OTT 586: The Legend Continues

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As someone too lazy to access the Comcast account to get the confirmation to access HBO Go, this is pretty cool news.  Also cool for my mom, who can now watch some HBO stuff on her Roku, since Comcast sucks dick and doesn't allow HBO Go on Roku.

Definitely want the watch The Wire, Flight of the Conchords, and the end of Eastbound and Down now.

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Got a free equipment upgrade from my satellite provider today.  Much better technology, DVR 5 shows at once with a ton more space to record.  Only have had a couple conflicts but I've missed an entire series of a show this past season because of a 1-minutes scheduling conflict, all because the network wanted to technically have the show end at 9:01pm instead of 9:00pm.

And since the had to get into the crawl space I took the opportunity to finally rewire my internet so that the connection comes through the living room instead of the far back bedroom.  Connection is much faster now, and I went ahead and hardlined my PS3 to kill as much lag as possible.

I agree. Its a waste.

I regret not just becoming an electrician or a plumber. Maybe an HVAC guy.
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I have a degree in Medical Technology (Medical Laboratory or Clinical Lab Science).. It's good for exactly one thing. Working in a medical lab. At least with a generic degree I could have other employment oppurtunities avaliable.

I'll be in Iowa over the next 3 days. Can't imagine I'll find much to do.

Getting a liberal arts degree is a bad decision. I know.
I'm not sure if you're being facetious or not, since I know you're still in academia... I don't think lib arts degrees are guaranteed wastes, but I do think you have to really have a *passion* for whatever field you're getting into. For myself, I know I'm certainly not so interested in anthropology that I want to go do field research, earn my Ph.D, and work at a university publishing/writing grants forever. I kind of wish I had realized that was the end game for so many lib arts fields when I got myself into this, although that blame really lies with me.

I'm not sure if you're being facetious or not, since I know you're still in academia... I don't think lib arts degrees are guaranteed wastes, but I do think you have to really have a *passion* for whatever field you're getting into. For myself, I know I'm certainly not so interested in anthropology that I want to go do field research, earn my Ph.D, and work at a university publishing/writing grants forever. I kind of wish I had realized that was the end game for so many lib arts fields when I got myself into this, although that blame really lies with me.
I'm being totally serious. I'm on my second year of being on the job market and have had one interview. There are over 300 applicants per job. I love history, but I'm sure that I would have loved something else, too. Passion isn't enough. In fact, "passion" can lead down a long road where you accept shitty work and shitty pay to follow your dreams. My advice for anyone wanting a PhD in the humanities is to get out while you can.

Colleges really should inform you of what your job prospects and earning potential are before you sign up for a degree program.
I agree with that, although it's the students responsibility, too. I didn't know what I was getting into. I blame no one but myself.

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There are a lot of jobs out there that just look for any degree, disregarding if it's in a specific field.  Obviously if it's related that's better.  I agree following your dreams and passions can lead to shitty work/shitty pay but it can be much more rewarding.

A lot of people don't realize that the application process just to get a job can take a looong time too.  Many think that they'll go from college, have their last summer vacation, then start work the next fall.  But you have to have your degree before you can put it on your resume, and they'll require transcripts, etc, which you can't have until after graduation.  And I applied for many jobs where the process took almost a year or more.  I got a job just while waiting on the application process for the other jobs that I really wanted.

I also think guidance counselors should be more useful (the ones I had sucked).  Like you guys said above, I was in a similar situation where I thought I would be lined up nicely with my current track for a job, only to realize too late that that one prospect didn't hire hardly anyone with the degree I was going for.  (Worked out in the long term since I'm better off now, but would have been nice to realize what my prospects were actually going to be going in).  But, I agree, it is the student's responsibility, aka my own fault.

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I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit. I lowered my expectations when I started it, seeing as just about every opinion I've read on the internet is that it sucks. It's not as good as II or Brotherhood, but I think I like it more than Revelations and the first one. I'll see where it ranks once I finish it. Ezio was so much better than Connor, though.

I have Black Flag in the backlog.

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I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit. I lowered my expectations when I started it, seeing as just about every opinion I've read on the internet is that it sucks. It's not as good as II or Brotherhood, but I think I like it more than Revelations and the first one. I'll see where it ranks once I finish it. Ezio was so much better than Connor, though.

I have Black Flag in the backlog.
You are the only person who I've ever read say that they enjoyed it.

I know many people that enjoyed ACIII, including myself.

As I said in the ACIII thread, it did feel like a big stray from the others, especially with the new control system. But I didn't feel like it was a bad game, just different from the others.

These minigames in AC III are such bullshit. Bowls can eat my ass.
I hated some of the board games and such against the hardest players that were required for trophies. I found a workaround for those, though.

I'm trying to get past this incredibly long intro in ACIII, which feels like they saw good response to how they started ACII and went even further in that direction by showing what Connor's father was up to before he was born. I've heard that their resolution to what happened at the end of ACII was not as good as it should've been after dicking around with Desmond's story for the two prior games to let them make more games just about Ezio.

I'm trying to get past this incredibly long intro in ACIII, which feels like they saw good response to how they started ACII and went even further in that direction by showing what Connor's father was up to before he was born. I've heard that their resolution to what happened at the end of ACII was not as good as it should've been after dicking around with Desmond's story for the two prior games to let them make more games just about Ezio.
IIRC I think around Sequence 5 is when the Conner storyline starts and the game gets much better at that point.

I know many people that enjoyed ACIII, including myself.

As I said in the ACIII thread, it did feel like a big stray from the others, especially with the new control system. But I didn't feel like it was a bad game, just different from the others.

I hated some of the board games and such against the hardest players that were required for trophies. I found a workaround for those, though.
Some of the most fun I've had has been running around the Frontier, and finding all the fast travel points underground in the city. The one thing I really miss from II/Brotherhood/Revelations is the lairs or dens or whatever you wanna call them with all the platforming sequences. They touched on this barely in III during the
Captain Kidd
missions, but I wish they had put in more.

The naval battle missions are also great, but some of them are a bitch if you're going for 100% with all the optional objectives.

Some of the most fun I've had has been running around the Frontier, and finding all the fast travel points underground in the city. The one thing I really miss from II/Brotherhood/Revelations is the lairs or dens or whatever you wanna call them with all the platforming sequences. They touched on this barely in III during the
Captain Kidd
missions, but I wish they had put in more.

The naval battle missions are also great, but some of them are a bitch if you're going for 100% with all the optional objectives.
Yeah, I really did miss the huge lairs. Does anyone know if they have more of those in ACIV? The naval missions were pretty awesome, and I also hated the 100% sync requirements of some of the missions. That's the thing that pissed me off the most about ACIII. I think the one that pissed me off the most was when you were chasing someone and weren't allowed to accidentally bump into anyone. I can understand not killing anyone since that is a major event, but accidentally bumping into someone, really?

I skipped AC 3 and just moved on to 4. Haven't started it yet.

And on a personal note, remind me to not eat breakfast sandwiches from gas stations again.

Sorry Chicago OHare bathroom attendant.

I skipped AC 3 and just moved on to 4. Haven't started it yet.

And on a personal note, remind me to not eat breakfast sandwiches from gas stations again.

Sorry Chicago OHare bathroom attendant.
A mistake you wish you only make once, but in reality, in a few weeks, month,'ll look at that sandwich again and think, "I can't remember if I liked that or looks good. I'll go ahead and give it one more shot."

Yeah, I really did miss the huge lairs. Does anyone know if they have more of those in ACIV? The naval missions were pretty awesome, and I also hated the 100% sync requirements of some of the missions. That's the thing that pissed me off the most about ACIII. I think the one that pissed me off the most was when you were chasing someone and weren't allowed to accidentally bump into anyone. I can understand not killing anyone since that is a major event, but accidentally bumping into someone, really?
They don't really come back in IV, no.

The naval battle missions are also great, but some of them are a bitch if you're going for 100% with all the optional objectives.
Oh, GOD. You're one of those people. ;)

I fucking despise the sailing aspect. Make a spinoff game if they want to do that, get that shit outta AC.

Ugh, two noob moves today. Lost sound from my PS3 so instead of checking the optical cord to see if it was still good or if there was a bad port or what (noob move #1), I decided just to move everything (video AND sound for my PS3 and Satellite) using my HDMI cables, which I've read is better quality than optical anyway, which I had been meaning to do. Well, got it all set up, no sound on either now. That's when I realized that I can run HDMI cables to my receiver, and only have one HDMI out to my TV, and sound will come out of my TV, but apparently my receiver doesn't have the ability to use sound from HDMI and put it out to my sound system (noob move #2). So, after rewiring everything again I tested everything and confirmed that my optical audio cord was the culprit. Prime'd another one so should be here Thursday.

They don't really come back in IV, no.

Oh, GOD. You're one of those people. ;)

I fucking despise the sailing aspect. Make a spinoff game if they want to do that, get that shit outta AC.
So, hopefully that means better rooftop running in ACIV? And since you hate the sailing, does IV not have as much as one might expect out of a pirate AC game?

Unfortunately, IV is full of sailing.  It's a way better game overall than 3 though.  There are a lot of cities that are similar to AC2's. 

I'm looking forward to playing Black Flag, but I'm going to wait at least a couple months so I don't get burned out. On III, I still have a couple single player achievements left to do (fucking minigames), and I haven't even touched the multiplayer yet. I'll probably start on that here pretty soon and play it at least long enough to get those achievements.

I'm really itching to play IV.  I've held off getting a PS4 because I had so many games for PS3 that I had left to play which I got for dirt cheap for waiting so long to play them.  Started GTAIV, but it didn't do it for me, finished Tomb Raider, Far Cry 3, almost done with Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne 3 is next.  The good thing about my PS3 dying last year is that I got all those games for the price of one new game when I finally got my PS3 replacement.  Hoping by the time I get the PS4 Black Flag at least will have had a price drop.  I am getting antsy though.  I'm usually paying full price for AC games soon after they come out.

You can skip GTA IV and go right to V as well.  V is sooo much better.

I think Black Flag is like 30 used now on Gamefly.  FC3 and Red Dead are awesome as well.  I didn't enjoy Max Payne much though.

The Nielsen's tv rating company called to see if I wanted to participate. I told them no but they still sent me one of the TV journals for the week along with ten bucks in cash. Thanks for the beer money Nielsen's but I'm not sure if I'll fill it out. Too much work.

I went to Las Vegas and did the TV City Nielson thing and signed up to do surveys by email.  They're not too bad, take about 10-15 min. every couple of weeks.  Only compensation is a chance to win an entertainment center.  Who knows if that's actually true.

How much work is the journal?  What does it look like?

Well it's probably not too much work since I won't list everything and everyone that is watching TV. Nothing is said about compensation in the book but some people have posted online that they received $30 after sending the first one back. So I'll probably do one and see what happens from there.

The journal has the hours broken up in 15 minute blocks. Then you put if the TV was on or off and what you were watching (name of program, channel number and station name). They also wants you to list everyone that watched it including people that visit




Holy high school scantron flashbacks Batman.  That looks like more work than I'd be willing to do.  And I'd probably fake some of the stuff just so shows I like that I might not always watch get better grades.

I saw that some people were able to get discounted MLB.TV on slickdeals. Unfortunately it won't work for me. Sucks even more because Yu is on fire and throwing a perfect game. 

Guess I will just have to listen to it on Sirius.

You fucking jinxed him, Casey. :lol:

He's still got the no-hitter going.
Yeah I knew that was going to happen. I was waiting for it. Second I get invested I knew it was going to go the other way.

Broken up perfect game/ no hitter and the canceling of Community. Today is turning out to be a real winner.

It took me about 24 hours to recover from the 8 hours of non stop vomiting. Thanks for bringing home that GI Virus, kids!

It took me about 24 hours to recover from the 8 hours of non stop vomiting. Thanks for bringing home that GI Virus, kids!
It was pretty much 12 hours on the dot for everyone in my household from starting to feel bad to starting to feel better. That thing spread quickly. Almost everyone I know got it.

Finally catching up on Agents of SHIELD.  Good stuff.  Only about 5 more episodes left.  I really need to find a way to go see the new Captain America.

Has anyone ever encountered Youtube videos playing audio twice?  When I play videos from Youtube, but seemingly only on, not videos embedded on other sites, sometimes the audio will begin playing right away in sync with the video but will also begin playing again a second or two later.  If I close the tab the second audio will sometimes stop and sometimes persist until I completely exit out of my browser.  Happens on Chrome and Firefox, I've updated my sound card drivers and cleared my cookies/cache, kind of at a loss as to why this is happening.  This is happening on my desktop which is less than a year old and I pretty much only use my laptop anyway, so it's even more annoying because I feel like I barely even use the damn thing.

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Maybe it's a Flash problem.  I've had that happen a couple times, not on Youtube, but there were multiple advertisements playing on the side of the webpage, and I pushed the pause button on it, pushed the volume button on it, and closed out the window and it still played the audio for a short while after.

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