OFFICIAL Final Fantasy XII thread

Is anyone else really not happy with the guide? I've found it to be a huge pain in the ass. Not only are something flat out wrong/missing, but its also just plain inconvienent. Nothing in the fucking book is alphabatized! Can you tell me what order the rare mobs are in? Items are aranged by license, magic by LP cost... WHAT THE fuck?!

I sent this letter the BradyGames to be ignored. Does anyone have like a corporate/important email for them? Or even snail mail? Thats how much I hate this game. I am willing to actually write a letter.


I'm writting this letter in reguards to the Final Fantasy XII guide. I've noticed several errors, inconsistancies and inconviences.

On page 231 alone there are atleast 5 errors. There are places where they make references to other parts of the book that literally say "(See page ???)". When the guide is 350 pages, page ??? is pretty hard to find. This occurs FOUR TIMES on a single page. One of these also says "(See the "Ferryman Missing" side quest on page ???.)" Not only is there no page given to find the quest, but the quest "Ferryman Missing" isn't even in the book! After much searching, reading and playing, I found that the quest in the book is actually called "Cactaur Family".

Theres an area of the game that is open to you right away, but none of the storyline takes place there. This means that the map for it is tucked away in the back of the book on 240. Its not critical, so its not a huge deal, but evenstill, the map is wrong. It doesn't show where to areas connect nor the fact that two other areas actually aren't connected in the game. The map is associated with a quest and refers to locations on the map by name, yet doesn't label them on the map! It doesn't show a line through the area to the targets or even a simple dot showing the location.

As you're playing through the game sidequests open up after some events, but the guide doesn't say "Ok, nows a good time to take on these side quests on page ???." If you don't keep an eye on the sidequest section, you can shoot right by them.

Theres a mechanic in the game called Chaining. While the guide does a pretty good job of telling you about the bonuses of the chain levels, it doesn't show you how to distinguish between the different levels of the chain or what all the different text colors mean. Your chain counter can be: Blue, Red, Green, White and Blinking. Yet none of this is even mentioned in the book. I've gathered it has something to do with hunting rare monsters--Which brings me to my next points.

In the different zones of the game, there are 'rare monsters'. To get these monsters to appear you have to meet certain conditions and be in a special location in the particular zone. However, the guide doesn't tell you anything about them other than their base stats- Things that do you no good if you can't even find the monster, and if you're using the guide, you can't.

The rare monsters, as well as the entire bestiary, are in no discernable order. I've gathered that the weaker monsters are grouped by the areas they appear in and those groups are arranged chronologically in relation to the storyline. Then it lists Espers, Marks, Elite Marks, Bosses and Humaniods. Each of the subsequent categories have seemingly no arrangement. Every monster is numbered in the bestiary, however, this number is not listed anywhere else in the guide where the corresponding monster shows up. Why wan't the bestiary made alphabetical? There is no functional reason for the current arrangement other than to waste time.

Which is another issue I have with the guide; of the hundreds of items in the game and dozens of lists in the guide, only one list is alphabetical- and its not even a useful one! All of the weapons, armors, helms, magics and accessories in the guide are arranged by license. This does no one any good. You use the guide because you wat to find out more about an item. This would mean you probably don't know much about the item. Ergo, you probably don't know which license the item in question falls into! Wereas, if you just sortes the tables alphabetically, you'd know that "sash" should be inbetween "Sage's Ring" and "Steel Poleyms". Instead, its between "Amber Armlet" and "Argyle Armlet" because Sages Ring and Amber armlet are usable with license 6 and Argyle Armlet is 7.

The listing for Bazzar items is even less useful. They're apparently sorted by the order you can unlock them, but again, if you haven't unlocked it, you have no idea where it would be in the list (even if you did, you'd have to look it up ingame to know where to look in the book).

Technicks and Magics and Augments are all sorted by their cost in LP. Again, what good does that do anyone!? If you're trying to look up a skill, you probably don't know what it is, much less what it costs! Alphabatize!

Then theres a whole page dedicated to one use items. Theres about 30 items on the page and all the descriptions are ripped word-for-word out of the game. "Dark Mote- A mote containing the power of Dark." Why not just say "Dark Mote- Casts Dark on one enemy." We buy the guide to be helpful, not to give you money to rip off the same cryptic crap in the game.

All in all, this guide is hands down, the worst arranged, least helpful, most aggravating guide I've ever bought. I would have brought it back to the store as its hardly worth $10, let alone $30, but GameStop doesn't take back open items. I just thought you may like some feedback.
I concur, the battle system isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Now that I have my Gambits set, laziness has consumed me. My team steals an item, heals when needed, and rapes every enemy without me doing anything except pointing the analog stick to get in range of the enemy. Make me wonder if I can get a Gambit that will make my lead character automaticaly run to the enemy so I could reach lazy nirvana.

Also got a GREAT accessory that doubles my LP. I have 600 LP just sitting their for each of my characters (have already maxed out Power stats for fighters and Magic stats for mages. Probably going to have to overlap job classes which will make all my characters "equal."
Is there any way to get exp for the 3 people not fighting? I'm getting sick of having to keep swapping people just to keep their levels about equal...
Man, why are Quickenings so hard for me? Right now I've got 2 for Vaan (no one else) and I hold R2 and just MASH /\ like crazy but I can sometimes get only one, most I've gotten is only 3 (+ inferno)

Wtf niggaz?
[quote name='Roufuss']Wow... thanks for that, I guess I'll just pass on this guide then.[/QUOTE]

I concur. I'm not too happy with the Faqs myself, but I recall not liking the guide an awful lot. I sold it cuz I got a Vaan, and I was going to go back and pick up one with the Fran or Ashe, or pass altogether and get the regular edition since its dirt cheap (and I didn't care too much for the artbook), but I'm still hesitating.

What little I saw of the Strategy Guide didn't look all that organized. The Faqs obviously lack the pictures, but at least you have a Find option there. With the guide the info was scattered and sparse, and I really wish they'd make indices for these things. I recall looking at the final weapons, seeing the required loot, then looking up the monsters, some of which dealt with special conditions.

The game's a bit of a mess to try and organize anyway, but the guide didn't seem all that great, and because of it, I'm pretty torn about whether bothering with the LE, just buying a regular, or passing altogether.
Man... to the person who said quickenings were overpowered, you're absolutely right. I can now add the Garuda to the list of bosses I've killed in the first 15 seconds of fighting them.

I'm almost hoping that they start tacking on the HP to these bosses, like Kayden said... I'm getting kind of bored moping the floor with them ;)
[quote name='Moxio']Man, why are Quickenings so hard for me? Right now I've got 2 for Vaan (no one else) and I hold R2 and just MASH /\ like crazy but I can sometimes get only one, most I've gotten is only 3 (+ inferno)

Wtf niggaz?[/QUOTE]

Multiple people and bars help significantly. With Mist Knacks, you take the number of full sp bars you have. If you have three quickenings, start up the chain, and use a level one, if you land on a level one or two you can pull a consecutive one. You've used one of three bars, thus you have two left, and the only thing you could land on that will screw you is a level three.

Should you ever hit an "charge", you get all your sp back to use on quickenings. Thus, if you hit a level 3, you're depleted. But a level 1 or 2, and you could possibly get another hit in before requiring a charge again.

So basically, the tactics are to have multiple characters at once. Why? More odds one of your characters gets a charge each turn. The easiest tactic up to your controll is pretty simple. When hgihlighted multiple characters come up, if one of them has charge as an option, mash that one. Other than that, if you can keep track of who still has sp bars left, that'd be good, because that would be the button to mash like crazy as you shuffle if noone comes up highlighted.

I usually just shuffle once or twice instead of mashing, but then, I've not got past twenty myself. But the gist of it all is to give priority to charges, and have as many different people with quickenings as possible to have a better option of hitting those charges (3 times the odds of a single member).
[quote name='Roufuss']Is there any way to get exp for the 3 people not fighting? I'm getting sick of having to keep swapping people just to keep their levels about equal...[/QUOTE]

No. Though there is the "Embroidered Tippet" that let's you double gained experience. I've found that it's best to let a character or two get skewed upward anyway. Makes clearing things out or level grinding easier when one of the characters is a total tank.
[quote name='Kendro']I concur, the battle system isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Now that I have my Gambits set, laziness has consumed me. My team steals an item, heals when needed, and rapes every enemy without me doing anything except pointing the analog stick to get in range of the enemy. Make me wonder if I can get a Gambit that will make my lead character automaticaly run to the enemy so I could reach lazy nirvana.

Also got a GREAT accessory that doubles my LP. I have 600 LP just sitting their for each of my characters (have already maxed out Power stats for fighters and Magic stats for mages. Probably going to have to overlap job classes which will make all my characters "equal."[/QUOTE]

Might I recommend Esuna and Cure spells then? I also recommend every character fill up the slots southwest of the strating point on the top boards. HP boosts, strength boosts, and magic boosts for all.
Just finnished getting 4 Deamonsbanes last night and spent this morning getting the key for Deathbringer. I had so much fun getting the key alone (felt totaly like FFXI or WOW stuff from when I played those) that I thought I would cut and paste the two parts of getting that stuff here from FAQs so that anyone who wanted to could find them ez and it really is loads of fun, I killed a few NMs just trying to get it all done. Also I had to run through N. East Del. avoiding agro like old MMO days which was hard but rewarding.

***************Spoiler of sorts******************************


here goes. After the tomb of raithwall, when you get your first esper. you must first get the barheim key to get back into the mine. copy and paste this link. then hold Ctrl+F and type barheim into the blank and search till you find "back to barheim passage". I give all credit to "sephirosuy" as this is the link to his guide. ***************POSTED BELOW*********

after you get the barheim key go back into the mines and follow the path till you get to the teleport crystal(orange). save your game. now go down/ south a screen. your camera should be behind you, now follow the bending tracks to the right, with the camera behind you take the left when the tracks split again.

Now when your in the next area haul a** untill you pass the admantiose, keep going deeper in untill you see a rock on the right side of the tracks. on the far side of that rock there will be a vase. if there are 2 vases one of them being silver examine it. if its not there leave and re-enter or restart your game from the save.

Let it chase you all the way to the entrance that way no other mobs will attack you. Set all your gambits to steal, the deathbringer sword is the only thing you can steal from it, so it may take several tries. If you are low on health exit that area and reheal with MAGICS not the save point. turn right around, go back into the area and it will still be there.

You can steal as many as you like, they sell for 16000 a piece. And at level 30 they do about 1300-1400 dmg a hit. plus instantly killing some enemies.

credit: goldeneye86

7a. Side Quest / Mini-Game
7a-3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
O---------------------------O ------------------------------------------------
-O Back to Barheim Passage O
O---------------------------O [btbp]

After events in Barheim Passage, you can return to this from other entrance in
Dalmasca Eastersand. Reason for return is because of Barheim Passage is related
to certain side quests and esper/summon, as well as some great treasures.
All you need is the Barheim Key. To get Barheim Key:

- Clear Flower Saboten and Nidhog Mob Hunt missions (rank E), so you should
have Python's Scaled Skin.
- After got your reward of Flower Saboten mission from Dantro (your client),
talk to him again.
- Now go to South of Nebra River where you can find the Dalmasca Eastersand
Gate Crystal. Talk to Dantro's wife to get Thousand Needles (treasure).
- Leave and return this area, talk to the people near the river and the boy
named Chiguri, then choose first option in the dialogue to go North of
Nebra River.
- Talk to Chiguri for some events, then will back to South site.
- Now speak with Dantro's wife again, then search behind her camp for the
red flower, examine it, a flower saboten will follow you.
- Speak with the boy, Chiguri to go North site again.
- Get close to the giant flower saboten, watch a scene.

- Now back to South of Nebra River and talk to Dantro's Wife.
- Search the left side near the river can see a shinning thing there, check it
to pick up the Sem Shell. Pass it to Dantro's wife.
- Return to the small camp section and talk to Dantro again. Same place, find
the boxes in the central, check the jars there for Nebrarin, pass it to
Dantro's Wife also.
- Move to Northern most section of Dalmasca Eastersand, find the flowers in
the valley. One of them is in the middle of the section, beside the rock
which you can push down. Examine it to get The Drip Of Valley Flower.
- Back to South of River and talk to Dantro's Wife, also pass the
Python's Scaled Skin to her.
- Leave here for awhile and return, talk to the Traveller Under Recovery,
she's behind the camp where Dantro's Wife by, she will gives you Barheim Key.

From the Dalmasca Eastersand Gate Crystal, go South, then turn to South-East,
there is a small area, use your Barheim Key to unlock that door can back to
Barheim Passage now.

/ \
= Translation =

- Chiguri = ƒ`ƒOƒŠ
- Dantro = ƒ_ƒ“ƒgƒ�
- Dantro's Wife = ƒ_ƒ“ƒgƒ�‚Ì�È
- Traveller Under Recovery = ‰ñ•œ‚µ‚½—·�l

- Nebrarin = ƒlƒuƒ‰ƒŠƒ“
- Python's Scaled Skin = ‘åŽÖ‚Ì�U‚¯Šk
- Sem Shell = ƒZƒ€ŠL‚ÌŠLŠk
- The Drip Of Valley Flower = ’JŠÔ‚̉Ԃ̂µ‚¸‚

Posted this too since it was good that I got 4 of these.

1) beat the first demon wall in Raithwall's tomb.

2) save you game

3) go down the secret stairs, open chest, reset if is not demonsbane

you can get this multiple times
I think with the right gear and some Quickenings you can get Demonsbane at your lvl. You really just got to beat that wall, when I was going back for the additional swords I did Fleeing all the way in check the chest and back out w/o fighting if there was a sword. I could have fought but I did not want to waste time since I knew I was getting many. On the Deathbringer I know you can get that key already but I dont know about the next part since I have yet to start it my self. I bet your good though. There is no lvl requirement for these weapons in this game.
[quote name='Roufuss']Is there any way to get exp for the 3 people not fighting? I'm getting sick of having to keep swapping people just to keep their levels about equal...[/quote]
No, people not fighting do get LP at least though.
[quote name='BREVITY']I think with the right gear and some Quickenings you can get Demonsbane at your lvl. You really just got to beat that wall, when I was going back for the additional swords I did Fleeing all the way in check the chest and back out w/o fighting if there was a sword. I could have fought but I did not want to waste time since I knew I was getting many. On the Deathbringer I know you can get that key already but I dont know about the next part since I have yet to start it my self. I bet your good though. There is no lvl requirement for these weapons in this game.[/QUOTE]

cool. so where exactly is this place? I'm still in Rabanastre...
[quote name='robbart914']Might I recommend Esuna and Cure spells then? I also recommend every character fill up the slots southwest of the strating point on the top boards. HP boosts, strength boosts, and magic boosts for all.[/quote]
All my Melee fighters have strength/HP augments maxed. All my Mages have magic augments maxed (didn't License all magic yet because I didn't get every magic yet). Plus every character regardless of Job Class has all useful White Magic.

If you guys are having trouble leveling up, this is what I did. I have 2 groups of three.

Group A consists of Vaan (fighter), Basch (fighter), and Fran (mage).

Group B consists of Ashe (fighter), Penelo (fighter), and Balthier (mage).

Right now, all characters are level 30. So when Group A gets to level 33, I switch to Group B till they get to level 33, and switch. Since both groups are pretty much the same, and no group is inherently better than the other, I have no preference in using either group. Which means it is not a pain in the ass to level "stragglers" because the only changes I make is the entire group and not the individual characters.
Nice trick BREVITY, before advancing the storyline, I'm going to go for that Deathbringer. Your saying I can steal unlimited swords at once? What's the catch? Does that enemy kill you in one shot?
[quote name='Kendro']Nice trick BREVITY, before advancing the storyline, I'm going to go for that Deathbringer. Your saying I can steal unlimited swords at once? What's the catch? Does that enemy kill you in one shot?[/QUOTE]

Not all at once. Just once actually. But he reappears, so you can save your game when you get one, reboot, and continually try. Either way, he doesn't appear all that often, so expect to be sacrificing a little of your time. well worth it though. Don't even have to bother killing the thing. Attach some thiefs cuffs if you got em and go nuts. The steal rate is still not all that high, and he is pretty tough for a normie, but other than that, no catch.

Just be cautious of the other bad guys, as they are tougher and can put a hurting on you if you're low level. Personally, I'm still using the sword, so its worth it. Pretty much as good as you're gonna get until you go after the ultimate weapons.
[quote name='Kayden']Is anyone else really not happy with the guide? I've found it to be a huge pain in the ass. Not only are something flat out wrong/missing, but its also just plain inconvienent. Nothing in the fucking book is alphabatized! Can you tell me what order the rare mobs are in? Items are aranged by license, magic by LP cost.[/QUOTE]
Eh, I'm fine with the guide. All the lists (except Loot) are arranged how they are displayed in the game and most are short enough that scanning them isn't that big of a hassle. I agree that referring to monster numbers in other places of the walkthrough portion would be helpful as sometimes, there's monsters you'll run into that aren't 'local' to that area. Overall though, using it as a companion piece to what's shown/listed in the game is fine with me. Also, for the rare monsters, pg. 244. It's a side-quest but I think everything you need is shown there...
[quote name='Starky27']Eh, I'm fine with the guide. All the lists (except Loot) are arranged how they are displayed in the game and most are short enough that scanning them isn't that big of a hassle. I agree that referring to monster numbers in other places of the walkthrough portion would be helpful as sometimes, there's monsters you'll run into that aren't 'local' to that area. Overall though, using it as a companion piece to what's shown/listed in the game is fine with me. Also, for the rare monsters, pg. 244. It's a side-quest but I think everything you need is shown there...[/quote]

That only shows 30 of them for a quest. I want to know about all of them.
I recently opened a chest in the game that I wasn't supposed to (place where you get you stuff back), and I was wondering if it's worth it to reset just for the Zodiac Spear.
[quote name='King']I recently opened a chest in the game that I wasn't supposed to (place where you get you stuff back), and I was wondering if it's worth it to reset just for the Zodiac Spear.[/QUOTE]

You sure don't need it to beat the game. But if you decide you want the most kick ass spear at the end of the game, you'll be kicking yourself as you run in and out of the room about a hundred times.
[quote name='robbart914']You sure don't need it to beat the game. But if you decide you want the most kick ass spear at the end of the game, you'll be kicking yourself as you run in and out of the room about a hundred times.[/QUOTE]

More than a hundred. Remember, it's 1/1000.
All this talk of chests reminds me of X, when I opened all the chests to get 99 warp spheres, and then reset the game because I was just messing around in the dungeon.

Then I found out that my chances of doing that again are quite slim.
That was easy... just beat the first Demon Wall thanks to quickenings, on my first try... only level 17 for everyone.

I reeeeally hope this game gets alot harder... these quickenings are like an "I win" button.
[quote name='Roufuss']That was easy... just beat the first Demon Wall thanks to quickenings, on my first try... only level 17 for everyone.

I reeeeally hope this game gets alot harder... these quickenings are like an "I win" button.[/QUOTE]

Level 17, huh?

I'm 15/16 at Lhusu... how far am I? I'm really loving this game so far.

Battle system = awesome
Gambits = awesome
Graphics = awesome
Sound = awesome

I really don't know why people don't like this game, but whatever.
I beat the first demon wall, but I'm not seeing a hidden passage... wtf am I doing wrong?

Nevermind, found it on GameFAQ's.
Game doesn't really get that hard, can't 1 shot stuff with quickenings after awhile. The hunts and sidequest stuff past 35 or so are very fun and challenging though. Edited cuz I just didnt make sense.
[quote name='TrenoV']The game gets a lot harder, but you can still cheese it, just not with quickenings. The hunts later on get INSANE. I haven't ran into a lot of difficulty with the story stuff though, just the sidequest stuff that can be difficult.[/QUOTE]

Good... so far it's so easy to abuse quickenings.

For everyone who dosen't know, only ONE person needs a full bar to start a quickening, and the rest can STILL chain into that person's quickening.

What I do is have my party of three, they do a quickening, then after that I sub someone else in and start a quickening, then sub in someone else, and then sub in the last person.

I can effectively get off four quickening chainings in one battle.
The hunts later on are my main drive, the story is pretty cool but its just not difficult. When the hunts have over 200k hp and can 1 shot you quite a bit its interesting.
[quote name='Fatesealer']Chiming in with a lot of joy with the battle system.[/quote]

I'm not digging the battle system. It annoys the SHIT out of me that every time I take any damage the party screen opens up. I can't figure out how to turn that crap off. Anyone know? Its really starting to bug me.

[quote name='robbart914']You sure don't need it to beat the game. But if you decide you want the most kick ass spear at the end of the game, you'll be kicking yourself as you run in and out of the room about a hundred times.[/quote]

Wait so can I just keep exiting and entering a room until a chest appears?
[quote name='King']Wait so can I just keep exiting and entering a room until a chest appears?[/QUOTE]

I think with that one you can just run in and out of the room, but me personally, I just save at the orange save crystal close by, go to the chests, and if it's not there, reboot the game. It's like start and square, about as much time as hauling ass out of the room, and I'd rather not take the chance that my chance at it isn't resetting.
[quote name='King']Wait so can I just keep exiting and entering a room until a chest appears?[/QUOTE]
Yep, moving two screens away triggers the ememies and chests to respawn. One of the useful things about the guide is it shows the spawn/item % charts for the chests, so there's a certain % that a chest will appear and then a certain % of what will be inside said chest.
[quote name='Kendro']it opens a passage way to a chest which 25% of the time contains a Demonsbane, a sword which at that time is very powerful (does 59 attack compared to the best weapon you can buy at the time - 35 attack).

Actually, this is a bit wrong... the Demonsbane has a 59 attack, yes, but the merchant outside of Raithwall sells an Iron Hammer which has a 53 attack (or at least that's what Basch has while using it).

The Demonsbane is still good, I got one of them and that's good enough for me.

What license does it take to use it...? Nevermind, it's in Swords 3.

By the way, is it just me, or is black magic useless? I haven't found myself casting a black magic spell once.
True, but I find the Hammer weapons to be too unpredictable.

As for the Deathbringers, WOW...took me 2 hours to get 4 Deathbringers (doesn't include the time completing the mini side-quest to "trigger" it). Can't say it was fun. From my account, the "chest" only appeared 1 out of 10 times (ie. re-loading a save will test your patience), and it took me an average of 25 steals to actually steal the Deathbringer.

Completely worth it though, my characters are doing 1500 damage, and killing Level 38 enemies in 2 swipes (I'm level 27 so it makes for fast and easy leveling up).
I'm going to have to do that.

I haven't found myself using magic at all in this game... I'm about 20 hours in and really haven't fired a spell once unless it was Cure / Cura / Raise. Magic used to be this awesome force in every other FF, here I am just ignoring it for the most part =/

I don't even buy Black / Arcane magic spells since my people are more than good enough to handle them physically.
There are some bosses that throw up physical immunity barriers that you cant dispel, so try not to make black magic an after thought.
Anyone interested in trading LE guides? I got the Ashe cover and would prefer to have Balthier or Fran. If interested, shoot me a PM.
[quote name='Setzer']Anyone interested in trading LE guides? I got the Ashe cover and would prefer to have Balthier or Fran. If interested, shoot me a PM.[/QUOTE]
How about a Panelo? *wants the Ashe cover*
[quote name='martin8me']Ummm does anyone know if FFXII is still going for $40 at CC?[/QUOTE]
I was there today and it was marked at $37.99, not sure if it's still that price though because the new ad is out.
Ok stupid question time. Or maybe not.

How the hell do you switch Party leaders? If Vaan gets KO'd it asks me to pick a new leader, so I do, but then after I raise Vaan I can't figure out how to switch him back to be the leader again!

Manual was no help. ??
[quote name='keithp']Ok stupid question time. Or maybe not.

How the hell do you switch Party leaders? If Vaan gets KO'd it asks me to pick a new leader, so I do, but then after I raise Vaan I can't figure out how to switch him back to be the leader again!

Manual was no help. ??[/QUOTE]

Yeah, agro messes up switching on the option screen. Turns out there's a much, MUCH easier way anyway.

Try using the thumb pad. I'm totally serious. I wanted to kick myself too.
Press up or down on the d-pad. I found the manual and guide to be of little help. I'm disappointed in many guides being release lately.

I'm at the first demon wall, and I'm having a tough time killing it. My guys are all around lvl 20. Should I just skip it or go level up a bit more? It's really annoying me, I've tried to kill it like six times now.

:D I got the Balthier cover, I wanted Ashe at first, but I like the cool gun sky pirate. At least I didn't get Vaan or Panelo, those were the only two I didn't want.
[quote name='Thongsy']Press up or down on the d-pad. I found the manual and guide to be of little help. I'm disappointed in many guides being release lately.

I'm at the first demon wall, and I'm having a tough time killing it. My guys are all around lvl 20. Should I just skip it or go level up a bit more? It's really annoying me, I've tried to kill it like six times now.

:D I got the Balthier cover, I wanted Ashe at first, but I like the cool gun sky pirate. At least I didn't get Vaan or Panelo, those were the only two I didn't want.[/QUOTE]

I got vaan. Sold it. Could go back and buy another with the chicks since I helped out the GS guy (picked up guide early and tthen hey handed me an extra one when picking up the game and getting my 20%, I walked back in and handed it right back to them). But I'm kind of sick of the whole LE mentality, and didn't see the guide as very useful. If I did, I'd probably just buy the reg anyway. Decent shot of all the chars, and I didn't care for the artbook, plus its super cheap.

As for the wall, I had trouble as well, but I'd recommend taking it out before you leave the place. If you want to finish, fine, but definitely take it out before finishing and leaving past the crystal. And make sure and get yourself one of the Demonsbane swords along the path it opens. Took me twenty tries, but its probably worth it. Best thing you'll see for a while. I came back 5-10 hours into the game later, had a hell of a time getting it, and still wound up using it enough to probably warrant the hassle.

Best tactic against that wall is mist knack. I should've learned how to master it earlier. Instead, I wound up coming back 5-10 hours later and berserking my characters. Mist knack, sub in a character, and do it again. Learn to abuse that while you can. It's not quite so helpful for the last third of the game.
bread's done