good for most Crucible stuff. Nice that it is switchable with another option a well. I'll have to grind for some drops tonight...

Looks like I'll be doing hard mode Oryx right at 10am Friday. I really hate playing video games in the morning - to me that would be like going clubbing/drinking in the morning. It just seems wrong ;). But that's when my regular group wants to do it, so that's the deal. Why Bungie got stuck on this 10am crap is beyond me - just start stuff at reset and anyone who wants to play in the morning can still do so. I'm actually kind of dreading the hard mode raid - I really don't want it to drag on all afternoon and be super frustrating. I do have to work on Friday.

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I really hate playing video games in the morning - to me that would be like going clubbing/drinking in the morning. It just seems wrong ;). But that's when my regular group wants to do it, so that's the deal.
I completely agree! Since I work at home now and have been doing free-lance work on top of that I have told myself I can ONLY play at night, basically after 10:30pm est is fair game. When I play earlier than that or heaven forbid, in the morning I just feel really weird.

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That is interesting. I think the vendor ones have increased stats of some sort after respawn which is good for most Crucible stuff. Nice that it is switchable with another option a well. I'll have to grind for some drops tonight...

Looks like I'll be doing hard mode Oryx right at 10am Friday. I really hate playing video games in the morning - to me that would be like going clubbing/drinking in the morning. It just seems wrong ;). But that's when my regular group wants to do it, so that's the deal. Why Bungie got stuck on this 10am crap is beyond me - just start stuff at reset and anyone who wants to play in the morning can still do so. I'm actually kind of dreading the hard mode raid - I really don't want it to drag on all afternoon and be super frustrating. I do have to work on Friday.
Dreading? What? I can't wait to experience randomized relic runners at Oryx with extra taken knight spawns ;)

Also pretty sure they changed launches to 10 am because they want people in the office for it. They had the whole raid development team gather together in a theater room and watch multiple streams of the raid on the first day or something.

Dreading? What? I can't wait to experience randomized relic runners at Oryx with extra taken knight spawns ;)
Oh god I hope not. If something like that happens I may just do hard mode up through Golgoroth from here on out ;).

And yeah, I guess stuff coming online while Bungie is at work makes sense even if that is sort of contradictory (ie, if they are at work then the people playing should be too!).

And Broly, that is pretty much my exact situation. I work from home so I have the flexibility to play whenever, but I really try not to do it too much before late evening.

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Yea the reset moving back to 10am makes sense for having a staff onsite so they can squash any bugs that might show up.  Just like the 310 black spindle drop that they took 3 weeks to fix... and the shadowshot glitch they are going to fix any day now...   But seriously, having this stuff kick off when most of the US is asleep is not good for the social media aspect of things so the later start makes sense for that.

So is everyone going to hold off on raiding until hard mode drops on friday?  I guess it probably depends on how the loot drops work, but if things are 310+ light and you are already 300+ not much reason to do normal any longer.

That is nuts that you guys have already hit rank 5 in Iron Banana.  I have been taking it slow.  Doing the easy daily stuff and not worrying too much about maxing rank prior to the bigger bonuses on the weekend.  Have had the side arm drop for me and had the Titan and warlock class item drop also.  I swear the Warlock class item dropped in the first game I played.  

So is everyone going to hold off on raiding until hard mode drops on friday? I guess it probably depends on how the loot drops work, but if things are 310+ light and you are already 300+ not much reason to do normal any longer.
Getting 300-310 gear is still useful in infusing stuff on its way to 320, especially depending on how rare the drops will be on Hard mode. Kind of bogus though since now exotics again will not be the highest. I wonder if once we are at 310 or above (and once Hard mode is available) that engrams and nightfall rewards could drop at 320?

I gave the Raid a try tonight and boy do I suck on the Tomb ships.
I mean REALLY suck. The guys were really patient though, and kept shooting at the ships I needed to jump to.
I need to just practice that part over and over.
We got to the War Priest and killed him, and a couple of us had to go. As far as loot goes, nothing for me but shards.

....and you guys weren't kidding about the Hung Jury, its pretty awesome.
Getting 300-310 gear is still useful in infusing stuff on its way to 320, especially depending on how rare the drops will be on Hard mode. Kind of bogus though since now exotics again will not be the highest. I wonder if once we are at 310 or above (and once Hard mode is available) that engrams and nightfall rewards could drop at 320?
Wait, NF gives rewards? :beer:

Yeah, purple crap - at least that's what I got from 2 this week. I did get a 310 weapon last week though and I've seen a few drop for others so it is a remote possibility ;).
Yea, I was half joking. Saw some weapons drop but I have not received a decent drop from it. At the least I wish it still gave our 500 faction rep or whatever it was. Although Luke Smith said they were addressing the reward drop rates on NF so hopefully it will be worth running again soon.

And the chance at 300-310 gear from normal mode will still be useful, but i was more concerned how the loot table will look and if you forfeit normal mode drops if you do hard mode first. Kind of like how Crota HM worked, but then again some of us were hunting Hunger of Crota and Black Hammer forever and you could only get that from normal clears. Good think we kept running those each week since they are so useful now. lol

Not a single drop from a ton of Iron Bannering except for a cool looking Crucible ship.  I'll try a little more tomorrow night and then just buy the boots and Titan mark.  The drop rates are atrocious compared to previous Iron Banners.

So I went in to the Omnigul strike and farmed her last night for almost 3 hours with two of my buddies. We kept restarting the checkpoint after we would kill her before she got to the room. I would use the ShadowShot glitch to make orbs and keep her tethered, my one buddy would go Stormcaller and take out all the adds right in the front super quick then focus on Omnigul and then my other friend would go HammerBros on her and then use his Exotic Solar to push her back when she would venture too far up. At the end game once we finally stopped I had almost created 1500 orbs. 

I honestly do not know how many times we killed her but it had to be at least 50 times I feel like. Plus I had farmed her a bunch the night before too. Of course each of my friends got the Pulse and one of them also got the Warlock Bond whereas I got nothing. I kept getting Legendary Engrams so it was like it was teasing me when she would drop a purple. I got so many freaking engrams though that we were joking that it felt like the new loot cave, though more challenging.

SO yeah I am getting really annoyed there. Gave up finally and did a few matches of IB. Have been sitting on max Legendary Marks and so I just bought the Cloak and Boots. Already got decent boots as a drop but I figured why not. Also I boosted my cloak up to 302 now because I really like it and probably will make it my go to cloak. You know now when I play tonight I will get the same roll on boots and then a cloak haha.

Not a single drop from a ton of Iron Bannering except for a cool looking Crucible ship. I'll try a little more tomorrow night and then just buy the boots and Titan mark. The drop rates are atrocious compared to previous Iron Banners.
Yea, played a ton of IB games this weekend and have got shit for drops. I finally managed to get the legendary class item as a drop, and it was level 281. Joy.
So I went in to the Omnigul strike and farmed her last night for almost 3 hours with two of my buddies. We kept restarting the checkpoint after we would kill her before she got to the room. I would use the ShadowShot glitch to make orbs and keep her tethered, my one buddy would go Stormcaller and take out all the adds right in the front super quick then focus on Omnigul and then my other friend would go HammerBros on her and then use his Exotic Solar to push her back when she would venture too far up. At the end game once we finally stopped I had almost created 1500 orbs.
I was bored so I decided to try this myself tonight. Except I did it the hard way: regular Omnigul strike with randos. Nearly every time we didn't kill her in the first room and had to finish it like normal. But a few times we killed her in the first room and then the others wouldn't wipe. Only once did I get in on a group that knew what the deal was, but even then after about 3 kills/wipes, one guy kept staying alive and cleared everything out. I think we hadn't killed her yet and maybe he was trying to do it solo (me and the other guy were dead). He should have just wiped and started over. It was pretty easy to take her down if one guy tethered and I had my hammers to throw. But on the next turn I didn't have my super so it was harder.

Then towards the end I kept starting up the strike and having people leave in the beginning. Again, I don't get that at all. I understand why people do that on strike playlists, but why when you just selected to run that specific strike? WTF!? Anyway, I ended up running it with just 1 other person the last two times and after that decided to call it quits.

So all in all I probably killed her 15-20 times and I only got 2 legendary engrams out of it and of course no pulse rifle or warlock bond. Oh well... Then I ran an Alak-Hul strike to test my luck (still want that Darkblade helmet) and nothing of note dropped there either. At least the whole Omnigul strike is pretty quick now at the regular difficulty. Each run didn't seem to take more than 10 minutes. But if I have to do it 100+ times that way to get a drop, then, yeah, forget it ;).

I kept using 3 of coins at Omnigul but about half way in I noticed that the buff was still on me even after killing her at the end. I guess she doesn't count for some odd reason? So then I ran my Black Garden checkpoint and had an exotic pop immediately - turned into a 310 Monte Carlo. I would have preferred a Red Death. I may have to buy one for 150 marks and level it up. Ugh. I have gotten several 310 weapons but nearly all of them have been Monte Carlo or Hereafter. RNG definitely leans towards those two. I think the only other one I've gotten is Suros and then a Truth that came from a legendary engram. That Truth pull was my very best RNG in Taken King so far since otherwise it would be very hard to get a heavy weapon to 310 with the lack of heavy weapon exotic engrams and my horrible Raid/NF luck.

I'm holding on to two 310 Monte Carlos. If I got the Omnigul pulse rifle of course I'd make that 310. But since that will probably never happen I might have to use them on a Red Death if I have any intention of doing Trials. Or maybe just to upgrade my Raid pulse rifle. We'll see about that.

I'm kind of burnt out on the game again. I may just keep it to Raids this week and play much less otherwise.

Yea, played a ton of IB games this weekend and have got shit for drops. I finally managed to get the legendary class item as a drop, and it was level 281. Joy.
I jumped into a few last matches tonight and didn't get anything, or so I thought. But the Titan mark was in my post. It must have come the one time I got a mote and a blue item on the rewards screen. I'd seen that happen before and it only showed along the side for a second when the reward screen went away and it was queuing up the next match. I guess I just missed it this time. You'd think they would prioritize legendaries on the reward screen. Anyway, so I only had to go buy the boots. I'm done with IB for now.

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Yea these drop rates were pretty poor for Iron Banana and actually I got both my Titan and Warlock marks when I was very low level.  2 or under I believe.  Also got the sidearm at around the same time.  Absolutely nothing from level 3+.  Although it is so easy to rank up now I felt like I only had to play a couple games last night to go from 3 -> 4 on my other 2 characters and I didn't even turn in the weekly bounties. 

Speaking of those, if I hold the completed bounties until next IB can I turn them in when it starts and then pick them up and do them again?  Don't really need the marks or IB rep right now so would be helpful to stack them for later use.

I am a bit burnt out this week too.  Spent entirely too much time managing inventory last night.  I can't believe I am back to that already. But I would like to run the weekly Heroics tonight if anyone hasn't done their 3 for the week.  Not even bothering with the Nightfalls.

Yeah I am most certainly getting burnt out already on this game. I mean the gameplay is still fun and I do not have everything yet available but I have most of it. Hard Mode will be something to do and give me a little jolt probably but I don't know especially with Halo coming out next week and then Battlefront and Black Ops 3 later next month.

I did get a 300 IB SideArm the other night. That is one of two IB rewards I got total, but having it at 300 is nice. It has the bonus damage when surrounded, outlaw and I believe hammer forged. So in terms of a gun it is pretty solid for PvE I just never find myself using sidearms. I bought and boosted the IB Pulse to just shy of 300 and used it a few matches and I do like it. At least I am glad I was able to buy my cloak and pulse that was all I wanted out of IB this time around!

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I managed to get some decent boots. I hit rank five just in time to buy the pulse rifle before my Internet cropped out. Have an all day appointment to get it fixed tomorrow. Thanks Frontier.
In March of 2014, Bungie rebooted Comet, sources say. The team ultimately decided to focus it around a single major map—the Hive ship that had been cut from vanilla Destiny—as well as a new public space on Mars, complete with strikes and a new raid. (That entire last Mars chunk was later cut and passed to Activision subsidiary High Moon Studios to develop for Destiny’s full-sized 2016 sequel, a source said. They’re helping Bungie make the game.) Over the months, Bungie kept rescoping as they looked more realistically at what they could do, and the final version of The Taken King—the one that shipped last month—wound up focusing solely on the Dreadnaught.

Explains the heavy Cabal focus in TTK

I'd be really interested to learn what specifically was so bad about the initial story structure. Even if it did have problems, I wonder if anyone at Bungie still thinks it was a better idea to scrap it and start over without enough time to replace it.

I got flawless raider last night. On our first attempt we made it to crota in 20mins but our sword guy ended up dying. Took us 3 more hours before we finally got it. Now I just need to fully upgrade a warlock subclass and beat Kings Fall on Hard to have all the achievements.

Once I get all the achievements I think I'm gonna be done with this game. Now that the taken king expansion has been out for over a month the game feels like its back to where it was a year ago. There is nothing to do to progress once you reach endgame(295+) except raid which you can only do once a week per character and even then the chance to get something useful is all random.  This game doesn't have enough end game content to warrant locking 300+ gear and weapons behind the once a week raid, I don't understand how Bungie doesn't realize this. 

I think my plugging away slowly has helped me. I haven't looked for the fastest way to level my light and don't always have time to commit to a raid. I still have quests to do and it has greatly extended the life of the game for me.
someone found it


[quote name="gotdott" post="12978618" timestamp="1445365827"]someone found it

Looks like the quest is triggered by doing the ghost quest from a few weeks back. Can't wait to see if I have the quest when I get home.
No Time to Explain seems like a decent PvP gun too. 

I am getting really effing sick of Destiny and its BS RNG. For 3 nights now I have farmed the Omnigul Strike killing her before the boss room and so we kill her once every few minutes. I have put in over 12 hours at least doing so and it was made much more doable with the ShadowShot glitch. Literally every person who has helped me has gotten the Pulse and the Warlock bond basically. The other night my one buddy got 4 of the Pulse Rifle total (counting the one from the night before) and was able to pick the most perfect roll of them. io and others too were helping and got the Pulse and the Bond no problem whereas I finally just got the bond last night at 10 hours in total. Still no Pulse Rifle though and now with the ShadowShot glitch gone farming that will be much more difficult. I am freaking floored at how BS it is that I could be doing it that much and never get it while left and right everyone else in the group has been each night.


I just read the actual patch notes and they just removed quiver for now... that means I have even less desire to touch PvP now that you killed the super for my character. Titans can get about 10 kills with their super and then now with quiver gone Nightstalkers can literally get one kill per super. Awesome. I know it is temporary but it just pissed me off and then pair it with what I said above that now I cannot farm for the gun I should have been awarded long ago and just ugh.

Also those Nightfall reward changes are pointless. Anyone who Raids regularly does not need a new ghost that maxes at 300 and then why the hell would they increase the Legendary drop rates when we are playing for Exotics? It is considered a crap prize to me if I get a legendary because that means I got a few Legendary Marks only. Getting Strange Coins can be used to buy exotic engrams or more three of coins and obviously three of coins means more exotics. I would much rather have those. Ugh. This game is really pissing me off lately.

Is Halo out yet?

*edit x2*

Apparently Reddit is saying that the drops on the Nightfall have a chance to drop higher than 300? That is something worth while then, though I wouldn't be surprised if this was not their intention and they will patch it to cap at like 300 or something.

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[quote name="BrolyB593" post="12978725" timestamp="1445368419"]No Time to Explain seems like a decent PvP gun too.

I am getting really effing sick of Destiny and its BS RNG. For 3 nights now I have farmed the Omnigul Strike killing her before the boss room and so we kill her once every few minutes. I have put in over 12 hours at least doing so and it was made much more doable with the ShadowShot glitch. Literally every person who has helped me has gotten the Pulse and the Warlock bond basically. The other night my one buddy got 4 of the Pulse Rifle total (counting the one from the night before) and was able to pick the most perfect roll of them. io and others too were helping and got the Pulse and the Bond no problem whereas I finally just got the bond last night at 10 hours in total. Still no Pulse Rifle though and now with the ShadowShot glitch gone farming that will be much more difficult. I am freaking floored at how BS it is that I could be doing it that much and never get it while left and right everyone else in the group has been each night.[/quote]
You going to give up? I don't have either so I'd love to give it a try if you're doing it again. Maybe you'll give my horrible luck back to me...
Kind of laughable. So, your super now has to be strategically placed (like Titans striker fist)to get multiple kills, but blade dancer still works like titan hammer at shorter range. I love the hunter QQ.
You going to give up? I don't have either so I'd love to give it a try if you're doing it again. Maybe you'll give my horrible luck back to me...
With the ShadowShot glitch patched it is really hard to pull off the farm now. We would need at least 2 Nightstalker Hunters to keep her tied down and tons of heavy synths and exotic swords. Buh.

[quote name="gotdott" post="12978793" timestamp="1445369926"]Yes you can get 310 items from the NF now or like 20 coins. Totally worth the 3x.[/quote]
I will be waiting for my invite at the boss. ;-)
At least now my weapons are better so I might actually take down some enemies.
Yea the Omnigul farming isn't efficient now with the shadowshot nerf.  I doubt you would want to go back to running the full strike to get 1 kill every 10-15 minutes vs 1 every 3-4 minutes before.  

Is that weapon really that good?  I can barely farm these planetary materials for the other 2 exotic swords let alone keep playing a strike for a RNG weapon drop.  At least when you farm exotics with 3oC you know you will get an engram eventually maybe (and probably have it turn into a 290 Last world, lol)

So the Hard mode raid drops the normal mode gear as well and doing normal first won't lock you out of hard mode drops.

Is that weapon really that good?
Like I said if I can get another Hunter to run it with me at least and the three of us all have swords and syths it is possible just not as easy.

And in terms of the gun it has I believe the fastest time to kill of any primary right now. Plus if you can get a solid set of perks on it then it is even more amazing. I have put almost 15 freaking hours in, I feel like if I don't keep farming and get it eventually then all that time would have been for nothing. Bah humbug.

Reddit consensus is that it's the Y2 Black Hammer condensed into a pulse rifle
What? Well, that would depend on the perks. Edit: Oh wait, you are talking about the No Time To Explain...

As for Grasp of Malok, like Broly said (and I feel really bad about this), I got one last night after he asked me to come in and help when another guy left. I got it after about 5 tries ;). Then I got another about an hour later. And I got 3 Warlock bonds.

Unfortunately the rolls on mine are pretty much crap. Both have the increased handling when health is low, which is OK I guess. But then the second perks are the shooting from cover one and grenadier. Ugh. One of Broly's friends got glass half full (bottom half of magazine does more damage) and, what, Outlaw along with that? And he had another with Third Eye. Plus I think both had Perfect Balance in one of the mutli-slots. I didn't get anything close to that. I haven't tried it out in PvP yet but it shoots damn fast. During the farming I also managed to push my weapon parts from about 5 to 149 so it was worth it for that regardless.

So for this new exotic Pulse rife, I never did the ghost mission thing. Is that back up today?

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I think it is today's daily. If you do it today you won't get the quest until tomorrow from what I've read.
I guess no one knows for sure - but what I'm seeing is you have to wait until the next time it is the Daily. I suppose people are just basing that on how it worked for people who got it last time. But if they just "turned on" the quest now it could jus be a matter of waiting for tomorrow or reset or something.

Blah - tonight is Raid night. Why they gotta do this on reset day? I can't waste my whole afternoon getting these stupid ghosts. I think that's why I didn't do it last time.

[quote name="io" post="12979210" timestamp="1445380663"]I guess no one knows for sure - but what I'm seeing is you have to wait until the next time it is the Daily. I suppose people are just basing that on how it worked for people who got it last time. But if they just "turned on" the quest now it could jus be a matter of waiting for tomorrow or reset or something.

Blah - tonight is Raid night. Why they gotta do this on reset day? I can't waste my whole afternoon getting these stupid ghosts. I think that's why I didn't do it last time.[/quote]
Getting the ghosts is easy. The final boss is a bit of a tough encounter. Definitely bring a fireteam.
[quote name="pjb16" post="12979401" timestamp="1445387503"]If you're still looking, I'll join you.[/quote]
Sorry, I was in the middle of running it with a group. The last mission is tough. If you need help in your fireteam and I'm still free I can try to help out. There are unlimited minotaurs just pounding you constantly.
Got the Daily done - wasn't too bad with a couple of other people in there (Simosaurus and his friend jumped in).

Raid time now.  I hate to say this, but I'm really bored of this Raid already.  I don't really want to do it, but I feel like I have to for the drops.

So I realized that since there is a distinct lack of taken captains, minotaurs, and wizards in this raid they are likely going to play a more prominent role in HM. Also that black orb above the war priest reminds me of the shadow realm (it also hurts you when you get close) - so maybe we might see something from that? His occulus is essentially an imperfect oversoul or something close according to the lore.

Got nothing but shards from the raid today until Oryx where my shards got me a 310 chest bumping my titan up to 309. I'm sitting on a 309 titan, 308 warlock, and 305 hunter for Friday.

Also got a 298 vanguard ghost from the nightfall (lol...) while the other two guys got 310 exotics.

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Also got a 298 vanguard ghost from the nightfall (lol...) while the other two guys got 310 exotics.
Me and another guy both got 305 Vanguard ghosts from the Nightfall. The third person got a blue engram and a mote - that sucked. But the last thing I need is more ghosts. I used my various spare Raid ones to push a Dread Explorer one (the black & white one) to 308 and my Brave Shell to 307.

I also used my spare Raid class items to push my Omnigul Bond up to 308.

Did 3 Raids tonight and got a bunch of squat from it even though I used 20 moldering shards each time. I think I might have gotten a slightly better set of gloves for my Hunter and a 304 fusion rifle to replace the 300 one I got before. Yay. Still no sniper or helm from this stupid Raid despite now at least 12+ completions plus a few partials.

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This new exotic Pulse is pretty badass.  I'm not a Pulse rifle user and I don't usually like to use exotics in the primary slot, but I might be rolling that way since there aren't really any Y2 Special/Heavy weapons I like right now.

Cleaned up some other quest items including doing the warsats and other stuff in the Sleeper Simulant quest line to move that ahead to the waiting part.  Also finished up farming for my other 2 exotic swords so will have to run that dark blade mission a couple more times.  Didn't do any raiding but will maybe do some tonight. Almost feel like holding mouldering shards for Hard mode raid, but not sure  yet.

Ran 3 nightfalls and was happy to see that the rewards have improved substantially.  Pulled a 310 Zhalo and 310 new Hunter Gloves.  That Zhalo will help me ascend something up to 310 (Hung Jury or maybe this new Pulse), but of course all my high light drops on my Hunter are Arms (2 raid pieces at 309 & 307 and now 2 different 310 exotics). NF still only gives 10 faction rep which seems way too low though.

Also had a guy mention this in a LFG raid group the other day but didn't have a chance to check into it.  He was saying that the exotic weapons that drop that require a max level of 30 instead of 40 actually have their impact nerfed in the raid because the difference between the level of the weapon and the level of the enemies makes a difference.  This includes the Touch of Malice and Sleeper Simulant.  He said to get a max damage raid weapon  you had to buy the Level 40 version from the kiosk and ascend that one up then you are using level 40 weapons vs level 40 enemies in the raid and your damage wouldn't be decreased.  It sounded like total BS to me, or at least an attempt to get noobs to use their 310 Malice to ascend something, but who knows about all the math behind all this stuff.  Anyone ever hear anything like this or was the guy completely full of shit?

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Also had a guy mention this in a LFG raid group the other day but didn't have a chance to check into it. He was saying that the exotic weapons that drop that require a max level of 30 instead of 40 actually have their impact nerfed in the raid because the difference between the level of the weapon and the level of the enemies makes a difference. This includes the Touch of Malice and Sleeper Simulant. He said to get a max damage raid weapon you had to buy the Level 40 version from the kiosk and ascend that one up then you are using level 40 weapons vs level 40 enemies in the raid and your damage wouldn't be decreased. It sounded like total BS to me, or at least an attempt to get noobs to use their 310 Malice to ascend something, but who knows about all the math behind all this stuff. Anyone ever hear anything like this or was the guy completely full of shit?
I have not heard that at all though it almost sounds like it could have credibility.. hmm

Got a Nightfall and Raid done and helped a buddy with a few missions as well. Sitting at the Atheon part of the No Time to Explain.

My Nightfall got me garbage, as soon as I read they added ghosts I was like... oh great I am going to get that and sure enough I did. All I want on my Hunter is a new chest since it is only at 300 while everything else is at least 306 and sure enough my buddy got a 307 chest in the Nightfall and then in the Raid I didn't get a single chest but two of my buddies got 307/308 chests. Ugh this game.

This time for whatever reason I just could not get the jumping platforms. Once I learned them I haven't really had any trouble but this time I just COULD NOT get that damn one right after the one where you crouch. I feel like that one is hardest with the Hunter jump. I felt like such an idiot holding my group back, I was that guy haha.

And io sorry I didn't jump in and help right at the end last night, I was sitting there debating for a minute or two I just knew I needed sleep, I told myself I would get off at 3am last night and you messaged me at 4:45 haha so I had to sleep! : P

What's up, fellas? I finally got high enough to do Raids on 2 of my characters. Still need to level up my Titan. I can't get any good gear or perks on the gear I do get to drop.

To get the exotic pulse rifle, you get the 3 ghosts in the daily from yesterday, then.... does the next part show up as a mission, or you just do Atheon? Thanks. Anyone ever want to join me, feel free. I've still been LFG'ing for the 2 weeks I've played TTK. Finally got 310 drops last night in raid. I hate that I've gotten strange coins 3 out of 5 nightfalls I've done. Other 2 things - Supercell at 290 (had one at 300), and a crucible hand cannon with crap perks.

So I realized that since there is a distinct lack of taken captains, minotaurs, and wizards in this raid they are likely going to play a more prominent role in HM. Also that black orb above the war priest reminds me of the shadow realm (it also hurts you when you get close) - so maybe we might see something from that? His occulus is essentially an imperfect oversoul or something close according to the lore.

Got nothing but shards from the raid today until Oryx where my shards got me a 310 chest bumping my titan up to 309. I'm sitting on a 309 titan, 308 warlock, and 305 hunter for Friday.

Also got a 298 vanguard ghost from the nightfall (lol...) while the other two guys got 310 exotics.
I bet they fill the hard mode to the BRIM with the taken cabal with shields. That's what you call "bungie done"!

bread's done