OFFICIAL Final Fantasy XII thread

[quote name='keithp']I'm not gonna jump into the entire debate, but I WILL say that I've never played an RPG where the voices weren't bad! They ALL sound pretty lame to me! Even if some are better than others, there's always one or two characters or actors that sound so freaking lame, with the wrong intonation and emotion..[/QUOTE]


Also, FFX is a masterpiece IMO. That's all I'm going to say about this debate.

As for FF12, I'm about level 13 with Vaan fighting the fishes. Once I get to 15 I'm just going to continue on with the game and fuck getting to level 30. I'll level up with the skeletons in the mines later for sure though.
[quote name='Kendro']I found a kick-ass leveling spot. Don't worry, I'm keeping spoilers to a minimum. When you get to Lhusu Mines, on the 4th "area", these skeleton enemies keep respawning. You can clear out like 40 of them before they are gone for good. Then you just move back two areas, and return, and they will have re-spawned.

1) It took me about an hour to level from 10 to 18 so its easy and very quick. Basically as you cross this bridge, skeletons keep rising from the ground. You fight like 3 at a time, for a total of 15 or so. When you get to the end of the bridge, just turn around, and they come back. After clearing about 40 of them, they no longer respawn, so you have to go back 2 areas then return and they will have "respawned."

2) Since the skeletons are all the same type of enemy, killing them gives you chains. I've chained like 100 enemy kills so after my 40th kill, they were dropping real valuable loot. By the time I finished leveling up, I had about 70,000 gil. You know how in the beginning of the game money was so hard to come by? I've bought all the best weapons, 50 of every potion and item, all the gambits, all the magic, and I still have about 30,000 gil. You need to chain to get the valuable stuff though.[/QUOTE]

Maybe I did someone wrong... I did this at the very beginning while you're
escorting lawson or whoever
and it took me about an hour to go from 10 to 12, and I got my chains up to 100 and the skeletons were still just dropping dark stones and bone fragments and that's it.

What am I doing wrong?
[quote name='Roufuss']I'm sure someone like Rei can explain them alot better than I can, so I'll just let him do it whenever he shows up online :lol:

Basacially Quickenings are the ticket to huge amounts of damage... my characters are starting to fall into roles now that I'm having them go after different quickenings on the board (since only one person can get any specific quickening).[/QUOTE]
Sorry, was enjoying my brand new 360 XD

Quickenings are how you do the most damage. Here's how it works.

When you select a quickening you'll notice in the lower right there's an option with a button to the left of it. The option consists of two things. Either another quickening or a mist charge. Mist charge completely fills your MP back up, and if you select another quickening you can chain them.

So lets say you only have 1 quickening on Ashe. You set it off, and you see mist charge and you hit triangle. Bam, full mp. Now hit R2 until you see Ashe's name pop up, and hit triangle again. Bam, she does it again. Repeat for however long you can keep it up. When you get multiple characters with quickenings then you can start some massive chains.

Also don't worry, there's enough quickenings on the board for every character to learn 3. My best advice here is to get them as soon as possible. Because the second one for each character DOUBLES THAT CHARACTER'S MP, AND THE THIRD TRIPLES IT. This will be a huge help.
[quote name='Moxio']I have a question: exactly how hard-pressed are you for gil throughout this game? I'm assuming it gets easier as you go on and then eventually there's some Gil exploit leaving you set for the rest of the game (a la previous FF's).

I've heard things are tough and you'll be scraping the bottom of the barrel for most of the game... major suckage?[/QUOTE]

Oh hmmm good question. I'd like to know as well.


*head explodes*
[quote name='Moxio']Oh hmmm good question. I'd like to know as well.


*head explodes*[/QUOTE]
I'll put it this way. You're going to have to farm. You're not going to get enough money by just going through the game.
Dude, the horse monsters underneath Ozmone are absolutely butt-raping me. Is there something I need to do to get past them because it feels like I've hit an impasse?
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'll put it this way. You're going to have to farm. You're not going to get enough money by just going through the game.[/QUOTE]

Ah man what a ripoff. Oh well.
For people that has the collector's edtion: Once you open it up does it has a copy of the regular edition?
[quote name='62t']For people that has the collector's edtion: Once you open it up does it has a copy of the regular edition?[/QUOTE]
I don't get what you mean.
[quote name='62t']For people that has the collector's edtion: Once you open it up does it has a copy of the regular edition?[/quote]

The label is different, but the content is most likely the same.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I don't get what you mean.[/QUOTE]
i need to know does it have a different case inside. I ordered a collector's edition, but i brought a regular edition. I need to know if i can return the copy inside the collector's edition with the regular ed. recipt.
[quote name='willardhaven']No, it's not like RE, the case is a case, not a case within a case.[/QUOTE]
so it is safe to open the regular edition that I got?
[quote name='62t']so it is safe to open the regular edition that I got?[/quote]

:wall: You're asking if you can open the regular edition you got in the place of the CE?

If you want to pay $10 extra for it, by all means. :roll:
[quote name='Roufuss']Maybe I did someone wrong... I did this at the very beginning while you're
escorting lawson or whoever
and it took me about an hour to go from 10 to 12, and I got my chains up to 100 and the skeletons were still just dropping dark stones and bone fragments and that's it.

What am I doing wrong?[/quote]

It might be that your characters are weaker, hence, your taking longer to kill them. Things were definately speeding up for me when I hit level 12. Not to mention that all of my characters were melee and all of their License Points were used in raising power and attack, so they were pretty powerful for their levels.

FYI, once you get 99 Bone Fragments, it's good to head back into town and sell them because I think 99 is the cap, and anymore you get just gets wasted. 99 Bone Fragments sold as loot gets around 15,000 gil, so if you buy new weapons that may help.

Oh and getting massive chains like 100 don't give you more experience. The benefit of high chains is enemies drop more valuable goods (in this case, Bone Fragments which sell for 140 gil compared to Dark Stones which sell for 30 gil).
The CE is just like the RE4 Premium Edition case or the Mortal Kombat Armaggedon Kollector's Edition case. It is a metal case with the two discs inside. The discs are also labeled Collector's Edition and they have different artwork than the regular edition.

[quote name='62t']Let me put it this way, when I open the CE, I should have another sealed copy of the regular edition?[/quote]

What the hell?
[quote name='Kendro']It might be that your characters are weaker, hence, your taking longer to kill them. Things were definately speeding up for me when I hit level 12. Not to mention that all of my characters were melee and all of their License Points were used in raising power and attack, so they were pretty powerful for their levels.

FYI, once you get 99 Bone Fragments, it's good to head back into town and sell them because I think 99 is the cap, and anymore you get just gets wasted. 99 Bone Fragments sold as loot gets around 15,000 gil, so if you buy new weapons that may help.

Oh and getting massive chains like 100 don't give you more experience. The benefit of high chains is enemies drop more valuable goods (in this case, Bone Fragments which sell for 140 gil compared to Dark Stones which sell for 30 gil).[/QUOTE]

Oh ok, gotcha, I thought after initally reading your first post on this that past 40 chained kills they would start dropping something OTHER than bone fragments and dark stones.

I might have to go back and do it again.. I just killed Cluckatrice, that was pretty tough.
[quote name='fmarxnge']Does anyone know if I can get the 20% off the guide if I buy it in stores or is it an online thing only?[/QUOTE]
It works B&M also. wondering if im opening the wrong chest for demons bane. Iv opened the one I think it is like 10x and yet to get it. Its at the bottom of a series of stairs surronded by red flans right?
Correct. There is a 70% chance a chest will appear, and a 75% chance that it will contain gil or an item. So basically you have a 25% chance of getting the sword in that 70% chance there is a chest. It took me like 15 tries to get 4 Demonsbanes, though I recommend it because I'm 2 hours from where you are and it is getting ASS HARD. If it weren't for those Demonsbanes...

I swear, this is the first FF game in a long time where I fear some of the bosses, and I'm using Potions like they were Gatorade in a marathon. I can't tell if this is "normal" difficulty and that I was just "pussy-whipped" from FFX.
Bah, the characters are really boring and I dont like the combat system in FF XII #-o
YES YES YES....after trading in 4 crappy PS2 games, my total came out to be 74.67 for the Collector's guide and game.

And I got Ashe on the cover! Damn am I psyched....I knew I had good luck but this is too good.

Now to enjoy this game I have been waiting oh so long to play
Dam I didnt know about Quickenings till last night (I dont have the guide and stay away from FAQs unless I really need them) so when I found out about it I started working toward them. Well today I found out the hard way about only one player being able to have them. I was taking Fran and Vaan toward the same one. Fran won and Vaan got to backtrack and waste loads of LP. DAM DAM

Ok this optional Deamon Wall is kicking my ass. I cant seem to beat him b4 time runs out. I am all done with the place but for this one guy and I want that sword big time so I am stuck for a bit. Stupid moving walls!
[quote name='BREVITY']Dam I didnt know about Quickenings till last night (I dont have the guide and stay away from FAQs unless I really need them) so when I found out about it I started working toward them. Well today I found out the hard way about only one player being able to have them. I was taking Fran and Vaan toward the same one. Fran won and Vaan got to backtrack and waste loads of LP. DAM DAM

Ok this optional Deamon Wall is kicking my ass. I cant seem to beat him b4 time runs out. I am all done with the place but for this one guy and I want that sword big time so I am stuck for a bit. Stupid moving walls![/quote]

Yeah, he is a bastard. Hes got about 20k hp where the second one only has 10. I think the bridge for him is shorter too. You're best off doing a quickening, then use charge and then an ether and go for it again.

My first one only hit for about 5k, but the second one hit for about 12, so I just beat the piss outta him and hoped I didn't get squooshed.

When I went up against the second one, I was expecting it to be just as hard. I opened up with a quickening that I managed to chain to 10 and he was dead. :lol: It was weird though, because I did it all with Vaan. Ashe just wouldn't get a mist charge, so I wound up with a 10 hit quickening from Vaan alone. :bouncy:
Just got my demonsbane as I was opening this thread to bitch about not getting it. :lol:

wooohoooo 2 in a row. :bouncy:
I cant believe this button timing, I just about suck ass at it. fucking hit it missed seeing what button it called got a time out. Tried again with Ash, seen it and hit like X then X then R2 then... what nothing... where... what oh there X. Bahh too late. Next person Vann [] then [] then R2 then oh wait I see it X, then X, then it goes to God mode speed where the lame need not apply and I miss it time and again, I am just to nervous or something, I need a break.
FFXII > My ability to hit a fucking button on time. CHRIST!
Wow, finally got my game. Got to the Nomadic tribe and I'm loving this game so far, even though I haven't done anything yet.
Fran has some wicked bad Silence right now. I tried Vox and Echo potions and they all say miss when they hit her. I am worried its a bug cus I dropped like 10 on her and none worked.
Either this game is too hard or I'm not at a high enough level. I'm at:

Leviathan. I just barely beat the two judges and the other soldiers with them. I get Ashe and run to back to where I start where I have to fight that other Judge and his soldiers. I've tried like...5 times and I can't win...maybe I shouldn't have been so lazy in leveling up. I think my characters are around level 12 or that too low or do I just suck?
[quote name='whoknows']Either this game is too hard or I'm not at a high enough level. I'm at:

Leviathan. I just barely beat the two judges and the other soldiers with them. I get Ashe and run to back to where I start where I have to fight that other Judge and his soldiers. I've tried like...5 times and I can't win...maybe I shouldn't have been so lazy in leveling up. I think my characters are around level 12 or that too low or do I just suck?

You should be fine. Do you have your gambits and such set? Also kill the other guys first the concentrate on the judge.
[quote name='BREVITY']Fran has some wicked bad Silence right now. I tried Vox and Echo potions and they all say miss when they hit her. I am worried its a bug cus I dropped like 10 on her and none worked.[/quote]

Un-equip the Nethicite accessory that is causing her Silence. I too, bugged the fuck out thinking it was a glitch at first.
Is there any other way to powerlevel besides that stupid Fish way? IF they give ~360 each time and Vaan wants 1500 EXP to level up, I don't want to spend 1.5 hours raping fish to get to level 15. I might just try to "master" quickening and try my luck with the dino.

Right now I'm solo with Vaan, 7.
[quote name='Kendro']Un-equip the Nethicite accessory that is causing her Silence. I too, bugged the fuck out thinking it was a glitch at first.[/QUOTE]

God I wish I had asked sooner I feel like a goober. Seeing Silence that day that I equiped it I thought I got that spell not that it would hoodoo me.

Question: I beat that dam optional wall and then ran right out and saved. Then I came back in and hit the switch and opened up the two hidden bridges. But after looking all around in the hidden areas... I cant find that dam chest. I checked gfaqs with no luck. Help.
The chest appears in the middle where both stairs on each side meet in the middle (the area with like 20 Flans). There is like a 25% chance that a chest will not appear. Keep re-loading your saves to get the sword.
[quote name='whoknows']Either this game is too hard or I'm not at a high enough level. I'm at:

Leviathan. I just barely beat the two judges and the other soldiers with them. I get Ashe and run to back to where I start where I have to fight that other Judge and his soldiers. I've tried like...5 times and I can't win...maybe I shouldn't have been so lazy in leveling up. I think my characters are around level 12 or that too low or do I just suck?

just sit in one of the hallways, guys will pour at you. Then just chain them, get lewtz, fall back to sell and heal, repeat until you rapzor.
[quote name='infamyRISE']I finally understand Quickenings. These things are almost too powerful.[/quote]Considering they're mostly luck and the harder mobs have 30k+ life... Sometimes they don't feel strong enough. I've done a level 1 chain of 7 for cataclysm and it only did like 8k. I did a level 2 chain of 2 for 4k. The damage seems exceptionally random.
[quote name='infamyRISE']I finally understand Quickenings. These things are almost too powerful.[/quote]

I agree, these things are very very powerful. I have all with at least 2, and when the boss has 9600HP and my first attack(quickening chain) does 9k. Well, needless to say it has gotten easier.
4 Demonsbanes later I am through with this area. Tnx for the help, I cant believe I got 4 that fast. I am actually going to lvl in here just a bit more so I can get eveyone enough LP to equip them.
[quote name='hohez']I agree, these things are very very powerful. I have all with at least 2, and when the boss has 9600HP and my first attack(quickening chain) does 9k. Well, needless to say it has gotten easier.[/QUOTE]

Yep... I took down Judge Ghis AND Nidhogg in one shot of quickenings.
[quote name='BREVITY']4 Demonsbanes later I am through with this area. Tnx for the help, I cant believe I got 4 that fast. I am actually going to lvl in here just a bit more so I can get eveyone enough LP to equip them.[/quote]

If you just wanna get LP fast, you're better off going to the Dalmasca Estersands and just one shotting everyone. You get like 2 Exp, but still 1 whole LP.
With the gambits it like if something doesnt work in a battle or if something doesnt happen period that I think should, I blame myself and not the computer AI. I just reload my save and retool my plan/gambits/spells or whatever. I played that fucking Deamon Wall like 20 times and that tape worm in the mines about the same.

Anyways even though I know most AI is set up like this for you but with the same basic ideas I still think this system would port well to many other game. I just love the fact that I decide whats important to me. Stealing > killing it fast. Most of the time this is an example where I may differ from other players. So I like that I myself can make that call.

I went back to the mines for two hunts, the tape worm and something else I wont say. But I cleaned up there ex was ok near 100 everytime and I got 1LP everytime. I went back and used all my cash to get everyone Gold Armor and such. I am in love with this game. I ended up not sleeping last night and just played this all night. I will crash later.
[quote name='Rozz']Bah, the characters are really boring and I dont like the combat system in FF XII #-o[/QUOTE]

I think you're in the minority here.

How many hours in the game are you?

I've gotta say, I'm digging the battle system! And the character-development doesn't bother me, I'm liking the story too.
bread's done