Official WarHawk Discussion: **Patch 1.5/"Falling Star" OUT!**

[quote name='Draekon']...Am I seeing that correctly? A bunch of PS3's wired together? o_O[/quote]

Well you see, WarHawk uses PS3's as the host servers. The 1st plan was to not have any/many offical servers and allow most of the PS3 owners to host their own dedicated servers via their PS3's. It worked alright in beta, but the probelm was not everyone had great connections and the ones that did didn't, want to keep their systems playing WarHawk 24/7.

So from reading the stuff in that link, looks like they are going to host the games there for us (other hosting options are still out there) which I think is great.
Using the actual systems as server clusters is pretty wow!

Damn, what if they were all folding.....

Beautiful PS3s, thank goodness you don't have to worry about heat issues.
... thus explaining what happened to all the 20GB PS3s that were left on the market.

That is pretty genious though, I'm sure it's a hell of alot cheaper than buying and maintaining a bunch of Windows or Linux boxes.
I love the whole host server thing... this helps for the longevity too due to if sony decides to stop hosting servers for the games you have no worries if you want to play online. good work incog.
[quote name='ighosty']Anyone think a demo will be put out on PSN?[/QUOTE]

Demo? With Sony? No chance.

Luckily I got in on the beta and I've already been sold on the the game. If those rumors turn out to be true (especially the 64 player one), then this game will be freakin awesome.
Family Video discount code.

[quote name='NamPaehc']WarHawk is $52.99.

So with it comes out to be either $48.98 or $50.98 with shipping.

The PSN version is $39.99, but if you need a BT Headset, you can grab one with this package for only $9-11 more along with all the extras.[/quote]

Also good for ordering other games like Lair or Heavenly Sword cheaper.
Warhawk artwork/manual?





more pics =>
Looks like it postaboy, from the descriptions I've seen so far.

I'm going to try tracking down clan infomation again so we can maybe start making plans to build a CAG group for this game too.
I was wondering how the sixaxis controls work for this game. Can anyone who got in on the beta let me know how well the sixaxis works for controling the warhawks? After playing motorstorm and having the sixaxis go out on me sometimes during play, I just want to make sure the same thing doesn't happen for this game before i pick it up.
[quote name='NamPaehc']Looks like it postaboy, from the descriptions I've seen so far.

I'm going to try tracking down clan infomation again so we can maybe start making plans to build a CAG group for this game too.[/quote]

Sounds good to me!:cool:
[quote name='ighosty']I was wondering how the sixaxis controls work for this game. Can anyone who got in on the beta let me know how well the sixaxis works for controling the warhawks? After playing motorstorm and having the sixaxis go out on me sometimes during play, I just want to make sure the same thing doesn't happen for this game before i pick it up.[/QUOTE]I just used analog
[quote name='ighosty']I was wondering how the sixaxis controls work for this game. Can anyone who got in on the beta let me know how well the sixaxis works for controling the warhawks? After playing motorstorm and having the sixaxis go out on me sometimes during play, I just want to make sure the same thing doesn't happen for this game before i pick it up.[/quote]

Hmm... I don't know what you are refering to with Motorstorm so I can't compair the two (only played the demo).

The motion control for Warhawk was REALLY good when I was in the beta. Only I didn't use it because it was a bit to hard for me to pull off the air tricks without practice. I like making "combos" on the fly so it was a little hard to memorize what each motion did (barrel roll, side twisting, quick dive and so on).

You can change how sensative the game is to the controls which helped ALOT. It didn't seem to work for someone people until they figured that out. A lot of complaining that it wasn't responsive, but once people played with settings they got it good and tight.

Again only reason I didn't use it was I was to busy getting into the battle to study it. With some effort, I think you could do some INSANE moves. I saw people doing some crazy stuff in beta and I think it was because they were using the motion control.

Without the control, you use the right stick to do "moves". So I might barrel roll by pushing up then pull it slightly to the right to twist on the way down and so on. Probelm with that is the "moves" are scripted so there is only so much you can do. Sure you can mix and match them on the fly but no way you can get it respond like you might want it to all the time.
sounds good...What i was talking about in motorstorm was that i played through some of it and sometime i would turn the controller and the car would not turn, so the game was not responding to me turning the controller.
[quote name='ighosty']sounds good...What i was talking about in motorstorm was that i played through some of it and sometime i would turn the controller and the car would not turn, so the game was not responding to me turning the controller.[/quote]

okay yeh. Warhawk did the same thing for me, but then I figured out you could change how sensative it was in the menu and didn't have an issue then. That help?
A lot of early games are shoehorning the motion controls into their game without the basic custimization features we've taken for granted in analog stick controls, or even joysticks.

For motion controls to really work, they have to make sure you can control things like sensitivity and dead zone. Even things like how for do you have to tilt to get to the max possible turn rate (e.g. 90 degrees, 60, or maybe even 120?).
I made a request for more clan info, a lot of others seem to have been doing the same.

The stuff in beta wasn't really done yet so we can't go by that. They said a lot was done to the clan system proir/post beta so we'll have to wait for them to tel us just how it will work. HOPEFULLY before the game comes out...
[quote name='ighosty']the ign podcast beyond episode 8 which came out today, had the maker of warhawk on with them and took many FAQ from gamers. Heres the link if anyone is interested....[/quote]

Of course we are interested! All I can say is that Dylan Jobe is the man! He REALLY listens to feedback of players which I saw evidence of during the beta trial. The PSBlog has a few posts in it by him and his crew saying to keep posting there as they were going through everyone's questions there. So I guess this too shows more evidence of that.
ya the warhawk blog goes up on wednesday, should be a great resource once the game comes out. Since the developers will be looking at it for feedback from gamers.
I think everyday I hear something about this game I get more excited. I was first gonna buy it for the headset, but now it looks pretty awesome
I love how the PSN download is only going to be 800MB.

Some people will turn up their noses and go "800MB?! For $40?! HA!" Then someone will try and use it as a point as to why blu-ray is not needed.

Well... They are just using the technology really well! It is in the podcasts. Jobe talks about how they uncompress the needed data on the fly, and dump it right away when not in use. Crazy to think you'll be getting so much content out of a "small amount" of HD space.
I just got a ps3, and warhawk was going to be my first game...but $40 is a little steep for a DL online only game for my tastes..This is one of the games I have been looking forward to playing...

how is the headset that comes with the retail package..I had heard on a podcast (i think it was either 1up or all games) where it was mediocre and the avg reviews on amazon gave it a 5.
[quote name='ryanbph']I just got a ps3, and warhawk was going to be my first game...but $40 is a little steep for a DL online only game for my tastes..This is one of the games I have been looking forward to playing...

how is the headset that comes with the retail package..I had heard on a podcast (i think it was either 1up or all games) where it was mediocre and the avg reviews on amazon gave it a 5.[/quote]
I don't think battlefield 2142/2 were $30 like they are are when they first came out. At least $50 I think then. Only "online only" type of games I can look at to compare. So if your into those types of games, $40 isn't that bad and more or less "normal".

The bundled headset is more or less a decent "starter headset". It is a Jabra BT125 so you can do some research online yourself.
[quote name='NamPaehc']I love how the PSN download is only going to be 800MB.

Some people will turn up their noses and go "800MB?! For $40?! HA!" Then someone will try and use it as a point as to why blu-ray is not needed.

Well... They are just using the technology really well! It is in the podcasts. Jobe talks about how they uncompress the needed data on the fly, and dump it right away when not in use. Crazy to think you'll be getting so much content out of a "small amount" of HD space.[/quote]Yup. Games get mighty small when you take out a single player storyline involving scripted events, tons of audio/video, etc.

All this game is made up of basically a set of maps, and player models with heavy compression, and tons of assets being reused.
We do the rest.
This is what I wanna know. Is it possible to play a 4vs4. And if you could, would there be maps that would support the smaller number better?
Anyone know anything about this?
It's definitely possible to have a 4v4 game, but as far as the maps go - I'm not sure. I hope they have some sort of map scaling like Resistance (where you only use a small portion of the map in smaller games).
[quote name='Tyvan']This is what I wanna know. Is it possible to play a 4vs4. And if you could, would there be maps that would support the smaller number better?
Anyone know anything about this?[/quote]

I don't remember the sizes either. But all of the maps have a small/medium/large type thing with them. So you can have smaller number of people playing. You can also lock it so players can ONLY play in Warhawks (maybe the other way around too?). Basically, you have NO ground combat at all and after you die, you automatically spawn in the sky inside a Warhawk and can go back to dogfighting.

Here are some of the questions I saw posted here, and answers:

QUESTION: Does Warhawk Support Clans?

ANSWER: Yes…you can form a clan, give your clan a prefix tag [4 characters], your clan can have a motto, leader…and yes the leader must make invites into the clan, you have access to a separate clan mail/message that can be used to coordinate practices or matches, and lastly you can use your clan list just like the XMB buddy list to jump right into their game or retrieve their statistics.

QUESTION: If I buy the retail version, do I have to have the Blu-ray in my PS3 to run Warhawk?

ANSWER: Yes…”Reluctant Hero” asked about this Wednesday but sorry man…but hey, one of the many advantages of the BD is that when you power-up your PS3, you can boot directly into the game.

QUESTION: During the BETA, there were times when the game would crash – Is that fixed?

ANSWER: LOL….yes! We wouldn’t have shipped if it was still “crashy.”

QUESTION: Can you use any headset with Warhawk?

ANSWER: Yes…the Jabra that’s included is a good headset but you might already have one, or maybe still have the USB SOCOM headset. They all work.

QUESTION: Are the Warhawk Servers “Worldwide”?

ANSWER: Yes, All territories can play together on the PSN.
[quote name='NamPaehc']I don't think battlefield 2142/2 were $30 like they are are when they first came out. At least $50 I think then.[/quote]
You are correct, both BF2 and 2142 launched at $50. I didn't pick up 2142, but I can tell you that BF2 was well worth the money I paid when I picked it up day 1. I have a feeling this will match that value; my only wish is that they had bot support at launch so that we could get the hang of the vehicles and practice outside of online modes.

Oh well, 8/28 can't come soon enough!!!
[quote name='NamPaehc']I don't remember the sizes either. But all of the maps have a small/medium/large type thing with them. So you can have smaller number of people playing. You can also lock it so players can ONLY play in Warhawks (maybe the other way around too?). Basically, you have NO ground combat at all and after you die, you automatically spawn in the sky inside a Warhawk and can go back to dogfighting.

Ok that is awesome. Thanks for the info!:cool:
Warhawk is rendered in 720p BUT it does upscale to 1080i for those with older TVs:

Dylan Jobe | August 14th, 2007 at 2:00 pm

There have been a lot of questions about upscalling and overscan…just one of the many issues that we are faced with this generation.

We did take this in account when developing Warhawk though.

Warhawk *does* 1080i upscale for those of you who have HD tvs that fall into the 720p–>480p/i category. We still render 720p, but at least the game scans-out to 1080i so you aren’t forced to play at 480.

With regard to overscan, we tried to address this too. And you too correct, HDTV overscan varies a great deal. So…at the graphics options screen in Warhawk, we give you precise control over all 4 edges of the screen independently so you can position and scale the video output to match your specific display device.

The beta looked GREAT in 720p already but just so you guys know you shouldn't have a problem with your TV's.
oh forgot to ask...where u guys picken up the game? Saw the familydiscount deal, but don't know if i should get it there or spend the extra to get it on launch day.
[quote name='ighosty']oh forgot to ask...where u guys picken up the game? Saw the familydiscount deal, but don't know if i should get it there or spend the extra to get it on launch day.[/quote]

That is where I got it. I might not be home then, so I wouldn't be able to play it right anyway, so I don't mind wait for shipping.

Best way to get it without waiting is to go to a retail store on launch day. Not going to save to much money then though.
ya, family with the 3 dollar off coupon isn't that bad for a 4 or 5 day wait. Save like 10 bucks so guess thats pretty good, I'll probably be play bioshock during that time anyway so its win win.

Yo Nampaehc, whats you PSN ID?
just moved in my apartment and up graded my internet, and now that my xbox is being repaired i'm ready to play some warhawk....real bad
I finally sat down and watched some gameplay videos of this game and can't wait to get it and my headset. I watched these after I ordered it. I knew you flew a flying craft of some sort and had ground battles as well. I heard it was similar to SW:Battle Front. I was sold when I heard that.
[quote name='Kendal']I finally sat down and watched some gameplay videos of this game and can't wait to get it and my headset. I watched these after I ordered it. I knew you flew a flying craft of some sort and had ground battles as well. I heard it was similar to SW:Battle Front. I was sold when I heard that.[/quote]

Yes that is a similair one. No classes though, you have to pick up the weapons.

I'd say it is a mix of Battlefield/Battlefront/Twisted Metal.
Does anyone know if this game can be downloaded on five different PS3s like other downloadable games in the PSN Store?
bread's done